A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 140: Ants vs Middle Ages

Chapter 140: Ants vs Middle Ages

Closing his eyes, Priam focused on his Talent. [Concepts Archipelago] was directly linked to his soul, granting him an intimate connection. This connection allowed Priam to gather information and, more importantly, to freely use his world. With a thought, he attempted to open a portal at the center of the enchanted sphere.

Nothing happened.

[Error. A portal is already open.]

Priam grimaced as he read the notification from his add-on. Behind him, his father stood near the portal leading to the Log-a-rhythm clearing. I suppose that was predictable.

[Concepts Archipelago - Gold(Growth)] - A world now lies within you. Its initial parameters of gravity, space and time allow for life. Its aether structure is exceptional, capable of using any concept fragment to grow and evolve.

You have the perfect seed. It's up to you to transform it into Yggdrasil.

A world attached to your soul.

You can open a portal into or out of your inner world.

When your body is in your inner world, an anchor is placed in the outer world. Opening an exit portal depends on this anchor.

The Talent's description mentioned a portal leading into or out of his world. One portal, not two. He explained the problem to his father.

I see only two solutions, Alain replied. First: create a portal in the sphere whenever you're not using it for something else.

Priam grimaced.

That means deactivating it whenever I need to go in or out of my world. Not a big problem. However, if I'm not near Log-a-rhythm, it'll be dangerous to open a portal leading to the sphere.


If I open a fixed portal anywhere after stealing a resource, nothing will prevent a monster from entering my world or a rival from throwing a bomb into it after my departure.

Since his internal world was linked to his soul, Priam wasn't keen on seeing it explode. But in that case, he could only siphon aether when near Log-a-rhythm, significantly reducing the sphere's appeal.

Alternatively, you can use Potential to open a second portal, Alain suggested.

Priam grimaced. Each point of Potential was precious.

I guess I can. I hope it won't be too expensive...

Priam connected to his Potential. After all, this magical resource was meant to bend the rules.

Creating a stable portal between Elysium and another world.

Cost: 1 000 000 POT

Land Owner Bonus (Baron): POT cost -10%

Cost: 900 000 POT

What the hell?!

Priam burst into a bitter laugh as he read the number containing too many zeros. The good news was that he benefited from Land Owner advantages when his anchor was placed in the Log-a-rhythm domain. The bad news was that he didn't have 900,000 POT. Priam calmed down and analyzed the situation. Something was off. It's too expensive; there must be a good reason.

After pondering for a moment, Priam wondered if there was a connection to one of the elysian laws. Upon arriving in Elysium, he had received several quests. One of them was named Invasion. Its description implied that this world did not allow fugitives.

Explore other worlds.

Depending on the method, the laws of Elysium will give you some time off before they call you back.

I got lucky with [Concepts Archipelago], he realized. His Talent had been created by two System rewards while he was outside Elysium. Moreover, his world was deeply connected to his soul. Without these very specific conditions, there was little chance his Talent would have been accepted by Elysian laws. Priam's draconic instinct whispered that few people must possess an internal world in Elysium.

Spatial pockets or enchanted objects, larger on the inside than the outside, must be common. But a real world? Priam was undoubtedly an exception.

If that's the case, I could use that to my advantage. In Elysium, I should be one of the few who can smuggle. With [Hearthstone] on top of that...

Priam refocused on the present moment. He now knew the cause of the problem and could find a solution. After all, the rift to Valaryth proved that Elysian laws didn't condemn all passages. The rift... Of course!

Creating an unstable rift between Elysium and another world.

Cost: 1 000 POT

Land Owner Bonus (Baron): POT cost -10%

Cost: 900 POT

I'm on the right track. Elysium hated secure, permanent portals leading to other worlds. The laws were there to prevent inhabitants from fleeing. The more dangerous the escape method, the fewer people could potentially cross, and the less strict the laws. Luckily, Priam didn't want to take people out of Elysium, only aether.

He pondered another wish, imagining a very thin, one-way rift that didn't allow matter to pass.

Creating an unstable one-way energy rift between Elysium and another world.

Cost: 325 POT

Land Owner Bonus (Baron): POT cost -10%

Cost: 292 POT

Priam tried a dozen different formulations, but the Potential cost didn't decrease. The System had understood what he wanted and offered a price. It was expensive, but Concepts didn't haggle.

292 POT, he announced to his father.

That's no small change, said Alain. Are you going to take it?

Priam nodded. You've worked hard and invested your Potential.

When the boat is sinking, you have to jump.

Priam rolled his eyes. His father had been a fisherman for a few years and liked to cultivate the image of an old sailor.

So here's another reason: I just realized that my Talent might be unique here. I obtained this internal world through multiple coincidences. It might be the second thing that sets me apart from my rivals. I have to make the most of this advantage.

To be completely honest, there was a third reason. Priam thought it was cool to have a world inside him. A real world, not just a floating island.

He accepted the System's offer.

