A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 60: Night at the Zoo

Chapter 60: Night at the Zoo

Priam felt the difference in atmosphere as soon as he crossed the border. Technically, there was no real separation between the woods and the Earl's courtyard. The trees grew progressively taller, and the aether in the air became more concentrated.

Yet Priam could have felt the difference with his eyes closed. His instincts told him that he was in the territory of a predator and being watched.

The change in atmosphere could, of course, be linked to a particular resource such as Spring. But most annoying of all was the mist, which seemed to keep its distance. Like a stranger, his friend refused to speak to him, and he knew he couldn't ride it. It reminded him of a specific memory: his fight with Sphinx. There too, he had been prevented from riding the mist. The sensation was extremely unpleasant, and he felt part of his freedom had been taken away.

In this grove, his control over the mist had greatly diminished. Only the fog within a ten-meter radius was still sending him information - reluctantly.

The phenomenon could have several explanations, but Priam was convinced he was in a Domain. An immense Domain, belonging to a being capable of manipulating mist over hundreds of meters. It was unlikely to be the work of the Earl. He was undoubtedly powerful, but Priam refused to believe he could be much superior to Sphinx. Even the Lord of the Dome's domain covered only two meters around her.

Walking alongside Blueberry, Priam theorized that the Earl had placed his court here for a reason. There was a potentially intelligent resource here, endowed with terrifying power. The Jubokko, Blueberry spoke of?

As he walked, Priam remembered one of the Merits that interested him most.

Trees of Merit

Each new Title opens a new Tree of Merit and allows you to upgrade a Tree of Merit once.

Upgrading a Tree of Merit to Tier 9 uses 10 Titles and thus condemns 9 other Trees. Be careful which trees you upgrade...

[Moon Viscount] - Tier 3: The mist protects you. You're not alone, Mistchild

7 Unused Merit Points.

By upgrading his Title to Viscount, Priam had finally unlocked the rest of the Tree of Merit. This one suited him, and he validated it without modifying it. Instantly, he felt the mist around him become friendly again. He was still unable to ride the mist over long distances, but within a zone of about three meters around him, he was its master. I suppose it's better than nothing...

[Moon Viscount] - Tier 4: Locked. Requires a Gold Title.

6 Unused Merit Points.

Priam took one last look at his Merits and decided to choose them after seeing the Earl. With his new Titles, he had the opportunity to improve many of them. The question now was what he should prioritize...

Blueberry turned to glance behind him, prompting Priam to concentrate. The two companions had walked several hundred meters through the courtyard, taking detours, crossing suspension bridges, and passing under colossal tree roots. They now found themselves among numerous animals. Dogs, cats, pigs, horses, cows, and exotic animals were walking fast. With a glance, Priam knew that all the animals were wild.

Where Blueberry moved gracefully, stood up straight, and radiated pride, the animals that crossed their path were hunched over and focused on their task. They pushed bundles or carried resources - usually meat or vegetables - walking with their heads down. Suddenly, Priam understood. The Earl didn't come from a human society. These animals weren't just an army destined to fight Anatole's Abominations. They were slaves!

The signs were all there. None of them looked at Priam or Blueberry, and all hurriedly moved aside as they passed. Seeing the meat being transported, Priam wondered if they weren't regularly sacrificed to feed the Earl's officers.

"I see these animals don't have many rights," he said, wincing in pain. Talking with a punctured lung was not a pleasant experience.

Blueberry growled. "They're beasts. The law of nature remains in force. Those who deserve it will gain intelligence and can then be accepted into our ranks. For the rest... They're food on legs. If I didn't have to take you to the Earl, I'd have bitten one already."

The bear turned back to Priam. "But I think, as a human, you're in no position to talk about animal cruelty, right?"

Priam hesitated for a moment. "Indeed, some factories didn't respect animals, but that wasn't the case with most farmers. Some really loved their animals and treated them well."

The bear snarled. "Who knows if there are good reasons to kill? Not me, anyway. I was a wild bear, and frankly, I don't care. Whether you like animals or not, it makes no difference to me. A wild animal does what it has to do to survive. Now hurry up, I'm hungry," Blueberry finished and started walking again.

Priam looked up at the Viscount. If this were the subordinate's way of thinking, it would certainly be the master's. The Earl was an intelligent animal with little respect for the life of his fellow man - or animal. Priam intended to keep this in mind during their discussion. If I don't show my usefulness, there's a good chance he'll try to kill me...

