A Player Who Eats Metal

Chapter 27: Cheongdam-dong, Unexpected Incident

Chapter 27: Cheongdam-dong, Unexpected Incident

< Chapter 27: Cheongdam-dong, Unexpected Incident – 2 >


As much as he knew the future, he prepared for everything and took every advantage.

Items, people, opportunities, everything…

That was Lee Hyunwook’s mindset.

But every time he did, the future changed slightly, and inevitably, unforeseen events occurred.

However, fortunately, so far, all these unexpected incidents turned out to be ‘unexpected benefits’.

“It seems to be a similar case this time.”

Lee Hyunwook was now sitting face-to-face with Kim Kang-seok and Cheon Myung-ho in the main office.

Once again, an unforeseen event was starting.

Kim Kang-seok spoke first.

“Lee Hyunwook, you know about the Red Gate, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

Gates usually have a purple hue.

But not all of them were like that.

Red Gate, Blue Gate, etc.

Depending on their attributes, gates emit different colors.

Speaking of the Red Gate…

“…It’s the gate with various restrictions, right?”

Just like the ‘unlucky event’ a few days ago, various restrictions apply inside the ‘dungeon’ of the gate.

There were constraints on admission, unfavorable rules, and environments; it was a complex situation in many ways.

“That’s right. A vicious stage that even devours veteran raid teams… That’s the Red Gate.”

Kim Kang-seok had an expression of apparent displeasure.

“However, we received orders from the command to raid the Red Gate.”

Here, the ‘command’ referred to ‘AMT Seoul Operation Command’.

“Hmm, battalion commander, I’ll take it from here.”

“…Go ahead.”

Following that, Lieutenant Cheon Myung-ho began explaining the reason for calling Lee Hyunwook.

The summary was as follows:

A ‘Red Gate’ had appeared at a building construction site in Cheongdam-dong.

Entry restricted to those below level 18, a maximum of 30 people allowed, and no exit allowed until the raid is complete.

Those were the rules.

“…After stopping the first outbreak post the gate emergence, the Cheonghwa Guild announced that they would take on the raid solo.”

The Cheonghwa Guild and the 1st battalion of the 3rd Maritime Division cooperatively manage the same area and jointly respond to gate appearances.

However, when it comes to ‘raid operations’ into dungeons, only one side has the ‘right to raid’ and ‘ownership’.

The reason was simple.

Outbreaks involve real-space battles with concerns for civilian casualties, thus prioritizing ‘public safety.’ However, dungeons, where there are no such concerns, base their stake on a ‘business perspective’.

‘In other words, monopolizing leads to much larger profits, which is why they compete for the right to raid.’

Dungeon raids had become a privatized market, and the entities making a living off it were the guilds.


“…3 days ago, Cheonghwa Guild’s third raid attempt failed.”

The situation there was heading in an unfavorable direction.

“In that case, don’t we have to jointly respond starting from the fourth raid according to the agreement?”

“Oh, you do know well? That’s why the Cheonghwa side seems quite upset.”

There existed a ‘mutual agreement’ stating that if the side holding the raiding rights fails in three successive raids, it is judged to lack the capacity for raiding, necessitating a ‘joint response’ involving two or more organizations.

If they fail again, the gate is designated as a ‘Trouble 3’ grade subject to strict surveillance, forming a ‘coalition’ involving more than five organizations to launch a large-scale raid operation.

If that still results in failure, the last resort — discussing the deployment of the ‘S-rank’ final weapon — is on the table.

Following these regulations, the Cheongdam-dong Red Gate was currently in the second phase, the ‘joint response’ stage.

“Since the Red Gate has a level restriction of 18, we couldn’t rashly dispatch forces… but after witnessing the achievements of the rescue team deployed in the Seoul Station ‘unlucky event,’ the commander saw some potential and ordered to deploy that rescue team’s forces… in this operation.”

Seoul Station unlucky event rescue team’s performance…

Yes, honestly, it was like a miracle, an achievement that remains praiseworthy even after being highly valued.


Cheon Myeong-ho put his hand on Lee Hyunwook’s shoulder.

“…I am really sorry, but you are the best person for this operation.”

