A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 31: Clear Target

Chapter 31: Clear Target

Wave 20 completed. Congratulations!

Choose a talent:

  • [Bound Weapon]
  • [Eidetic Memory]
  • [Space Pocket]

Priam began to smile despite his fatigue. The three choices looked exceptional.

He had read enough fantasy novels to know what a space pocket was. A volume, the same as the inside of Log-a-rhythm, would be attached to him. A sort of invisible backpack to which only he would have the key. He could store all kinds of objects in it. Perhaps a synergy with [Kinetic Control] was even possible? To give energy to an object and then store it the next moment. If he kept a spear with 14 MJ of kinetic energy in his pocket, he would have another asset to use in Viracocha. Looking at his spear, Priam pulled himself together. He didn't have to store a weapon that would be destroyed after an attack. A single metal ball thrown at ten times the speed of sound promised terrifying destruction. All he had to do was stockpile a hundred balls before releasing them simultaneously to annihilate any enemy.

Also, he was sure he could hit his enemies with his new synergy between [Kinetic Control] and [Moon Mist]. A bead would create little friction in the air. It seemed like a perfect plan, but he still needed to use this skill to stasis objects. He could even become the ultimate thief. Steal a valuable object before blowing his head off to escape. He would then resurrect, the object safe in his space pocket. Priam knew he wasn't ready to execute this kind of plan yet, but he had only been in the Concept Universe for ten days...

It was complicated to make a choice when he had so many questions. Could it store living organisms? How big was the pocket? Could he improve this talent? Was it possible to get into this pocket to temporarily protect himself or hide his corpse after his death?

The three talents had to be roughly equal in power, or the System would not have offered them together. [Eidetic Memory] seemed inferior to [Space Pocket]. Was the latter weak, or did perfect memory hold secrets? By increasing his Memory, he was confident he could achieve Eidetic Memory by reaching 100 or 200 points. So what was the point of this talent? Could he manipulate his memory? Store memories in depth to survive a mental search? Or to bring back his memories periodically to counteract profound mind control?

In addition, what did [Bound Weapon] mean? The skill seemed interesting, but Priam had no weapons left. Would he want to bind with his spear even if it was still in good condition? He didn't precisely have mastery over the weapon.

"Wonderful fight, little guy. But you should stop right there. You'll maim your body if you channel any more ether."

Priam turned around. Behind him was Bechar. The changeling was walking through Priam's mist, but Priam couldn't feel his presence. He didn't even know how the overseer accomplished this feat, but it meant he shouldn't rely blindly on his skills.

"Yeah," Priam replied. "I don't think I'll defeat the next Boss in this state."

Bechar threw two stones at him, which Priam caught. Looking at the contents of his hand, he recognized a Baron core and a crystal of the same size.

"Here, for the show. The rules are the rules. The crystal is an equivalent of a Baron's core," Bechar replied as he approached Priam. The overseer gauged him for a few seconds before looking critically at the rest of the hoplite spear.

"A good quality spear for this stage of integration. Your first trophy, right?"

"Indeed," said Priam, lifting his spear. "This spear has been with me almost from the beginning. It's always been a good weapon, even though I didn't have the skills to wield it."

"That's an understatement," Bechar growled. "I know kids who could beat you up with equal attributes. You come from a civilization that frowned on violence, so it's understandable. But now that you have access to the trainers at the Colosseum, you have no excuse. Special training with a good AI is expensive, but reaching the first level of Spear Mastery is mandatory if you want to use this type of weapon."

Priam looked at the hoplite spear. It was his first real weapon, and his hands had grown accustomed to holding it. Its heavy mass was reassuring, and all other weapons he had seen paled in comparison.

"I don't know if I'll specialize in the spear. I like it as a throwing weapon, but I don't have any particular affinity with it," Priam replied.

"Then you're an idiot," Bechar commented. "You're pathetic with spears, but practice, rewards, and Potential can change that. It is your first trophy Priam. In my tribe, every child's first trophy becomes their weapon for life. Some Concepts, such as Karma, Soul, or Order, value connections. It means something."

Priam smiled. He could feel Bechar trying to help him. Making progress alone was complicated, but standing on the shoulders of a giant like Bechar broadened his horizons. He would get this kind of advice if he joined a faction. Alone, it was difficult for him to deduce those things.

"Thanks for the information. But I'll have to find a temporary replacement. The problem is, I'm not sure human smiths know how to forge such impressive weapons," Priam replied, stroking the spear with his hand.

The hoplite spear had been entrusted to the champion of their civilization. It was the product of millennia of research and improvement. Humanity, even with the help of the Aether and the System, would not have caught up in a week.

"If you want a powerful weapon to kill the Boss of the twenty-fifth wave, then take a temporary replacement. You could kill the Boss by sending a spoon quickly with your skill. However, if you want a companion for eternity, you'll need a weapon that fits you. A weapon that knows you, that shares your history. That's the only way to wake it up. Spending time finding a reward or a blacksmith who can repair your spear will bond you all the more. But..." Bechar paused dramatically.

