A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 271: Pillar (2)

Chapter 271: Pillar (2)

Translator: TranslatingNovice

Editor: Z0Rel

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"Uh... Um..."

Jeon Myeong-hoon gazes vacantly into the air.


Incredibly fast.

It's so fast that it's hard to comprehend what's happening.

Swoosh, swoosh-swoosh, swoosh-swoosh-swoosh, swoosh!

He stares blankly as Seo Eun-hyun and Kim Young-hoon clash rapidly in front of his eyes and then suddenly disappear towards the direction of the Heaven-Treading Desert.

'What just happened?'

He scratches his head, puzzled.

Roughly speaking, Seo Eun-hyun and Kim Young-hoon had suddenly drawn their swords, looked each other in the eyes, laughed like mad, and then charged at each other, colliding furiously.

That is what Jeon Myeong-hoon saw from his perspective just moments ago.

'I thought Director Kim was strange for liking things like hiking since working at the company... but I never imagined Seo Eun-hyun to be that crazy too.'

Jeon Myeong-hoon clicks his tongue as he watches the direction where the two had vanished.

A minute or two passes.


Kim Young-hoon and Seo Eun-hyun return.

"Have you returned?"

Jeon Myeong-hoon looks at the two of them.

Seo Eun-hyun had neatly adjusted his clothing using a clothing spell, but Kim Young-hoon's clothes are tattered in many places.

"Yeah, that was fun!"

"Well, if the Director had fun, that's good, I guess."

Jeon Myeong-hoon nods indifferently.

"More importantly, Director. Shall we go now?"

"Hm? Go? Where to?"

"Where to? Did you come here just to have a sword fight with Seo Eun-hyun?"

"I came here for that, yes?"


Jeon Myeong-hoon decides to give up on understanding Kim Young-hoon.

"Well, anyway, Seo Eun-hyun. I have something to tell you that doesn't concern the Director. Follow me."

With that, Jeon Myeong-hoon floats up into the air.

'Something to tell me?'

What does he mean?

I wonder at Jeon Myeong-hoon's words, and soon feel a calm descending as I sense his intent.

The joy and excitement of checking my level of martial prowess while clashing with Kim Young-hoon vanishes.


Jeon Myeong-hoon turns into a streak of red lightning and soars west through the air.

I follow him, and Kim Young-hoon chases after me.

Kurung, Kururung!

As I chase after Jeon Myeong-hoon, I form a hand seal.

Click, click, click!

As I form the hand seal, the surrounding spiritual energy moves, and the clothing spell activates.

Clothing spell.

Below the Core Formation stage, clothing is not easily torn due to protective body force.

However, cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage or higher often face attacks that can even penetrate the protective body force during combat, resulting in torn or burned clothes, hence the need for a technique to repair clothing.

This technique twists spiritual power to create clothing.

During my Nascent Soul days, I could only make one set of clothes.

But upon reaching the Heavenly Being stage, various kinds of clothes can be made as nearby Heaven and Earth spiritual energy gathers


My pure white garment turns black like Kim Young-hoon's.

Jeon Myeong-hoon glances back at me and also changes into black garments using the clothing spell.


Changing into mourning clothes, we finally reach the west.

The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect had 're-established' itself at Shattered Heaven Peak.

As befits cultivators, all the civil engineering work was already completed, and pavilions sprouted all over Shattered Heaven Peak.

At the same time, these pavilions suppressed the dragon vein and created formations, forming the sect's defensive grand array.

The administrative system also seems nearly restored, so in essence, the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect has succeeded in continuing its lineage in the Head Realm.

As Jeon Myeong-hoon, Kim Young-hoon, and I appear overhead, disciples from various parts of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect rush out.

30,000 disciples originating from the Vast Cold Realm, and another 30,000 from the Head Realm.

A total of 60,000 disciples.

Among them, there are only 3,000 Qi Refining cultivators, the overwhelming majority are Qi Building cultivators, and there are also 1,000 Core Formation cultivators.

Simply put, just the lower lightning disciples of the current Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect amount to more than the entire power of the Head Realm combined.

And among them, the disciple with the highest level of cultivation in the Core Formation stage, Jin Hae-min, a descendant of Jin Jin-chan, rises into the air and pays his respects to us.

"This disciple greets the Grand Elders of the Heavenly Lightning."

"Good. Sect Leader should prepare. Since Grand Elder Seo has awakened, it is now appropriate to hold the memorial."

It seems that Jeon Myeong-hoon had naturally appointed Jin Hae-min as the new Sect Leader.

"...Why didn't you take the position of sect leader yourself?"

I ask him.

Jeon Myeong-hoon shakes his head with a self-mocking smile.

