A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Glossary - Q&A

Glossary - Q&A


[Heartless - Bronze] - You have survived after losing your heart, one of the vital organs of your species. In the future, you will be able to stay alive for a while without this vital organ.

But a word of advice: try to keep it anyway.

VIT +10%

[Double Heart - Silver] - You now have a hole in your chest and are waiting for a transplant. The potential of this second heart is almost infinite. Make the right choice.

It doesn't mean you can become a bigamist.

Bonus Error. Bonus dependent on the second heart chosen. VIT +10%.

[Brainless - Bronze] - You have survived after losing your brain. Your mind gradually becomes more than a few neural connections. This is the first step to unlocking your domain.

Try to use this organ more. It will help you lose it less.

WILL + 10%

[Quester - Bronze] - You completed a Concepts quest successfully. All given quests have a solution. Potentially more. It's up to you to find them and come out stronger.

Imagine, some will entrust you with a vital quest. Poor souls...

PERC +10%

[Questor - Silver] - You have completed seven Concepts quests. While not particularly interested in helping your fellow man, your willingness to explore the world by going above and beyond at every turn made it possible.

Your instincts are sharpening and will now push you in directions that may interest you.

PERC +20

Meta (CHANCE) +20

[Pseudo-Phoenix - Bronze] - You have been burned to death. Your entire body turned to ashes. Impossibly, you survived. You follow the path of the Phoenix and learn from your failures. Be careful that they do not cost you your last life. Or worse.

Flames that don't hurt you heal you.

Honestly, most flames still burn you. Maybe not the ones from the matches?

VIT +10%

[Infantile Phoenix - Silver] - All that was left of you was ashes. Yet here you are. It's not the first time you've cheated death - something you have in common with the Phoenix.

The Tear of the Phoenix, purified by [Essence of Abomination], flowed through your veins. Your reconstitution and the synergies of your various Titles have integrated it into your ethereal code. You're not quite human anymore.

It's almost impossible to become - even partially - a Phoenix. This proud race leaves only two choices for half-bloods. Bend down and rejoin the clan, or die.

You control some fires. Flames naturally temper you. Being on the verge of death has a tiny chance of triggering Nirvana.

VIT +20%

[Axolotl or Hydra - Bronze] - You have regenerated your arms, legs, organs, and even your heart! Your vitality now allows you to restore any body part as long as you have the time and energy.

VIT +10%

[Three-headed Hydra - Silver] - In mythology, the Hydra of Lerna was defeated by Heracles. Its powers of regeneration were mythical, and its blood was poisonous. Sound familiar? Beware of demigods

A newborn hydra has one head. At one year, they acquire a second. At ten, a third, and so on in multiples of ten. You're as strong as a ten-year-old orphan hydra. Each new head increases the hydra's power tenfold. Time is its best ally, but it is your worst enemy.

Your vitality allows you to restore any body part as long as you have the time and energy. You can regenerate a limb or organ once a day, extremely quickly. Your blood is already poisoned, so this Title increases its lethality.

VIT +10%

[Hermes' Apprentice - Bronze] - There's no point in starting on time when you can run faster than the wind. Today the light foot, tomorrow the winged foot. You've broken all the running records, but you're still accelerating. Keep going and find your way.

No more need to take the bus: you run faster!

AGI +20

[Lunar Baron - Bronze] - For outstanding performance in the Reunion, this title of nobility is granted to you. Being a Lunar Baron opens many doors for you, and you can enter any dome without a toll.

Beware, as a Baron, you arouse the curiosity of other Nobles.

FOR + 10


AGI +10

VIT +10

PERC +10

[Moon Viscount - Silver] - Alone, you slayed a Viscount. For this outstanding performance in the Reunion, you are promoted. A Viscount is a powerful Title of Nobility for a new civilization. Enhance this Title to have the right to actively participate in decisions concerning the future of your species.

The Earl is getting impatient. He summons you to his court. If you don't find him soon, he'll turn hostile.

Wherever you are, the Moon Mist is. You can make your mist undetectable, invisible, odorless, and untouchable. Additionally, it would be concealed from the ethereal senses.

