A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 9: Mens sana in corpore sano

Chapter 9: Mens sana in corpore sano

The Hoplite warrior was thrown backward violently. How does it feel to be hit by your own attack?

Priam had absorbed part of the shock that threw him towards the tree. The tree was less than a hundred meters from Log-a-rhythm, so he had been able to activate the secret passage. The hoplite had not noticed anything, the entrance almost invisible to anyone but Priam. The young man had then crawled away from the tree so the warrior could place himself between him and the portal. He then had to physically touch the hunter to return part of his blow and propel him backward. The hunter had become prey, and the prey, hunter.

As the hoplite was transported through the portal into Log-a-rhythm, Priam's smile faded, and he mentally closed the passage. He had won, but at what cost? It was useless if he didn't survive until midnight, and his injuries were severe... His left arm was torn off, his feet had open wounds from running, his ribs were certainly cracked, and his organs were traumatized. He was in bad shape.

Priam took a breath as all traces of the battle were already beginning to disappear. The forest near his base was incredibly active, lively, and vigorous. The grass had already absorbed the blood that had been spilled. The presence of Log-a-rhythm was transforming the surroundings. It might come in handy in the future... Any good apocalypse survivor should have a garden!

Priam stood up and walked towards the previously discarded hoplite spear. It was undoubtedly a valuable item. Cutting-edge hoplite technology. Priam began laughing at his joke before pain called him to order. Once he had retrieved the spear - it weighed a ton - he headed for his shelter. He was in no condition to fight or flee again and wanted safety.

As he came to the majestic tree that served as his secret base, Priam touched it. The tree mentally communicated to him the image of the hoplite warrior trying to flee by hitting the inner walls of the tree. Protection II was proving its worth. Not only was the outside of the tree impossibly strong, but the inside was a space controlled by Priam. The champion could have been ten times stronger, but he still wouldn't have had a chance to escape or damage the inside of Log-a-rhythm.

Priam mentally commanded the tree to separate the two levels. The warrior was now locked in the lower level. With another thought, the lights of the prison flickered and then faded. Finally, Priam decided to reduce the prison space to a cube of two meters on each side.

Honestly, he wasn't sure what to do about the warrior. It was impossible to release him, impossible to keep him prisoner indefinitely, and difficult to simply let him starve to death. This new world was unforgiving, but Priam didn't want to needlessly torture a warrior and let him wither away. Killing a warrior in battle was self-defense. Killing a prisoner with feelings and emotions was a war crime. The hoplite could have tortured him, but he had 'just' chased him to kill him. In this fierce new world, that was unfortunately the way to go. Any act of charity or kindness could backfire. Priam understood this logic but could not bring himself to embrace it. The only way to change that was to get to the top.

Priam had two selfish reasons to keep him alive. The first was that the hoplite warrior was the only one who could provide him with answers. They couldn't communicate yet, but if Priam was willing to sacrifice some of his potential, he could learn the Hoplite language. The second reason was that the hoplite was an outstanding warrior. If Priam fought him, he would improve much faster.

"I'll think about him later. Right now, I'm not even sure I'll be alive until tonight."

Entering his shelter, Priam asked Log-a-rhythm to apply a tourniquet to his left arm. A branch sprouted from the previously smooth wall to stop the bleeding. Rather than clasping the arm, the end of the branch opened up, and resin closed his wounds. The stump would not have time to heal, but the resin would prevent the blood from escaping. There wasn't enough of a stump left for the tourniquet to compress. The tree showed a certain level of intelligence and adaptability.

The tree mentally sent him a positive response. It did not seem to be able to speak with words but could communicate with images or concepts. The communication was rudimentary because it was a simple algorithm that governed its base. It could change in the future.

With a hint from Log-a-rhythm, Priam lay down in a pool that opened up in the ground. Vitality-pulsing sap began to appear, and soon Priam's body was covered. The fluid was a tonic, a concoction designed to heal him - or at least keep him alive - and a painkiller.

Priam closed his eyes as the pain returned.

"Now I have to survive until midnight."

When the system's notification of his extra life appeared, Priam sighed with relief. It had been a long wait, but he had gradually calmed down as the pain disappeared. He was not relieved because he feared death. He was most eager to move, to act, and to improve. His rivals were making progress right now and were already one step ahead of him. The Hoplite had proven to him that Arnold was no exception: Priam was weak.

