A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 25: In Sight but Out of Mind

Chapter 25: In Sight but Out of Mind

Anne turned around as soon as the door was closed. She ordered the Amazons to assemble quickly. Albin called out to her at that moment.

"Nice acting lesson. I almost thought you really wanted a trial."

Anne looked at him dismissively. "Good thing I was able to concoct a believable story quickly. Without me, you'd all be dead. But I hope I don't cross his path again. He's young and innocent, but this is probably the last time he'll spare an enemy..."

Albin shrugged. He didn't care as long as he was alive. Anne continued.

"We have to leave. Claire had to abandon the quest to not arouse Priam's suspicions, but she is still alive. She will find our families without our help. What's the point of staying here and waiting for that monster to deign to open the door for us? Either Claire will succeed on her own, or she will fail, in which case we had better get to work."

Albin began to rant at hearing this. "Of course, it was a bad idea to let that idiot through the door! All our efforts were reduced to nothing. We are behind the other teams now. We should have attacked, our losses might have been heavy, but we would be in the dome right now, and one of us would be a Baron!"

Anne squinted her eyes. "Are you challenging the orders, Albin?"

"Yours? Yes, clearly. Claire's, no, of course. But still... I don't deny that our influence will snowball if she recruits him as a new member. But he doesn't seem to be interested in that kind of deal. We haven't even found out what world he's coming from."

Anne sighed in annoyance. "That's why I'm in charge of the operation in Claire's absence and not you. You're an idiot. If we had attacked, we would all be dead, Claire was right. He's much stronger than he was this afternoon, and honestly, I'd be surprised if our fight could even have fazed him. My skill barely disturbs him, and we are blind in this fucking mist. Right now, the difference between us and him is huge. He would have exterminated us. But with our knowledge and opportunities, we'll soon overtake this kid. Learn to fight when you can win Albin, and... Don't make enemies you can't defeat."

The last sentence seemed personal, and Albin shuddered. The woman before him had no scruples, and he swore he would remember that. Shyly, he asked.

"But why did you ask Claire to help us? I'm sure Priam suspects something by now."

"Because Claire was going to betray us. When she heard he had defeated Nemea, she arranged for his arrival. She posed as a prisoner. Claire aimed to get close to Priam and use him to find his family and complete her mission. You know her. Her family and her duty are her only interests. We don't matter to her. She seeks to strengthen the Revenants, but the two of us are disposable pawns. She had a better chance of achieving both goals by staying with Priam. Thanks to me, he's wary, so she'll have to rely on us."

Albin nodded his head. "That's brilliant! But she must have hated that kind of manipulation... She's going to want us dead..."

"She's going to want us dead. But I had no choice. It was that or death. She wouldn't let the people in the dome interrogate us. Now we have to start completing the plan. She puts her duty above her desires. She will let us live if we are useful to the movement."

"What about our families?" entreated Albin.

"Its alright. I didn't say too much so Priam would take her to the dome anyway. She may hate us, but our families have nothing to do with it. Her duty is to save and recruit them, so we can trust her. Now, stop wasting my time!"

Anne clapped her hands and addressed the entire group. "The operation is a failure. If we can't convert the majority of the dome, we must put it at risk. If they are not with us, they are against us. Many will join us to survive if the threat is great enough. Killing Baron Priam is now a priority. It's time to earn our nickname. It's time to attract a Count."

Albin shuddered even more.

Claire was in a cold sweat. If Priam hadn't told her the purpose of his quest, she clearly wouldn't have thought of abandoning hers. The loss of her potential reward was disappointing, but if Priam began to have serious doubts about her, it would be complicated. He could learn everything else, but not that she was a Revenant officer. Despite the short time they'd spent together, Claire understood that he wasn't the kind of man to let deception slide. She also sensed that he suspected something. She was going to have to reveal some of the truth to calm him down temporarily. If he asked her to swear to tell the truth about her Potential, she had to be able to do it. Knowing Priam, there was little chance, but it was better to be cautious.

Thinking back to the last few hours made Claire very angry. Because of a blonde fool, unable to sacrifice herself for the Cause, Claire could no longer travel with Priam. If he found out the whole truth... She wasn't sure how he would react, but anything was possible. Sparing Anne and Albin's lives had already exhausted her patience.