[Moon Earl - Gold] - You have participated in the elimination of several Earls. The sum of your participation is greater than 100%. For this outstanding performance in the Reunion, you are promoted to Moon Earl.

You are now one of the most powerful nobles of this Reunion. Be proud of your achievements.

To stop running for a second is to lose the race.

Mist is everywhere you are. You are a representative of the Moon. Its blessing is with you. Can you sense it?

[Upgrader - Bronze] - You have pushed a common skill to its limits at Tier 0, then increased its rarity.

You are on the right track.

POT +100

[Forerunner - Skills - Silver] - You are the first of your kind to have earned the title [Upgrader]. Keep it up. Whatever you desire, you will need power. Choose to free your people or put them in chains. But if you want to choose, stay first.

CHAR +20

META (Chance) +20

POT +100

[To the Moon - Bronze] - You launched a projectile at over a thousand meters per second. Faster than the thunder on your home planet. Your enemies don't hear the death knell. They are already dead.

Always faster, always further.

Skill received. [Bullet time - Rare]

[Atlas Admirer - Bronze] - The Titan Atlas held up the world. You didn't bend the knee in the face of death or a few million tons of rock. You failed to sustain your burden, but as a Tier 0, your effort was significant enough to grant you this Title. Keep pushing your limits; one day, you'll have the strength to break your chains.

STR +10%.

[Veteran - Bronze] - You have acquired ten different types of resistance. You've fought many enemies. The elements, weapons, magic and even the laws of the universe have left their mark on you. You have bled and hardened. Your path is full of suffering, but you persevere.

Your resistances now increase in levels more rapidly. You can acquire new resistances more easily.

CONST +10%

[Threat Killer - Bronze] - You're not the shield that protects humanity. You are the spear that destroys its enemies. This choice says a lot about you because you didn't hesitate for a moment. You're getting to know yourself better, and you don't look away when you meet your reflection.

Humanity fears monsters. Will monsters fear you?

You detect threats to humanity.

STR +10%

POT +50

[Iconoclast - Gold] - You urinated on the statue of a god, while he was watching you. You risked something worse than death. Was it courage, madness or idiocy? In any case, you survived after desecrating Viracocha. He's not all-powerful. No one is.

You become more resistant to auras.

Your soul begins to crystallize.

[Fighter of the Depths - Bronze] - The Depths, the deserts between worlds, are a little-known place. Strange creatures reign there. Some harmless, others frightening. You've attracted the attention of one of them and succeeded in slaying it. However, this artificial creature would have been too weak to survive the Depths

As you look at the Depths, they look at you.

STR +10%

[Supersonic Boy - Silver] - Your body has exceeded the speed of sound without using tools or artifice. Nobody will steal this thunder!

Don't worry, the next step isn't to exceed the speed of light. Not yet.

AGI +20%

Trees of Merit

By continually pushing your limits, you have unlocked the Trees of Merit.

Each new Title opens a new Tree of Merit and allows you to upgrade a Tree of Merit once.

Upgrading a Tree of Merit to Tier 9 uses 10 Titles and thus condemns 9 other Trees. Be careful which trees you upgrade...

[Double Heart - Silver] - Tier 0: Once a day, one heart can regenerate instantly.

[Brainless] - Tier 0: Your mind is no longer confined to your brain but to your entire body. ACQUIRED

[Brainless] - Tier 1: Your mind is bound to your body. Any external manipulation on your mind must first pass the protection of your physical envelope. ACQUIRED

[Brainless] - Tier 2: Your mind opens up to the world. You begin to use part of it to interact with your environment. ACQUIRED

[Brainless] - Tier 3: Locked. Requires a Silver Title.

[Questor - Silver] - Tier 0: Your instincts are sharpening.

[Infantile Phoenix - Silver] - Tier 0: Your flame affinity allows you to manipulate fires.

[Three-headed Hydra - Silver] - Tier 0: Following a regeneration, your body becomes more resistant to what has damaged it. ACQUIRED

[Three-headed Hydra - Silver] - Tier 1: The Tier 0 Merit synergizes with all resurrections, recreations, regenerations, and other means of restoring your body to its optimal state. ACQUIRED

[Three-headed Hydra - Silver] - Tier 2: When your body is in perfect health, your Vitality accumulates. The subsequent injury you receive will be healed all the faster because your Vitality has accumulated.