Cheon Myeong-ho’s explanation ended there.

Kim Kang-seok shook his head horizontally and sighed.

“Ah… To be honest, it’s too dangerous. The Cheonghwa side accurately matched the level 18 with only high-level players and deployed them three times, but not a single person returned alive.”

One of the reasons why the Cheonghwa Guild could not support players under level 15 during the Seoul Station unlucky event was precisely because a significant number of promising players were being lost in that red gate.

“Moreover, the fourth attack starts tonight. It’s too sudden, I…”

For Kim Kang-seok, it was frustrating.

To send his soldiers to a battlefield with an overwhelmingly high probability of failure was distressing, especially when he had to send the ones he valued the most…

But the soldier being valued, Lee Hyunwook, thought differently.

He was smiling inside.

‘An incredible opportunity has come to me like this…’

An unexpected event that unfolded as the future changed little by little, fortunately, it was an opportunity this time too.

Lee Hyunwook knew very well about this Cheongdam-dong ‘red gate’.

‘It’s one of the gates called the cannibal gate in the future.’

With a total of 5 failed conquest attempts, and 112 players being eaten, it was the worst gate.

Even all of them were promising individuals of Cheonghwa, a prestigious guild in Korea, and they were expected to take responsibility for Korea’s security and national dignity a few years later; they vanished into nothingness.

‘But in the game, difficulty means tremendous rewards.’

Naturally, this red gate spewed out items of tremendous value.

In his memory, magical metals like “Mithril” and valuable “Adamantium” appeared, and furthermore, it was possible to acquire all kinds of items that were the possessions of the conquered team that perished there.

‘And… there is a quite good spear buried there.’

A hero rank item, ‘Spear of Achilles’.

An item with a unique effect where a wound inflicted by it would hardly heal…

That thing was lying deep inside the Cheongdam-dong Red Gate dungeon.

‘In this case… I can grow once more just before the fourth wave.’

Lee Hyunwook thought so and was smiling inside, but externally he maintained a stoic expression.

At that time, Kim Kang-seok sighed again.

“Ah… why on earth is the commander pushing this so much?”

Cheon Myeong-ho didn’t answer specifically.

But Lee Hyunwook knew why very well.

‘If it’s something that would make Jung Sang-sik flip his lid, it would be because of the Cheonghwa Guild.’

At that time, AMT Seoul Operation Commander General Jung Sang-sik was antagonizing the Cheonghwa Guild.

It was because he had a bitter personal enmity with the master of the Cheonghwa Guild, Yoo Jae-hyuk.

Unfortunately, in all respects, Jung Sang-sik could not beat Yoo Jae-hyuk.

Therefore, he fervently wished that the AMT troops he commanded would achieve better results than Cheonghwa.

Even if it’s a very small thing, to win at least once…

‘Jung Sang-sik was a person who used the lives of his subordinates like consumables to achieve results…’

Commanders who typically throw common soldiers into the fray, that was his style.

Therefore, he had ordered deployment in the strategy operation that would start tonight.

‘Who would have thought that person’s reckless personality would be helpful to me?’

Then it happened.

“Ah… Battalion commander?”

Cheon Myung-ho raised his phone with a troubled expression.


A call was coming in.

“Could it be… the commander?”

With a nervous face, Cheon Myung-ho nodded and cautiously answered the phone.

“Salute, commander! Yes, that’s right.”

It couldn’t be anything but extreme given that the commander was calling directly.

“Yes? Ah… Ah! We will do so.”

Cheon Myung-ho looked back and forth between Kim Kang-seok and Lee Hyunwook, then put the phone down on the table.

And then he switched to speakerphone.

“Commander, we’ve switched to speakerphone now.”

―Alright, is that guy listening right now?

“Salute! Corporal, Lee Hyunwook.”

Lee Hyunwook stepped forward sensibly.

―Ah ah, yes, I have only been hearing about your heroic actions all day yesterday and today. Wow, it’s really impressive! Despite being F-rank, achieving merits and perfectly protecting civilians in danger, I’m truly proud!

The voice was somewhat frivolous for a general of a major rank.

“Yes! Thank you!”