She had seen his reaction with the Amazons. The young warrior was still attached to the morality his parents had instilled in him. But that was already changing. He understood that his freedom came before his morals. There was only one step left before he would kill for his own freedom, Claire did not want to be the victim. The fate of the Revenants conflicted with the young man's ideal. It was either them or him.

Claire forced herself to breathe calmly. The important thing was that she would soon be in the dome. Her family was here. They were the priority right now. Dad, mom, everyone... I'm coming.

The hallway was going up. A hint of wind was felt on her skin. They were close to the exit.

Priam stopped dead in his tracks. In front of him was a half-darkened room. An opening in the high ceiling allowed light to pass through. Through it, Priam could hear the sound of people walking down the street, onlookers chatting with each other, shopkeepers calling out to passers-by and a thousand different sounds of the city. Under the dome lived a city. Maybe his parents were there.

In front of him, the darkened room worried him. He didn't feel in mortal danger, but his instincts told him that one last trap awaited him. If Orthos had to be defeated to enter the passage, then perhaps the inhabitants had their own jailer.

The spider webs stretched across the room reinforced Priam's suspicions. A colony of a thousand terrestrial spiders could not have created so many structures in a month. So in a few days... Why does it always have to be spiders...

Priam crouched down and squinted to find his enemy. He knew the monster would undoubtedly be an ambusher. Once the surprise was over, Priam did not doubt he would quickly deal with the problem. Between Nemea and Orthos, the young man suspected that the System built the enemies in a logical way. If the enemy was fast, then its attack power would be low. If the enemy was stealthy, then his defense would be paper. Against Priam, a man with many lives, the Barons like Orthos were perhaps most dangerous. Without weak points, there was no possibility of an easy victory.

The enemy was invisible in the gloom and the young man motioned for Claire to back away slowly. He positioned his spear in front of him and summoned his mist. The sealed door was a border. Beyond it, as well as under the dome, the fog wasnt present anymore. But Priam could now produce it wherever he wanted.

The room quickly began to fill with an opaque mist. After a few seconds, it was dark, and Priam concentrated again. He could feel the presence of the mist, just as he had during the fight against Nemea. The room was cubic, and he visualized it in his mind. Closing his eyes, Priam saw himself: an absence in the mist. The mist was hugging his body, so he could see himself as a place where there was no mist.

If I can perceive myself, then...

The young man concentrated on the room. It was not easy because the webs and threads of spiders were thin. Their presence did not occupy a large volume, so it was difficult to notice the absence of mist. Nevertheless, slowly but surely, Priam was able to detect the presence of these traps. Some of the webs seemed swollen as if they contained eggs. Or food...

Lvl Up : [Focus] lvl 10




Lvl Up : [Moon Mist] lvl 3


CHAR + 2


[Tribulation]: Three characteristics above 100 were detected in Tier 0.

A Tribulation is coming.

Time: 71 hours 59 minutes 56 seconds.

... And shit. It was bound to happen. At least I have some time to prepare.

Priam refocused on the confrontation. At the back of the room, about ten meters up, the enemy was hiding in a corner. The haze hugged the body of the motionless spider, and Priam finally detected his opponent. He already suspected, but the spider was huge. Its head must have been the size of Priam's torso, and its body was at least three times as big. It was looking in his direction and seemed to have spotted him. But its hunting technique was to wait for its prey.

Priam's problem was that he was slightly arachnophobic. The presence of spiders did not make him fearful but rather disgusted. He had no desire to approach the beast. Unfortunately, this one was positioned close to the exit. Thinking for a moment, the young man had an idea. If I throw my weapon, I should be able to skewer it. With my dexterity, strength and skills, I should have no problem hitting it at this distance... I hope.

Without taking too much time to think about the consequences if the throw missed, the young man cocked his arm. One step forward, dynamic extension of the left leg, energetic push of the right leg, rotation of the hips, torso and shoulders and... [Kinetic Control]x7!

The spear went off like a missile. No sooner had it left Priam than it penetrated the spider's head. The spider's body exploded under the power of the attack. The monster seemed so frail in the face of the young man's ability that he realized he had been doing it wrong all along. Why limit himself to close combat when he had no experience?