[Apprentice of Hermes] - Tier 0: Future messenger, you are temporarily accepted by traveling to other worlds than Elysium.

[Moon Earl - Gold] - Tier 0: You are getting familiar with the mist. ACQUIRED

[Moon Earl - Gold] - Tier 1: The Mist hides you. You are one of its own, Mistwalker. ACQUIRED

[Moon Earl - Gold] - Tier 2: The Mist helps you. You begin your adventure, Mist Rider. ACQUIRED

[Moon Earl - Gold] - Tier 3: The mist protects you. You're not alone, Mistchild. ACQUIRED

[Moon Earl - Gold] - Tier 4: The mist becomes a part of you. You are the mist, Mist Adept.

[Upgrader] - Tier 0: You begin to feel the ethereal workings of your skills.

[Forerunner - Silver] - Tier 0: Your META (chance) increases temporarily when you work on a project capable of improving the standing of humanity.

[To the Moon] - Tier 0: [Bullet time] is automatically triggered when you are in danger of death.

[Admirer of Atlas] - Tier 0: Your power works miracles. You can temporarily double your strength.

[Veteran] - Tier 0: Your resistance is even more effective.

[Threat Killer] - Tier 0: You feel people's hostile thoughts toward you.

[Iconoclast - Gold] - Tier 0: You're beginning to feel your soul.

[Fighter of the Depths] - Tier 0: You are more resistant to the corruption of the Depths.

[Supersonic Boy - Silver] - Tier 0: Passively modifies your aethereal code to make you more aerodynamic.


[He Who Eludes Death] - ?[Humanity adapts - Silver] - Talent racial des humains. Augmente ladaptabilit en toutes circonstances.

[Touched by aether] - Your body has begun to adapt to the aether. This primordial fluid will change you.

[Mirror of the Soul - Bronze] - In the center of your mental space is now a pond, and its water purifies your soul. As you approach the shore, you contemplate your naked reflection. The pond does not reflect lies.

Who are you? Lean in and look at the truth. Sweet or hurtful, don't be Narcissus or Dorian Gray. To accept your identity is to move forward.

[Citizen of the Aether]- Your body is partially adapted to the aether. You are now eligible for tempering. Tempering your body brings you closer to the aether and perfection. Warning: Your mind is not adapted to the aether.

[Eidetic Memory] - You used to have a poor memory. A simple shelf to store the sum of your knowledge. Your mental space now has a vast library of information storage, half organic, half spiritual. Your memory is directly connected to your mind, and the loss of your brain will no longer result in the loss of memories. You can now access all your knowledge at any time.

[Promesse - Bound to Priam Azura] - A spear from another world. Bound to its bearer by the Concepts, baptized by battle, blessed by the Phoenix and repeatedly reforged by a mysterious power. Its potential is linked to its wearer. Like the Phoenix, the flames temper it.

As a [Bound Weapon], it benefits from a small portion of its wearer's Titles and Talents.

Improves the effectiveness of spear-based skills.

[He Who Eludes Gods] - Your soul belongs to you. You are now unique. The one and only Priam Azura.

[Chimera] - Your body can cope better with the simultaneous presence of opposing elements. Your biological system will adapt to many changes.


Skills acquired during the Tutorial:

[Geometry - Rare]


MEM +2

[Algebra - Rare]


MEM +2

[Physics - Waves - Rare]


[Physics - Matter - Rare]


[Physics - Quantum - Rare]


[Physics - Forces - Rare]


[Physics - Energy - Rare]



AGI +1


STR +1


AGI +1





Skills acquired after the Tutorial:

[Heat Resistance] - Some people spend their day at the foundry, others at the stove. Some like their baths very hot. Either way, slight resistance to temperatures above your body's internal heat can't hurt. For each level in this skill, your biochemical reaction system and your cells will be able to adapt to a higher internal temperature.

The thermometer indicates 42C. Go to work, you lazy bastard!

