A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 447: Exchange

Chapter 447: Exchange

The Great Hall was abuzz with chatter.

Young wizards stood on tiptoes, eagerly awaiting today's Dueling class professor.

"Please, not Professor Moody. He's too scary," a Ravenclaw girl remarked. "Especially when he charges at you to correct your stance, it feels like he's about to cast a curse..."

"That's why he's teamed up with Professor Flitwick," her friend remarked.

Just then, Felix emerged from the entrance hall, stepping into the Great Hall. As he stood on the gilded platform, he noticed students from other schools.

"We have some new guests today. Welcome," Felix said softly, drawing his wand and conjuring a few sparks from its tip. "Usually, we only get to see each other during meals or in the library. This is a rare chance for you all to learn about the magical practices of different schools."

"Professor, are we going to have a challenge?"

"It's possible," Felix said lightly. "But I'd rather you focus on communication. Any brave soul willing to try? Or perhaps introduce your school?"

After a brief silence, a tall figure emerged from the crowd - Nona Leberth. She ran her fingers through her hair, revealing a graceful chocolate-colored neck, her gaze wild and untamed.

"Nona Leberth," she gestured toward herself, "from Uagadou. Proficient in astronomy, transfiguration, and after coming here, I've found a knack for spellcasting through gestures."

Nona waved her hand, and something more resembling a club than a wand flew to her, which she caught effortlessly. With a flick, she produced a startling "whoosh" sound. Students nearby instinctively retreated, wary of getting accidentally struck.

"Wands are not indispensable to us. They aid in smoother spellcasting," Nona explained. "Apart from wands, we emphasize independent gesture casting: quick, convenient, and secretive."

She raised her eyebrows. "If you want to dislocate someone's jaw, just a flick of the wrist... provided you're skilled enough."

"Excellent, Miss Leberth. Would you like to perform or—"

"No, I heard we could seek guidance from the professors, is that true?" she asked keenly. "I'm particularly interested in dueling, especially against those stronger than me... I challenged every senior student on Moon Mountain, including the younger professors."

"Of course," Felix nodded, patting Valen the Niffler's head, directing it to find a safe spot.

"Over here—"

"Look, Valen—"

More than one student called out, Valen seeming quite popular. However, it swiftly darted to Hermione's side. Hermione, peering over, scooped it up into her arms. "Oh, we can watch closely. Perhaps the third event might involve..."

"I don't want to face students from Uagadou or Ilvermorny," Ron grumbled. "Whether it's animal transfigurations or composite spells, they're tricky. According to Byles, they form teams in Dark Arts Defense class based on Auro standards."

"That's an advanced course for higher years, like an Auror prep," Hermione reminded him.

On the platform, Felix and Nona Leberth exchanged bows. Suddenly, Nona made a swift gesture, causing a burst of sparks from Felix's jaw - he had preemptively cast the Ironclad Jaw Charm.

"Gesture casting is swift. If uncertain, prioritizing self-defense is never wrong... You can use the Ironclad Charm or prepare a protective amulet," Felix's voice accompanied the action.

Nona continued her rapid hand movements, rhythmically tapping her fingers. Soon, the floor of the platform appeared dilapidated. Felix casually countered the spells, as Nona hadn't yet displayed sufficient prowess.

Then, fractured boards morphed into six African Porcupines. Felix jabbed his wand forcefully, sending magical ropes flying from its tip, entangling the creatures like a multi-headed serpent, disrupting the transformation.

The Porcupines suddenly emitted dense smoke. At that moment, Nona's figure vanished.

Felix, using magical sight, tracked her movements. In the center of the platform, he turned slightly, witnessing her elongate into an agile leopard, using the smoke's cover to stealthily approach. Like a feline poised to pounce, she suddenly sprang, but the previously shattered magical ropes surged upward, forming layers of serpentine shapes around her.


Seeing three serpents staring at her and hearing hissing sounds from behind, Nona promptly conceded.

As the smoke dissipated, she resumed her original form. Nona calmly asked Felix, "Where do you think I need improvement?"

"It's clear you have your tactics," Felix considered. "But your attack intentions are too obvious, and there's a lack of protection during human transfiguration... That shouldn't be overlooked, should it?"

"Not oversight," Nona smiled. "We've been working on teamwork lately. So, you weren't facing Nona Leberth, but a third of the Uagadou Warriors' squad. Normally, when I transform into a leopard, various protective spells cover me."

"I see," Felix nodded slightly, mentally simulating the potential of Uagadou's transformation tactics. Even with the displayed forms - the Roc, the Leopard, and the Elephant - while individually not exceedingly potent, their combined strength with protective spells from teammates could be formidable. They could utilize their respective advantages explosively - observe weaknesses as a Roc, surge in as a Leopard to seize vital positions, and finally charge through obstacles as an Elephant. This combination would pose little trouble even against regular Dark Wizards.

Then, a warrior from Durmstrang School stepped forward, attracting curious gazes. Little was known about this individual, even less so than the Bach fellow.

At least Bach had contributed a thrilling scene - Professor Karkaroff descending from a height at Black Lake, snatching him and causing the projection screen to go black for several minutes.

"Um, hello," the person stuttered, "I'm Alrik Poliakoff, and I really like the wine at the Hogwarts banquets..."

Laughter echoed through the hall.

Poliakoff's face turned even redder, looking flustered. When the laughter died down, he continued, "I, um... I'd like to introduce Dark Magic..."

The hall fell silent.

"I, uh... over these months, I've heard rumors about Durmstrang teaching students Dark Arts without any restraint... I feel it's necessary to clarify, cough cough! The rumors aren't entirely true..." Poliakoff said, "...it's necessary to introduce my school; otherwise, misunderstandings will only grow."

"Durmstrang has, since its second headmaster, emphasized dueling and war magic greatly. Six hundred years later, we've taken this tradition to its peak. Yes, Durmstrang indeed teaches Dark Arts, but each one is carefully selected, ensuring no issues... or else Durmstrang wouldn't be on par with Hogwarts or Beauxbatons," he explained.

Whispers spread among the young wizards.

"What do you think, Harry?" Ron asked.

"Seems somewhat reasonable," Harry pondered. "But I don't trust Karkaroff." He'd heard that Karkaroff had given Durmstrang's squad a ten in the second event, while others hovered

around seven or eight points.

That was after Karkaroff received a warning; otherwise, his ratings for others would have been lower.

"No one likes Karkaroff," Ron muttered, glancing up at Poliakoff on the platform, who was explaining some of Durmstrang's rules to showcase the school's strict attitude towards Dark Arts.

A smattering of applause filled the hall.

"Our rules also forbid nighttime wandering, trespassing in forbidden forests, and trading dungbombs!" Ron whispered.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle.

"Next, I'll demonstrate a few Dark Arts," Poliakoff, encouraged by the applause, said excitedly. "It's not as malevolent as one might think; it's just about channeling negative emotions in the right place, in a reasonable manner..."


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