A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 127: too Fairy Armor (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Chapter 127: Chapter too Fairy Armor (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Why can Big Chunk eat more?

Children take a bite, adults eat a bowl.

Asking adults to eat only a bite a day or letting children eat as much as adults is simply too inconsiderate.

Yatun Duchy doesn’t want to exploit them or treat them as slave labor but wants to cultivate a group of excellent talents.

Excessive harshness brings no benefits.

Of course, Bailuo wouldn’t immediately offer them the best things.

As mentioned before, there is a gap between citizens and commoners; commoners always get what the People of Yatun have discarded, the worst batch.

Just like the rice porridge, pickled vegetables, and pressed vegetables now, compared to all Yatun delicacies, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

However, Hailbo truly hadn’t expected Hakesa to be so irrational, to openly talk back to the master who had purchased them.


Hailbo noticed Hakesa’s fear and didn’t wish for Hakesa to be punished.

“Sir, could you give Hakesa a bowl? He must be delirious from hunger to have spoken such nonsense,” Hailbo claimed.

Seeing Hailbo speaking up for Hakesa gave Elsa an opportunity to step down and said, “Give him a bowl.”

“Drink less to protect our stomachs; eating too much too quickly after starving for so long is no good.”

In helping Hakesa, Hailbo explained to the surrounding teens, “Besides, this bowl is so big; three bowls are enough to fill our stomachs.”

The bowl provided by the People of Yatun was the kind for serving whole noodles, a medium-sized bowl.

Three bowls of porridge could definitely fill you up.

“For the next few days, you will all receive food; rest assured about that.”

Upon Elsa’s affirmative response, all slaves showed looks of gratitude and fortune.

Being given such good food, the new master was truly too kind.

White rice porridge, ah, so fine and snow-white.

Even in their lives, they had never encountered such delicious food, and perhaps they would never be able to afford it in their lifetimes.

But here, the new master had bestowed such food…

With Hailbo’s guidance, the slave boys and girls began to feel grateful, making them realize the beauty of being slaves to Yatun and soothing their hearts once again.

‘This guy…’

Hakesa watched all this and bowed his head, his eyes full of jealousy.

He paid no mind to Hailbo’s previous warnings and help—all he felt was dissatisfaction and resentment.

He was supposed to be the leader of these slaves, that position of leadership belonged to him!

Damn Hailbo!

“Sometimes hearing people’s hearts isn’t very pleasant, is it?”

Fiona’s voice rang in Elsa’s mind, who shook her head again: “This person is so hard to manage, why is it so difficult to just line up properly?”

“Is it that I don’t knowhow to manage people, have I done something wrong?”

Elsa hoped to train all the slaves well, giving them as many opportunities as possible instead of outright condemnation.

“What did you do? Shove the porridge at them and then hid the bowls, just to give a warning?”

Such a minor issue, in the eyes of the People of Yatun, already counted as the lightest of punishments.

Keep in mind, when Fiona and Elsa went through military training with Uncle, they were starved for two days and nights for making fatal mistakes, to engrave the lesson deeply into their bones.

In comparison, was Elsa simply making Hakesa wait a bit longer to eat really that severe?

Elsa was after all young, a mere 12-year-old child.

Even with great power at her disposal, she still lacked experience in dealing with various human emotions.

“Fortunately, there are the smart ones.”

Fiona was referring to Hailbo, who was among all, the most reassuring to the People of Yatun.

Elsa praised Hailbo but didn’t reproach.

Troublemakers needed to be suppressed, but for talents, especially sensible ones, guidance was sufficient.

Whether the 120 people could be accepted by Yatun was not something Elsa could decide.

In the Yatun Duchy, despite her seeming authority here, she was really just a sister.

Bailuo’s task for Elsa and the others was to record the behavior of these slave boys and girls during the voyage and then make the first summary.

Only after several rounds of selection would Bailuo ultimately decide on the new citizens Yatun could accept.

Previously, Bailuo had shared his ideas with the three old men.

They considered them carefully and helped Bailuo perfect many details.

In fact, Elsa and the others were originally supposed to arrange a scenario of ‘unfair distribution.’

But to their surprise, Silly Big Guy actually took care of it for them.

Yes, this was supposed to be a test all along.

“Once you’re finished eating, rest a bit, then go take a bath,” Elsa instructed everyone to tidy up, and she didn’t use magic.

Outside, Elsa didn’t need, nor did she want to casually reveal that power.

Shortly after, the children had taken baths and changed into new clothes, which had been specially prepared by the People of Yatun.

It resembled a school uniform yet also a military dress, with the boys’ fitting snugly and the girls’ covering down to the ankles with long skirts.

“What beautiful clothes.”

“This clothing, it’s so soft, so comfortable.”

The children donned their new attire, which, in their homeland, would only have been possible during festivals.

Some children might not have had an outfit of their own for years.

And when they did, it was old and full of patches.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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