A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 71: The One Who had his Legs pulled

Chapter 71: The One Who had his Legs pulled

Sphinx was annoyed. The two Viscounts in front of her refused to let them pass. At first, she had returned with Blueberry to secure the Spring. Unfortunately, the Earl was a paranoid old lion who'd thought to put a guard on his treasure.

After seeing the Earl's Tribulation, Sphinx told herself he was right to be paranoid. But he couldn't have known that before! Unless one always had to be paranoid while preparing for the worst? That sounded downright tiresome. Sphinx decided not to be paranoid. Priam certainly would be for both of them.

"Go back, Blueberry! The Earl needs you!"

"He asked me to bring him back some sacred liquid," the bear lied. "He's hurt. If you don't do what he's asked, be prepared to suffer his wrath."

"The Earl asked us to let nobody through under any circumstances," replied the gorilla.

Sphinx growled at the impudent animal. She wasn't a nobody, she was a sphinx. The fact that these little Viscounts dared to express their disagreement with her was unforgivable. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do. She and Blueberry could win this two-versus-two any day of the week, but something was up. The two Viscounts knew how powerful they were, yet they remained stubborn.

"They certainly have a way of controlling the Jubokko," Blueberry had telepathically reminded her at the first refusal from the two idiots. Sphinx had no desire to confront a giant tree. The two Viscounts had to be killed or disabled, and at the same time.

Of course, Sphinx had the means to take care of one of the Viscounts. She had pondered an extremely difficult riddle and was prepared to sacrifice much. All she had to do was bet one of her limbs to kill Priam. By betting three or four members, she was sure to exterminate one of the Viscounts.

The problem wasn't her - she was too perfect for that - but Blueberry. The bear was a formidable warrior but not an assassin. In the best-case scenario, killing his opponent would take him almost a minute. Far too long.

"You're free to take another step, Blueberry, but you might not like the consequences," threatened the hyena.

Sphinx hated this Viscount. She stank, making her want to cough. If I have to attack, you'll die first, thought Sphinx.

As the situation approached a critical point, Sphinx felt one of her two karmic bonds quiver. Looking up, she saw a man crossing the Jubokko canopy.

Sphinx began to smile. Her friend had just arrived, and things always got more exciting when he was around.

Priam slammed into the gorilla with both knees forward. Sphinx winced as she heard multiple cracking sounds.

Priam screamed before colliding with the Jubokko's trunk, which took his breath away. Before succumbing to the pain, he activated Micro to cut it off. Raising his head briefly, he watched the gorilla fall backward. The Viscount was some ten meters away and had - quite literally - lost his head. A little behind him was a hyena Priam had never seen before. Mentally, he concentrated on her. Their eyes met and Priam saw stupefaction give way to understanding and then rage. A split second later, the hyena's gaze lost all expression. Promesse had just made its entrance.

The flaming spear easily pierced the hyena's skull before sinking deep into the wood. The wood began to smoke and Priam grunted. Three-quarters of the weapon had disappeared into the Jubokko. Priam felt he'd have to reenact King Arthur to get it out.

Or cheat by dispersing it in the mist.

The System sent him a few notifications, which Priam ignored for the moment. Raising his head, he met Sphinx's gaze, who seemed delighted to see him.

"Hey Sphinx! My family's fine!" announced Priam, still lying on the ground.

"Great!" exclaimed Sphinx. Priam had confided his worries to her before.

He then turned to Blueberry, who was making a funny face.

"Is something wrong, old bear?" asked Priam. Maybe these two Viscounts had some interest and he shouldn't have killed them.

"I... Do you want me to bring your legs back? I hope the Spring can cure that..."

"My legs?..."

Priam then checked his wounds. Micro informed him that he had a small cerebral hemorrhage, a dislocation of the right shoulder, a lung punctured by one of his ribs, and a few broken vertebrae. A false move threatened to sever his spinal cord. To make matters worse, about a tenth of its body mass had disappeared. Looking at his legs, Priam understood. They were gone under his knees.

He raised his head momentarily and took a closer look at the gorilla. Three bones protruded from its neck. The first was the remnant of his spine. The other two were his shins, firmly planted in the ape's body.

Despite Micro, Priam felt unwell.

"I... the Spring," he murmured before losing consciousness.

Title won!

[Supersonic Boy - Silver] - Your body has exceeded the speed of sound without using tools or artifice. Nobody will steal this thunder!

Don't worry, the next step isn't to exceed the speed of light. Not yet.

AGI +20%

Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 5,6,7


Completed Quest: Predator - Viscount

The peasant fears the Baron but the Baron fears the Earl.

Do you fear the Earl?

Prove your worth and your ambition. Overcome the Earl's guards, the Viscounts.

Kerchak, the Lion's Hands, is dead.