He had been able to reflect on his actions since the beginning of his adventure. In five days, Priam had made incredible progress but had come close to death too many times. His constant insecurity prevented him from making an action plan and the best decisions. He had made good decisions in the short term - and could only boast about them because he had survived. Nevertheless, he had not had time to think about the long term. Of course, one couldn't blame him under the circumstances. Still, life in Elysium was unfair, and this lack of a plan could cost him dearly. He had to change that.

First, he had moved away from the portal, the presence of rivals being problematic. Nevertheless, he was supposed to be immortal! He could have succeeded in a quest in the first few seconds but didn't take the chance. For example, he could have caused a confrontation between ants and spiders. He could have effectively charged his kinetic skill by jumping from the top of his base, then absorbing the energy at the end of his fall. The kinetic energy of the impact of an eighty-kilogram body in free fall at near terminal velocity was terrifying. The Hoplite warrior would not have stood a chance.

He could have done so much more, but he had foolishly followed a dangerous path that did not reward him for the pitfalls he crossed.

Priam took a breath. He had made mistakes, of course, but there was still time to improve. To begin with, he had to regain his physical integrity, if possible with maximum bonus benefits. Opening his eyes, he ordered the tree to carry him to the champion's cage.

Congratulations, you are dead!

Your perk [He Who Eludes Death] brings you back to life once a day.

Number of deaths: 6

Synergy detected with your perk [Humans adapt]. Your body is rebuilt and will be more resistant to what killed it:


VIT +10

[Touched by Aether]- Adaptation time: 7 days (previously 10 days)

Lvl Up: [Perforation Resistance] lvl 3,4


You have gained the skill: [Cut Resistance].

[Cut Resistance] - Life has tried to separate your body into different pieces. Obviously, you didn't agree. The arrangement of your body's molecules is optimized to give you better protection against slicing.

If you don't pay more attention to your head, you will lose it permanently...


Lvl Up : [Cut Resistance] lvl 2,3


You have gained the skill: [Blunt Resistance].

[Blunt Resistance]- Have you ever tried to kick down a door with your shoulder? Or missed the nail with the hammer but not your finger? Then you know what blunt damage is.

Put the hammer down now.

Your body's cell membranes are optimized to provide better protection against bluntness.


Lvl Up : [Blunt Resistance] lvl 2,3


Title won!

[Axolotl or Hydra - Bronze] - You have regenerated your arms, legs, organs, and even your heart! Your vitality now allows you to restore any body part as long as you have the time and energy.

VIT +10

Five titles unlocked: Trees of Merit Unlocked!

[He Who Eludes Death] Charge: 0, Reloaded in 23 hours at 0h.

The champion, in his rage, had dismembered him alive. Priam was counting on this to win another title, and he had won his bet. Fortunately, he had thought of asking Log-a-rhythm to retrieve his body in his room after his death. Dying once was good for his health, but one should not abuse the good things... However, it wasn't an experience he wanted to relive any time soon. He wouldn't say he didn't wish that to even his worst enemy because he did. He wished precisely that to his worst enemy.

If the process of his death had been painful - although less than expected thanks to the painkillers - the reward was delightful. With this new title and his percentage increase in vitality, he was now at 68 Vitality. All he had to do was divide that number by ten to see how fast he could regenerate compared to a human without a system.

"I am becoming a superhuman..." Priam was really becoming aware of his transformation. Looking down at his body, he realized the changes. His muscles had grown in size and density. He was now flexible enough to touch his toes and could place his hands flat on the ground without bending his legs. A week earlier, he could hardly touch his ankles. His eyes could see the movement of a raindrop falling, and his ears could hear the rustle of leaves from thirty meters away. A week ago, his friends called him slender. Today he was muscular. Four months in the gym would have had the same effect. As for Priam, he only had to die six times in one week.

However, he wanted more. In this new world, there was no freedom without strength. The law of the jungle only benefited the lion, and Priam wanted to become that lion. With power, he would have a choice. The choice to spare the hoplite warrior or to talk to future arrivals.

Priam decided to act. After all, he had a rabhorn to put on the fire. It was still dark, but he knew the location of a burrow.

"Before that..."

Trees of Merit unlocked!

By continually pushing your limits, you have unlocked the Trees of Merit.

