A Rational Zombie

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

I was daydreaming. Imagining a time when my mom didnt eat my dad. When my sister was a normal person. When the family dog was still alive. It wasnt that long ago, maybe a few months, maybe a year. Its hard to keep track of time in a tropical place like this. The summers are hot. The winters are a little less hot. The springs and falls are equally as hot with a bit of rain sprinkled here and there. Maybe someone will know. Whats todays date?

Todays date is lets not get infected by fuckers day, Joe said. Coincidentally, it was the same day yesterday, but James seemed to have missed the memo.

Loo twitched in his sleep. He had a rough night, losing his brother to a group of infected like that. I still dont know how they got him. One second, he was fine, the next second, hes screaming and crying for help. James was the glue of our group, keeping us grounded. Someone looking in from the outside wouldve called him our leader. And now hes gone. I wonder how long well last.

Were running out of gas; what do I do? Jens voice came from around the corner.

We have three tanks of gas left. Thats 15 gallons, so, about ninety miles on the road, minimum. But where should we even go? The radios stopped picking transmissions up a long time ago. Either all the settlements are full and not taking anyone in, or theyve been run over by infected. In the end, our primary focus is food. Keep going. Once we run out, Ill refuel us. Lets try to make it to a truck stop.

Who died and made you leader? Joe asked, raising an eyebrow. His face split into a grin. Oh, right. James did. He cackled, and Loo turned over in his sleep. There was a large bump on the back of his head, and bits of dried blood sprinkled the ground. The only reason he was able to sleep so soundly after losing his brother was due to Joes medication: a good ol knock on the noggin.

Im not the leader.

Really. Joe smiled at me. Who made the call to abandon James?

It was me. But. You agreed.

Joe shrugged. After you made the call. Leaders lead. Followers follow.

Theres no way Loo is going to accept that.

Hes going to have to, Joe said and leaned back. He turned his head and lifted the corner of the curtain nearby. A beam of sunlight shone onto his face, causing him to wince. He placed the curtain back down before lifting his eyepatch. Youre the smart one, went to college and all that. He gestured towards Loo. This dumbass? He used to climb trees to chase squirrels. No way well live long if he leads. And Jen? Shes a grade-A moron, even dumber than Loo, thinks were pirates or some shit.

Fuck you. You wanna drive?

Joe chuckled, ignoring Jen. And with those two out of the running, the leader is either you or me. But Jen hates my guts, and I conked Loo on the head. You think theyll listen to me? You, on the other hand, well, you abandoned James, but other than that, youre cool, level-headed. Remember when we had to put down Wilson? All I saw was red, but youre the one who mediated between me and James.

Hes right, you know, Jen said. And dont feel bad about leaving James. You made the right call. It wasnt any of our faults that James died; you can only blame it on bad luck.

That reminds me, Joe said. Remember how I said there was an infected that was really creeping me out because it was just staring? He didnt want for either of us to respond. Well, you also remember James saying one of the infected was banging two metal rods together? I think they were the same one.

Youre saying those infected had a leader? Is that possible? Infected cant think. Theyre like insects, acting on baser instincts. But unlike insects, they arent attracted to light. The only things that attract infected are sound and smell.

Maybe, Joe said. But we cant deny we lost James when an unusual infected showed up. I mean, think about all the zombie apocalypse movies. Arent there special zombies that appear occasionally? Like some are made up of multiple people and have chainsaws for arms or something. What if its something like that?

You watched too many shows. Chainsaws for arms? Jen asked. The RV swerved, and I nearly fell over. Damn potholes.

If you havent noticed, Jen, were in the middle of an actual zombie apocalypse, Joe said and snorted. Fine, maybe not chainsaws for arms, but certainly there can be intelligent infected, right? What if Einstein became infected? You think hed be just as dumb as those bastards?

If youre so smart, why dont you get your ass bit by an infected and find out? Jen asked.

I dont know what kind of kinky shit youre into, but I like my ass free of toothmarks, Joe said. He looked at me. What do you think?

It might be possible for some infected to be smarter, but I hope that isnt the case.

I wasnt talking about that, Joe said and grinned. I was talking about Jen. Does she like being bit? You two share a room, and the walls are pretty thin, you know?

The RV swerved again. James just died, asshole. Is it really the time to joke around?

Is there a better time? Joe asked. Oh, Loos waking up. Should I give him another dose of medication?

No. Its better to confront Loo now while were in the comfort of the RV. I made the most logical choice and left James behind. Unfortunately, most people dont run on logic, letting their emotions take control. And I cant really blame them, thats what makes them human. But even if I cant blame them, that doesnt mean it isnt a hassle to deal with. I can only hope Loo isnt too angry with me.

Hey. Theres smoke drifting up over there; should we check it out? Jen asked.

Smoke means fire, and fire means people, usually. Yes, but let me talk with Loo first.


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