Shenzi, the Lion's Savagery, is dead.

Reward: Potential +100.

Participation: 100%.

You have eliminated two Moon Viscounts without help. An outstanding performance.

Bonus: Potential + 40. Skill [Hemorrhage Resistance].

New Quest: Predator - Earl

You are moving up in the hierarchy of the Court. Congratulations on your progress Moon Lord.

You rebelled against the yoke of the Earls. You've defeated their bodyguard.

Now there's just one step left. Kill an Earl.

Will you be a liberator or just a bloodstain on the sword of tyranny?

Reward (per Earl): Potential +500. Customized bonus depending on your participation.

Difficulty: Epic

[Hemorrhage Resistance - Common] - You've lost a lot of blood. A high Vitality increases blood loss, and closes wounds more rapidly. In addition, this attribute has the side effect of reducing blood clotting speed.

This passive skill slows your heart rate when your wounds are severe. Your blood will clot faster in the open air.


Priam could feel his body, but he couldn't move it. He felt good and bad at the same time. It was certainly the emotion felt by a carnist enjoying a soy steak or an Italian devouring a pineapple pizza.

Am I dreaming? The experience seemed bizarre. He could only see a few light spots, and realized his eyes were still closed. He could hear very little, noises being muffled. A soft, cool current caressed his whole body - except his legs. Recent memories flooded back. Ah, I must have fainted, he realized.

His mind had woken up before his brain, thanks to [Brainless]. Priam concentrated for a second before realizing his condition. His heart had slowed its blood flow to stop losing blood. His brain had then... gone to sleep. Yet it was time to wake up.

Focusing on Micro for a moment, Priam quickened his heart rate. A few seconds later, his brain was oxygenated again. He opened his eyes with difficulty. Pain flooded in and he activated his Supremacy to silence it.

Priam remained inert for a moment, staring into space. In his entire life, he had only fainted twice. An average person might panic on regaining consciousness, but Priam remained serene.

Finally awake, Priam looked around. He was currently bathing naked in a small pond. The Spring.

Priam tried to sit up before realizing the stupidity of his action. He sighed and saw Sphinx appear in his field of vision. He greeted her.


"Oh, Priam's awake already!" exclaimed Sphinx.

Priam wasn't concentrating on his friend. Through his haze, he was watching his legs. Blueberry was in the process of extracting them from the gorilla's head. Unfortunately for Priam, they looked like mush. The gorilla was an actual Tier 1 monster, and his constitution was far superior to Priam's. The ultra-violent shock had enabled Priam to kill him instantly, but his body had suffered severe injuries.

Of course, he could have avoided this injury by activating [Kinetic Control] to absorb the aftershock of the attack. But this kind of ingenious use of his skill would surely have caused a level-up and, thus, his death... Still, I could have used Micro to constrict my blood vessels and stop the bleeding...

Priam berated himself for a moment. If he had received this wound during a fight rather than at the end, he would have died of hemorrhage like an idiot.

"Forget it, Blueberry. I'm not going to glue my shins back. My legs will regenerate, don't worry," he said. The bear turned and nodded. He looked at Priam's shins momentarily, hesitated, then tossed them away.

"I don't eat my friends," he explained.

"That's very kind of you..."

Taking a deep breath, Priam calmed down. He was now bathing on the surface of the Spring, and could feel his wounds closing on their own. His legs were also starting to grow back. His Title [Axolotl or Hydra?] allowed him to restore his entire body. All he needed was time and energy. Unfortunately, Priam was running out of time.

"Will it take you long to regenerate?" asks Blueberry. "I wouldn't want to rush you, but the Earl could finish his Tribulation any minute. Not sure he'd appreciate you taking a dip in his Spring."

Priam nodded. "My regeneration speed is more than tenfold thanks to this liquid, but it's not enough. I'll improve my Title."

Blueberry shrugged.

"Okay. I'll check my plan in the meantime."

Priam nodded before opening the System.

[Axolotl or Hydra?] is ready for evolution. Presence of a catalyst detected. Use 2786 [Spring Drops] to trigger evolution?

Can I improve my Title without triggering a new Tribulation?

Priam still had thirteen - twelve now - questions for the council of his doubles. His Vitality could jump to over three hundred if the Title increased it further. He'd rather lose a question than die stupidly.

Answer: Ask for the Hydra's power rather than its Vitality.

Priam validated the evolution. His brain disconnected again, but his mind remained conscious. Fascinated, he felt the Spring quivering around him. The pores of his skin opened wide and began to absorb large quantities of liquid.

After a few seconds, a part of Priam's consciousness began to worry. His body was too greedy. Typically, one drop of water was equivalent to an average of one-twentieth of a milliliter. In practical terms, 2786 drops of water were equal to just over 139 milliliters. But not all liquids were the same. In printers, ink drops had a volume in the picoliter range.

