A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 134: A Worthy Rival

Chapter 134: A Worthy Rival

Priam was observing Kazuki's training. A few meters away, the hoplite warrior seamlessly executed movements with his spear. Watching the warrior expertly command his weapon and master every muscle in his body, Priam was filled with awe. There was a primal power in the hoplite's attacks that captivated him.

I want to reach that level.

For several days now, Priam had felt he was on the cusp of reaching the Micro I and was burning with the desire to achieve it. The Supremacy seemed to offer not just attributes, but a preternatural mastery of the body.

There was a fundamental difference between a bodybuilder capable of lifting a hundred kilograms with sheer brute strength and an MMA fighter possessing the same power. In a life-or-death battle, the bodybuilder would lose in ninety-nine percent of cases.

Micro further amplified this percentage.

In the background, [Priam's System] meticulously analyzed every move of the hoplite. Priam knew that his key to rapid progress was to stand on the shoulders of giants. By emulating Kazuki's techniques and skills, he aimed to catch up before surpassing him.

The hoplite warrior accelerated, creating gusts of wind with effortless movements, and Priam couldn't help but smile as his perception kept up. His eyes were fixed on his rival, while [Broad-spectrum vision] and [Echolocalisation] tracked every muscle tension of the spearmaster.

A few minutes later, [Priam's System] buzzed. His skill had just compiled one of the hoplite's techniques: [Spear Slash]...

Time to warm up.

You have gained the skill: [Spear Slash - Common].

[Spear Slash] - Some consider the spear the king of all weapons. There are dozens of different spears, and not all are made for cutting. Promesse is.

Attack summary: cut your enemies with the sharp edge of the blade.

If a problem doesn't disappear when you slash it, you're not slashing hard enough.

STR +1

Lvl Up: [Spear Slash] lvl 2,3,4,5,6

STR +5

Lvl Up: [Priam's System] lvl 9

MEM +2


Lvl Up: [Shadow Boxing] lvl 5,6,7

STR +3

AGI +3


Lvl Up : [Kinetic Control] lvl 42

VIVA + 2

DEXT + 3


Lvl Up : [Dodge] lvl 17

AGI +1

Lvl Up: [Focus] lvl 32,33




Promesse sliced through the air, striking an intangible opponent. A grin formed on Priam's lips as he practiced his new skill. Watching Kazuki's training, [Priams System] had decrypted [Spear Slash]. The cutting attack was devastating and added a potent tool to Priam's arsenal. A thrust and a slash. Did he really need anything else?

His opponent sidestepped the slash, and Priam advanced. Before him, invisible to all but himself, a replica of Kazuki dodged his strikes. When the real hoplite had suggested shadowboxing for training, Priam had an idea. Rather than boxing in front of a mirror or into thin air, envisioning an opponent, he thought to use his add-on.

[Priam's System], linked to [Shadow Boxing] and [Eidetic Memory], created an illusion for his brain. Before him, his imaginary opponent leaped backward, contorting to evade or parry at the last moment. All these movements were drawn from Priam's memories or Log-a-rhythm's constant vigilance and recording. His add-on had compiled Kazuki's training sessions to create a formidable opponent.

The fake Kazuki launched an attack. His spear sliced through the air with terrifying speed and infiltrated Priam's guard. The weapon's tip connected with his floating ribs, and [Priams System] activated a kinetic charge to simulate an attack. Priam was propelled backward by his own strike. Fuck. The pain was real, but it was the frustration that made him curse. Despite his efforts, the image of the hoplite remained superior.

Lvl Up: [Shadow Boxing] lvl 8

STR +1

AGI +1


Lvl Up : [Kinetic Control] lvl 43

VIVA + 2

DEXT + 3


With a twist, Priam brought his legs under him and landed gracefully. Looking up, he saw a spear tip descending toward his eye. With a thought, Priam deactivated the illusion. Another defeat.

"Impressive," a voice chimed in behind him.

"You're mocking me," Priam sighed as he stretched.

Kazuki shook his head. "Not at all. Thanks to your movements, I can imagine your opponent's. I would have reacted the same nine times out of ten. You've analyzed me well."