Each new Title opens a new Tree of Merit and allows you to upgrade a Tree of Merit once.

Upgrading a Tree of Merit to Tier 9 uses 10 Titles and thus condemns 9 other Trees. Be careful which trees you upgrade...

[Heartless] - Tier 0: Once a day, your heart regenerates instantly.

[Brainless] - Tier 0: Your mind is no longer confined to your brain but to your entire body.

[Questor] - Tier 0: Your instincts are sharpened.

[Pseudo Phoenix] - Tier 0: Your flame affinity allows you to manipulate uncontrolled fires.

[Axolotl or Hydra ?] - Tier 0: Following a regeneration, your body becomes more resistant to what has damaged it.

5 Unused Merit Points.

Priam was elated. All these Trees of Merit opened up new possibilities. However, he didn't want to make a mistake and select something useless. He currently had only five Bronze Rank Titles. So far, [He Who Eludes Death] had allowed him to earn Titles easily. But he suspected that this would not always be the case. How many titles could he get in his lifetime? 20? 30? In any case, he would have little chance of improving more than three Trees of Merit.

Priam sat for a few moments to think. In an ideal world, he would have spent a few years acquiring many Titles before selecting the best two or three. That way, he would be pretty sure he wouldn't miss out on any incredible opportunities. But he didn't have that kind of time. He was now living in Elysium, and every day could be his last. He needed power now. Nothing was more foolish than keeping his points and dying with them tomorrow.

Wisdom told him to find a compromise. He would save some of his Merit points for a hypothetical amazing Tree of Merit. Another half of his points would be used today to improve his chances of survival.

"[Axolotl or Hydra?] allows me to continue to specialize in defense. [Brainless] will surely allow me to fill my spiritual gaps. Maybe in the long run, I can turn into a ghost? To survive without a body? [Heartless] and its future improvements are more difficult to imagine... [Questor] seems a bit vague. Finally, [Pseudo Phoenix] will probably focus on regeneration and fire control. "

Priam hesitated. He began by eliminating [Pseudo Phoenix]. He had always loved fire, and the potential for destruction was incredible. But he didn't want to limit his life to burning his enemies to the ground. To be honest, dying burned was like a cold shower...

"[Axolotl or Hydra?] On the one hand, specializing in capitalizing on my death can be interesting as an immortal. I'm strengthening one of my advantages. On the other, if I want to get survival rewards, I can't afford to die continuously."

Priam looked up. On the smooth, circular wall of Log-a-rhythm, he could see the projection of the surroundings. The suns had gone out for the night, but the starlight illuminated the nearby clearing and the distant forest. Priam felt like living. In the comfort of his base, he realized that the survival reward had been handy. He would have to search the hoplite warrior. He must have gotten his reward recently. Maybe I could take advantage of that...

Reflecting on the best choice to make, Priam thought about his recent adventures. He realized that he had overlooked an important point.

"The hypnotic effect of Passiflora!"

When he had stolen the three fruits from the ants, Priam had almost lost his mind in rushing to the fruits. While his deaths would eventually greatly improve his physique, his mind remained weak. Dying would save him from an illusion or a spell because he would realize the deception when resurrected. But what if the enemy did not kill him? What if he met an enemy who could bewitch, hypnotize and manipulate him to gain his loyalty or devotion? He could become an eternal slave! A fate worse than death.

He had made his decision. Risking going vegan once was already one time too much.

[Brainless] - Tier 0: Acquired.

4 Unused Merit Points.

Priam wavered. His consciousness seemed to stop before it started again. He had the strange feeling that his mind had been upgraded. He sat on the floor to regain his senses, then quickly widened his eyes. He could feel his body.

The phenomenon was difficult to explain. Before activating this Tree of Merit, he felt as if he was controlling his body from a command post located slightly behind his eyes. If Priam had been asked where his consciousness was, he would have indicated the front area of his brain. It was undoubtedly due to the importance he placed on his sense of sight.

Currently, his consciousness was all over his body. His feet felt as familiar and essential as his head. It was a strange feeling, but he already knew it would help him use his movement skills better. To better control his body in general.

[Brainless] - Tier 1: Your mind is bound to your body. Any external manipulation on your mind must first pass the protection of your physical envelope.


[Brainless] - Tier 1: Acquired.