Priam remembered the size of the drops the Earl had entrusted to him. They were larger than drops of water. His body was absorbing several liters of liquid, and he wondered where this was stored.

Finally, the Spring calmed down. The young Viscount's body began to heat up, and his legs to regenerate rapidly. His body was changing in real-time as his aethereal code was altered. Priam had been wounded many times, and his body had been damaged by many elements. At last, his suffering and determination were paying off. The System was creating a Title worthy of its wearer.

Connecting briefly to his Potential, Priam made a request. Hydra's power. Hydra's power. Hydra's power,...

Continuing to heat up, Priam's cells began to multiply. A great power invaded him.

[Axolotl or Hydra?] is evolving into [Two-headed Hydra]...

Synergy detected with your talent [Humanity adapts].

The Spring began to boil again, and Priam's body continued to evolve as it absorbed energy. Humanity's true strength was starting to reveal itself. Compared to many mythical and legendary races, humans were weak. Sphinx was more powerful than humanity's Champion, and only a few days old.

Yet, despite the gifts and Talents these races received at birth, humanity had one Talent that shone over the long term. Becoming the Eighth Concept, attaining divinity or simply evolving between each Tier wasn't a sprint. It was a marathon.

Priam accepted the challenge.

A small vortex formed around him as liters of precious liquid disappeared into his body. Thanks to Micro, Priam could feel some of the changes taking place within his body. His skin was becoming more elastic. Moles and scars disappeared. Some micro-injuries that had never really healed were finally curing. His body was expelling many toxins and heavy metals he'd ingested since swimming with Claire.

The Spring began to vibrate, and Priam felt the Jubokko move. The tree was warning Priam. Had he still fully controlled his body, the young Viscount would have broken out in a cold sweat. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop, even if he wanted to.

A Domain descended on Priam, trying to crush him - unsuccessfully. The evolution of his Title protected him for the time being. Priam was even willing to bet that this adversity was strengthening his body.

Suddenly, the estate disappeared. The tree had withdrawn its presence. Priam sighed with relief and focused on the changes affecting his body.

After about ten liters, its pores began to close. The Spring regained its calm, while the influence of the System disappeared. Priam's body was restored to its optimal state. His legs were as good as new.

Priam opened his eyes and smiled.


Your body has been purified. Your affinity for the Concepts has increased very slightly.

Title upgraded! [Three-headed Hydra - Silver] Congratulations!

[Three-headed Hydra - Silver] - In mythology, the Hydra of Lerna was defeated by Heracles. Its powers of regeneration were mythical, and its blood was poisoned. Sound familiar? Beware of demigods

A newborn hydra has one head. At one year, they acquire a second. At ten, a third, and so on in multiples of ten. You're as strong as a ten-year-old orphan hydra. Each new head increases the hydra's power tenfold. Time is its best ally, but it is your worst enemy.

Your vitality allows you to restore any body part as long as you have the time and energy. You can regenerate a limb or organ once a day, extremely quickly. Your blood is already poisoned, so this Title increases its mortality.

VIT +10%

"Impressive," said Blueberry.

"Priam is unkillable!" exclaimed Sphinx.

"Maybe not, but it will come," laughed Priam as he rose to his feet. Then he remembered he was naked and glanced furtively at Sphinx. The mythical animal smiled at him and Priam laughed, relieved. I suppose it's like showing myself naked to a cat.

"Did you feel the Jubokko getting angry, by the way?" he asked.

Sphinx nodded. "Yes, the trunk opened above the Spring and vines approached you. I think it wanted to eat you," she explained.

Priam shuddered. Being digested by a tree might be an excellent way to die, but he had no desire to try it today.


"Blueberry had the idea of throwing the bodies of the two Viscounts into its giant mouth. The offering calmed it down," Sphinx replied cheerfully.

Priam gave the bear a thumbs-up. The bear looked at him strangely, questioningly.

"... That means you've done a good job," explained Priam.

"I already know I'm doing a good job," replied the bear. "Well, what do we do now? Kill the tree? The Earl? The Dome Lord?"

"Now we're asking ourselves the right questions," Priam replied. He had twelve questions left, and he'd found the perfect one.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 155

Constitution 276 (+18)

Agility 193 (+22)

Vitality 286 (+2)

Perception 299


Vivacity 176

Dexterity 201

Memory 50

Willpower 288

Charisma 150


Meta-affinity 141

Meta-focus 98

Meta-endurance 90

Meta-perception 32

Meta-chance 114

Potential: 1307 (+147)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge OFF. Reloaded in 5 hours 4 min 28s

[Tribulation]: Tribulations are coming.

Time: 9 hours 24 minutes 22 seconds.


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