A Rational Zombie

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Its arrows got faster, Vlad said.

Isnt that just because were closer? Brett asked.

No, you cant see it from behind me, Vlad said. Its posture changed. Its shooting like Perry now.

What was it shooting like before?

Vlad trudged forward, his right leg dragging through the grass. Like a one-handed donkey.

That bad? Brett asked, sticking close behind. It got a direct hit on Nelson. Twice.

Vlad grunted and swept aside a caltrop with Nelsons feet. I thought you were going to suppress it, Perry. What are you doing? Its shot at us twice now.

Im trying, Perry said from behind me. His arrow clacked against the side of his bow. Its shooting between my reloading times. Dont you know how to use a bow, Bern? Why dont you take Nelsons? If the two of us alternate shots, it wont have time to shoot back.

Im no good with bows. Ive done my fair share of hunting, but never with a bow. I used a crossbow, but I sold it during my marriage, and I didnt think Id ever need to go hunting again in my sixties.


Im not that great with bows either, Brett said. But I can try. Pass me Nelsons bow.

Vlad crouched down and unstrapped the bow on Nelsons back.



At that moment, the smart infected released an arrow. But not one to fall behind, Perry fired one in return. I crouched down and used my bag as cover, guarding everything except for my feet and the portion of my knee that wouldnt fit behind the bag. The infecteds arrow flew over Vlads head. Brett had ducked behind Vlad when he had crouched, so the arrow missed him too. The arrow flew over my head as well before striking Perrys hip. He let out a gasp, and his left leg buckled, bringing him down to his knees.

But the smart infected didnt get away unscathed either. Actually, it mightve. After shooting, it had crouched, but not in time. The arrow struck its motorcycle helmet right above the visor. If it wasnt wearing the helmet, theres no doubt it wouldve died. It mightve died even with the helmet. After being hit, it disappeared from view beneath the fence.

I got the bastard, Perry said and took in a deep breath. Patch me up, will you?

There was a first-aid kit in my bag, but Im not a doctor. How was I supposed to treat an arrow wound? The arrow looked to be pretty deep in there too. Nelson was the one with medical knowledge, but hes in no shape to even patch himself up. And the arrow. Do you wash your arrows?

Of course, Perry said and winced. I hunt game with these.

For now, Im thinking we dont take the arrow out. I wouldnt say were in the best spot to apply pressure to stop your bleeding. The infected might be behind a fence, but theyre still there. What happens if the fence breaks? I made sure it was supported from behind, but if enough of them push from the back, the fence might snap. What Im going to do is cut the arrow down and tape the head inside of you. You should lie down.

Are you sure you shot it dead? Vlad asked. Theres a hole in my foot that needs to be patched up, and if were stopping here, might as well. It hurts like a bitch.

Brett stood up. Ill clear the caltrops and stab a few infected while you guys do your stuff. He walked around Vlad and swept the ground with the butt of his spear, knocking a caltrop away.

I brought out my first-aid kit and a serrated knife from my bag. Perry lay on his back and exhaled. I took out one of the arrows from Perrys quiver and held it alongside the one stuck in his hip. Since the arrows were the same length, I could tell it was about eight or nine centimeters deep. If it was shallower, Id definitely have risked taking it out, but it wasnt, so I pinched the arrow close to Perrys hip and started sawing away. Perry groaned, but I ignored it. How thick were motorcycle helmets anyway? If this arrow only went eight to nine centimeters in, would an arrow shot at the other even pierce through its skull?

Brett shrieked, Its not dead!


I turned my head just in time to see Brett toss himself to the ground. An arrow whizzed over him and flew off to the side. Perry pushed away my hands and grabbed an arrow from his quiver as he sat up. He grunted and climbed to his feet, readying himself to fire. The smart other was out of sight, having crouched after taking its shot.

Brett jumped to his feet and ran towards the fence. Without any cover, it was a good choice. Get close enough to stab the archer before it could shoot you. But when he was just about to arrive at the spiked portion of the fence, he let out a scream as his left foot sank into the ground, presumably into a pit trap just like Vlad had. Bretts momentum carried him forward, and he fell right onto the spikes of the fence. His helmet saved his face, but I had sharpened those spikes a lot, turning the whole thing into a sturdy abatis. I wouldnt have been surprised if his whole torso was filled with holes.

The smart infected appeared from behind the fence again. It pointed its bow at Brett and paused. Then it pointed its bow at me and Perry.


Perry fired


and it fired back. But Vlad had already stood uponly wearing one bootand intercepted the infecteds arrow. With Nelsons body blocking my view, I couldnt tell if Perrys arrow hit or not.

Brett cleared the way, Vlad said. Lets go. He hobbled forward, moving surprisingly fast for someone carrying a body while having a hole in his foot.

For the sake of time, I didnt bother packing my first-aid kit back into my bag, just closing the lid instead. I jogged after Vlad, keeping my eyes on the ground to watch for caltrops or suspicious patches of grass. I wish Id brought a shield.


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