A Rational Zombie

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Not too long ago, yesterday afternoon, I lost my best friend, Patrick, to a herd of infected. It was truly a heartbreaking moment. I told him to get ready to run, but he didnt run when I started to. There wasnt anything I could do except escape and hope he held out long enough for me to make it back to the ranger station to get help. When I made it back, the walkie-talkie operators informed me of his death. Poor Pat, turned into an infected. His final words over the walkie-talkie consisted of grunts, sounds that only an infected could makeor so Ive been told by the operators.

But today is a new day! The sun is rising, the morning dew is glistening, the birds are chirping. Well, birds learned to avoid chirping long ago, so they dont chirp anymore, but theyre chirping figuratively in my head. Yes, not too long ago, I almost died with Patrick, but I didnt. I survived, and what kind of survivor would I be if I didnt celebrate life? Its a shame Patrick couldnt welcome this morning with me as a sane individual, but maybe hes happily living as an infected.

Morning. Youre up early.

And someones awake before me. Good morning, Bern. Checking on the meat?

Berns an old guy, about sixty years old if I had to hazard a guess. But hes in great shape, used to be a park ranger. He came to the station when the outbreak occurred, figuring it was the safest spot. Got everything set up for long-term survival: a well, a smoker shed, a little garden, but most importantly, traps for the infected. Are traps the most important thing for survival? Of course. Someone can survive three days without water, but if theyre bit, theyre fucked. Theres no coming back from a bite.

Yes. It should be about ready to take inside.

Want some help?

Thatd be welcome.

I snubbed out my cigarette, put on my helmet, which is always close by, and slipped on my gloves. I grabbed a bat leaning against the wall and headed outside. It really was a nice day today. Not an infected in sight. The field of traps hadnt caught any, which is a relief. The smell their blood gives off is unbelievably putrid. Even after being exposed to it so many times, it still makes me sick to my stomach. The smoker shed is attached to the back of the ranger station but can only be accessed from the outside. Bern figured if any infected showed up, theyd go for the meat first.

Spence, you see that?

See what?

Bern pointed at a tree. It was a bit hard to see through my smudged visor, so I raised it. Something, no, someone was up there. The person was wearing camouflage similar to mine. Was it a hunter from another camp? Or is that Patrick?

Bern coughed. My eyes arent as good as they used to be. What do you see? Because I see a person.

I see a person too.

Do you want to go over there and check it out?

By myself?

Do you want to go by yourself? Bern exhaled and shook his head. Let me get dressed. He turned around and went back inside the ranger station. For some reason, I have a bad feeling about this. The way that persons positioned in the tree, it reminds me too much of Patrick. And those clothes. Its a bit too far to see, but I dont think the persons wearing a helmet at least. Maybe Patrick survived? Infected cant climb trees. What if he tells everyone I abandoned him? They might cast me out of the group. But I didnt have a choice!

Im ready.

Alright, I have to calm down. I lowered my visor and turned around. Bern was wearing a motorcycle helmet and camouflage clothes. Like me, he was holding a bat, and there was a strap around his chest with a knife for easy access. Okay. Watch your step.

Bern snorted. Who do you think set these traps?

Thats a good point. From the ranger station to the woods, its an open clearing split by a dirt path. At first glance, it doesnt seem that great for keeping infected away. But theres tons of traps. Most of them are suited only for catching infected: tripwires with spikes placed in front of them, a few holesnot larger than my fistwith a spike placed inside of them, nothing fancy. However, there are a ton of caltrops scattered in the grass, and the points on those are more than enough to pierce through the soles of my boots. Thankfully, there arent many.

I think I should make some more caltrops, Bern muttered from behind me. Theres not enough.

So, how do you think that person got stuck up there?

Lets not talk in case therere infected.

But you started it. Never mind, hes got a point. There shouldnt be any infected this close to the camp. Theres tons of tree spring noose traps meant for catching small animals, but theyre surprisingly good at catching infected too. Not only that, there are dozens of pits with spikes inside of them. Theyre baited with blood too, so the infected are more likely to fall in. Even that bow-wielding infected wouldve fallen prey to these traps. Though, have the traps been baited recently? I havent done it, but somebody else must have. But Berns right; it doesnt hurt to be safe. One or two infected might slip through, like this one. Not like it can do anything to me with my helmet and. Oh, shit.


Berns bat crushed the infecteds skull, and it slumped to the ground like a ragdoll. Whats the matter, Spence? Whyd you freeze?

I forced down the fear building inside me with a deep breath. Its hands. Look at its hands.

Whats wrong with? Are these spikes? Bern crouched down and grabbed the infecteds arm. A shadow moved between the trees behind him. Another one moved. Then another. The shadows were coming towards us.


Run? Berns voice came from behind me. Why

It was hard to hear him over the sound of my footsteps. But I thought I heard him scream.


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