Five minutes later, after climbing a sort of vegetal staircase spiraling around the largest tree in the grove, they reached the level of a cavern carved into the wood. Priam spoke no more, concentrating on his alert senses.

He'd felt stressed, scrutinized, and pressured ever since he'd started climbing the tree. The mist around him was now hostile. His protective bubble - the mist that still obeyed him - seemed compressed by the surrounding Estate. Is it possible that this tree is the owner of the Domain?

It seemed possible. After all, a tree couldn't easily move or attack. It was likely that the tree specialized in defense and control of its environment. If a mighty tree were to unlock Supremacy, it would undoubtedly be a Domain.

Speaking of the tree, it was majestic. Priam had never had the chance to admire the world's tallest trees before the Tutorial, but the sight of this specimen humbled him. Nature was always both splendid and terrifying. Despite his powers, he was still far from rivaling the Creation. Perhaps one day...

Blueberry paused at the entrance to the cavern before turning to Priam. "The courtyard proper is at the end of the cavern. You should bow to the Earl and tell the strict truth. Disrespect is severely punished: you would serve as nutrients for the Jubokko."

"The Jubokko?" Priam worried. The Domain pressing down on him left him no escape.

"The tree." Without giving any more clues, Blueberry turned and started down the steps. Priam watched the bear leave, before focusing on the dark cavern. Despite his perception, he couldn't make out any light at the bottom of the tunnel - it was inky black. The tree's diameter was exceptional - around twenty meters - but Priam should have seen the end of it.

Sighing, the young Viscount hesitated to waste one of his questions. Perhaps there was nothing dangerous here, and his previous answers had indicated that he should come here to join the Earl. But maybe he needed to make a good impression. If there were a test, he'd rather know about it. After all, he had no extra life left and didn't intend to die rushing into a trap. If this is an ambush, I swear I'll burn down this forest, he promised himself.

Reflecting for a second on the wording of his question, Priam made up his mind. What mattered most now was his survival and the benefits he could gain from his encounter with the Earl.

How can I get the most out of my encounter with the court?

Answer: Ultimately, the Poisoner may consume the Crimson Fruit.

Priam squinted and analyzed the answer. The sentence was in three parts. The first certainly meant that the benefits or rewards would be obtained at the end of something. Perhaps he'd have to finish the war or kill the Earl before getting the best rewards.

The third part of the sentence also seemed obvious: the best reward would be the fruit of a tree - surely this one. A crimson-colored fruit was suspicious after Blueberry had mentioned sacrifice. Priam restrained a laugh. As long as it's not my blood...

Finally, the most crucial part was the middle of the sentence. The Poisoner. Priam had to poison something, but what? The tree? The Earl? The entire court? Was this a literal expression or not? If so, where to find the poison? The answer raised many questions, but Priam trusted himself and his doubles. He would find the answer in the next few hours, before his Tribulations.

In any case, the fruit and the tree on which it stood seemed to be at the center of it all. Priam quickly identified the tree.


[Sequoia Sempervirens Aether - Jubokko - Earl] - A majestic, thirsty tree. Although not the most outstanding representative of its species, it was one of the largest trees in the ancient world. Transplanted to the Moon, it now lacks the natural resources to survive. So this sequoia evolved to adapt to its new environment...

Its red fruits are rare treasures. Be careful: the sweetest fruits don't grow on the nicest trees.

Priam wasn't completely stupid: all the clues suggested that the tree consumed meat and blood to keep growing. It certainly lured its victims with its fruit before crushing them and extracting their nutrients.

If the identification and its conclusions weren't clear enough, [Aether Perception] also warned Priam. Seen through his new senses, the tree was an aether beacon in the mist. The amount of aether it contained was properly terrifying. Next to it, the Viscount-ranked Abomination was ridiculous. Is this Anatole's goal? This tree should be able to create an Abomination more powerful than an Earl...

Only one question remained: what was the nature of the relationship between the sequoia and the Earl?

The Viscount focused again. If Blueberry hadn't lied, the court and the Earl would be waiting for him at the end of this tunnel. Thinking for a few seconds was expected, but if Priam hesitated too much, he might be seen as a coward. The Earl didn't seem to be the kind of animal who forgave this trait.

Taking a final breath, Priam stepped into the dark tunnel.

The human had just entered the Path of the Mist. The Earl growled. In his mind, he preferred to call it the Path of Blood. The tree's appetite was hard to keep at bay. However, every court member had taken this path. It was one of two ways to get to the court and by far the most dangerous. It allowed the Earl to test his officers' abilities and determination.

