A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 138: Game, Seth, Match

Chapter 138: Game, Seth, Match

"A rift?!" exclaimed Seth as he saw where Kazuki was leading him.

Without a word, the hoplite lifted the skull of his enemy and brought it down onto the rift. The result was immediate.

It vibrated strongly, as if he had placed an ingot on a circular saw. It took Seth less than a second to start screaming. Kazuki took it as a good sign. His bones were not invincible. When the spear isn't enough, get a bigger one.

The necromancer fought like a devil, but Kazuki-Knightmare's strength was far superior.

"SStop this," Seth yelled as a cracking sound echoed.

Kazuki halted the torment to inspect the damage. Cracks had appeared at the back of the skull. Even Tier 2 bones couldn't withstand the damage inflicted by a spatial anomaly.

"What's the deal?" Kazuki asked, turning Seth's face towards him.

"The deal?" said Seth, a bit stunned.

"You asked me to stop killing you. So, I suppose you want to offer me something to appease my anger?"

Seth opened his mouth, incredulous. "I..."

"Nothing?" Kazuki inquired, bringing the skull closer to the rift.

The necromancer's spasms startled Kazuki. Finally, Seth burst out laughing.

"Very well, destroy this bag of bones. But beware of my vengeance," he threatened. "I know where you live now, and not all your companions are as tough as you are..."

Kazuki-Knightmare gave a semblance of a smile. It was a superfluous expression for his semi-artificial consciousness, but it sent a message: I do not fear you. This wasn't entirely true, as he didn't want to be responsible for another attack on Priam's loved ones, but showing weakness to a psychopath was a bad idea.

"You're implying that this set of bones is replaceable and that might be true. But you arent doing it, so it must come at a cost." Seth would surely struggle to find a body as exceptional. There were undoubtedly many bones hiding in the forest, but few would be suitable for a humanoid.

"You don't want me to pay that price. Right now, most of my strength is used to control these bones. Without this hindrance, I could crush you," the necromancer threatened.

Kazuki smiled coldly. "You could try."


The two adversaries locked eyes for a few seconds before Kazuki's hand approached the rift. He had the upper hand and intended to use it.

"You lunatic! What do you want?"

"That's the problem," the hoplite replied. "I want a lot of things, but I'm not sure you have much to offer me."

Seth snorted. "This forest holds treasures, and I know it better than anyone."

Kazuki shook his head, thinking of Dishnu. "I highly doubt that."

"Oh, you've met the tree-fucker," Seth grimaced. "I can see much farther than him. A freebie: we're on a massive floating island."

Kazuki-Knightmare analyzed the information offered by Seth. If he was telling the truth, then he could indeed see far. Kazuki had been alone for a month and had never reached or even glimpsed the limits of the forest. Of course, the necromancer could also be lying, and he had no way of knowing.

He needed to test him.

"In that direction, there's a particular clearing. It's about..." Kazuki paused. Every civilization had different units of measurement. Alain had shown him what a meter corresponded to, but Kazuki didn't really know the unit of length used by Seth.

"Almost twenty times farther than from here to your base, there's a clearing with a snake skeleton," Seth added. "Certainly a specimen endowed with a powerful poison because no tree grows within thirty meters."

Seth was right. If the necromancer wasn't reading his mind, then he had truly managed to map out a gigantic area.

"How many rivals are there?" Kazuki asked.

"Why should I answer your questions?"

"So I don't kill you."

"I'm already dead," laughed Seth. The insanity in his voice made Kazuki uncomfortable. Negotiating with a madman was impossible.

"Answer five of my questions, and I'll let you go. Even if you get new bones, rebuilding your body can't be easy."

The sentence made Seth think and Kazuki smiled. The necromancer did have a weakness.

"... One, and no attack or pursuit against me."

"Two, and I can retaliate if I feel you're about to harm me."

"Deal. Swear it."