―Hmm, so… that, have you heard all the details from Lieutenant Cheon?

“Yes, the Red Gate, correct.”

―…How about it? Want to give it a try?

It was surprisingly frank to propose risking one’s life like this.

“…If you order it, I will.”

―No, it’s not an order. Right now, I am asking if you want to volunteer for a task that can not only be of great help to your future but also allow you to achieve the highest merit during your AMT service.


At those sophistries, Kim Kang-seok clutched his head.

The fact that the Three-Star had personally called practically equated to coercion.

Yet, Lee Hyunwook continued the conversation calmly.

“Excuse me, Commander, may I ask one thing?”

―Sure sure, go ahead, ask ten things, or even a hundred.

“In my opinion… this operation seems to be more than just an assault on a single gate, it feels like the AMT’s pride is on the line.”

―Pride? Hmm, why?

“As someone belonging to the AMT, it is inevitable to be concerned since we will be competing with the Cheonghwa Guild, which is also in charge of the Seoul area. The perspective of the Cheonghwa guild, which strongly sees us, AMT, as below them… If it’s a joint operation, it practically seems like a full-frontal battle wagering the pride of both Cheonghwa Guild and AMT. Hence, I dare to… worry if I can undertake the task involving the pride of AMT.”

―Hmm, you… have some sense, don’t you?

He emphasized deliberately that ‘pride’ was at stake.

Although he didn’t want to reveal it, it must have been Jung Sang-sik’s objective, so he stimulated that.

“So, does this mean, Commander, that you believe in my potential in the competition with Cheonghwa?”

A brief silence-

―Well… what I mean is… having been in this position for a long time, I can see a soldier’s capacity with just a few stories. When I heard about your achievements at Seoul Station, I thought you’d be perfect for handling this case. That’s why I decided to entrust it to you. This could be seen as a kind of trust, couldn’t it?

It was not only the accomplishments at Seoul Station that reached the commander’s ears.

The encounters with goblins, kobolds, orcs, and even the duel training witnessed by Lieutenant Cheon Myung-ho could have been reported.

In other words, it wasn’t blindly forcing a mission onto him; they selected Lee Hyunwook as the ‘piece’ for this game based on various pieces of information.

Honestly, it was welcome.

“…In that case, I will try.”

―Oh? Really? You… can really do it?

“Commander, just, if you believe in my success…”

Lee Hyunwook had no intention of going empty-handed.

He would gain something from this opportunity.

“… I would like to request a weapon. And if I deliver results satisfying enough for you, Commander, I would like that weapon to be given to me as a reward.”

―Hmm, what weapon are you talking about?

“… I’d like the ‘Failnaught’ from the headquarters’ armory.”

―… What?

“I believe it is the most suitable weapon for my ability to manipulate metal.”



A brief silence followed.

Both Kim Kang-seok and Cheon Myung-ho wore somewhat surprised expressions.

Failnaught, Failnaught…

It was the arrow that never missed its mark, used by ‘Tristan’, a character from the legend of King Arthur.

It wasn’t a bow, but a single ‘arrow’.

‘So it was thrown into storage, gathering dust until it came into my possession.’

While it needed to be used by an archer, it had the inconvenience of requiring retrieval after being shot, and it served as evidence allowing the identification of the shooter, making it unsuitable for assassination.

In many ways, it was inevitably less versatile. Nor did it possess overwhelming destructive power. Just that it had incredible accuracy and was endowed with a ‘magic nullification’ effect….

Therefore, no one sought it before Lee Hyunwook, who could freely control metal, and intended to use it.

Even so, everyone was surprised because it was a ‘heroic’ grade item.

“Commander, if you trust and support me, I will definitely produce results.”

He exuded confidence, emphasizing his point once more.


―…Alright, fine!

After contemplating, it seemed like he thought it wasn’t a losing deal.

Investing in an item with no utility, just to potentially break Yoo Jae-hyuk’s arrogance, seemed worth it.

To that extent, Jung Sang-sik’s competitive spirit was immense.

To the point where several incidents fueled by that competitive spirit would occur in the future…

―I’ll send it within an hour. You absolutely must surpass those Cheonghwa guys, understood?

“Yes! Understood!”