POT -292

A door, both fictional and real, opened in his soul. A divine flow escaped before rushing into his internal world. Like an avalanche, aether and the supreme will of Concepts found a passage. A geyser erupted in the pond at the center of his world.

Alain stepped back, seeing the physical manifestation of Potential. The divine river rose into the air several meters before falling on the wooden sphere like a providential rain. The fluid passed through matter before disappearing.

Mentally, Priam felt his Potential take the form of a needle that pierced reality. His soul quivered. The pain was weak, but it confirmed to Priam that his world could be a weakness.

The needle found an exit at the top of Log-a-rhythm, then disappeared. It had opened a passage, and a tiny rift opened. The next moment, a flow of aether passed through. Flooding the available space, the fluid took the shapes of the sphere. The aether then penetrated the wood and the runes.

Lvl Up: [Aether Perception] lvl 20


[Aether Perception] has reached level 20. As a rare skill, a bonus is available. Choose one of these three options


The runes traversed by the aether began to glow. Fifty invisible vortexes, unseen to the naked eye, formed, absorbing the entire essence of the world. Under [Aether Perception], it behaved like any other fluid. The vortexes expanded, attracting all aether present in the wooden ball. Despite the siphons' appetite, the rift continued to produce more energy.

The captured aether then followed current lines to the second rune, where its filtration began. Priam had no idea about the rune's mechanism, but the outgoing pure energy was undeniable. The aether entered a third rune, which expelled it into the atmosphere.

Priam was right next to the sphere and felt a wave of energy hit him. The pores of his skin opened, eagerly absorbing the aether as intense as it was pure. [Priams System] updated his data.

[World information:

Aether density increasing. Current density: 0.15 E.]

Priam barely had time to smile before a new message reached him.

[Aether density increasing. Current density: 0.16 E.]

So? Alain asked.


While Alain smiled broadly, Priam focused on the pollution of the sphere. His Domain detected tiny changes in the wood, confirming their predictions. Priam mobilized his add-on. How long will the sphere hold up?

[Aether siphon.

Pollution - Estimate (reliability: 97%):

Total destruction of the sphere: 12,97 years.

Threatened integrity of the runes: 3,42 years.

Decrease in rune performance: 10% - 1,21 years. 20% - 1,84 years.

Sphere leakage - filtration system breach: 0,45 years.]

This left them with less than six months to find a solution. After that, concept fragments would corrupt his world. That didn't even account for the Necromoon event starting soon. Might as well deal with the problem as quickly as possible.

First, Priam tried to use [Tribulation Hunter] to capture the concept fragments polluting his sphere. The unique skill detected nothing. Neither did [Concepts Archipelago]. If these are truly concepts, they are in minute quantities and mixed together... Priam didn't give up, but he realized that he didn't yet have the tools to harvest the concepts present in the aether. Let's try something else for now.

Focusing on his Talent, Priam thought of the concept fragments he had captured. The pond in the center of his world, a remnant of [Mirror of the Soul], began to glow. A drop of perfect white detached from its dark surface. Instinctively, Priam recognized the concept of purity that he had absorbed during his first bath in a hot spring with Claire.

Following a mental command, the pearly drop headed toward the wooden sphere. Upon contact, it simply disappeared. Visually, the sphere hadn't changed, but it shone slightly under [Aether Perception].

You have gained the skill: [Enchantment - Rare].

[Enchantment] - Certain magical operations allow you to modify or confer new properties to an object or being. Modifying or adding an aetheric structure, infusing a concept, or imposing your will with Mastery, the paths to change the world are numerous.

Would you choose Mending or Infinity?




His add-on confirmed that the change wasn't just aesthetic.

[Aether siphon (enchantment: purity).

Pollution Update (reliability: 97%):

Purification of corruption by the purity fragment - enchantment: 90%

Purification of corruption by the sun - radiation: 9%

Total purification of absorbed aether: 99%

Duration of the "Purity" enchantment: linked to the fragment.

Exhaustion of the purity's fragment: 245 days 12 hours 24 seconds.]

The filter system works too, Priam announced as a smile formed on his lips. There were few things more satisfying than a plan unfolding without a hitch. He also had a fond thought for the Phoenix Prince who had left him a sun capable of passively purifying his world.

Perfect. I'll think about a strong room capable of accommodating a Tribulation without destroying your internal world, announced Alain.

Good luck, smiled Priam. It was not only a necessity for his loved ones but also for himself.

Alain crossed the portal again, and Priam found himself alone.

For a few minutes, he watched the aether emanating from the levitating sphere in front of him. Waves of pure aether swept over his island, changing the environment. Priam wasn't yet able to explain how, but he felt his world changing. The light became more real, the colors more vivid, and the matter gained texture.

His pond containing his concepts and the passage to his soul greedily absorbed the aether.