VIT +1

[Thermal Resistance] - Thermal energy is the kinetic energy of agitation of the molecules and atoms of a body. From now on, your body is more resistant to heat energy transfers by conduction, convection, or radiation.

However, it was a bit extreme to immolate yourself to gain this skill.


[Infantile Phoenix Metabolism - Rare] - Your body is transformed. Your cells become half material, half aethereal. The chemical reactions your body needs to function change. Slowly, you're letting go of your humanity. It is the path you have chosen in order to survive.

You can now convert part of your thermal energy into pure aether. The water in your body remains liquid even at over 100C - 1 bar pressure.

VIT +2


[Identification] - One of the natural skills of natives. Using your senses to identify a substance, a material, an object, or a living being can be handy. But be careful young seeker; touching poison or swallowing molten metal is not a good idea without some solid skills.

In the meantime, this should help you in the future. If you survive.

MEM +1

[Osmosis - Epic] - A rare skill, unique to natives of non-aetheric regions. For complex reasons, your system used to refuse the passage of ambient aether through your skin. Only specific mucous membranes could allow the aether to diffuse into your body. With this skill, your body can capture ambient aether and circulate it passively. At high levels, this skill can be critical to your survival.

PHY +1


[Stealth] - Years of slowly walking down the stairs to get a snack in the middle of the night have taught you to calculate your every step carefully. You pay attention to where you put your feet. You control your breathing. Flexed on your feet, your movement is deliberately silent. Entities in your environment have a harder time detecting you.

You manage to outdo yourself when a cupcake is at stake.

AGI +1

[Climbing] - Excellent sport activity using the whole human body to move. The sedentary lifestyle has forced most men to move only with two legs. You have begun to question this axiom.

Monkeys aren't your cousins, but your skill level puts them to shame all the same.

AGI +1

[Meditation - Rare] - A mental practice that focuses on a certain state of thought, emotions, and the body. You seek mental calm, relaxation, and, ultimately, physical control of your body. The art of meditation is ancient, and yet there are still secrets that humans have not discovered. The road is long, but this skill could be instrumental if practiced diligently. Possible synergy with a title detected.

Stop thinking you are a Buddhist monk. Your distracting thoughts do not help with meditation.


[Strike] - Not all conflicts can be settled with words; you understand that. Your ancestors spent millennia resolving their disagreements by penetrating their enemies with foreign bodies. If they could see you today, they would be proud of you.

Now get dressed and stop showing off your spear.


[Spear Strike - Rare] - You specialize in striking. Leaving behind other weapons and projectiles, you become more familiar with your Bound Weapon. Together, you can make your enemies tremble.

Your bound spear becomes even more familiar. You feel your link growing stronger. An evolution is in sight.

STR +2


[Kinetic Control - Epic] - Absorb, use, channel. Control. Kinetic energy obeys you. Motion energy is more than you think. Massive potential for evolution.

VIVA + 2

DEXT + 3


Bonus: [Nimble Micro] - The precision of your control over your body's molecules increases drastically. Synergize with Micro.

[Perforation Resistance] - The finger penetrates the butter, and the iron penetrates the finger. You fight more against the iron than against the butter; now, the iron will penetrate you less. The arrangement of your body's molecules is optimized to give you better protection against puncture.

There will be no jokes about penetration. But stop.


[Cut Resistance] - Life has tried to separate your body into different pieces. Obviously, you disagreed. The arrangement of your body's molecules is optimized to give you better protection against slicing.

If you don't pay more attention to your head, you will lose it permanently


[Blunt Resistance] - Have you ever tried to kick down a door with your shoulder? Or missed the nail with the hammer but not your finger? Then you know what blunt damage is.

Put the hammer down now.

Your body's cell membranes are optimized to provide better protection against bluntness.


[Star Iron Body - Rare] - Your flesh is transformed. Your body has taken its first steps on a mythical path. Star Iron is a cosmic metal, naturally forged in the heart of a Tier 1 star. The high aether density and terrible physical conditions under which it was created make this metal extremely resistant. Increase the level of this skill and temper your body to complete your Star Iron Body.

Your enemies will despair facing your constitution.

You are pushing back the Tier 0 limits of tempering.


