A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 5 - 5 Ubiquitous Stones

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Ubiquitous Stones

"One day, he went out and picked up an ordinary stone because he was bored."

"Then, just as we had done before, he carelessly threw away the stone, not even he knew where it landed."

However, after throwing away the stone, for some inexplicable reason, the Iron Eagle King felt that it wasn't half bad and decided to come back to look for it.

"He found the stone but soon lost it again."


Bailuo listened, feeling rather embarrassed. This must be their dark history: "And then he turned back to look for it again?"


The uncle nodded, while Bailuo listened, completely baffled.

Was this person just too bored?

But if you think about it carefully, there are indeed many such people in reality, and many have done similar boring things during their childhood.

"He lost it three times: the first time under a bush, the second time into a river, the third time into a forest," the uncle said, "And unbelievably, he managed to find it all three times."

Even though he lost it in places he didn't know, he retrieved it every single time.

Thus, the Miracle Power hidden within the stone was awakened.

It turned out that the stone was a manifestation of a miracle, needing certain conditions to be activated.

The condition was to lose it three times in places unknown to oneself and then find it thrice.

Upon meeting this condition, it would transform from an ordinary stone into a miracle.

Thus, the Iron Eagle King, with the miracle he had picked up, used its formidable power to destroy the Yatun Clan's blood, sweat, and tears of 600 years and several dozen generations, bringing down the entire Kingdom of Yatun.

"Did the Iron Eagle King know that the stone was a miracle?"

"No, he didn't."

No one can know that something is a miracle before its Awakening.

Just as a person wouldn't think the toilet they have been sitting on for over a decade is any treasure.

If you have such suspicions, then it can only mean that you have a rich imagination.

"Every miracle is unique, only by finding it and then coincidentally performing the acts that meet its conditions of Awakening, will it become a miracle."

"So," the uncle looked at Bailuo and asked, "What do you think the odds are for someone to obtain a miracle?"


After hearing the story told by the uncle, Bailuo thought carefully and said, "If we're talking about a specific person, like us, the probability of having a miracle right beside us is already very low."

"Because, according to what you said, uncle, anything from a rock, a plant, even the desk and chairs we use could potentially be a miracle."

"But we don't know which things are miracles, and apart from Awakening them, there's no way to prove it."

"The first step to awaken a miracle is to 'discover' the miracle by sheer luck, which is one in a hundred thousand," Bailuo said, "And then we just happen to fulfill its conditions, over and over again, this....."

It's just like winning the lottery.

For someone to deliberately find a specific miracle is really, really difficult.

However, it is indeed possible for miracles to be found.

Because there are so many people in the world, and all kinds of things happen every day, no matter how bizarre or incomprehensible.

Somebody just happens to receive a miracle and just happens to do what's necessary to awaken its power.

This is completely possible!

Just like in Bailuo's previous life, every time the lottery was drawn, there would always be one or a few winners, but if it comes down specifically to Bailuo...

Well, Bailuo never won the lottery, not even a consolation prize.

"To get a miracle, it's not about intelligence or personal talent, but luck."

The uncle: "Therefore, those who obtain miracles are indeed the privileged children of the heavens."

The uncle didn't acknowledge the Iron Eagle King's talent, but he was favored by the heavens.

This, even the uncle had to admit.

The Iron Eagle King is the protagonist, while Uncle and Bailuo like him, are just two insignificant passers-by.

Not even supporting characters!

"What's the point of this?"

Bailuo was bewildered, it was the first time he learned of the world's rules, "So what's the use of us working hard every day, desperately studying and training?"

The answer is, there's no freaking use.

Uncle is the best example.

From the standpoint of a mortal, Uncle had reached heights Bailuo couldn't even imagine.

But he wasn't lucky enough, never encountering a miracle.

So no matter how hard he tried, it was futile.

"I didn't tell you about the Miracle Power because I didn't want you to waste your life chasing it. There are too many people in this world who, upon hearing the legend of miracles, start dreaming from a young age, desperately searching for it to the extent they could obsess over a mere stone on the ground."

"In the end, they waste their lives and end up with nothing!"

Seeking miracles is different from pursuing dreams. The latter can be built on a solid foundation with effort and sweat.

But the search for miracles... it's really nonsensical.

It's like in Bailuo's previous life, when some people pinned their hopes on winning the lottery, then did nothing their whole life but buy lottery tickets.

If the lottery had a pattern, that might be different, because you could study and uncover something, but miracles...

The Awakening of Miracle Power is completely random.

A true needle in a haystack!

How many stones are there in the world, how many plants, how many animals...

It's not even about luck; it's destiny, whether you have the privilege or not.

Pie falling from the sky, and it just happens to land on your head, that's all.

"Uncle, you actually didn't want to tell me, did you?"

Bailuo understood Uncle's intention, "If one day I find a miracle, you would tell me all this, and if I never do, then there's no point in thinking about these things, it would just add to my worries."

"So, have you found one?"


"No need to answer."

Uncle smiled and patted Bailuo on the shoulder, not asking further, "Do what you want to do, ask me if you have questions. I'm old now, this is all I can help you with."

After that, Uncle didn't wait for Bailuo to say anything more and left.

He would enter the mountains again this afternoon, continuing to look for traces of game, then bring back as much as he could.

Yatun Village was really too poor.

What they needed most now was food.

If they could have enough food, the People of Yatun could develop, instead of being in the state of malnutrition like now, with the majority of people suffering.

"Ah, Dad, wait for me, I'll come with you."

Inya wiped her mouth, then picked up her bow and arrows, and quickly followed Uncle into the mountains.

Without Dad, Inya could at most shoot a rabbit.

Only by following Dad could she assist in the harvest, and seize the opportunity to snatch the credit for a kill.

"Uncle, it's still Uncle indeed."

Bailuo watched their receding figures, Uncle didn't ask more because Bailuo was no longer a child, and if he chose not to speak, he surely had his reasons.

And that was enough.

Young people should walk their own paths; the experiences of the old folks could only serve as references after all.

"This thing, it must be the Miracle Power Uncle was talking about."

Bailuo looked at the Black Leather Book floating in his consciousness, his brow furrowed, "Even though a pie fell from the sky and hit me, what use are you really?"


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