His [Kinetic Control] skill was much more versatile than he had thought. He could easily throw and stop projectiles. Coupled with his present and future characteristics and other skills, he had to step back and think of different attack strategies. He was nearly immortal, but why risk dying - often in excruciating pain - when you could fight intelligently? I'm going to need a skill to aim right...

Completed Quest: Predator - Baron III

Reward: Potential + 20. Participation: 100%.

You have eliminated a Baron without help. Again. An outstanding performance.

Bonus: Potential + 20. [Poison Resistance] lvl up!

Note: Barons are not the only nobles to populate the Moon. Your triple victory has aroused the curiosity of other nobles. An Earl is interested in you and summons you to his court. County seat marked on your map. Make haste.

Congratulations! Improved title! [Questor - Silver]

New Quest: Predator - Viscount

You are moving up in the hierarchy of the Court. Congratulations on your progress Lord Lunar.

The peasant fears the Baron but the Baron fears the Earl.

Do you fear the Earl?

Prove your worth and your ambition. Overcome the Earl's guards, the Viscounts.

Reward (per Viscount): Potential +50. Customized bonus depending on your participation.

Difficulty: Gold

[Questor - Silver] - You have completed seven Concepts quests. While not particularly interested in helping your fellow man, your willingness to explore the world by going above and beyond at every turn made it possible.

Your instincts are sharpening and will now push you in directions that may interest you.

PERC +20

Meta (CHANCE) +20

Lvl Up : [Poison Resistance] lvl 4,...,8

VIT +5

Lvl Up : [Kinetic Control] lvl 11,12




Lvl Up : [Focus] lvl 11




You have gained a new skill [Throw].

[Throw] - Some people keep their spear close. But you know that true love is to set the other free. Set your spear free. Free your enemies from this unjust world.


Lvl Up : [Throw] lvl 2,3,4,5


Priam smiled. He had plans to create a new technique soon and this Potential would not be out of place. Besides, it seemed that using his skill in an original way against a serious enemy was beneficial to increase his level.


He turned to Claire. "Excuse me?"

"The throw. I've never seen a ballista in action, but it must have looked like this."

"Ah. I guess so. This new world is pretty crazy but... It has its good points. I don't specialize in anything other than destruction right now, but I think those who create must have incredible possibilities too. If we can help each other, humanity could reach a new golden age."

This world did have a good side. For example, the wound on the young man's torso had almost disappeared. But his hand was still healing. The injury was too severe to recover so quickly, but his hand was slowly starting to return to form. I'm not sure I can heal from an amputation, though.

Claire smiles, "You're right. And those who create are right out there."

"Let's go." Priam retrieved his spear along with the anonymous Baron's core and moved toward the back of the room. A door, richly decorated this time, hinted at the end of the underground. The two young people were only a few meters from the dome and perhaps civilization. Priam stopped while Claire continued to advance. Sensing the young man's absence, she turned and raised an eyebrow.

"Here we go. However... Don't you have something to tell me, Claire?" asks Priam in a neutral voice. He would have preferred that the young woman confide in him.

"..." The girl did not answer immediately.

"You were not being watched in this room. You said you would help Anne and Albin find their family. Its weird to help the people who captured you. I'm not an idiot, Claire. If you don't tell me the truth, we will have to split up here. A friendship can't be built on lies."

After a few seconds of silence, Claire sighed.

"I don't want to lie to you, and I didn't want to lie to you. In fact, I never really lied to you. But the lie of omission is still a lie, I guess... There are reasons why I didn't tell you, you know? First, I have orders not to reveal my objectives to strangers. By strangers, I mean..." Priam did not hear the end of the sentence.

An immense pain rose from his right shoulder. Sharp mandibles had penetrated his trapezius and all the muscles below. The flash of pain blinded him. His first instinct was to raise his spear and skew the enemy behind him. Luckily, he held it in his left hand as he prepared to push open the door. He had unfortunately used up all his kinetic charges in the last fight, but his strength was still substantial. The spear bit into the flesh, and a shrill cry sounded.