Kazuki squinted. It seemed too easy. He'd taken an oath to always tell the truth, but Seth couldn't know that. Unless a broken oath gives him power over me?

"I swear it under the condition that you answer to the best of your ability and without lying to my next two questions."

"I swear on the Necromoon to answer to the best of my ability and without lying to your next two questions," declared Seth.

Kazuki prepared to object when a presence descended. The aura of the Necromoon engulfed Seth before vanishing. Instinctively, Kazuki knew that Seth would lose all free will if he broke his oath. The Necromoon wasn't as neutral as the System.

"Give me a moment to think," Kazuki said. Many questions could be interesting, but the first one seemed obvious.

"I want a report as detailed as possible on the Necromoon."

Seth sighed.

"I have more conjectures than confirmed facts," the necromancer warned. His voice seemed clearer, showing a conscious effort to be honest. "It's a supreme being or what's left of one. I'm not talking about one of those minor or major gods some of our kind worships now. I'm talking about a being almost on par with one of the Seven."

Kazuki nodded. According to the System, the Necromoon was in competition with one of the Seven for control of 'Soul'. Only an almost omnipotent being could enter that race.

"The Necromoon influences the living and the dead," Seth continued, glancing quickly at the rift centimeters from his face. "The weaker the mind and soul, the more intense their influence. If it becomes too intense... You become their slave."

"You didn't tell me how to fight against them," Kazuki noted.

Seth gave him a contemptuous look. "Fight against a moon powerful enough to face the Concepts? I didn't think you were that foolish."

"I don't think you're doing your best to answer." the hoplite replied, a cold glint in his eyes.

"... The influence of the Necromoon is particularly strong on the dead and the weak-willed. Strengthen your vitality and will, avoid direct contamination, and thank the System for its intervention. Without it, you'd already be an undead. Finally, you have a little over six days to prepare for its arrival. I know nothing more."

Since the event hadn't yet started, the information was still limited. Kazuki hadn't learned much, but he knew the most important thing: he needed more power.

"Second question: I want your best map, annotated with all points of interest: resources, monsters, rivals,... Everything."

Seth looked at him, and for a moment, Kazuki thought he might refuse. After all, it wasn't exactly a question. It didn't matter. If he refused to answer, Kazuki was willing to wait. Priam would arrive soon enough, and he hadn't promised anything. Seth would die.

Finally, the necromancer summoned a shadow that took the form of a topographic map. About fifty markers appeared, including their current position and that of Log-rhythm. Comparing the distance between these two positions, Kazuki got an idea of the actual size of the mapped area. The map was almost twenty times larger than his own.

And if it was to be believed, they were indeed on a giant floating island.

Kazuki stood up and released his opponent. "You may leave."

Seth dusted off his pants - the only garment he had left - before giving Kazuki a smile.

"See you Kazuki."

Without another word, Seth disappeared into a shadow. Kazuki waited a moment before smiling. Seth had destroyed the wooden twig infused with his Spear Mastery.

But he hadn't gotten rid of the nanobots that had infiltrated his flesh.

Congratulations, you are dead! Your Talent [He Who Eludes Death] brings you back to life once a day.

Number of deaths: 15

Synergy detected with your talent [High Human adaptation] and your Titles [Three-Headed Hydra] and [Weathered]. Your body and spirit are rebuilt and will be more resistant to what killed them:


VIT +6


The cracks in your soul have been successfully mended.

Lvl Up : [Gravity Resistance] lvl 15


Lvl Up : [Hemoragie Resistance] lvl 16

VIT +1

Lvl Up : [Star Iron Body] lvl 30,31


Lvl Up: [Divination] lvl 17,18


You've acquired the skill: [Necromoon Resistance - Epic].

[Necromoon Resistance] - In Elysium, every astrological phenomenon has a story; the Necromoon is no exception. (REDACTED)

At the epic rank, this resistance has limited utility.

