A random pokemon journey

Royal meeting(2)

Royal meeting(2)

The old man looked at the now restored wall in awe as he gently ran a finger across it. "I can not express how deeply I appreciate this seemingly easy act. For you it was a simple matter but for nearly two centuries we have had to watch as the castle slumbered and lost it's luster as the inscriptions ran out of power as there were no aura master in the kingdom to restore them." he said honestly. "You said that before but what do you mean? In a land so full of life energy I imagine that aura masters have a pretty good chance of being born." I said confused.-

"That is our kingdoms greatest shame. When the aura guardian order was still standing strong you would have been correct as the tree of Aeons greatly increased the chances of an aura master being born here. Unfortunately this was a curse more than a blessing for our kingdom at that time in history as the other regions wanted the secrets of aura that the order held and brought us to our knees to get them. The leaders of the order realized that the orders eradication would not be enough to prevent this from happening again as the tree meant sometime in the future another group like the order would appear as we produced more and more masters".-

"With this knowledge they put a grave sin upon their backs and crippled the life energy of this land to prevent the birth of any more masters here. While life energy freely flows it is rejected from the bodies of those born here so no aura masters have appeared in the kingdom since that age. We dare not try and have any of those that are born elsewhere move here lest our old enemies return. Your arrival was merely a happy coincidence sir." the old man said honestly and I frowned. -

Not because what he said was in anyway fabricated because it wasn't but rather because I myself hadn't felt this "crippling" in the life energy. "If it's not too much to ask do you mind if I use my aura on you to try and understand the source of this issue?" I asked and the old man held out his arm. "Please be my guest." he said clearly not expecting anything to come of this.-

I gripped his arm firmly but not enough to harm him and closed my eyes as I sent out my aura to investigate. What I found made me pale and stumble away from the man in shock and fear. There in the mans body hid a will, a use of aura that I knew had only been utilized by a single being since the dawn of history, The great mother Mew. Aura was able to be manipulated and transformed by anyone with training but only the godly Mew had ever been able to separate her aura from herself and give it it's own will, it's own soul.-

If myth was to be believed this is how all species of pokemon were born from her at the dawning of the world. To find such a thing within this old man meant that it wasn't the aura masters who shackled this kingdom but Mew herself. That alone was more than enough to terrify me into distancing myself from this old man. History had proven time and again that Mew was the last godly legendary you wanted to offend if you could help it. She was kind and playful most of the time but when angered she became cruel and vindictive.-

"You are wrong." I said while composing myself after that shock. "What do you mean? What did you find exactly?" the old man asked worriedly so i told him. I explained to him what I found and what it meant. "But why? Why would those masters claim that they were the ones responsible if it was the great mother who did this?" the old man asked horribly confused. I sighed "Because that was their last gift to the kingdom, ignorance so that you never sought her out for revenge for what she did."-

"Perhaps now far in the future you people hold no grudge as it's merely ancient history to you but at the time it was first implemented can you say the same was true?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, quite the opposite I dare say as the records state that much of the kingdoms citizens rioted and persecuted the remaining masters for denying them their future generations birthright. For those same masters to willingly shoulder that blame, to receive so much hate and anger with not a single complaint. We've done them a grave disservice it seems." the old man said with a sad expression.-

"No you haven't, not yet anyways. Those people gave up everything so that your people would be safe. You'll only be spitting on their sacrifice if you start acting any different now that you know the truth because they succeeded, the kingdom still stands and thrives." I said sternly and he straightened his back. "You are right sir, I almost dishonored their noble sacrifices with my behavior. Please follow after me, best not keep the royal tailor waiting as she can be rather prickly when inconvenienced." he said before walking further down the hall.-

The royal tailor I discovered was in fact a rather surly middle aged woman with blonde hair and sharp tongue. We no sooner walked into the door than she started attacking my choice of apparel viciously. "Cargo shorts, a spear strap and a waist bag? What were shoes and a T-shirt too good for you or something? And what on earth did your parents feed you to make you so damned tall? I might need to waste a whole roll of fabric to cover all of you, you damn giant!" She said all of this and more before I could even get a single word in edgewise.-

I was all but dragged over to a stool to get measured and the only positive thing i ever heard come out of the woman's mouth so how perfect my bodies proportions were. Neither too large or scrawny but the exact ratio of muscle to height that served the best. I can't deny that the woman was exceptionally skilled at her craft however as within no more than thirty minutes I walked out of the room in a vibrant emerald green formal cloak and pants that ended with black dress shoes.-

The outfit apparently suited me perfectly as even the old man said that I had a noble and strong air to me now as I walked like a dragon type on the prowl. I was pretty sure the guy was blowing smoke up my ass since I didn't feel any different than normal beyond the amount of clothes I was wearing. 'Perhaps that saying "the clothes make the man" might have some credibility to it after all.' i thought since even the other servants we passed on the way to the throne room seemed to awe at me.


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