A Rational Zombie

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Jen poked my side. Youre not going to help them with the boar?

No, they dont need me. They really dont. Jacob said the hardest part was butchering the pig. Now theyre just salting and curing it, getting it ready to smoke.

Jen poked my side again. Oh. Well, why didnt you bring any back? I promised those two hunters large slices of it.

The camp isnt going to eat it now. I asked the cooks about it. Theyre saving it for the winter.

Really? Jen scratched her head and took a step back. I guess that promise will be fulfilled a couple months from now. But Im glad. The people here are actually thinking that far ahead.

Yeah, they have a really nice system set up. A stable shelter. Quarantine methods to prevent the infection from spreading. A first-aid center. A farm. A source of water. And they even have a communication network.

Communication network? Why havent I heard about that?

I hadnt heard about it until recently as well. Inside the kitchen, there was a radio. The cooks told me theres at least thirteen different places similar to this one with survivors growing their own food or surviving via hunting instead of plundering shops.

Yeah, thats right.

Jen and I turned around. One of the hunters inside the prison leaned against the door of his cell. He smiled. While were outside, we also have walkie-talkies for short-ranged communication. We tend not to leave its range while hunting, but sometimes, it cant be helped. He chuckled. But you know, long-distance communication via radios isnt all great. Anyone can listen in if theyre on the right frequency, including raiders and looters.

Jen frowned. Doesnt that mean were in danger?

Nah. The hunter shook his head. They used to be a huge problem in the early days. But I imagine most of them have died off by now. Not knowing when youll die, not having a safe harbor, the toll it takes on you is heavy. You cant even trust your companions; theyre people who kill and steal from others to survive. Whos to say they wont do the same to you? Yeah, groups like them dont last very long. Once they pillage everything they can get their hands on, they turn on each other. The hunter sighed and leaned on the fence even more. The raiders arent even the worst part about having long-distance communication. Do you know what is?

When people are stuck in prison, depending on the person, they either become really withdrawn, or they become really talkative. I dont blame them. Its boring without entertainment. If its not raiders or looters, could it be an organized group that supplements their supplies by pillaging?

The hunter snorted. No, didnt I say groups like those dont last very long? Its the silence, man. The silence.

The silence? Jen asked.

Yeah, the hunter said. The silence. One day, youre talking with a camp, say The Log Cabins. You wake up at night to screams and shouts coming from the radio. Then, silence. You ask and ask, trying to communicate with them. And you get nothing back. Its not dangerous like raiders discovering your existence. But it wears on the soul, you know? Those peoplehe snapped his fingersgone. Just like that. And you lay awake at night, wondering, thinking. Those people, theyre just like us. They survived for this long. Howd they die? What happened? Are we next?

Shut up. Youre being depressing.

The hunter laughed despite the other prisoners cursing at him. But am I wrong? All of you heard, didnt you? The ranger station was wiped out yesterday. The wardens were talking about it all night.

Is that so? Jen and I have the morning shift. At night, were replaced by other people. Its not like we can watch over the prison constantly. We need sleep too. Ranger station. Thats my first time hearing about them. How prepared were they compared to this place?

They were crazy prepared, the hunter said. Ive been there once or twice, and let me tell you, even a horde of a hundred couldnt take it down. They had traps everywhere. Their fence was practically made for killing infected. How the hell did they fall? The only possibility I can think of is one of their hunters was infected and hid it from them. They didnt have as many people as us, so their quarantine wasnt as harsh. Its not practical to keep someone locked up for a week and not have them contribute when theres so few people.

I suppose thats true. In a small group, everyone has to contribute. If someone doesnt do anything for a week but still gets fed, the others wont think its fair. But at the same time, its dangerous to quarantine someone for less than a week. Signs of infection can take up to a few days before showing. Sometimes it can take up to a couple of minutes. It depends on how they were infected and the location of the original infection. Getting bit on the neck is going to turn someone a lot faster than being scraped on the leg by something with infected blood on it. The person in charge here, he must be an incredible guy.

The chief? the hunter asked. Of course. Do you think wed be following him if he wasnt? He created this place from scratch, fended off dozens of raids, secured all the right supplies for survival. Without him, this place wouldnt exist. The other camps around us wouldnt exist either. Because he established this place, the number of infected went down drastically. If the day ever comes when the apocalypse is over, the chiefs name will definitely be recorded in history.

Jen scratched her head. I want to meet him now.

You two have only been here for what, less than a week? Not counting your quarantine, of course. The hunter nodded. Youll meet him eventually. Hes usually cooped up in his room.

Is that how a leader should act? The garrison isnt that large. He probably stays away from the quarantined area since theres a risk of infection. And Ill admit the smell coming from the painters building isnt that pleasant. But to not have seen him while getting food from the kitchens or from walking between the prison and the sleeping area for the past two days, its a little odd. For how charismatic of a light hes painted in, he sure hasnt shown it yet. What does he do in his room?

The hunter shrugged. Who knows? Chief stuff. Keeping this place running probably takes a lot of brain power.

Could something have happened to make him not want to show his face? Maybe hes infected and trying to hide it. Maybe he has a tragic past where his child was infected and hes trying to hide her to keep her alive like that one plot point in a popular zombie apocalypse show. Even if he is, it doesnt change the fact hes created a really good place. I really do want to meet him now.


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