"I'm not worthy. If only I had trusted you, a fellow townsman, a little more, none of this would have happened."


"I am not worthy to uphold the Jin lineage. That's why I did not take the position of sect leader."

"I see."

"Jin Hae-min also has excellent achievements in the Seven Lightning Quaking Scripture and is on the verge of reaching the Nascent Soul stage, so he should be capable enough to handle it."

I silently follow Jeon Myeong-hoon.

After a while, Jeon Myeong-hoon, Kim Young-hoon, and I, along with Jin Hae-min, reach the lower areas of Shattered Heaven Peak.

There are numerous flags planted there.

These are not banners (), but rather flags ().

In the future, the use of banner-type dharma treasures will be prohibited within the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

There are no corpses in the graves.

That is to be expected, as none of those present that day had left a body behind.

Hong Su-ryeong was also turned to soil by me with the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation.

Still, Jeon Myeong-hoon visits each false grave where no bodies rest.

He walks through all those tens of thousands of false graves, and having received a bottle of liquor from Jin Hae-min, he poured it out.

Walking through all those tens of thousands of false graves, he receives a bottle of liquor from Jin Hae-min and pours it out.

I follow Jeon Myeong-hoon.

Kim Young-hoon, being an outsider, does not follow us but simply stands far away and pays his respects quietly.

Jeon Myeong-hoon and I, followed by Jin Hae-min and countless disciples of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, pour liquor on tens of thousands of graves, which takes a long time.

It takes us about ten days to pour liquor on most of the graves.

How much time has passed?

Only the graves of the Grand Elders remain, and I personally pour liquor on Hong Su-ryeong's grave.

Jin Hae-min pours liquor on the graves of Jin Jin-chan and Jin Min.

And when we reach the graves of Jin Byuk-ho and Jin So-hae, we pause.

Their graves are at the very edge of the cemetery.


Jeon Myeong-hoon pours the liquor slowly.

Soon, when the bottle is empty, he reaches out to Jin Hae-min again.

Jin Hae-min, who had diligently brought and refilled the liquor every time it ran out during these days, looks at Jeon Myeong-hoon with slightly puzzled eyes.

I read Jeon Myeong-hoon's intent and signal to Jin Hae-min with my eyes. Receiving my cue, he quickly fetches another bottle.

Jeon Myeong-hoon opens that bottle and pours all its contents on the grave of Jin So-hae.

Then he extends his hand again.

Jeon Myeong-hoon ends up pouring twenty-one bottles of liquor on the grave of Jin So-hae alone.

The ground became so saturated it's almost muddied.


When Jeon Myeong-hoon finally stops his hand.

I notice that his eyes are reddened.



As he speaks, the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy naturally vibrates, spreading Jeon Myeong-hoon's words everywhere.

[Today, the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect bids farewell to our old fellow daoists.]

He continues.

[Many have perished due to the schemes of the old demon, slain by the great Lightning God. Everyone, engrave that day in your hearts. Remember those fellow daoists who died at the hands of that mighty being.

[Our sect's seniors, grand elders, and countless friends were taken from us that day. Among them were those who had been with us from the Head Realm, and those we met anew in the Bright Cold Realm. There were those who were reaching new heights in their cultivation, and those who had just begun their path to immortality. There were men and women, the young and those reaching their tranquil ends. There were joyful practitioners reaching the peak of joy in dual cultivation, dreamers with vast ambitions, and the steadfast souls tirelessly forging ahead on their path!]

His voice is heavier than it had ever been before.

At the same time, I observe the intent emanating from Jeon Myeong-hoon.

Still, his rage has not yet subsided.

However unlike in his past lives, this time, there are those who share his anger.

[Remember, disciples of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect. Today should be remembered as the day a new Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect was born. Today we must engrave one thing in our hearts.]

Crack, crackle!

Red lightning begins to spark from Jeon Myeong-hoon's body.

[Remember this fury! Understand this anger! Disciples, I vow here: I, Jeon Myeong-hoon, born with the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, will definitely! Definitely!]

He cries out towards the heavens.

[Reach the True Immortal stage and avenge us against the great Immortal who trampled us!!!]

At his words, cheers erupt all around.

"We will help you!!!"

"Let us join you!"

[Yes, you all will come with me as far as you can go!!!]

More cheers erupt.




It resembles the war cries of warriors before going into battle.

No. Perhaps, they were just screams.

The screams of those who could not overcome the pain of losing their families.

And then, Jeon Myeong-hoon also begins to scream.


I, too, mix with them, letting out my emotions.


Together, we gather and release our emotions towards the heavens.