"Oh, that? Yes, I used several skills to predict your moves. But your image still bests me."

At the sound of laughter behind him, Priam turned. Kazuki was holding his sides, laughing. Soon, he straightened up.

"If a hoplite had said that to me, I would have challenged him to a deathmatch, thinking he was insulting me," he said, wiping a tear of laughter.

"That wasn't my intention," Priam apologized.

"I know, but you know I've trained with a spear for decades, right? Do you think you can catch up to my level, my experience, and the instincts I've developed over these years in just a few hours?"

"I don't have a few decades ahead of me."

Kazuki nodded solemnly. "True. If it's any comfort, you're improving quickly."

"Not quickly enough."

"Without spending Potential or unlocking Supremacies, you won't progress much faster," Kazuki replied, shrugging.

The phrase echoed in Priam's head.

"There's an advantage to unlocking Micro and Mastery? I mean, in addition to the attributes."

Kazuki nodded. "Of course. Mastery enhances your talent in its specialty. With [Spear Mastery], you could level up faster your spear skills. Micro will help you understand your body better and improve your instincts."

"Ah, looks like the start of a snowball effect, right?"

"Indeed. You should start with Micro," Kazuki advised.

"Im so close to the first stage, I can feel it. Yet, something is missing..."

Mentally, Priam opened [Priams System]'s notifications. When he'd asked for a plan to unlock Micro, his skill had advised him to risk his life. However, [He Who Eludes Death] was primed, and this safety net prevented Priam from understanding Micro. He could, of course, have sacrificed that life, but if the Necrobeast attacked again, he would need it.

Kazuki hesitated for a moment before sighing.

"I swore to keep certain information secret. I cant explain, but I can show you."

Priam raised an eyebrow. "Show me what? I've already seen you use Micro."

"Show you how Titan-class Hoplites unlock this Supremacy."

"Really?! Thank you, Kazuki!"

"You'll soon be cursing me. We're going to need Sphinx."

In the heights of Log-a-rhythm, Priam and Kazuki stood on a platform created by the tree. The seven-meter radius disk dominated the clearing. Despite Camouflage, Priam had asked his tree not to raise the platform too high. If Dishnu could pierce Log-a-rhythm's camouflage, other rivals could too. There was no need to advertise their position. Above the disk was a low branch where Sphinx sharpened her claws.

Shirtless, Priam and Kazuki locked eyes. After a few moments, Kazuki nodded.

"We're going to face off until you unlock Micro I or die. The secondary goal is to use your body to the fullest and increase your mastery of the spear. I would advise against using aether skills."

Priam nodded. The rules were simple, and they suited him just fine. According to Kazuki, ten percent of Hoplites emerged from this kind of combat having unlocked Micro. The rest died. [He Who Eludes Death] or not, Priam refused to lose.

He took his stance and glanced at Sphinx. "Who are you betting on, Sphinx?" he grinned.

"On you! You're the best at dying," his friend replied, her voice filled with excitement.

"... Thanks I guess?"

"You're welcome!"

"Ready?" Kazuki asked.

Instead of answering, Priam closed his eyes. [Focus]. The world slowed, and secondary thoughts faded away. Nothing mattered except Promesse and Kazuki. Priam opened his eyes, and Kazuki took a combat stance.

The arena trembled as Priam's foot pressed firmly against it. [Battle Footwork].

Lvl Up: [Battle Footwork] lvl 3

AGI +2


The next instant, Priam reappeared in front of his opponent and used [Unrelenting Thrust]. Calmly, Kazuki struck the shaft of Promesse just below its tip, deflecting the blow. Promesse missed the hoplite's ear by a hair, but he kept his cool.

Priam's left foot absorbed his momentum. Without using [Kinetic Control], Priam physically converted the remaining acceleration into a whipping kick. Kazuki blocked, and the impact forced him back. Priam pressed his advantage with [Spear Slash]. His left hand advanced on the shaft, while his rear hand retreated. Taking a step forward, he swung Promesse in a horizontal arc. Any other arc would have allowed Kazuki to sidestep, but a mid-level horizontal attack forced him to either step back or parry.

