A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 769: Postponing the Debate

Chapter 769: Postponing the Debate

"Regional Monarch Xiao, I'm afraid that our Infernal Region cannot support the Reincarnation Region's stance. Our Infernal Region has no problem with resisting Immortal Realm invasions, but establishing a passageway between our two realms to attack the Immortal Realm is a step too far.

“Setting aside how costly it would be to maintain such a passageway over long periods of time, if a spiritual qi influx from the Immortal Realm is triggered, that would spell disaster for our entire realm!" Yin Chengquan said.

"You can rest assured on that front, Regional Monarch Yin. Our Reincarnation Region already has a complete plan prepared with regard to an interrealm passageway, and if we can all reach a consensus, then our Reincarnation Region would be happy to reveal this plan for all to see," Huang Fuyu replied.

"If you already have a plan prepared, then why not reveal it now? Once Regional Monarch Xiao and I have seen it, our qualms will be eased, and we'll be more open and receptive to your Reincarnation Region's stance on this matter," Yin Chengquan sneered.

"This is a closely guarded secret of our Reincarnation Region, and there aren't many people aware of this even in our region. Hence, before our three regions can reach a consensus, I won't be leaking any information," Huang Fuyu replied in a stoic fashion.

"If you keep arguing like this, the debate could go on for centuries without reaching a decisive outcome! I think that our top priority should be to address the division currently in our Gray Realm. As for our stance against the Immortal Realm, that's a subject that I think can be set aside to be discussed another time," Xiao Buye proposed with a smile.

"I think that's a good suggestion, Regional Monarch Xiao," Yin Chengquan replied without any hesitation. "What do you think, Palace Master Huang?"

"I think by doing this, we'll only be avoiding the true topic of contention, and the outcome will be that our three regions will be united on the surface, but in reality, we've only smoothed over the cracks instead of actually filling them," Huang Fuyu countered with slightly furrowed brows.

"In the past, there have been many conflicts between the regions, and even though none have resulted in severe casualties, it's still a form of infighting that should be eliminated. If our three regions can agree to unite as one, then no one will attack the others for fear of retaliation from both of the other two regions," Xiao Buye said with a smile.

"That may be true, but even if an alliance is to be formed, someone must lead the alliance. I'm sure Fellow Daoist Huang wouldn't agree to let me serve as alliance leader, and similarly, I'm not willing to allow the role to fall into the hands of the Incarnation Region.

“With that in mind, I think it would be best for Regional Monarch Xiao to serve as alliance leader for now. As for whether that's subject to change in the future, that'll depend on the outcome of the next conference," Yin Chengquan said.

Huang Fuyu heaved an internal sigh upon seeing this. Ultimately, it was Xiao Buye who was the main beneficiary of this conflict.

Even so, at the very least, a relatively stable environment had been created. Without any foul play from the Infernal Region, the Reincarnation Region would be able to better focus on its plans. Furthermore, judging from the reactions of the monarchs present, it seemed that many regions were in support of the Reincarnation Region's stance.

With more time for the Reincarnation Region to win over smaller regions, Huang Fuyu was confident that he would be able to secure a crushing victory in the next conference.

With that in mind, Huang Fuyu nodded as he said, "Our Reincarnation Region has no objections to this proposal."

Xiao Buye didn't try to contest this outcome, and he smiled as he said, "I am truly honored to be receiving such a prestigious role, and I'll be sure to step down once an outcome is reached in the next conference."

In light of this outcome, no vote was required for now, and Yin Chengquan proposed, "In that case, let's decide a time for the next conference..."


Shortly thereafter, the conference drew to a conclusion, and the tribes from the Reincarnation and Black Rope Regions departed from the Fallen Lake Area, traveling toward the city gates of Asura City.

Among the long convoy of carriages, the carriage of the San Miao Tribe was rather nondescript, and Miao Xiu and Miao Gao were seated within it.

"Father, do you think those three were responsible for what happened in Asura City?" Miao Xiu suddenly asked in a quiet voice.

Miao Gao immediately made a quieting gesture upon hearing this, then replied through voice transmission, "Regardless of whether they had anything to do with it, don't ever mention those three to anyone. We've never met them, and we don't know of their existence, do you understand?"

Miao Xiu nodded in response, then turned to look out the window of the carriage with a thoughtful expression.

Meanwhile, Wyrm 3 was standing behind the railing of a giant octagonal carriage, and she was looking out at the Soul Cleansing Area with a peculiar look on her face.