Under the impulse of his instinct, Priam threw the wooden sphere - the aetheric siphon - into the pond. Taking advantage of the open portal, he contacted Log-a-rhythm, which confirmed that Kazuki was still unavailable.

Priam then sat cross-legged, determined not to waste a moment. Before transforming his meridians with the help of Heavenly Dragon, he had progress to make with [Aether Manipulation].

An aetheric Rubik's cube appeared in his hand as Priam recalled the exercises Anatole had given him a week ago. It feels like it's been an eternity...

[Aether density increasing. Current density: 0.17 E.]

[Concepts Archipelago]

[Aether Density Rising. Current Density: 0.42 E.]

Lvl Up: [Aether Manipulation] lvl 18,19




[Aether Perception] has reached level 20. As a rare skill, a bonus is available. Choose one of these three options:

[Echo] - Aether manipulation leaves imprints. Detect these marks and learn to decipher them. POT -30

[Precision] - Zoom in on the infinitesimally small, leaving no detail unchecked. Detect smaller variations in the aether. POT -30

[Perspective] - Take a step back to reconstitute the big picture. Observe the consequences to understand the causes. POT -30

You have selected [Echo].

POT -30

Lvl Up: [Aether Perception] lvl 21,22


Lvl Up: [Priams System] lvl 12



As Priam delved into the forest alongside Kazuki, he mulled over the past few hours. He had dedicated himself to the art of manipulating and detecting aether. These two skills were perhaps the most important he possessed, and he blamed himself for having neglected them for so long. Sure, they didn't necessarily help him survive, but they paved the way for his future.

A hesitant contemplation of options led him to validate [Echo]. Two compelling reasons guided his choice. First, Meta-perception increased his angular resolution - his ability to distinguish small details of an aether structure. [Precision] might have its merits, but Priam trusted his ability to farm attributes.

The second reason lay in the fact that his add-on could merge different images perceived through [Aether Perception], creating a panorama. [Perspective] was thus of limited utility, and for the hundredth time that day, Priam silently praised himself for creating [Priams System].

"You should focus," Kazuki's voice resonated in his ear. The hoplite had entrusted him with a nearly undetectable micro-earpiece. A paranoid voice deep within Priam had screamed that it was a trap; Kazuki awaited an opportunity to backstab him, just like Claire. But Priam had silenced that voice. Kazuki had gained his trust.

"Sorry," he apologized. The hoplite champion nodded and continued on his way. In perfect health, he radiated a terrifying life force. According to Kazuki, his mecha's nanobots were designed to heal serious wounds.

Following in the hoplite's footsteps, Priam was leaping from branch to branch. [Art of Movement], [Iron Marathon], and [Phantom] synergized to provide silent, rapid movement in the forest.

After a hundred meters, Kazuki hid behind a tree. Priam positioned himself about ten meters to his left, waiting for an explanation.

"My sonar detects a gathering of rabhorns," declared the hoplite. "We'll veer left to avoid them."

"...I think we're past the point of being scared of rabhorns, aren't we?"

"Not Tier 1s. The one I killed during our first encounter was a child. Some of them are terrifying. I have no desire to die killed by a horned rabbit."

Trying to forget an embarrassing memory, Priam followed the hoplite. The two warriors navigated the forest slowly. Along the way, Priam harvested two juvenile bramble bushes. Kazuki raised an eyebrow, seeing him lift the entire plant, roots and all, before depositing them in his world. "My father makes excellent blackberry jams," Priam justified. Without a word, Kazuki lent a helping hand.

Three minutes later, Priam halted. Kazuki joined him, raising an eyebrow. Priam pointed at a bare branch about ten meters away. "There's an invisible insect on that branch."

Lvl Up: [Echolocation] Lvl 5



"It must be a deathsquito," grumbled Kazuki. "Practically invisible and inactive during the day. At night, their movements cause disturbances in the air, betraying their location. A sting, and you're paralyzed for hours. It's partly because of them that I avoided moving at night."

"No matter the world, everyone hates mosquitoes..."

Priam cautiously continued toward the first objective. He didn't want to attract the attention of the ants. His soon-to-be adversaries in Elysium were yet to discover that they were about to lose their magical tree.

A few seconds later, he heard a piercing cry. Exchanging a quick glance with Kazuki, Priam hurried. A few seconds later, pushing aside a branch, he saw the ant clearing. The insects had emerged in force. A swarm of monsters was currently battling five guards straight out of the Middle Ages. A sixth was being devoured in front of their commander, who bellowed incomprehensible orders.

"Who the hell are they?" Priam muttered.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 398

Constitution 662

Agility 404

Vitality 538

Perception 584 (+2)


Vivacity 325 (+1)

Dexterity 423 (+1)

Memory 133 (+2)

Willpower 648

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 336 (+2)

Meta-focus 243 (+2)

Meta-endurance 185

Meta-perception 119 (+12)

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 554 (-278)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 1 hour 36 minutes 38 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Four Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 176 days 2 hours 9 minutes 51 seconds.


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