The red lightning bursting from Jeon Myeong-hoon's body grows in intensity and turns into red lightning bolts scorching the sky.



Jeon Myeong-hoon, within a pillar of light, strikes with the Red Lightning Heavenly Tribulation towards the sky, crying out like that.

Kuarung, Kuarurung!

How long did he scream?

After some time, the bursts of lightning cease from him.

He takes over the remaining proceedings of the memorial.

After the memorial ends, the disciples return to Shattered Heaven Peak.

However, among the disciples, those who had lost their friends, relatives, or kin in this tragedy remain by the graves for a while, swallowing their sorrow.

Jeon Myeong-hoon stands for a long time in front of the graves of Jin So-hae and Jin Byuk-ho.

I, too, pay my respects in front of the grave of Hong Su-ryeong next to him.

And then, a month passes.


Now, only Jeon Myeong-hoon and I are standing in front of the graves.

The other disciples didn't have the physical strength to stand in front of the tombs, maintaining their grief and anger for so long.

Suddenly, Jeon Myeong-hoon raises his head in the rain amidst the rain.

"Seo Eun-hyun, do you know?"

"What is it?"

"It's something I've realized this time."


Unperturbed by the rain, he kneels in front of Jin So-hae's grave and sweeps over it.


Suddenly, he pulls a small wooden box from his robes.

Inside the box is a single, crisply fried [hand].

Looking at the size and shape of the hand, I guess its original form before it had been fried.

And I know who the hand belonged to.

'Jin So-hae'

Jeon Myeong-hoon, carefully taking the fried hand out of the box, holds it tenderly.

Drip, drip, drip

It's unclear whether the drops falling from his face are rain or tears.

His eyes are fiercely red.

"Anger, perhaps, is something that is truly necessary in this world."

He continues while holding Jin So-hae's hand.

"Anger is a cycle. It clears blockages, resists what is wrong, and can also be a driving force in life. Even if all will is lost, it forcibly moves people. It's somewhat... similar to a Heavenly Tribulation."

I read Jeon Myeong-hoon's intent.

His intent is mostly dyed in deep red.

Although not as much as in his past life, I know this intent is barely holding Jeon Myeong-hoon from wanting to die right now.

Literally, he is living by his anger.

"Life is essentially anger."

His face contorts as he speaks.

"That's what I've come to realize. This is So-hae's hand. And I The True Immortal who brought down Heavenly Punishment. I will kill that being, retrieve the Heavenly Lightning Banner, and make it mine. Only after taking such revenge, fulfilling the vendetta of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, will I..."

His hands tremble as he lifts Jin So-hae's hand.

"Will I finally lay So-hae to rest."

He isn't completely mad. A strand of reason still remains in him.

But his life is yet again marked by anger.

I nod as I look at him.


I acknowledge Jeon Myeong-hoon's anger.

I understand his pain.

And then.

"But Jeon Myeong-hoon."

"...What is it?"

I suggest to him what comes after anger and revenge.

"After you've quenched your anger, please... make sure to lay Jin So-hae to rest here."

"...Alright. I understand."


The revenge-obsessed Lightning Harbinger becomes Jeon Myeong-hoon, sharing his anger with 60,000 survivors and looking forward to what comes after vengeance.

We completed the entire mourning ceremony.

Jeon Myeong-hoon, as the sole grand elder of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect for a while, personally oversaw the sect's affairs with the sect leader, Jin Hae-min.

After helping with basic duties, I met with Kim Young-hoon again.

"Thank you for paying your respects last time, even though you are not from the same sect."

"Not at all. It's only right to show respect given how they died."

"...Thank you."

I thank Kim Young-hoon for his 'matter-of-fact' response.

After leaving the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and crossing the great mountains.

Arriving in Shengzi, we settle in a local inn and start talking.

"So, Young-hoon Hyung-nim."

"What is it?"

I ask him.

"Can you please tell me what has been happening in the Lower Realm all this time?"

What has happened for Kim Young-hoon to possess the strength of the Four-Axis stage?

Where has the cunning fox gone, and what stage has Cheongmun Ryeong and Seo Ran reached?

And Hwang-hwa...

My curiosity is immense.

But the next moment, I'm startled by Kim Young-hoon's expression.

His face is rigid, and his intent is severely fluctuating.

Kim Young-hoon speaks in a somber voice.

"...Where should I start? First off Yes. The circumstances that allowed me to reach this realm. That is..."

The following words of Kim Young-hoon nearly make me blast the city where the inn is located away.

"Let me start with the story of how I... no, we ended up killing our greatest adversary, the Mad Man Cheongmun Ryeong."

Translator Notes: NO CHEONGMUN RYEONG!


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