A random pokemon journey

First contact

First contact

I asked Tank if it had stolen the clothes from that place but he denied it and added that he made sure no one saw him take it to begin with. I had thought about flying straight to the place but decided against it as I didn't know how the locals would react to an unknown person. I assume that they would be cautious so walking was the better option as it let them prepare more after spotting me if they so wanted to. I have to say though that there was something to be said about this ancient version of Orre.-

The normal populations of pokemon and sheer amount of greenery including trees made the entire region WAY colder than it's present day version. I mean it was to be expected I suppose since a lot of the heat from the sun gets taken by the plants rather than held and radiated back up from the sands. One big thing that I was thrilled to see however was that there were a lot more ancient variants around but considering how far in the past I was that wasn't all that odd.-

The "ancient" times were a lot closer in this time than in the present so the genetics for it weren't as recessive here. I was rather tempted to head back to the basecamp to collect as many samples as I could but resisted that urge. One thing I thought was worth noting about these wild pokemon was that elite specimens were basically nonexistent. I saw only a single one over the span of an entire days walking. That single one I saw was a Salamence that was clearly returning from a hunt as it had the limp form of a Tauros in it's claws.-

Obviously I didn't jump to conclusions from this small sample size but I had honestly thought that without so much human interference the wild pokemon would be more like what I saw in the mountain range between Orre and Rota. Though now that I think about it Giratina actually having a tangible presence in this region might be the reason for the lower power levels I saw. Powerful pokemon tended to carve out areas of territory for themselves but it is possible that that instinct has been suppressed due to the legendries active presence.-

Still i camped out at the end of the day rather than push on for the last few hours needed to reach the settlement as visiting at night would be VERY suspicious. People had this historical tendency both in this world and on earth to associate the night with evil and that was not exactly the best first impression you could give. That said I highly doubted that my campfire wasn't visible from the village as the human eye is extremely good at picking up light from far away. This too worked in my favor as it meant that the place would more than likely be expecting my approach tomorrow.-

I was right as in the morning when I approached the village there was an old man with a Kadabra waiting for me outside the village. "Halt! Thou art not familiar! Name thyself and thine purpose!" the old man demanded in a very outdated form of common. I felt the pokemon next to him attempt to probe my mind but was repelled by my aura. "Mine name is Drake, wandering healer from afar!" I called back calmly. "Thou art a shaman? Many pardons for mine unbecoming welcome, this one hadn't known." the old man said apologizing and bowing.-

"Tis no fault of thine own for it was not clear." I said pardoning the man while trying really hard not to cringe. For a modern person like me speaking like this was the height of cringe worthy and was awkward. "Most gracious of thee sire, please hesitate not if this one can be of service. Our resources art not plentiful but at your disposal." he said humbly. 'It seems aura masters are treated in a similar manner to nobility, good to know.' I thought as the man led me into the village.-

The buildings were made of simple stones mortared together and capped with wood and hay. The "road" was more a trodden down dirt path than anything else and the inhabitants of the village cautiously watched me from their homes. "I beg of thee understanding on behalf of this ones people, visitors are a rare thing in these parts." the old man said humbly but i shook my head "This one is but a humble healer, a servant to all whom require aid. Thou'st need not seek mine understanding." I said and he relaxed greatly.-

"Thine magnamity truly speaks of thine character well." he praised with a smile. After that I asked about the region and the way of life here while the villagers started warming up to me. None of them found my questions odd since I had said that I was from a land far away. They also didn't seem to question any slip up I had when speaking for the same reason. Make no mistake I DID slip up as it was very hard to actively speak in the manner that they did when I was most definitely not a native to it.-

Hell common wasn't even my first language but something I had to practice a lot when I first came to this world while actively stopping myself from slipping back into english. It was a rough time at first but by now I spoke the language just as fluently as any local, better in some cases. For this reason alone the skill was sitting at master mastery in my status page. Having such a mastery wasn't the be all end all though as there was transcendent after that that I had an idea about how I could go about reaching.-

If speaking the language like a native was what it took to get the master then to get to transcendent I assume that I'd have to be able to speak any dialect or accent of the language as well so this was good practice. Anyways from my questions I learned a few things that clarified some of my doubts. First was that yes Giratina was responsible for the docileness of the local pokemon population and low amount of elite level pokemon. Second was that Aura masters or shamans as they were called were considered blessed by the gods and thus noble inherently regardless of birth status.-

Third was that most aura masters were kind of assholes normally due to this favoritism going to their heads from a young age. Like they weren't bullies or anything but they were rude when they spoke more often than not with no respect for anyone other than fellow aura masters or legendary pokemon. Finally was that healers were VERY sought after everywhere due to their scarcity from both secrecy and difficulty in learning the profession even more so if they had the ability as well. Thanks to this I had accidentally set myself on a very high pedestal with my made up backstory.


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The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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