Right at this moment, Huang Fuyu emerged from the carriage, then asked, "What's wrong, Jiuzhen?"

"I can't help but feel like that entire conference was very strange, Uncle Huang. What could've possibly happened to trigger such a drastic change in the Infernal Tribe's attitude?" Wyrm 3 asked with slightly furrowed brows.

"I don't know the answer to that, but in any case, the outcome was a positive one for us," Huang Fuyu replied with a smile.

"We had all those measures prepared in case Yin Chengquan tried any funny business, but I'm glad things ended as peacefully as they did," Wyrm 3 said with a smile of her own.


In the Baleful Cleansing Ponds, the white fox projection was hovering proudly in the sky while panting slightly.

Not far in front of it stood Yin Chengquan's spiritual sense avatar, and a massive hole had been blasted into its chest, almost splitting its body into two, while its eyes were completely dull and devoid of luster.

The fox projection harrumphed coldly before flying back into Liu Qi's glabella, while the remains of Yin Chengquan's spiritual sense avatar dissipated into specks of translucent light.

Standing beside Liu Qi, Weeping Soul's complexion was deathly pale, and she was barely able to remain standing.

The four musical instruments around Liu Qi reverted back into four balls of black light that flew back into her body, following which she began to fall to the ground, unable to hold herself upright any longer.

A streak of azure light flew over to catch her, following which Han Li appeared beside her with his brows tightly furrowed with concern.

"I'm fine, Master, it's just that I've overexerted my soul power from playing the Crying Soul Melody for so long," Weeping Soul assured with a forced smile.

However, Han Li's concern wasn't assuaged at all upon hearing this.

At this moment, Weeping Soul was in terrible condition. Her face was completely devoid of color, and her aura had become extremely feeble.

Even though the Crying Soul Melody had ceased, her aura was still growing feebler by the second.

Han Li raised a hand to summon several black pills, all of which flew into Weeping Soul's mouth, and at the same time, he cast a string of incantation seals into her body to help her digest the pills faster.

A layer of black light emerged over Weeping Soul's body, but it wasn't having much of an effect at all.

Han Li's expression darkened even further upon seeing this, and he was at a temporary loss for what to do.

Right at this moment, Liu Qi turned to Weeping Soul, and a burst of translucent light shot out of his glabella before vanishing into her body.

A layer of translucent light instantly appeared around her, and a hint of color quickly returned to her cheeks, while her aura was also immediately stabilized.

With Han Li's help, she was able to get into a seated position, and her aura quickly began to recover, much to Han Li's relief.

As expected, a Dao Ancestor's powers were far beyond those of a semi-High Zenith cultivator like himself.

Fox 3 flew over to Liu Qi's side with an excited expression, but before he had a chance to say anything, Liu Qi turned to Han Li with an urgent expression as he said, "Now's not the time to be celebrating. Yin Chengquan is most likely already on the way here! Now that you've overcome your baleful decay and attained a Jade Immortal Physique, the lightning in these Baleful Cleansing Ponds won't pose much of a threat to you anymore.

“Enter the final golden lightning pond right away so you can absorb its aura, then sever the final Lightning Entrapment Chain."

Han Li turned to the golden lightning pond upon hearing this, and he discovered that it was filled with incredibly thin arcs of golden lightning that were better described as strands.

These strands of golden lightning were extremely bright, and they occasionally converged to take on all types of different forms, such as balls, rings, or mountains, presenting a profound sight to behold.

Furthermore, every single strand of lightning was giving off formidable lightning law power fluctuations that caused the nearby space to tremble incessantly.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this. The golden lightning pond was clearly far more powerful than the silver lightning pond, and even though he was on the cusp of the High Zenith Stage, he still wasn't confident in his ability to withstand such a stern test.

However, just as Liu Qi had said, Yin Chengquan was sure to react to the demise of his spiritual sense avatar, and there was no telling when the enemy would be arriving, so they had to free Liu Qi as soon as possible.

A concerned look appeared on Shi Chuankong's face as he said, "Fellow Daoist Li, the lightning in the golden lightning pond is extremely formidable. Are you sure..."

Before he had a chance to finish, Han Li interjected, "Rest assured, Fellow Daoist Shi. I'll be in your care then, Senior Liu Qi."

After that, he sprang into the golden lightning pond without any hesitation.


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