3 Unused Merit Points.

Priam was elated. It was precisely what he was looking for. An enemy would now have to bypass or destroy his physical defenses to gain a mental hold on him. In practice, his body was now an armor that protected his mind. This second Tier did not have the same effects as the previous one. He felt a little more grounded in his body but not disoriented.

"A healthy mind in a healthy body."

[Brainless] - Tier 2: Your mind opens up to the world. You begin to use part of it to interact with your environment.

The explanation was vague. Deliberately vague, certainly, but Priam saw a possibility. A future skill that would not be confined to his immediate vicinity. His skills could be used where his mind was and not his body. The power to interact, to sense, to perceive, to manipulate seemed to be extremely useful. It would surely be a long and arduous learning process. By starting early, he would have an advantage over the others. After all, titles seemed extremely complicated to obtain, let alone improve. With his particular skills, he earned five titles in a few days, but other titles would be challenging to acquire.

[Brainless] - Tier 2: Acquired.

2 Unused Merit Points.

Priam waited, impatient. After several minutes, he still felt nothing. This enhancement gave him a new power, but he would have to learn more before using it.

[Brainless] - Tier 3: Locked. Requires a Silver Title

Priam smiled. The best rewards had to be earned. He felt that his Merits would help him improve his Title.

"Now it's time to wake up some rabhorn..."

Perched on a branch at the edge of the forest, Priam was watching the entrance to a burrow. His sun-tanned skin did not sweat despite the heat. Accustomed to the environment, he kept his gaze fixed on the opening below him, his other senses on alert. In his right hand, he clumsily held a spear. He had no intention of actually fighting with the weapon. It was the first time in his life that he had ever held a spear in his hand. If [Identification] had not confirmed the object's name, he might have thought it was a halberd or other hast weapon. Nevertheless, he planned to use the weapon in his initial assault to wound the rabhorn.

Looking up at the brightening sky, Priam reaffirmed his position. The rabhorn had enough in common with the rabbit to go out early in the morning.

Without warning, the animal took its snout and then its whole body out of its den. Standing on its hind legs, it began to sniff around. Perhaps it had sensed the danger, but too late.

The spear slammed into the animal, propelled noiselessly by a double charge of [Kinetic Control]. A second later, Priam's feet touched the ground.

Lvl Up: [Strike] lvl 4,5,6

FOR + 3

The rabhorn, so agile yesterday, was now pinned to the ground. The spear pierced him through and through. The animal did not have much time left to live. The eyes of the two opponents met, and the animal realized that playing dead would not save it. The beast's eyes looked quizzical. All bipeds looked alike, but wasn't this one dead? The beast was pretty sure it had killed him. It painfully turned its head toward Priam, and its horn began to vibrate. This time on guard, Priam dodged to the side. The rabhorn's body jerked as a light spear dissipated into the atmosphere.

"Know your opponent and know yourself... When you have all the data, a fight to the death can be easily won."

Priam knelt beside the rabhorn and wrapped his hands around its head. With a sharp gesture and a chilling crack, he broke the neck of the beast who had killed him the day before.

Completed quest: Revenge.

Reward: [Poison Resistance], Potential +10.


[Poison Resistance] - The body is a fragile machine, and certain substances can cause it harm. Chemical reactions, injuries, or illnesses, these toxins cause reactions that can range from indisposition to death. But remember, nothing is poison, and everything is poison: only the dose matters. Your body accepts larger doses of potentially harmful substances and filters them out faster.

Now you can stuff your face with chocolates without worrying about diabetes.

VIT +1

Priam smiled, not at the death of an innocent animal, but because he had won a victory over the world. This world, so hard and cruel, was trying to crush him. He had won a first victory against a real opponent, however modest. The spider had been weakened, and he had to deal with the hoplite cunningly, but the rabhorn was perfectly healthy. It looks delicious...

"Today a rabhorn, tomorrow a dragon!" He exclaimed.

As he got up to return to his base and consider his options, the world seemed to respond to his provocation.


After an intense week, the Tutorial ends.

Congratulations to the survivors.

All humans are invited to the Reunion.

Get ready, you will be transported in 30 hours.

Status : (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Force 29

Constitution 63

Agility 38

Vitality 72

Perception 33


Vivacity 64

Dexterity 26

Memory 29

Willpower 44

Charisma 36


Meta-affinity 8

Meta-focus 8

Potential: 75


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