The mandibles disengaged from Priam's body, and he fell to his knees. A burning, icy liquid spread through his shoulder, and he knew he was being poisoned. His strength was already leaving him as he turned. Behind him, slowly backing away, was a giant spider. The twin of the third Baron had taken revenge. The monster was severely wounded, but Priam despaired. The poison was numbing his body, and his wound was severe. He couldn't even get up. I have to kill it before I die. If that thing eats my corpse...

Priam heard a noise. Looking down, he saw that it was his spear, which had fallen to the ground. His fingers didn't even have enough strength to hold it anymore, and the young man slumped.

Lvl Up : [Poison Resistance] lvl 9

VIT +1

The level-up effect was immediate. Priam could feel the poison flowing through him, but his body was more resistant. He was now losing ground but might be immune to the poison with a few more levels. My resistance to the poison! If I can speed up this process...

Tree of Merit:

[Axolotl or Hydra?] - Tier 0: following a regeneration, your body becomes more resistant to what has damaged it.

Priam bought the Merit instantly. He knew it might not be the best solution in the long run, but he didn't want to resurrect in a spider cocoon, helpless, and wait for his second death.

[Axolotl or Hydra?] - Tier 1: You can now regenerate your limbs faster.

The effect of the Merit was instantaneous. His body seemed more vigorous, more tenacious, and it was learning to resist the lethal fluid better. Three factors helped Priam recover. [Poison Resistance] was a passive skill that taught his body to destroy harmful molecules and gradually made his cells immune to them. His racial trait [Humanity adapts] helped him by adapting his body to his environment. Here, this translated into a faster increase in his skill. [Axolotl or Hydra?] was interesting because Priam's enormous Vitality regenerated his body every second. The poison was gaining ground, but the new cells were more resistant thanks to the Merit. The three effects worked together to increase Priam's resistance.

Lvl Up: [Poison Resistance] lvl 10

VIT +1

His body was getting more robust, and the poison was moving slower. Unfortunately, the spider was getting closer despite the spear that had pierced its body. The spider struggled to move. Blue blood - from the copper - ran down the Baron's body. Its long, hairy legs clung to the ground with difficulty. The Boss was no longer afraid of its opponent. Priam flinched as the poison flowed through his veins. The arthropod was moving in to finish the job. Priam was desperate. He wasn't sure he could resist the poison, but he had a chance. Against the Baron, he had none.

"Damn it... I have so many regrets... I could have become a god if I hadn't been so stupid..."

The monster was less than two meters away from him, and Priam could see the hatred in its bulging eyes. The spider opened its mouth to bite him, and the hoplite spear went in.

Surprised, Priam forgot his pain for a moment. The Baron collapsed to the ground, its legs curled up. At the end of the spear, Claire rubbed her hands together.

"What a filthy beast. No way am I looking for its core..."

She looked down, and Priam met her gaze. Black dots appeared in his field of vision as he slowly became unconscious.

"You crushed the first Baron, but the second got you by surprise. It could make itself immaterial. You must always be on your guard Priam. Not all enemies are as noble as you. That's not a compliment."

Lvl Up: [Poison Resistance] lvl 11

VIT +1

His racial trait, skill, and Merit synergized to pull him out of the clutches of death. But Claire was in no hurry to help him. Am I really going to be betrayed by everyone? In the end, I can only count on myself. I won't forget this lesson Claire. I shouldn't have helped I should have killed you all...

His consciousness was slowly fading despite the rage that inhabited him. The poison attacked his brain. He would have passed out if his mind hadn't been transferred to his whole body. Claire came closer.

"But your kindness reminded me of my family. Even your name... My little brother was a big mythology fan, you know? I should kill you, Priam. You're too powerful, too dangerous for my faction. But can I find my family if I kill the one who helped me so much? Karma is a genuine concept in this new world... I leave you with Death, Priam."

Claire got up and walked to the exit. The door opened automatically, and Priam heard the clamor of a crowd.

Lvl Up : [Poison Resistance] lvl 12

VIT +1

The doors closed again. On the flagstones, Priam's black blood flowed.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 78

Constitution 92

Agility 108

Vitality 136

Perception 114


Vivacity 102

Dexterity 90

Memory 33

Willpower 52

Charisma 52


Meta-affinity 47

Meta-focus 52

Meta-chance 20

Potential: 307

Tier 0


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