A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 36: In front of the Yao Family

Chapter 36: In front of the Yao Family

Shen Xiang came back early and left late. He worked frantically in the shop to refine pills during the day, and went to the countryside outside the city to practice at night. Twenty days passed like this. Now, not only has his cultivation improved a lot, but he is also very proficient in refining pills below the ordinary middle-grade pills, and has almost never failed. The time it takes to make a pill is also getting shorter and shorter. Even the old alchemist Shen Luzong is ashamed of himself.

Shen Xiang had spent most of the money from selling the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma. He and Shen Luzong had also refined a number of commonly used mortal-level mid- and low-grade elixirs, but it was still far from enough.

Of course, the golden spiritual fruit tree planted by Shen Xiang is about to bear fruit. Over the past twenty days, he has been able to condense a lot of ambergris every day to stimulate its growth. This is the first time that he has spent such a long time to ripen a spiritual medicine, but it is worth it.

He secretly planted the Golden Spirit Fruit tree in his own yard, and even Shen Luzong could not enter his small yard at will.

"As long as I can recruit enough alchemists, I can relax!" Shen Xiang gently stroked the small golden fruit, which was produced after he watered it with ambergris this morning.

Shen Xiang didn't want to spend all day refining pills to sell. He wanted to do many things, such as looking for some precious spiritual medicines, hunting some monsters, buying some martial arts suitable for his practice, and understanding this vast world of mortals and martial artists...

At this time, there is still more than a month before the start of the Royal City Martial Arts Competition. Shen Xiang also went to sign up. What made him depressed was that this Royal City Martial Arts Competition was actually hosted by the Yao Family, so the registration location was at the Yao Family.

Shen Xiang, who had been staying in the royal city, had heard about the disappearance of Yao Tianhua and the elders of the Yao family a long time ago. Fortunately, during this period of time, there were often some evil forces organized by powerful warriors causing trouble outside the royal city, robbing and killing many children of noble families who went to the royal city, so Shen Xiang was not suspected.

Because the genius of the Yao family and an elder of the Yao family disappeared, the entire Yao family was outraged. The royal family and some families who had a very good relationship with the Yao family also denounced those evil forces. Several of them were killed in just a few days, but the whereabouts of Yao Tianhua were still unknown.

Yao Tianhua and the elders of the Yao family were both killed by Shen Xiang, and their bodies were burned to ashes. Shen Xiang was not worried that the Yao family would find out.

Shen Xiang soon arrived at the Yao family. The Yao family was very large. The huge square at the door made Shen Xiang secretly amazed, not to mention what was inside.

The registration and competition places are both on the huge square in front of the Yao family's gate. Registration has already started, but there are still many people coming to register every day. The square is very lively, with many long queues.

Shen Xiang waited in line for a long time before it was his turn. He stood in front of a table. A young man in his twenties was in charge. He yawned, then picked up a pen and paper, and said lazily: "Name."

"Shen Xiang!"

The young man, who was originally listless, was shocked when he heard these two words, and looked at Shen Xiang carefully! The people around him also looked over. Shen Xiang's name was well-known. Not only could he refine the Marrow Cleansing Pill, but he also had the strength comparable to the seventh level of the Ordinary Martial Realm. He injured the elder of the Yao Family, and beat up the son of the City Lord. He also won the favor of the beautiful female owner of the Danxiang Medicine Manor...

Shen Xiang is a more talented person than Yao Tianhua. Anyone who moves around frequently has heard of this name. However, Shen Xiang is a thorn in the eyes of the Yao family, so the Yao family members hate him very much. Because Shen Xiang injured the elders of the Yao family and Yao Tianhua, causing them to disappear, the Yao family blamed this on Shen Xiang, believing that if the elders of the Yao family had not been injured, they would not have been in danger at all.

"Go over there and take the strength test. If you pass, you can participate in the competition." The young man pointed to another row of people.

Before coming here, Shen Xiang had heard that in order to successfully register, he would need to test his strength, and not everyone could participate in the final competition.

Shen Xiang took the paper with the seal and his name on it, and walked to the line.

Many people were very happy to have such close contact with Shen Xiang. Shen Xiang was an alchemist and the son of the head of the Shen family. He had a bright future, which made many people come forward to talk to him.

Shen Xiang communicated with the children of these families with a smile on his face. This could help him kill some boring time. At the same time, he could also find out some attitudes of other families towards the Shen family. Many families were afraid of offending the Yao family and did not dare to form an alliance with the Shen family. But now Shen Xiang learned from the children of these families that if the Shen family had an elixir industry, they would not be afraid of the threats from the Yao family.

Before he knew it, it was Shen Xiang's turn. The way to test his strength was to hit a strange boulder. The stone was originally black, but if the force was strong enough, it would change color!

Shen Xiang stood in front of a stone that was taller than him, and only heard the person in charge of the test say: "As long as you can make the stone turn yellow, you will pass the test."

Stones can produce red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple depending on the force they are subjected to. Purple represents the highest limit of the force that the stone can withstand.

Just now, Shen Xiang saw that many people could only turn this huge rock into red, and there were very few who could turn it into orange, and he had never seen yellow at all.

"I heard that the prince was able to turn the stone blue when testing it! His strength is unfathomable."

"Also, a young disciple of the Yao family is also very powerful and hit the blue one."

"What's that? General Leng's daughter can turn stones purple."


Shen Xiang suddenly heard many people discussing the strength of some children of famous noble families. At this time, many people focused their attention on him. Everyone wanted to see if Shen Xiang was just famous for nothing. Many people present had never witnessed Shen Xiang's strength with their own eyes, and did not know how terrifying it was. They had only heard about it.

Shen Xiang rubbed his fist and stared at the stone in front of him. His Shen family also had a stone like this, but it was a little smaller. It was specially used to test strength, and it would make the fist hurt when hitting it. Shen Xiang had tested it before, but it was a light red, which meant that his strength was very weak.

Now, Shen Xiang has reached the sixth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, and he also wants to know his test results.

After getting ready, Shen Xiang took a slight breath, circulated the Vermillion Bird Qi and Azure Dragon Qi in his body, and merged them together. The two Qis merged and poured into his arms. The sleeves on his arms were instantly burned off, revealing his thick arms with prominent blue veins.

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath, and those near him could feel the horror of that true Qi. This sudden explosive power shocked the group of boys and girls. At this moment, they had no doubt that Shen Xiang had defeated the elder of the Yao family, just based on this true Qi pressure that made them tremble!

Shen Xiang gathered his strength, and as this dual-attribute Qi flowed into his arm, he clenched his fist and punched out! His fist was as fierce as thunder and as fast as lightning, and it hit the boulder fiercely.

There was only a loud "boom" and the huge rock was instantly shattered into pieces and scattered all over the ground. Smoke and dust flew around with the aftermath of the true energy!

(My new work-

1.I am only mortal but why do you all all treat ma as a immortal!

2.A proud man called himself a medicinal God!

3.Problems start after graduation but I receive system!

Please read few ch after make decision.)


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