A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 119 - 92 Slave Arrives (Request for

Chapter 119: Chapter 92 Slave Arrives (Request for

Recommendation Tickets)

Upon the vast sea, several large cargo ships were heading toward an island.

This place is a satellite island of Yatun Island, which Bailuo named ‘Sea Shell’, so no matter what it was called before, now it is Sea Shell Island.

Sea Shell Island isn’t very large, nor does it have much shady forest; instead, it has plenty of snow-white beaches and large quantities of rocks and stones.

It looks like a white sandbar in the sea.

Sea Shell Island belongs to the Azure Duchy, but for many years, not a single person from the Azure has developed it here, not even the most basic lighthouse has ever been established.

This is also the common practice of the countries in Miracle World.

Without the threat of a border crisis, no one pays attention to these remote little places.

Only when one day, special minerals are discovered nearby, do nations argue over them, and even wars may break out.

“Where will we go?”

A girl, hugging her knees, shivered under her brother’s protection.

The boy was named Yilona, and his sister was called Ju Nono.

” Don’ t be afraid, I will protect you.”

Yilona took out a small piece of coarse bread from his bosom, leftover from his meal, “Here, take this.”


Ju Nono broke the bread in half, then shared it with her brother.

They had originally lived in the Kingdom of Mountains, a nation filled with countless high mountains and dense forests, rich with mineral deposits, where the people exchanged mined ores for their daily needs.

However, ten years ago, their homeland discovered an exceptionally rich gold mine.

The Holy Empire began negotiations with the Kingdom of Mountains, wanting to take two-thirds of the gold mine’s output.

Gold itself isn’t actually very useful, but it is indeed very beautiful, enough to intoxicate the human mind.

The nobility of the Holy Empire liked this stuff, and could never have too much of it.

In the end, the two countries failed to reach an agreement, and war broke out.

Neither side chose a war of miracles, but instead each conscripted mortals, formed large armies, and sent them to slaughter each other on the battlefield, year after year.

The siblings’ father was conscripted and died on the battlefield.

Their mother also passed away soon after, consumed by sorrow.

Orphaned and without support, they were captured by the local bully who wanted to take advantage of Ju Nono. In a rage, Yilona killed the bully.

Fleeing, they endured sleeping rough, beset by hunger and cold.

It was then that Yilona began to steal in order to sustain himself and his sister.

But there’s an old saying: you can’t walk by the river without getting your shoes wet.

“You eat it, eat quickly.”


Ju Nono obediently ate the food her brother gave her.

Although Handlebar Mustache had purchased them, he still treated them as slaves, so the food he supplied was meager—barely enough to stave off starvation.

However, in this world, being able to eat one’s fill and have a place for shelter was already the epitome of kindness.

“What’s the deal with this girl?”

At this moment, inside the captain’s cabin, Handlebar Mustache was scolding one of his men: “What’s going on with you? How could you bring something like this? Have you gone mad?”

Handlebar Mustache hadn’t told them whom he was doing business with, only mentioning a very prestigious client.

Bailuo’s demeanor made Handlebar Mustache realize that the other party was a significant figure.

Such people were long-term meal tickets.

Do well, and the money was just a matter of a word.

That’s why for this first transaction, Handlebar Mustache personally went to Sea Shell Island, to prevent any unforeseen circumstances.

However, the girl before him…

Her appearance was quite ugly; most of her face looked as though it had been burned by fire.

No, not as though, it really had been burned by fire.

This hideously disfigured girl, due to her cheap price, was chosen by one of Handlebar Mustache’s men and brought aboard the ship.

Handlebar Mustache did not personally go to the Mountains and Star Night, after all, the sea was truly unsafe.

He stayed in Coral City, waiting for slaves to be transported from various countries before personally leading the flotilla to make the delivery.

But now, how was he to explain to Bailuo?

“How about…”

His subordinate suggested, “we hide her?”


Handlebar Mustache shook his head and sighed, thinking to himself that one less slave probably wouldn’t make much of a difference, “Let’s just do that then. Just don’t let her disembark when the time comes. If there’s one less slave, I’ll say she died on the way.”

Watching the conversation between Handlebar Mustache and his subordinate, Ina could only desperately hide her ghastly figure, cowering in a corner, trembling uneasily.

Ina was not a war orphan; she had been sold to the slave master by her own biological father.

She was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. Her appearance had been decent, but due to being burned by a fierce fire when she was young, her body was covered in fierce scars, making her unspeakably ugly.

For that reason, the villagers always bullied her, calling her a monster.

Years of mental trauma made Ina extremely self-conscious and reclusive, even leading her to consider suicide several times.

She had thought that becoming a slave would at least make her useful.

But who would have thought, she couldn’t even be a slave.

“Remember this, if you dare make a sound,” with Handlebar Mustache gone, his subordinate warned Ina fiercely, “I’ll throw you into the sea to feed the fish!”

“I know, I know…”

Ina shuddered, not daring to look at Handlebar Mustache, only bowing her head and shrinking further into the corner.


The door to the captain’s quarters slammed shut, and Ina was locked inside

She knew she had been rejected once more.

The villagers rejected her, her father rejected her, the merchants rejected her, and she couldn’t even be a slave, such a lowly status.

‘I can work.’

Ina said softly, ‘No matter how tiring, how tough, or how dirty, it’s all fine…’ Tears kept falling. Ina had no demands for food or accommodations; she just wanted to be needed by someone, even if her new master beat and kicked her.

But just being told “get lost and go work,” Ina felt she was needed.

‘The island…’

Through the window, Ina saw the sunlit sea and the island.

The seascape was beautiful, something unseen from her hometown.

Although becoming a slave was what awaited her after disembarking, Ina didn’t mind the life of a slave so much that she really wanted to go down, to have a place to stand.


At that very moment, Elsa, who was sitting on the beach, sensed a very peculiar gaze.

She looked towards the distant ship; although it was far away, Elsa saw Ina.


Ina couldn’t make out the figures on the island clearly, but her heightened senses told her, ‘Just now, it felt like someone was watching me?’


Gonnia’s voice came through, interrupting Elsa’s perception. She stood up from the beach, her pale blue military uniform unsoiled by a single grain of sand.

“They’re finally coming.”

Gonnia’s ships had already been waiting at Sea Shell Island; she brought three of them, piloted by more than twenty Tree Elves.

They also brought two witches, Fiona and Elsa.

Elsa had just celebrated her twelfth birthday. Despite her young age, as her ice and snow powers condensed, her strength greatly increased.

Not to make use of such formidable power would mean Bailuo had lost his mind.

Besides, training should start early.

Bailuo intended for Elsa to handle things independently, and the girl obviously realized this, studying very diligently.


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