A Rational Zombie

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Sometimes, in life, there are things people dont want to do that they have to do anyway. Eating vegetables is one of them. Shooting a friend with a few arrows to get supplies is another. I didnt want to kill VladI really didnt. My hand was cut by an infected arrow. He said hed tell everyone back at the Breakfast in Bed what happened. If I showed any signs of turning in quarantine, Id be killed. I dont want to die, so he has to instead. But we were companions for a really long time; I couldnt bring myself to kill him. I only injured him a bit, enough to slow him down to prevent him from chasing me. It was the least I could do.

If only I hadnt decided to come to this damn place. Bern came and told us about how his camp was overrun. He was quarantined for a week. Why did the infected horde stay in place for a whole week? It shouldve been an easy mission with maybe one or two infected to deal with. Canned foods, bottled water, packets of instant noodles, macaroni and cheese, weapons, tools, clothes. Infected dont need any of those; theyre always left intact in places that hordes go through. A low-risk, high-reward mission, who doesnt love those? So why did it end up this way?

How can an infected use a bow and arrow? It was smart enough to trick me too. I thought I killed it, but it was actually a scheme. Not to mention the fact that it taunted me. Bern was right about it not having any arrows. But when it took off its helmet and poked Brett with a spear, how could I not take that perfect opportunity to kill it? It was distracted and in a vulnerable position, but the instant I fired, it ducked behind the fence like it knew I was going to shoot it. The traps it left behind too. Bern said wasnt the one that dug holes and disguised them with plastic wrap. The infected had to be the culprit, but how is that even possible? If more infected were as smart as it, would humans even stand a chance?

How did it do it? How did it retain its rationality while turning? If I dont figure that out, then Im going to become like the rest of the infected. I dont want that. Im better than that. If Im turning, Ill rule over the infected, bend them to my will like that smart one. But first, I have to remove this arrowhead from my hip. I got the first-aid kit from Vlad; theres needle and thread inside. Stitching it shut wasnt a good idea out in the field, but I think Ive gone far enough away. If I leave the tip of the arrow in there, theres a chance of infection, not to mention it hurts like a bitch now that my adrenalines gone. I swear its scraping against a bone, but Im lucky it didnt puncture anything serious like my bladder or intestine.

Id like to climb up a tree, but Im afraid I might lose my balance from the pain and fall off. Not to mention I can position myself more easily if Im on the ground. The infected horde was stuck behind the fence, and even if the fence broke down or the infected got over, Vlads there to distract them. I dont think Im in any danger, and I didnt hear any infected in my surroundings. Its quiet. If anyone approaches, theres no way Id miss it.

Bern did a good job with the gauze. Its really unfortunate that he died. Ill cut away the gauze and remove the bandage he applied to the arrowhead. Tearing off the bandage sends jolts of pain running down my leg, but its nothing I cant handle. Luckily, Bern left enough of the arrow head for me to grab. Pulling it out is easy, its just a matter of willpower. Its going to hurt, but thats not going to stop me. Ill take in a deep breath, and pull!

I screamed.

It hurt a lot more than I thought it would. But the arrowhead is out. My hands are shaking, and my leg is twitching, but its out. I shouldve bit down on something to prevent myself from crying out, or maybe even drank some vodka. But I went far enough into the woods, theres no way any infected heard me. Maybe theres some in the vicinity, but infected arent scary when theyre alone. Sure, they might be able to infect people with one bite, but they have to break skin. And its a lot harder to bite through three layers of clothing than one would expect, especially with flat teeth like ours. Infected are only scary if they get the drop on you, or if theyre smart. But the only smart infected to ever exist is stuck behind a fence. If not behind a fence, its eating Vlad. Im safe.

The arrow left behind a circular wound. Its bleeding but not too heavily. Hopefully the bleeding stops after applying some pressure with the gauze. The most dangerous part of an injury that isnt fatal is infection. Thankfully, the arrows made of carbon fiber and not wood. Theres no splinters that may have come off inside, and any scraps from my clothes shouldve came out with the arrowhead. Ill let the blood flow a little to wash out the interior as I bunch up this gauze. The smell might attract infected, but if none are coming because of my earlier scream, I dont think theyll come from some blood. I should wash out the wound with alcohol, but it was a pretty deep puncture. Besides, Ive already been cut by an infected arrow. An infection from this wound isnt my top priority. As long as the bleeding stops, thats good enough. Hopefully it does, otherwise Ill have to stitch myself. Im not sure Im brave enough to do that. Pulling the arrow out already hurt enough. The only thing I can do now is wait and apply pressure.


What was that? Please dont tell theres an infected here. Im not scared of being killed by it, but I dont want to have to move around right after pulling the arrow out.


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