A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 398: The Fire Dragon

Chapter 398: The Fire Dragon

Headmaster of Hogwarts was seated next to Madame Maxime, creating a striking contrast between the two. It was as if Madame Maxime had placed her porcelain doll beside her. Her voice rasped, "Courage is something my students are not lacking. The reason for not intervening is because there are more important matters at hand."

"Is she casting protective spells on her fellow champions? The African gesture-based magic is truly unique, almost like a dance..." Dumbledore said with a smile, stroking his beard.

Together, they turned their gaze towards a corner of the arena.

The agile warrior, akin to a leopard, swiftly moved his arms, manipulating the air with gestures and incantations. Colored lines appeared in the air, resembling ropes, forming circles around the largest Durmstrang champion. Despite the grimace of pain on his face, he remained immobile, caught within the ropes of magic.

The most spectacular display came from the Beauxbatons champions. The wands of the three champions emitted long whistling sounds as they unleashed powerful spells. Red and black flames merged with swirling vortexes, creating a magnificent composite magic.

The fierce winds even affected Crum, the Durmstrang champion who had been sneaking closer to the nesting dragon. Forced out of hiding, he retreated hastily with a grim expression. The fiery dragon had noticed his presence and guarded its eggs more closely.

"Why do you behave this way?" shouted one of the Durmstrang champions towards the others.

"This is permitted by the rules. One of a champion's challenges comes from other champions, as you should know!" Viktor Krum said coldly, struggling to control the black whirlwind with his companions. Flames, like tattered silk, flew from the wind, landing amidst the other dragons, adding to the chaos.

The Durmstrang champion clenched his teeth, yearning to cast a spell, but the rules forbade direct attacks on opponents.

Harry, currently engaged with the Hungarian Horntail, suddenly lifted his broom to evade a beautifully dangerous black flame. A corner of his robe turned to ash, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

He was acutely aware of the danger. The arena was filled with perils. He had narrowly avoided being hit by the flames of the crazed Antipodean Opaleye earlier. Even the sky, shared with the Welsh Green dragon, had become more treacherous.

He had to make space for the Green dragon, allowing it to engage the Antipodean Opaleye. Harry himself moved towards the direction of Beauxbatons. There stood Fleur Delacour, about forty feet away from the dragon. She seemed to be casting a complex enchantment, causing the dragon to appear drowsy. However, at crucial moments, black flames from the territory of the other Hungarian Horntail champions flew over, waking up the dragon.

Fleur scowled at these flames while the other two Beauxbatons champions were preoccupied with her troubles.

Harry stood high above, surveying the scene, a realization dawning upon him. To end the match without further disturbances, he had to act quickly. Descending, he shared his idea with Ron and Hermione.

The two had been busy during this time. One was raising a tall earthen wall, and the other was digging a deep pit. It looked like a rudimentary defense site. Even Bagman looked in their direction, but there might not be much to say; he soon turned his head away.

"The situation is intense, despite only two minutes passing... But in my opinion, if no results are achieved in half an hour, it will be difficult later on... Oh, look, the Hogwarts champion and the Durmstrang champion are making a new move! Are they going to collaborate? Merlin's beard!"

He exclaimed in shock, capturing everyone's attention.

At that moment, on Cedric's side, the blue Swedish Short-Snout dragon had reached its limit enduring the cloud above. Moreover, layers of mist had gathered outside the layers of rain, obscuring its vision of the distance and even blurring its footing.

Lowering its head, it spewed blue flames onto the chain around its feet. The iron chain, enchanted against fire, grew scorching hot. After half a minute, unable to withstand the heat, the chain snapped as it forcefully yanked.

The Swedish Short-Snout was free!

Excitedly flapping its wings, it shot straight into the sky, shattering the annoying rain clouds. The dragon caught a glimpse of a wizard riding a broomstick and a large blue eagle, but it glanced warily at the massive Hungarian Horntail and refrained from approaching, merely releasing a long stream of fire.

Immediately, the dragon turned around and dived, passing through the thick mist. The annoying wizard was no longer in its sight, replaced by a goat. The dragon was feeling a bit hungry. It glanced at its dragon's nest, feeling a sense of danger. Flying to the nest, it used its hind leg to grab a dragon egg, intending to place it in a safe spot before going after the goat. However, just as it lifted off the ground, it heard an incantation. A sudden thorny growth emerged from about a dozen feet away, extending rapidly towards it.

Wide-eyed, the dragon watched as the black thorns crawled up its blue scales, wings, and neck. Struggling fiercely, it flapped its wings, causing the thorns to crack like biscuits, but more black vegetation surged forth.

The detestable wizard who had disappeared earlier reappeared, casting spells at the dragon.

"Confundo! Confundo! Confundo!" Cedric shouted loudly.

With Roger Davies' dark thorns grown from the Engorgement Charm, the Swedish Short-Snout dragon was temporarily immobilized in midair. Davies could now cast spells without restraint, sending red beams of light at its belly, where there were no scales for protection.

The dragon grew drowsy, its wings fluttering aimlessly as it instinctively struggled. Unknowingly, it drifted towards the nearby Durmstrang region. At this moment, a silver tail, shimmering with colorful light, emerged from nowhere and smacked it on the head.

Finally, it could take no more. Plummeting from midair, it crashed heavily onto the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

However, it remained conscious. It still held the dragon egg carefully in its left claw. It twisted its neck to direct a burst of blue-hot flames towards Cedric and Roger Davies. They had to retreat far away.

Just then, the Swedish Short-Snout felt a slight sting on its left foot. It disregarded it, continuing to spew flames. Soon, a numbing sensation spread, causing it to halt. It looked down to see that its claw had loosened. The egg had rolled aside.

Is it out of strength? It wondered. But it immediately opened its mouth, not to breathe out flames, but in sheer astonishment.

Its dragon egg... was actually growing legs and running, getting farther and farther away?

Collins Flitwick, under the Disillusionment Charm, had finally seized her chance. Skilled in nonverbal spells, she had been dedicating her time to perfecting the charm and the Levitation Charm, all in anticipation of this moment.

Little did anyone know that when the Swedish Short-Snout grabbed the egg, she had already crept close. Trusting her companions, she stayed hidden, only revealing herself when the Horntail was ensnared by Roger Davies' thorny restraints and flipped over. She used the Levitation Charm "Relaxo Levioso" multiple times to release the dragon's grip.

Clutching the egg, each step felt like it was stepping on her heart, a rhythm of "thud, thud" echoing within her. She had finally escaped the most perilous area. She turned around and saw Cedric and Roger Davies both casting a Stupefy spell at the now immobilized Swedish Short-Snout.

With a sigh of relief, she flung the egg aside, rushing back. She reached to her side, only to realize her wand was missing. Oh no, it must have fallen onto the arena. The chaos was overwhelming. Dust filled the air, and amidst the haze, she spotted a dusty, gray stick. Bending down, she picked it up and swung it forcefully at the dragon's head.

"Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!"

After an uncertain amount of time, it was Roger Davies who stopped her. "Stop hitting, you'll wake it up if you continue." Collins stared at him blankly, then indicated a direction. It was the direction of the Durmstrang team.

Roger and Cedric turned their heads and their expressions grew perplexed. In the position previously occupied by the Antipodean Opaleye, a colossal African elephant had appeared out of nowhere. Despite being only ten feet tall, less than half the length of the dragon, it managed, with the help of its teammates, to seize an opportunity. It stomped the dragon underfoot and began trampling it with a maniacal fervor.

"Merlin's beard!" Roger Davies exclaimed, dazed.

"Yes, the dragon is going mad..." Cedric said.


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