Allows resistance to weak corruption. Mitigates the Necromoon's influence on your soul. Passively purifies your aether.

VIT +3



Lvl Up: [Necromoon Resistance] lvl 2,3,4

VIT +9



[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 13 hours 24 minutes 10 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Four Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 176 days 13 hours 57 minutes 23 seconds.

Dying corroded by a corrupted bone: done. Ranking on Priam's pain scale: twelve out of ten.

Nothing had ever been so painful. If a human could write a book about death, it would be Priam. Yet, it was by far his worst death. Feeling his soul crack was an unpleasant experience.

The mental space that stored his soul at his death also tended to his mental state. Yet, Priam still felt shaken, to the point where he wasn't sure if he wanted to retest this kind of death. Perhaps with enough breaking and regeneration, his soul would toughen. Or maybe the influence of the Necromoon would subdue him before his death.

I'm not sure I want to find out which hypothesis is correct. With his muscles charged with energy, Priam leaped out of his bath. Log-a-rhythm recalled the bathtub, and Priam found himself alone in his small room, sap dripping down his body. At that moment, he remembered why no one liked wearing wet clothes.

His soaked pants clung to his skin, and Priam removed them. Summoning a cloak of mist to cover his boxer shorts, he stepped through a portal.

Priam reappeared at the top of the tallest branch of the tree. His towering height provided a sublime panoramic view of the forest. It had uneven topography, but his tree was high enough to enjoy an unobstructed view. In the distance, the green canopy stretched to the horizon.

Night was falling over the Elysian forest. The three suns were setting, following an incomprehensible astrophysical ballet. In the sky, clouds were painted in a thousand shades of pink, orange, and red. Some of these hues curled into magnificent auroras.

Despite its dangers, this world was breathtakingly beautiful.

It was Log-a-rhythm that snapped him out of his reverie. The tree sent him a summary of the last half-hour in a split second. Seth's arrival, his fight against Kazuki, Sphinx's involvement.

Priam's blood boiled when he spotted Sphinx, breathing heavily at the edge of their domain. Using Secret Passage, Priam arrived near her a moment later.

"Are you okay?"

"Priam!" exclaimed Sphinx. She threw herself into his arms for a hug. "I'm fine, and Kazuki will be back soon."

Her friend trembled in his embrace, and Priam knew she was hiding the truth. When the Necromoon appeared, Sphinx had fallen to the ground, physically paralyzed and mentally terrified. Priam's anger surged.

How dare that pile of bones...


The ground trembled slightly as Kazuki appeared at the barrier level. His physical attributes were so high that his movements resembled teleportation. Priam observed his transformation for a moment, part hoplite, part mecha, before nodding.

"Thanks for defending our base."

"It's only natural," Kazuki replied in a perfectly neutral voice. Almost robotic. "I have some information to share with you, and then I'm going to... rest."

The warrior stumbled over the word, and Priam understood that his transformation was not without cost.

"Of course. Let's do it here. I prefer to stay until the barrier fully regenerates."

The cracks and rift created by Seth were in the process of purification and repair. Priam estimated it would take another four minutes before the hole closed completely. In the meantime, he didn't want to see a single insect breach their domain.

Kazuki stepped forward before delivering a detailed report. Sphinx corroborated the occurrence of an event related to the Necromoon in just over six days.

"A new sword of Damocles... Any good news?"

Despite his transformation, Kazuki smiled.

"I have this," he said, projecting a hologram. Priam instantly recognized the map and some landmarks. Our base, the rift, the arrival portal, and... the ants.

"I extorted this gem from Seth and added my own observations. According to my AI, Seth should only be able to scan a vast area, but only in satellite view. I've identified half a dozen treasures, plants, or hidden caves from the sky that he missed," asserted Kazuki.

"Either he summoned specters that flew high into the sky to avoid frightening our rivals, or he could see from space. It's not impossible that he got a shared vision with the Necromoon," replied Priam, stroking Sphinx's head.