* * *

Shortly afterward, Kim Kang-seok called the low-level soldiers who had been deployed on the Seoul Station rescue mission.

Just because Lee Hyunwook agreed did not mean they could recklessly send all the low-level soldiers into danger. It was right to inform them of the mission’s risks and to receive their consent.

“… Now, the choice is yours.”

After finishing the explanation, Kim Kang-seok said those words, and Cheon Myung-ho felt anxious.

This was because there was a significant possibility that no one would volunteer.

However, an unexpected result came out.

“If Corporal Lee Hyunwook is going, then I will go too.”

“I will also be with you this time. It seems like an opportunity for growth.”

“… Ah, then I, I also want to participate in this operation!”

Including An Min-tae and Park Junmo, 8 people from the low-level rescue team who had been deployed at Seoul Station volunteered.

“You guys…”

Kim Kang-seok showed a somewhat moved expression, typical of a soldier of that level.

“To be honest, I am afraid. But I want to face it with my eyes slightly closed.”

An Min-tae said so while looking at Lee Hyunwook.

‘If I am with Corporal Lee Hyunwook… I can grow faster.’

They were thinking that being with Lee Hyunwook could be an ‘opportunity’ beyond any experience, aware that if not the low-level ones like them, there were no others capable of doing it.

In this way, the series of exploits shown by Lee Hyunwook had already become a strong trust.

“Corporal Lee Hyunwook, you… seem to have grown much larger while I wasn’t looking.”

Cheon Myung-ho spoke.

In just a few days of not seeing him, Lee Hyunwook had attained a position that was incomparable to before.

“So it makes the future even more exciting.”

For a moment, a strange tension was felt between Kim Kang-seok and Cheon Myung-ho.

Anyway, in this way, a ‘Special Tactics Unit’ consisting of 9 people including Lee Hyunwook was formed.

“Gather in 30 minutes! Everyone complete the armament and check the skills!”

They each returned to their living quarters and began to get ready for combat.

“We don’t know what will happen in the dungeon, so check several times to make sure you didn’t miss anything when putting on the military uniform!”

There were several types of military uniforms within the AMT.

Among them, the heaviest was the ‘Dungeon Conquest Type’ uniform.

This was because in the worst case, one had to live for several days inside the dungeon.

“Ugh, it’s heavy….”

“Park Junmo, that heaviness will save you.”

Lee Hyunwook quickly finished preparing and checked the information of the newly acquired skill that he had forgotten.

[ Congratulations! By satisfying special conditions, the ‘Physical Strengthening’ skill is greatly enhanced! ]

He had rushed to the battalion commander’s office after checking this message in the training ground.

‘It seems to have naturally fused with physical strengthening after absorbing the armor system.’

In this manner, swallowing a certain item enhances the corresponding skill.

Of course, this didn’t mean he could devour all things metallic, such as armor and shields indiscriminately. It only applied to things that were not mixed with other components and could be swallowed in one bite.

And such cases were rarer than expected.

Lee Hyunwook checked the detailed information.

[Skill Information]

-Name: Unyielding Physical Strengthening

-Grade: C

-Effect: Temporarily ‘enhances’ a part of the body by consuming Mana(20).

-1 [Mana Shield]

-2 [Secret Engraving]

-3 [Unknown]

The skill grade improves when a certain amount of ‘high-hardness magic metal’ is swallowed.

‘Level up’ is possible when experience points are obtained through hunting.

The existing ‘Physical Strengthening’ has been upgraded to ‘Unyielding Physical Strengthening’.

Various details were added to it.

Firstly, it advanced one step from grade D to grade C.

Lee Hyunwook attempted ‘Physical Strengthening’ on his left arm.


‘It hasn’t increased in thickness, but it has become much stronger and more powerful.’

Based on experience, if it felt to this extent, his grip strength should have increased by about 5 times.

Since grade D was about 3 times, it was a significant growth.

‘On top of that… additional skills have emerged.’

There were a total of 3 items, and only items 1 and 2 were opened.

First, he applied skill number 1, ‘Mana Shield’, to his left hand where ‘Physical Strengthening’ was applied.