"My father used to say that everything before 'but' in a sentence was irrelevant," Priam remarked.

"Your father wasn't wrong," laughed Bechar. "But, you can bind it to you right now. If you do that, you'll save years. Binding a weapon without this talent is a long process. Even so, it is done in stages. The talent allows you to skip several crucial steps. If you do that, the spear will passively repair itself with your aether. It will be an extension of your body. Your attributes will gradually strengthen it. It will teach you how to wield it, and you will also save time when learning Spear Mastery. Finally, a linked weapon will synergize with your skills."

Priam pouted. Bechar was trying to convince him to take [Bound Weapon]. The talent seemed powerful, but he had another preference. Besides, there was no evidence that the changeling had his best interests at heart. Perhaps he wanted to manipulate him? It was hard to ask the question head-on, as the monster in front of him seemed more than capable of easily killing him. Priam was reluctant to trust him.

"This talent looks powerful. But I think I prefer [Space Pocket]. If the talent works the way I think it will, its synergy with my kinetic skill promises to be incredible. Maybe I can even evolve it," Priam replied.

Bechar stared at Priam for a few seconds before huffing.

"Your parents must have rocked you too close to the wall. I see you don't understand the undertones, so I'll clarify," he sighed. "[Space pocket] is an excellent skill. It would synergize with your kinetic skill because a space pocket only has three dimensions, so time is suspended. But since the skill is upgradeable, you'll have to be static and concentrate for a while to access this pocket and select the item you want. Used properly, it can be devastating and versatile. It is the skill I would recommend to my children. But if you think you're going to turn it into a space capable of storing life and possibly a home for your family, you're wrong. You're looking for a space seed, and that's the reward for a much harder wave."

"What?! Is it possible to create my own world?" asked Priam abruptly.

Bechar smiles. "Yes, it is possible. But it's extremely rare. It's the privilege of Tier 5. If you want to do it before that, you'll need unique resources or mythic rank skills," the changeling explained. "I see you're interested in the reward. I'll give you a tip then. There will be more Reunions, but the Colosseum rewards change. Defeating Wave 30 in a first Reunion is an impressive feat. Defeating Wave 30 in the second Reunion is still very honorable, but many humans will make it. That's why you need to give it your best shot. [Space Pocket] is an excellent skill that synergizes with your kinetic skill. But you are a Lunar Baron..."

Priam smiled as he noted the use of the word 'but'. He looked up at the dark sky. The stars shone behind the barrier, and he remembered he was on the Moon. In this new world, having a world of your own was possible. Did that mean that...

"If I get the space seed, if I create a space inside me, will it be possible to house my family in it to bring them back to my world?" asked Priam hopefully.

"..." Bechar's look becomes complicated. After a few seconds of silence, he answered, "It's possible, but... The space seed only appears during the first Reunion. It is the reward of Wave 50. The Boss is a high-level Count. If you improve a lot, select the right rewards and spend all your Potential... You can eventually overcome wave 40. Maybe 45. But the Wave 50 boss has a half domain. Right now, I don't see how you can even touch him. Also, I'm assuming you'll have survived your Tribulations. Nothing is less certain..."

Priam took a deep breath. He finally had a goal. A way to save his family without waiting decades to escape Elysium. His eyes brightened. Wave 50... I will defeat the Boss at the end of the Reunion or die trying. Before that, he would have to find his family.

Priam exhaled. He was suddenly under a lot of pressure. There was a clear goal in sight. He could save his family. To do that, he had to become as strong as possible. He refocused on the prize. He would find out about the Tribulations and the Domains later. Bechar wanted to make him think. Priam summoned his mist. His Title had unlocked this particular skill, and his Epic rank seemed too high for his performance. I must have missed something.

Trees of Merit

Each new Title opens a new Tree of Merit and allows you to upgrade a Tree of Merit once.

Upgrading a Tree of Merit to Tier 10 uses 10 Titles and thus condemns 9 other Trees. Be careful which trees you upgrade...

[Heartless] - Tier 0: Once a day, your heart regenerates instantly.

[Brainless] - Tier 3: Locked. Requires a Silver Title.

[Questor - Silver] - Tier 0: Your instincts are sharpening.

[Pseudo Phoenix] - Tier 0: Your affinity for flames allows you to manipulate uncontrolled fires.

[Axolotl or Hydra ?] - Tier 1: You can now regenerate your limbs faster.

[Apprentice of Hermes] - Tier 0: Future messenger, you are temporarily accepted by traveling to other worlds than Elysium.

[Moon Baron] - Tier 0: You are getting familiar with the mist.

[Upgrader] - Tier 0: You begin to feel the ethereal workings of your skills.

[Forerunner - Silver] - Tier 0: Your META (chance) increases temporarily when you work on a project capable of improving the standing of humanity.

[To the Moon] - Tier 0: [Bullet time] is automatically triggered when you are in danger of death.