The hoplite chose the latter option. Bringing his spear close to his body, he planted his feet and absorbed the impact with the shaft. The slash pushed him back a few centimeters while Priam took a defensive stance.

Lvl Up: [Spear Slash] lvl 7

STR +1

"Your technique is good, but you should have kept attacking.

"If I had done that, I would have lost my balance," Priam remarked.

"It's dangerous if you're fighting multiple enemies. But in a one-on-one, your opponent will be in an even more precarious position. You can't win a tough fight without putting yourself at risk."

Priam nodded. "Hum, not wrong."

"I'm coming."

Seeing Priam adopt a defensive posture, Kazuki attacked. He's serious now. Thanks to his Domain, Priam felt all the force Kazuki had put into his weapon. In a real fight, he would have stopped the attack by absorbing its kinetic energy, but that didn't make sense here. He was here to progress physically.

The enemy's spear tip approached. A basic thrust. In a low guard, Priam deflected the weapon from his opponent.

Lvl Up: [Parry] lvl 5


With a flick of the wrist, Kazuki swept his spear under Priam's and doubled his thrust. His weapon too far away, Priam had no choice but to leap backward. At the same time, a vibration ran through his Domain. The Champion hoplite's speed tripled, and his spear bit into Priam's right thigh.

"Fuck. What was that?" Priam said as he landed.

Kazuki stepped back, breathing heavily. "Micro."

"What? It looked like you had overclocked your body."

"I did. What did you do wrong?"

"I parried too wide," Priam analyzed.

"Exactly. Always keep the tip of your spear between you and your opponent if you don't want them to go above or below your weapon."

It was the threat of Promesse's sharp tip that kept his opponent at bay. Priam nodded and got back into position. The wound inflicted by the hoplite was inconsequential, and [Hemorrhage Resistance] was already closing it up.

Kazuki launched himself again, attempting to thrust at Priam's face. Priam blocked from below with Promesse and forced both spears into the air. The threat of Kazuki's weapon was nullified, and Priam lunged forward, thrusting toward the hoplite's neck. Kazuki didn't have time to retract his weapon, and he decided to block the attack with his right hand.

Priam assessed his opponent in an instant. His perception revealed an opening at the hoplite's groin. At the last moment, Priam redirected Promesse. Kazuki's eyes widened before he roared. Priam's Domain felt a new vibration - his heart! - as Kazuki's skin turned red. Just as Promesse threatened to castrate him, the hoplite countered with a supersonic kick.

Priam shot back like a cannonball before absorbing his speed. He landed at the other end of the platform, a smile on his lips.

"It was close. Your descendants were lucky on this one," he teased.

"I see I've been too lenient," Kazuki smiled coldly.

The two opponents leaped at each other.

Lvl Up : [Dodge] lvl 18

AGI +1

Lvl Up: [Battle Flow] lvl 9



Lvl Up: [Parry] lvl 6,7,8,9,10


Lvl Up: [Battle Footwork] lvl 4

AGI +2


Lvl Up: [Perforation Resistance] lvl 18


Lvl Up: [Focus] lvl 34




Lvl Up : [Unrelenting Thrust] lvl 5,6,7

STR +9

Lvl Up: [Spear Slash] lvl 8,9

STR +2

[Tribulation]: Six attributes above 400 were detected in Tier 0.

A Tribulation is coming.

Time: 176 days 18 hours 16 minutes 28 seconds.

For three hours, Priam and Kazuki clashed. As time passed, Priam's experience grew. Every half hour, the two opponents allowed themselves a few minutes of respite to mutually analyze their weaknesses. At the outset, Kazuki had plenty to say about Priam, but with each break, he found himself less talkative.

Indeed, [Eidetic Memory], [Focus], and a hefty dose of determination allowed Priam to avoid making the same mistake twice. His Dexterity and Micro aided him in perfecting his control over his body and refining his movements. Finally, [Battle Flow] and its add-on provided a constant analysis of his opponent. Thanks to this, Priam quickly pinpointed his adversary's weaknesses.