[Poison Resistance] -The body is a fragile machine, and certain substances can cause it harm. Chemical reactions, injuries, or illnesses, these toxins cause reactions that can range from indisposition to death. But remember, nothing is poison, and everything is poison: only the dose matters. Your body accepts larger doses of potentially harmful substances and filters them out faster.

Now you can stuff your face with chocolates without worrying about diabetes.

VIT +1

[Poison Body - Rare] - In your body flows poison. Your blood is harmful to most organisms. You are immune to the poisons of your Tier, and they strengthen your organs, bones, and muscles. You are resistant to the poisons of the next Tier.

Smoking is now good for your health. Too bad there are no more cigarettes.


VIT +1


[Focus - Rare] - You are focused on your goal. All of your consciousness is focused on accomplishing your purpose; your focus highlights the path you must follow. Your productivity and the quality of your work increases, but this may be at the expense of your creativity

Don't forget to eat and rest.




Bonus: [Greater Focus] - Reinforces the advantages and disadvantages of [Focus].

[Shadow Boxing - Rare] - An imaginary opponent is your training partner. Arnold? The hoplite champion? Yourself? You may look silly throwing punches in the air, but you're confident. You are self-correcting. You feel yourself getting stronger. But remember, some shadows return the blows

STR +1

AGI +1


[Intimidation - Rare] - Your words and actions, coupled with your strength and anger, have intimidated someone. You have dominated one of your fellow human beings by provoking fear and desire to please you. This desire originates in a survival instinct, but what is certain is that he fears you. If you lose your dominance, this feeling may turn into hatred.

Any increase in characteristics is good, but be careful what your skills say about you. The power you have over others transforms the person who uses it.


[Balance - Rare] - Some tightrope walkers walk on a rope 500 m high. Others never find the courage to leave the earth and dust. Born dust, you will return to dust. So until then, walk with confidence.

AGI +1


[Moon Mist - Rare] - By modifying the environment of the Moon, the Concepts have chosen to artificially increase the weight of the atmosphere. A semi-permanent haze has been placed on the surface of the satellite. Made of aether, oxygen, nitrogen, and tiny water droplets, it hinders the inhabitants' perception.

You now control this mist and are almost immune to its effects. Be careful, if the mist is already manipulated, your total immunity turns into partial resistance.



[Moon Mist - Epic] - By modifying the environment of the Moon, the Concepts have chosen to artificially increase the weight of the atmosphere. A semi-permanent haze has been placed on the surface of the satellite. Made of aether, oxygen, nitrogen, and tiny water droplets, it hinders the inhabitants' perception.

You can easily control the moon mist and are immune to its effects. Beware, if the mist is already manipulated, your total immunity turns into partial resistance. You can now materialize and control this mist. If you remain motionless, the mist envelops you and camouflages you.


CHAR + 2


Bonus: [Mist Domain] -The precision of your control and perception increases. Synergizes with Domain.

[Rhetoric - Epic] - Sometimes, the pen is mightier than the sword. You master the art of words. You slay your enemies with your words and enlighten your allies with your verve. Your path will not be that of a barbarian. One more string to your bow.

You will spill as much ink as blood


MEM +2

CHAR + 3

[Manipulation Resistance - Rare] - Pheromones, drugs, chemicals, optical or sound illusions, mental skills... They all have one thing in common: they are a bridge between your free will and an external order. They are means used by your enemies to manipulate you. This resistance cements your free will, mind, personality, and consciousness. It is now harder to subtly force your hand.

Some manipulations are still allowed by your subconscious. You will continue to fall under the spell of the pretty woman winking at you. But don't forget that she may also be trying to manipulate you... You fall into her trap with a smile, you fool!


[Throw] - Some people keep their spear close. But you know that true love is to set the other free. Set your spear free. Free your enemies from this unjust world.


[Spear Throw - Rare] - You specialize in throwing. Leaving behind other weapons and projectiles, you become more familiar with your Bound Weapon. Together, you can make your enemies tremble.

Your bound spear will always find its target.


[Divination Resistance - Rare] - Every soul has a signature connected to the rest of the world by many links. Divination seeks out these links, including your Akashic signature. Your exploits have not gone unnoticed. Many people are looking for you.