Kazuki nodded. "Very possible. The moon influences him, and in return he gets access to a local system."

Priam narrowed his eyes. "Integrating the system of such a powerful phenomenon... Either he used one of the system rewards, or we're overestimating him. It's possible that corruption creates a link between corrupted creatures. A kind of web they can use to share information."

A sort of Internet...

"Possible," responded Kazuki. The next moment, the formidable warrior leaned heavily against a tree behind him.

"You should go rest," advised Priam.

"What will you do?" asked the hoplite, gritting his teeth.

"First, Ill keep an eye on this barrier. Then, I have some ideas to discuss with the others. I won't leave until you're in shape," reassured Priam.

Kazuki nodded before being seized by spasms. His tremors were so powerful that he nearly uprooted the tree supporting him with a shoulder shove.

"... Are you going to be okay?"

"The symbiosis is ending and... Let's just say, until now, electrical circuits reinforced my nerves. I'm trying to manage the disconnection with Micro, but it's complicated," the warrior breathed.

"Go to my room," offered Priam, opening a Secret Passage in a nearby tree. Kazuki staggered to the portal before disappearing. "Thank you."

Priam stared at the spot where the portal had just closed. Conflicting emotions stirred within him. Kazuki was a rival. An ally of circumstance. Up until now, he had admired the hoplite for his martial prowess, his teaching, and his honor.

It was different now. Kazuki had undoubtedly saved his family's lives. According to Log-a-rhythm, he hadn't hesitated for a second to protect their base. Of course, the hoplite had a personal interest in it, but that didn't change the facts.

Kazuki had risked his life to help him.

"What do you think of Kazuki?"

Sphinx, still nestled against Priam, looked up at him with big, innocent eyes. "I think he's a friend!"

Priam smiled. "Yes, me too..."

"But you're my best friend!" exclaimed Sphinx.

Priam burst into laughter.

"Here's what went down," Priam summarized. He had waited for the barrier to restore itself before letting his loved ones out. Sitting cross-legged on a platform conjured by Log-a-rhythm, everyone had listened as Priam commented on Log-a-rhythm's projection. Only the special connection between Priam and his tree allowed for mental projection. The others had to watch a movie. An action movie.

"Whoa. And I thought I was catching up," Louis muttered.

"Kazuki was impressive," Alain agreed. "But Seth too, and there are still other rivals..."

"At least five more according to Seth," confirmed Priam. "Their bases are marked on the map."

"As well as a multitude of resources," Blueberry pointed out. "Have you already chosen your first target?" Blueberry asked.

"What makes you think I'm eyeing those resources?"

"You're as greedy as a dragon. You hatched a plan to snatch a fruit during your Tribulations, and I almost lost my life picking it up, remember?"

"Um, yes," coughed Priam. "I was thinking of waiting for Kazuki to raid as many locations as possible. Starting with those close by, far from the other rivals' camps or monsters, and interesting for Log-a-rhythm."

Priam turned to his father. "Plus, I'd like to use my inner world."

"What do you mean?"

"Why steal a fruit when I can steal the whole tree?"

A silence settled before Blueberry burst into laughter. "And to think you had the nerve to ask me how I knew you wanted those resources!"

Priam joined in the laughter.

"Thats nice, but what about Seth?" Mirscella asked after everyone had calmed down.

Priam felt anger rising in him. He quickly mastered it. "Kazuki placed a technological tracker in him. As soon as the opportunity arises

I'll finish what Arnold started.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 398

Constitution 662 (+16)

Agility 404

Vitality 538 (+27)

Perception 582


Vivacity 322

Dexterity 422

Memory 127

Willpower 648 (+28)

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 334 (+8)

Meta-focus 241

Meta-endurance 185 (+12)

Meta-perception 107

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 828 (+23)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 13 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Four Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 176 days 13 hours 35 minutes 15 seconds.


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