Kazuki was a legendary warrior. Priam had no idea about the warrior's skills and Talents, but he only allowed Priam to exploit his weaknesses once. They were then patched up, refining the hoplite's style.

The rivalry between the two fighters fostered a fertile competition and yielded spectacular results. Priam hadn't progressed this much since his Tribulations. However, he remained weaker with a spear than Kazuki. Decades of training and experience couldn't be caught up in just a few hours. Without his [Draconic Instinct], which occasionally guided his movements, Priam would have been overwhelmed. Each of these occurrences provided him with magical inspiration and a skill level boost.

A new clash occurred before the adversaries parted. Breathing heavily, Priam and Kazuki locked eyes like two tigers ready to pounce.

"Break time," Sphinx yawned.

Priam panted as Log-a-rhythm provided him with a bowl of fresh sap. Kazuki sat cross-legged to partake as well. After a few minutes, the hoplite had recovered enough breath to speak.

"You absorb my knowledge like a sponge. Your progress is astounding."

"My skills, Supremacies, and attributes synergize well," Priam replied.

"True. Your Domain, pseudo-Micro, and your memory allow you to perfectly mimic my movements, and your mental attributes allow you to use them when needed," Kazuki observed.

Priam nodded. "I think the barrier separating me from Micro I is weakening."

"Perfect. I suggest we up the difficulty to strike while the iron is hot. Sphinx, could you create a sphere of double gravity around us. Make sure it's evenly distributed."


Priam stretched before getting back on his feet. "You're a sadistic instructor."

"Sphinx, I've changed my mind, I want triple gravity," Kazuki grinned.

Priam smirked, glancing at his [Gravity Resistance] skill. Dont cry later.

As he assumed a low guard, the atmosphere grew heavier. A leaden weight settled on his shoulders, and Priam struggled to breathe. His body had become accustomed to the higher gravity of Elysium, but Sphinx's skill stacked on top of it. According to his add-on, the gravity was now fifteen times greater than Earth's.

With his physical attributes, Priam was a monster capable of bearing this new weight. The real challenge was adjusting his movements to account for the new gravity.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted movement. Kazuki was rushing towards him. In a Pflug guard - spears tip held high towards the opponent, left hand extended and positioned at the navel, and right hand against his right thigh - Priam waited to parry. At the last moment, he subtly moved Kazuki's spear to his right before seizing it. His hand closed around the opponent's weapon like a vice, and Priam countered.

Promesse's tip closed in on Kazuki's face. As Priam prepared to pull his strike, confident of his victory, he felt his right hand burn and his instinct scream.

Using [Kinetic Control], Priam pushed himself back and shook his hand. According to Micro, the cells in his hand were damaged. A lightsaber skill?

"[Spear Mastery]," Kazuki clarified. "I'm almost surprised it didn't sever your hand."

"I'm tough," Priam retorted, leaping forward. He lifted off a few dozen centimeters before descending faster than expected. The gravity! Priam nearly stumbled when he landed back on the platform. Kazuki simply smiled, and this sight irked Priam. He knew that this kind of mistake could be fatal in combat.

I was so focused on Kazuki that I forgot to analyze everything... Priam disconnected for a moment from [Focus] and took a breath. His opponent waited while Priam summoned [Balance]. He hesitated for a moment before reactivating [Focus]. The skill was excellent, but it forced him to concentrate on a single objective, neglecting the details around him. That annoyed Priam.

But it's my skill, it should obey me, not the other way around.

Priam gathered all the power of his Willpower, and his attribute clashed violently with the skill. [Draconic Instinct] roared, and [Focus] trembled before submitting. Priam smiled as he looked at Kazuki again.

"Sorry for the wait."

Without waiting for a response, he activated his muscles and leaped. As the two spears met, Log-a-rhythm shook.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 377 (+20)

Constitution 605 (+1)

Agility 398 (+15)

Vitality 508

Perception 571 (+5)


Vivacity 321 (+8)

Dexterity 401 (+17)

Memory 127 (+3)

Willpower 599

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 326

Meta-focus 241 (+8)

Meta-endurance 173

Meta-perception 107

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 752 (+51)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Four Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 176 days 17 hours 56 minutes 48 seconds.


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