At present, this gave him time to decide the human's fate. A war was coming, and the noble lion had no intention of dying out of arrogance.

The Earl looked down at the bear bending his knee before him. Despite his injuries, Blueberry was aware that he had to be more respectful than ever about court etiquette. After all, the court was made up of monsters who, even a week earlier, would have pounced on the bear, sensing his weakness. At present, it was Blueberrys only means of survival.

His subordinate was wounded, but despite the call of his stomach, the Earl had no intention of devouring him. On the one hand, the stench of the Depths made him want to vomit. On the other hand, the Viscount had shown intelligence and almost loyalty. Two qualities all too rare in this assembly. Moreover, with the imminent attack of the possessed human and his monstrous army, the Earl needed all his subjects.

But not all the bear's wounds were caused by the Abomination. His claws were broken, and that was the human's doing. Most of the men the Earl had seen from afar were weak, but this Priam seemed powerful - for a human.

Suddenly, the noble lion roared to silence the murmurs of the dozen or so subjects surrounding him. A new scene had just appeared in the clear water of the Spring. A lady had just entered his courtyard. The lion Earl straightened up, obsessed with the majestic figure of the newcomer. He had forgotten all about Priam.

"What stature. What beauty... I'll make her my wife!"

Lvl Up: [Divination Resistance] lvl 11


Priam had been walking slowly for a few seconds when he realized why he couldn't see any light at the end. It wasn't that the tunnel was particularly long or that it was enchanted to prevent light from escaping. The explanation was more straightforward: the tunnel was spiraling upwards.

After ten meters or so, Priam realized he was gaining height. The exit was certainly higher up, and the young Viscount pressed on.

As the light disappeared behind his back and darkness gained ground, Priam felt the pressure on his mist bubble increase. The tunnel had been dug into the tree's heart, and here, its power was at its maximum. Priam's next steps became more and more complicated, and he finally came to a halt.

Behind him, the light had finally disappeared and his breathing was becoming quite labored. The air felt heavy, and whenever he made an effort, his left lung could no longer supply enough oxygen for his body to function. Taking advantage of a moment's pause, Priam analyzed his situation.

He was in a dark tunnel, the exit of which undoubtedly led to the Earl's court. This meant several animals of Baron and Viscount rank awaited him at the end of his journey. Arriving there exhausted from his journey seemed a bad idea. Another critical point was that the pressure on his mist bubble was stagnating.

If the force exerted by the tree on Priam's mist had increased as he walked, it had now ceased to grow since he had stopped. The further I go, the stronger the pressure will be! Priam smiled. It seemed obvious, thinking back on his situation. In Elysium, there was nothing to stop a dragon in a bad mood from flying over his position and nuking the area around the portal. In the 'real' world, the System didn't hold Priam by the hand.

However, the Reunion had been created by the System to help humanity progress. The Colosseum, Bechar, the Hideout, the possibilities for exchanging information and resources, and even the hidden treasures on the Moon were there to boost humanity.

Priam wasn't surprised by the tunnel's existence - that was just another test. Obviously, the greater the danger, the greater the reward. If he passed all his trials, he was sure to obtain another trump card for surviving his Tribulations.

Smiling in spite of the pain, Priam decided to cross the tunnel quickly. The Viscount resumed his walk. It's even possible that this tunnel is a reward in itself...

Sphinx frowned as she entered a Domain. More like a pseudo-Domain. The difference was slight to a neophyte, but Sphinx knew a copy when she saw one. The tree's Domain was spatially weak, but one of its skills was extending it over the entire surface of the grove. This pseudo-domain was a diluted version of the real thing, but it had the advantage of being massive.

Sphinx shook her head, and her beautiful mane shimmered in the sunlight. She'd think about that after she'd found Priam. He was close, she could feel it.

Stepping towards the central tree, she shivered. Without knowing exactly why, Sphinx sensed that she wouldn't like the master of the house. I feel like I'm being watched?

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 148

Constitution 255

Agility 158

Vitality 284

Perception 289


Vivacity 174

Dexterity 177

Memory 40

Willpower 274

Charisma 141 (+3)


Meta-affinity 135

Meta-focus 98

Meta-endurance 90 (+3)

Meta-perception 32

Meta-chance 114

Potential: 1396 (+2)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge OFF. Reloaded in 14 hours 7 min 23s

[Tribulation]: Tribulations are coming.

Time: 18 hours 27 minutes 17 seconds.


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