Your signature is now harder to follow.


[Dodge] - Avoiding an attack is easy. Consciously planning the attack's trajectory, analyzing the different possibilities of dodging, and calculating the future movements of all the players in a fight is more challenging. You are a chess player who must play five moves ahead. You are also a pawn on the chessboard.

To dodge is not to be in check. Win this game.

AGI + 1

[Bullet time - Rare] - After a certain speed, the senses can no longer follow your attacks and those of your enemies. Nothing is more annoying than lag, especially when the culprit is your brain. You are not stupid. You are just slow. In exchange for high energy consumption, this skill will help you keep up with the fight.

You can now see the bullets. Can you dodge them?


[Erosion Resistance - Rare] - The passage of ether through the meridians - the channels that carry energy through your body - strengthens them over time. But like anything else, too much Aether flow can damage your meridians. This phenomenon, called Erosion, can be irreversible if repeated. Your titles, perks, and merits synergize to create this rare resistance. Your channels strengthen faster and are more resistant to erosion. Continue to use your aether to increase your reserves and channeling abilities.


[Gravity Resistance - Rare] - Gravity is one of the fundamental interactions responsible for the attraction of massive bodies. That's probably why your massive ego attracts so much trouble. Stop triggering Tribulation.

The architecture of your cells changes to better resist the effects of strong gravity. Your body becomes more elastic.

Be careful, too much gravity may lead to the grave.


[Consequence Resistance - Epic] -You have lost to a Karma user. Contracts are not something to be signed lightly. Remember that every action has a consequence. As your personal Karma begins to flow, consequences have less of a hold on it.

If there's a price to pay, you now enjoy a discount.


META (Chance) +6

[Asphyxia Resistance - Rare] - Your body needs oxygen and calories. Without oxygen, your cells can't convert the nutrients you absorb into energy. This resistance fundamentally alters your cells. They begin to use the ambient aether to transform these nutrients into energy.

Are you still human?

VIT +2


[Aether Perception - Rare] - Aether is the fundamental, infinite fluid that dictates the laws of all that exists. According to its configurations and associations, it creates the fundamental particles and vectors of all forces. Perceiving the aether is the right of every living being, but you have to know how to take that right.

Yesterday you were blind, today you see.


[Aether Manipulation - Rare] - Manipulating aether is the key to the Zenith. Everything is possible with aether. Manipulate Dimensions, Karma, Soul, Energy, Matter, Order and Chaos. To control the aether is to go beyond these concepts. This skill knows no limits and its potential is infinite. The only limit to your power is your imagination.

Aether can be influenced, dominated, mastered and cajoled. What's your path?




[There is no Heaven - Epic] - You don't like your enemies to be resurrected. When you use this skill on a defenseless enemy, part of their soul is damaged.

This error is recognized by most Wheels of Reincarnation. To avoid errors, damaged souls are often crushed.

The effects of a shattered soul are manyfold.


[Depths Resistance - Epic] - The environment of the Depths is terrible. Theyre located between worlds, and there, the aether has become polluted. It is still usable, but its properties become corrosive and mutagenic. Initial symptoms are a decline in the physical and mental attributes. Rapidly, skills stop working, then death follows. Some adapt but are forever changed. Creatures from the Depths spread this aether. Stop them before they pollute your world.

Your body, mind, and soul gain a memory power: wounds will heal faster as long as corruption remains low. Your soul crystallizes further and gains a protective membrane.

Even humanity doesn't pollute as much as the Deep.


VIT +2


[Tribulation Piercing Spear - Rare] - ?

[Battle Flow - Rare] - You were born in a time of peace. Today, you live in a time of war. Your temperament changes when the sound of battle resounds.

Can you hear the song of war? Follow its rhythm and triumph.

Battle Flow isn't Battle Rap, but you should still be the MC



[Sense of smell] - Some theories give man five basic senses. Others give them nine or more. The important thing is that your sense of smell can recognize molecules floating in the air and inform you about your environment. Your sight is fallible, but when all your senses are alert, the world appears without illusion.

