A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 1698: The Complex Shinto

Chapter 1698: The Complex Shinto

Chen Xiang took a deep breath: "It's hard to say now. That guy's godhead is very evil. I just temporarily sealed it in my divine sea and purified it little by little."

"It seems that the godhead was not condensed by himself. It should be His father got it for him, and it contained a very chaotic consciousness. He didn't purify it when he used it. "

Qi Shi said, "It would be very dangerous if it was used without refining it. That was what my master and I were doing back then. "

Lu Zhen looked around: "It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's find another place!"

Jiang Sheng took out his boat. After everyone entered, he urged the boat to quickly sail to the third area to find Bai Hu and Suzaku, lest the Hell Demon Emperor sends a stronger guy next and they can't deal with it.

"Senior Lu, why did you come here suddenly? Fortunately you arrived, otherwise we would have been in trouble." Chen Xiang said.

Lu Zhen said with a smile: "This is all the news from Demon Killing Peak, so a very powerful guy suddenly came out of the Gate of Hell. I guessed at that time that the Prince of Hell would come here."

"The Hell Prince from last time The demon army came out of the Gate of Hell, which also shocked me, but they didn't stay in the Nine Heavens World for long before they were teleported away."

Long Xueyi asked: "Senior Lu, that Demon Killing Peak is really powerful, you should use it. Come and hold down the Gate of Hell!"

"Emperor Tianlong, you really offend me by calling me your senior." Lu Zhen chuckled, then his face darkened and he became serious: "Demon Killing Peak is indeed powerful, but now. He is also somewhat powerless. The Demon Emperor of Hell is becoming more and more powerful and continues to penetrate into the Nine Heavens World. ""

Demon Killing Peak is actually established by some gods in the realm of gods who are hostile to the Demon Emperor of Hell. It is used to collect evidence in order to punish the Demon Emperor of Hell. At the same time, it is used to restrain the gate of hell and prevent the demons coming out of it from messing around. But during this period, it has become somewhat uncontrollable."

Qi Shi frowned and said, "Is it to collect evidence of the Hell Demon Emperor's interference in the Nine Heavens World? That guy. Having done so many things, there should be a lot of evidence."

Lu Zhen sighed: "I only know that it is not easy to punish the Hell Demon Emperor in the realm of gods. It requires ironclad evidence. Although the Hell Demon Emperor is in the Nine Heavens World and the Endless Heaven Realm. He bribed many people, but these are not enough to prove that he directly intervened in the Jiutian World.

"Then what about the hell demon army? He has already sent it twice," Jiang Sheng said.

"In the Ancient Holy Beast Domain, there is a gate to hell. You should all know that. Although the gate to hell was opened because of the battle between the Ten Heavenly Emperor and other powerful men, that was just the excuse of the Demon Emperor of Hell. I think he opened it intentionally. When he sent out the hell demons or some demons, it could be said that the demons escaped, and it had nothing to do with him."

"If he is to be held accountable, the realm of gods will have to send his hells. Manpower and material resources help him manage and resist, because hell is too chaotic, and the gap in the gate of hell is difficult to close."

Chen Xiang said: "It turns out that this hell is a mess, and no one wants to clean it up. It's rare to have someone like the Demon Emperor of Hell. He wants people to manage it, and it seems to be doing a good job, so the gods in the realm of gods will turn a blind eye, turning a blind eye and acquiescing to the evil emperor of hell."

Lu Zhen nodded and said: "That's it, if the devil of hell . If the emperor does not manage hell, hell will be in chaos, and it will affect the entire realm of gods. As long as the Hell Demon Emperor does not do too much in the Jiutian World and will not affect the realm of gods, the higher-ups will generally not care about it

. The power of the gods on the Demon Peak is minimal. Some of the gods in the Realm of Gods are worried that the Demon-Slaying Summit will dissatisfy the Demon Emperor of Hell, and they even often suppress them, making the road to the Demon-Slaying Peak very dangerous. Over the years " There are so many good young people who have died in Demon Killing Peak."

"That's it. No wonder many of the disciples in Devil Killing Peak have never been to Devil Killing Peak. They are all people who came from Devil Killing Peak and are recruiting disciples outside." Xiang said.

Qi Shi said: "Then I will also go to Demon Killing Peak to learn some skills in dealing with the Demon Emperor of Hell. Lao Jiangtou, are you going?"

"Of course I will! In the future, the Demon Emperor of Hell will definitely fight frequently. It is really difficult to deal with him without the means to deal with him." No! Brother Lu, can you learn the skills to create your kind of demon-suppressing magic weapon?" Jiang Sheng said with a smile.

Lu Zhen said: "Of course you can, but you'd better hurry up. Originally, there were many direct disciples of the gods in Demon-Slaying Peak, and they were all responsible for teaching the skills to deal with the Demon Emperor of Hell. However, under the pressure of some gods, they are gradually Only those disciples of gods can teach the purest skills."

Qi Shi looked at Chen Xiang and asked, "Chen Xiang, do you want to go and have a look?"

Chen Xiang spread his hands: "Forget it, the gate of hell." Directly opposite that place, if I go to that place, the Demon Emperor of Hell will definitely release a large number of demons and eradicate them unless I get rid of his tracking spell."

"By the way, Senior Lu, there is a way to get rid of the Demon Emperor of Hell. Is it a curse?"

Lu Zhen pondered for a while and said: "Not yet, we can only wait for the curse's power to weaken and the curse to subside on its own, which will take a long time! Another way is to cultivate a very powerful soul, maybe. Even if you cultivate the emperor soul, it won't work."

Long Xueyi said in surprise: "You can't even do anything about the emperor soul? Is the curse of the Hell Demon Emperor so terrible?"

Mayor Lu sighed: "This curse took thirty years from the Hell Demon Emperor. Ten thousand years of skill is certainly terrifying! He only spent a hundred thousand years of skill to bring out the hell demon army."

Chen Xiang frowned and said, "If you don't even have an emperor soul, what level of soul will you need?"

"Emperor soul. It's just what the world below the gods calls it, and in the world of gods, this kind of soul is relatively weak. As for what it's called above, I don't know! All I know is that the soul that transcends the emperor soul will condense into a soul. Ge! Everyone knows that the divine soul is in your divine sea, which is exactly the same as mine. Only by condensing a divine soul into your divine soul can you get rid of the curse of the Hell Demon Emperor. "

What about the divine soul we usually call? Then. What's going on?" Qi Shi asked, he didn't understand this either. Jiang Sheng and Long Xueyi were also very curious.

"That is the physical godhead. Although it is also located in the divine sea, it is closely connected with the physical body. People like Chen Xiang who fuse other people's godhead can only gain a little power from the godhead at present, unless his physical body is strong enough. You can tap out more power."

Lu Zhen explained: "Generally speaking, when the physical body reaches a certain strength, there will be a prototype of the godhead, and then the godhead can be consolidated, and then the soul can be strengthened through the godhead, and the godhead can refine the divine power and strengthen the soul. The speed is very amazing, and after the divine power is strong, it can also temper the body with divine power and continue to strengthen the physical body. Only when the physical body is strong enough can the divine soul have more room for development. When the divine soul develops to a certain level, it can give birth to a soul. "

" The two are closely related, and you must keep this in mind when you practice. I went astray in this area back then, and I finally corrected it!"


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