[ ‘Mana Shield’ has been activated ]


A vague energy-like substance began to flow around the part of the body that had been strengthened.

The skin tissue, which had become as hard as metal, vibrated finely, emitting mana.

Then, this flow of mana circulated through the body, functioning as a ‘Mana Shield’.

It operated on the same principle as the scales of a ‘Dragon’ counteracting magic.

‘It should be able to easily neutralize beginner-level magic.’

During the time he was referred to as the Steel Emperor, Lee Hyunwook’s biggest weakness was ‘magic resistance’.

Even with maximized physical strengthening, he could only increase his physical defense, leaving him vulnerable to magical attacks.

This necessitated constant protection from all directions by a dedicated tanker named Seo Eunha.

‘I tried to somehow increase my magic resistance, but it wasn’t easy…’

There were hardly any metals that could enhance magic resistance.

To be precise, there were no metals small enough to consume.

‘This time, it has changed fundamentally.’

His most critical weakness had been somewhat mitigated.

‘And the second skill, Secret Engraving… What is this?’

[ Please hold the ‘item’ to be engraved in your body ]

Following the message, he took out a steel bead and held it in his hand.


[ It has been engraved ]

The steel bead turned into smoke and was absorbed into his hand, something was engraved on the skin of his left wrist.

“…A tattoo?”

It seemed as though very small metal particles had been engraved into his skin.

And this circular shape seemed to represent the steel bead.

When he infused mana into it again…


The ‘tattoo’ flowed out, and the steel bead was automatically held in his left hand.

“Pretty good, isn’t it?”

It seemed as if the ‘subspace’ function that was originally attached to the item had changed like this.

Being able to store items in the body through a tattoo, honestly, the portability could not be anything but tremendous.

He recalled the scene where Han Taesan pulled out Mjolnir from the secret armor.

The bare-handed guy suddenly pulled out a hammer from somewhere and swung it, leaving the enemies with no choice but to be taken aback.

‘I can create interesting scenes.’

And it was at that moment.

“Corporal Lee Hyunwook! You must go to the armory immediately!”

A private from the second squad delivered the message.

‘Failnaught, it has arrived.’

Seeing that it didn’t take even an hour, it seemed to have arrived through a ‘small portal’ linked to the armory.

Lee Hyunwook immediately went down to the armory and received the item.

It was a metal box measuring about 50 cm in length and 150 cm in width.

When he came back to the barracks with the box, there was no one around.

It seemed that the squad members had gathered in the central corridor after concluding their combat readiness stance.

Upon opening the box, there lay a silver arrow emitting a refined light.

[Item Information]

-Name: Tristan’s Failnaught

-Effect: It tracks the targeted object once aimed and strikes it, ignoring ‘magic resistance’.

‘It’s been a while.’

This was one of the main weapons that Lee Hyunwook used.

Although he had tried numerous items, rarely were there any as easy to control as this one.

Unlike normal arrows, it was entirely metal, from fletching to tip.

This meant that it was a very fitting target for Lee Hyunwook to demonstrate his metal control ability.


Applying the newly acquired skill, Failnaught disappeared like smoke and…

[ It has been engraved ]

A small arrow tattoo was engraved on his left wrist.

“Let’s see…”

He infused the tattoo with mana and exerted his metal control ability, strongly pushing it out.



From where there was nothing – the empty space within his grasp – ‘Failnaught’ burst out and shot vertically, piercing through the barracks in the blink of an eye and stopping precariously near a window.

It almost seemed like an illusion of teleportation.


Even Lee Hyunwook, who controlled it directly, couldn’t see its movement ‘with his eyes’.

Because it shot out the moment it materialized from the smoke as the secret engraving was deactivated.

“This… is a perfect combination to pierce through defenses, isn’t it?”

It was the ‘Failnaught’ that he used numerous times in his previous life,

But a new weapon was born with the combination of ‘secret engraving’.

It seemed to be more useful than the ‘hidden sword’ that he frequently used.

Feeling satisfied, Lee Hyunwook retrieved Failnaught and it disappeared like smoke as he ‘engraved’ it again.

He headed to the assembly area with the ‘arrow that never misses’ hidden in a ‘place that can never be seen’.


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