6 Unused Merit Points.

The [Moon Baron] Merit would make him familiar with the mist. Bechar implied that the Merit would synergize with his new talent. If this is the case, what could this synergy be?

Bechar waited patiently for Priam to think. Priam had to come to a conclusion on his own. He would not trust his findings if they were too influenced by Bechar. Both men knew that Priam did not trust the changeling. After Claire's betrayal, he now knew that most people he would meet would want something from him. Until he knew Bechar's motives, he would be wary.

After a few minutes, Priam had a few ideas. He preferred [Space Pocket] for now, but if these ideas were feasible, that changed a lot...

"I'm not fully exploiting my new skill," Priam asserted. "Perhaps I can attack with it by condensing the mist enough? I could also change its state and increase its pressure until it condenses. But that has nothing to do with my spear. You're implying a synergy between my mist and my weapon... I suppose there's a way to get my weapon back after I throw it away?" he theorized.

Bechar smiled without saying a word and let Priam continue.

"For this, I can spend my Potential to modify my skill. But I could also directly create a new skill which would certainly be cheaper - unless the synergy goes further. In my control area... Maybe I could merge my bound weapon and the mist? If it's possible, I could make it reappear in my hand after throwing it. If I go further, it might be possible to materialize my weapon anywhere in my area?" continued Priam.

He watched the mist ripple at his feet. There was a massive gap between his assumptions and the current reality.

"But I'm nowhere near that right now. I'd like this style of fighting, but the cost in Potential must be prohibitive," Priam finished, clenching his jaw. He could already see himself teleporting his spear around and attacking an enemy from his blind spots. He would be invisible in his area by visually and magically obscuring his mist. He had many other ideas but didn't have an unlimited supply of Potential. Without it, all this talk would remain just words.

Bechar spoke again as he saw Priam lower his arms.

"I think you are forgetting something. You have a Title, its Merit, and a skill linked. Their synergy is incredible. The simplest descriptions often hide great potential. Your Merit would drastically lower the cost in Potential of this kind of modification. Well... Potential isn't the most valuable resource for nothing," Bechar said mysteriously.

He looked up at the sky for a moment. "One last piece of advice. Your skill is a novelty. It means that in the wide world, no one will be able to counter you easily. Whatever skill you choose, dont forget your mist." he added.

The announcement had the effect of a whiplash on Priam.

"You mean to tell me that with my Potential... I can change my Merit Trees?" If that was the case, then that changed everything. He could modify the Trees to fit his build completely. He no longer needed to accumulate Merit Points and could now decide on a path.

"You can do a lot of things. I've already said too much. You have no faction, so you have no help. That puts you at a disadvantage because you miss out on crucial information. But at the same time, you don't fall into certain traps. Do you really think a faction wanting to dominate humans would give great secrets to some of them? No way. Make your own choices, Priam. Check every piece of information you get. Find synergies never imagined. The path to the Zenith is not clear," Bechar advised.

Priam nodded. It seemed evident that a faction seeking to dominate humanity would not give too much information to traitors. The traitors would be trapped to limit their future, thus limiting revolt risk.

"Thank you," Priam thanked. Whatever Bechar's motivations, Bechar had shown him that he needed to expand his imagination. The path to Zenith wasn't just about improving his skills and attributes.

"Glad to see the youth are staying polite. I enjoyed the fight and would love to see you back here. Nevertheless, if you continue to be obtuse, you will die, Priam. In fact, you'll probably die. You've started a double Tribulation. You don't understand the horror of a Tribulation... I've said all I have to say. I'll let you think about the rest, and I hope youll surprise me. New gladiators are coming, and I have to deal with them. See you next time, kid," he added as he turned away.

Priam swallowed. The Tribulations were coming, and he wasn't ready. "Can you tell me more about the Tribulations?!" he shouted.

Bechar had already moved away, and the wind brought his answer to Priam. He heard the changeling as if he were beside him.

"No. I work for the Seven Concepts. I get rewarded if you perform exceptionally well in this Colosseum," he replied, pointing to the arena surrounding them. "But at the same time, I can't answer that kind of question. It is the System's ultimate test, and I will be punished if I interfere. But she will be able to answer some questions."


"I gave you my crystal and a Baron's Core. For your reward, I'll give you half an hour to choose. Good luck with the Tribulations."

With that, Bechar disappeared. Priam opened his hand and looked at the Baron core. Bechar paid his seat, so the core...

Priam looked up and scanned the stands. On his right, he noticed a young woman in a private gallery. She waved at him and then stood up and pointed behind her. He needed answers and had barely two days to prepare before his Double Tribulation.

"But before that, I must change my Merit Trees and skills. It's time to change my fighting style. I've been saving my Potential, time to spend it"

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 86

Constitution 103

Agility 116

Vitality 164

Perception 156


Vivacity 132

Dexterity 107

Memory 33

Willpower 69

Charisma 80


Meta-affinity 71

Meta-focus 56

Meta-endurance 1

Meta-chance 40

Potential: 620

Tier 0


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