A random pokemon journey

Taking it easy and maturity

Taking it easy and maturity

That was a fair enough reason and I had no real reason to complain. Curiosity satisfied Cail took his payment and left with the officer and Cypher guy. That taken care of I took off the robe I had been wearing since I got back from the past and carefully folded it and stored it away. It may be rather mundane an item but it was perhaps the only surviving example of clothing made during that time in this region. Despite how I obtained it any historian or museum would salivate over the chance to possess and study it.-

I wasn't going to be handing it over though as I figured it'd make a fine memento at some point in the future. Back to my usual outfit I was much more comfortable now. Not to bad mouth the fashion of those people but that robe was rather annoying to run and move in as my legs constantly kicked against it as I moved. By comparison my shorts were far better for freedom of movement and breathability. Also pockets were a thing with my shorts which I dearly missed while wearing that robe.-

I didn't really do much over the next two weeks beside send out feelers to try and locate any ruins in the region to see if they were the ones the quest told me to go check out. Despite what my grand adventure into the past would have one believe I was in fact on vacation and thus wanted to relax a bit. I wasn't really in a hurry to finish the quest and leave the region so there was no reason for me to constantly go all out in my investigation. I used this two weeks to unwind and relax in a way as besides practicing my new skill to improve my aura reserves and practicing my spearmanship I mostly just napped or relaxed in the pond.-

[Water breathing] came in handy for that second one as I could just let myself sink to the bottom and chill out at the bottom of the crystal clear waters. It was peaceful in a way that was hard to describe as the sound of Gaia's sandstorm droned on in the background like a soft white noise. The not so little one also reached maturity during these two weeks so I could train him finally but I hadn't started just yet.-

To be honest I didn't want to at the moment either. This region was probably the worst one to try and train up a pokemon in as there were no wild pokemon here. This meant that all of the possible opponents belonged to someone else and were also trained. Now that doesn't sound like a big deal but that changed when you take into account that unlike the people who live in the region I NEED my pokemon to be able to fight both trained and wild pokemon.-

Any training that I gave the newly matured addition to my team here would be lopsided and unbalanced which was not something I wanted for him. As much as people seem to ignore it battling against a wild pokemon was vastly different than battling against a pokemon that had been trained. For starters until the higher levels of power trained pokemon are supposed to know how to and expected to limit the power and harshness of their attacks. Wild pokemon aren't like that but rather tend to be more like a higher leveled trainer battle where nothing short of full power attacks is acceptable.-

For trainers like myself at these levels it's because our pokemon have become so powerful by this point that only attacks like that have any hope of knocking out the opponents. For all wild pokemon however this lack of holding back is because injury for them is a much more serious affair, literally life and death in fact. Injury means that until they recover they are vulnerable and run serious risk of being preyed upon by opportunistic predators. Due to this all wild pokemon go all out all the time to try and minimize the amount of damage they take by ending the battles as fast as possible.-

I understood that the best foundation is to mix trained and wild battles while training a pokemon. That said there was some training that I could get the not so little one to do while in this region to prepare him for battles after we leave, move training. Thanks to the efforts of my entire team teaching the not so little one their different typings of energy the broken things status looked like this at the moment.-

[Pokemon: Feebas


Moveset: Splash(E) , Metronome(J)(egg move), Ember(N), Thundershock(N), Tail whip(N), Gust(N), Defense curl(N), Shadow sneak(N), Absorb(N), Leer(N), Sandstorm(N), Dark pulse(N), 

Variations: ??????



Sp. Atk: 92

Sp. Def:139


Ability: ?????(J) ]

As it turned out there was seemingly no move typing that he couldn't learn which meant that his move pool was unfairly balanced. There was not a single typing that he could not eventually handle in the future if he simply learned one move of each typing. Stat wise he was absurdly high for his level but considering that he was basically a Milotic stuck in a Feebas's body that was to be expected.-

By the time a Feebas were to evolve normally such stats would be impressive but not TOO far out of the range of expectations. Being born basically at the second stage however meant that he reached this point as a default of maturing. I had a sneaking suspicion that his stats were basically going to be stuck as is until his skill and level grew to match his body. That was a small problem but not really a bad thing as it meant that by the time he was able to increase his stats naturally like normal pokemon he will have perfect mastery of his current physical prowess.-

Move training was a breeze for him as well since he was in a way playing catch up with his control of type energy. I also had plenty of experience with training the rest of my teams moves so giving hints and ways of doing it was second nature. Something interesting to note was that his scales color shifted ever so slightly whenever he used a certain type of move which I noted down as likely being a part of his variation or innate ability.-

I wasn't sure which though or even if it actually had any purpose beyond just messing with his appearance but I wanted to keep an eye on it. Metronome was by far one of the most annoying moves to train as it had this element of randomness to it that made it difficult to truly create a training regime for. All I could do was have him focus on trying to limit what move showed up to a specific typing but it was slow going.


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