A random pokemon journey

Time and entering the mountains

Time and entering the mountains

I couldn't care less about the fact that this was the highest level I had ever seen as I hurried Rune to put as much distance between us and this monster as possible in as short a span as possible. It was only after we got far enough away for me to calm down that I realized that this Crawdaunt was over a hundred levels higher than even the elder Entei who had brought Vulcan to me so long ago. Such a monstrous level meant either this pokemon was just positively ancient or wasn't the sort to take it easy for long.-

Such a level spoke of an extreme amount of skill and experience in battle. I was slightly disappointed in myself for not having checked it's move pool as well as I doubted I could ever find a better example of the heights I hoped to one day raise my team to. For all I knew that Crawdaunt could have had nothing but double or triple transcendent moves which would have been a good piece of information to known by itself. 'Ah well, guess I can just focus on meditating as we fly.' I thought with a sigh.-

I trusted Rune not to get us killed by crashing into a mountain or something like that while I meditated on improving my meditation technique. Closing my eyes I didn't extend my senses like normal but rather closed them off as I focused inwards. There in the center of my chest was the flame of my aura no more than a brilliantly bright candle flame in size. Grasping it I began to circulate it in place which stretched and condensed it over and over again causing it to slowly increase.-

That was almost all I did for the next week and a half other than when we rested for the night to eat and sleep. It wasn't exactly a glamorous or exciting trip but one that we needed to do anyways since going into a Celebi forest had serious consequences if you weren't lucky. Going into the future was pretty harmless unless you brought something back that you shouldn't have but going into the past caused more issues than any other time related event. Worst case scenario you created a second timeline as the changes you created in the past were too much for the present timeline to integrate.-

Yes, if you changed something in the past it transferred over to the present upon your return. The catch of course is that you can't make any sweeping changes or you'll create temporal dissonance that wreaks all kinds of havoc. For example if you went back and killed a young Professor Oak then upon coming to the present everything the man had done in his life(which is a lot) gets put into temporal flux as time itself works to fix the inconsistencies between the two timelines. Best case scenario everything works out fine and worse case scenario you doom the world to an apocalypse because no Oak means no one to avert that future.-

As you may be able to guess there was a VERY good reason that not even the most insane criminal casually fucked around with time travel. I'm not talking about the laws of the league or whatever but Dialga itself. The temporal sovereign might turn a blind eye to small alterations but can and will step in if you go too far, intentionally or otherwise. A well known example of this was when a scientist lost his daughter at a young age and in his grief wanted to go through a Celebi forest travel to the past and kill the one responsible for the death thus preventing it.-

Thing was that criminal was responsible for leading to the founding of the Jenny clan and his actions threatened to erase the entire clan from history. The tale goes that the sky split and a wrathful being smote the man to death moments before he entered the forest. I am willing to bet my left arm that that was either Dialga itself or at the very least one of it's avatars. Moral of the story, don't fuck with time and it won't fuck with you.-

Anyways we eventually reached the point of the mountain range where things got dangerous as we needed to cut through them now to reach Rota. This meant I had to keep my eyes peeled for any ambushes while Tank and Hades played defense and interference. The only reason that Hades could even be of use in the air like this was because it's keystone was in my pocket securely and I was on Runes back securely. This meant even while we were traveling at top speed through the air it's smoky body would never get far from me.-

It was only two days travel left until we reached Rota but it was bound to be rough. "SKAAR!" a screech told me that my worries were well found and looking at the source tensed. The cry came from the elite level leader of a small hunting pack of Skarmory that numbered seven. The wild pokemon had done as it's instincts demanded and warned the human of it's attack so now it was free to kill us all if it wanted to. It definitely didn't help that Rune was electric type and as a result was going to be the heaviest targeted out of us all.-

'Theres no way we can outrun them as Skarmory are heavily built for speed unlike Charizard. We'll need to risk the ground to fight them off.' I thought in a split second before commanding Rune to land. My plan was simply to release Vulcan and either intimidate the pack to leave us be or fight them off with lethal measures. As a flying/steel type Skarmory as a species were the best possible matchup for a powerful fire type like Vulcan as well as a flying/electric type like Rune when he didn't need to focus on flying in a way that kept me safe.-

Unfortunately these wild pokemon weren't stupid and immediately reacted at my order with a synchronized air slash under us to stop Rune from descending. "Rune smokescreen! Hades Ominous wind!" I barked and Rune belched out a thick plume of smoke to obscure our forms from the pack while Hades kicked up a chilling gust that not only buffed it but also pushed the smoke into the pack disorienting them. "Skar! Skar Skar!" the leader called calming it's group and telling it was merely a petty trick.-

"Powder bomb." I said just barely loud enough for Tank to hear me. My tough bug type glowed three colors before spitting out an orb of three colors that comprised of all three types of powder moves that shot into the smokescreen that the pack couldn't see out of and exploded. There were screams of pain, surprise and rage from the smoke before I watched coldly as the paralyzed, poisoned or knocked out pack dropped from the cloud of smoke straight towards the hard ground below.


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