You may look stupid lifting your nose to smell your surroundings, but it will save your life.

However, you're not a dog, so avoid sniffing the asses of your fellow creatures. Or, at the very least, ask their permission.


[Sense of smell - Common] - Your sense of smell can now distinguish finely between several similar odors. It's up to you to compare them.

You'd make an excellent perfumer. By the way, it's been a long time since you took a bath, hasn't it? You don't mind your own smell, but others do


[Emotional discipline] - The human being, a creature with an organic brain, is a species that feels seven emotions - joy, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, sadness, and contempt. It is not the case for all species, and this emotional capacity is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Some of your mental attributes - Vivacity, Willpower, Memory and Charisma - are affected by and affect your emotions.

You discipline yourself to regulate your emotions. You begin to impose your Will on them.

Note: Tier Evolutions are a way of removing these emotions.


[Friction Resistance] - Friction is an interaction that opposes the relative movement of two bodies in contact. The aetheric composition of your skin changes slightly to reduce the electromagnetic interactions it exchanges with its environment. As a result, the conversion of your kinetic energy into thermal energy is lower.

Youll run and swim faster. Soon you'll be flying faster too.

Are you really planning to make an atmospheric entry without a parachute?

AGI +1

[Glide] - A skill common to many animals. Rarely found in humans. Modifies your positioning to ensure the best aerodynamics. One day, you'll fly. Maybe.

Bravo, you're on the same level as a dodo.

AGI +1

[Hemorrhage Resistance] - You've lost a lot of blood. A high Vitality increases blood loss, and closes wounds more rapidly. In addition, this attribute has the side effect of reducing blood clotting speed.

This passive skill slows your heart rate when your wounds are severe. Your blood will clot faster in the open air.



Bronze: You are the first human to eliminate a Baron without help.

You lead the way, and your species admires you.

Gold: You have defied a god, insulted him and performed an iconoclastic deed before his very eyes. In his wrath, he sought to capture your soul. A fate worse than death.

You fought for your freedom without flinching.

Silver: You are the first human to eliminate a Viscount without help.

You lead the way, and your species admires you.

Bronze: You are the fifth human to unlock the Micro - Supremacy.

To control your body is to control your world.

Gold: You are the first human to eliminate an Earl as part of a group.

You lead the way, and your species admires you.


[Supremacy - Micro] - Micro allows the user to control his body down to the smallest detail. Operating in Stages, Micro is used in every Universe. While the first Stages are anchored in organic reality, its link with the aether gradually becomes apparent. The advanced Stages can transform your body into an invincible weapon.

Current stage: 0 - Fusion

Bonus: PERC +5 / DEX +10 / VIVA +10 / WILL +5

Questions and answers:

What are the Tribulation thresholds?

Triggering a Tribulation involves exceeding certain attribute thresholds. The system offers a certain - variable - preparation time before the Tribulation occurs. The user can choose to trigger his Tribulation at any time during this lapse of time.

Thresholds - Tier 0:

1/3/6/12 attributes above 100,200,300,etc.

The only exception is if the first attribute exceeds 100. At this point, a warning is issued to the user.

Priam has currently triggered a quadruple Tribulation. The thresholds he has exceeded are:

  • 1 attribute above 200.
  • 3 attributes above 100
  • 3 attributes above 200
  • 6 attributes above 100

Would Priam be Tier 1 if he survived his Tribulations?

No. Tribulations fall into two categories:

  • Normal Tribulations, which are used to test the user during a Tier to avoid wasting resources. See the conversation with Mercury for more details.
  • High Tribulations, which are used to check the solidity of a user's path and ideas at the end of a Tier change. Priam has no further information at present.

Why hasn't Priam created more skills yet?

Jack of all trades, Master of None. The Reunion only started about 4 days ago. In that time, he has received a wealth of new data and information. He has also received an impressive number of skills. Priam intends to use his Potential to unlock new skills, but first he's looking to understand where his gaps lie so he can fill them.

Moreover, Elysium is a special world. The enormous density of aether allows users to catalyze the formation of skills. As a result, Elysians have huge Potential discounts. This is not the case on the Moon - which is why [Eidetic Memory] costed so much.


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