A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 112: Hoplite Challenge

Chapter 112: Hoplite Challenge

Priam had heard that voice before. [Eidetic Memory] whispered that he had even heard these words before. As it turned out, the hoplite had managed to free himself from prison. Spreading his mist and activating his Supremacies, Priam turned around.

Before him stood an almost naked man in his thirties. A hoplite, Priam corrected himself. Without his armor, he looked almost human. Yet, no one would mistake him for one.

While his impressive physique could have belonged to Mr. Universe, certain parts of his body were suspicious. Light shimmered on his skin, a result of countless small scales covering it. Tattoos pulsating with a bluish light ran along his body. His eyes possessed implants - a small metallic circle at the edge of the iris - that seemed to coldly analyze Priam.

Above all, the hoplite's predatory aura was terrifying. Blades of grass at his feet were pushed back, undulating as if a gust emanated from the warrior.

Priam's instinct told him the hoplite emanated no kill intent. It was more... a challenge.

Priam twirled Promesse between his fingers before assuming a combat stance. Far from being afraid, he was excited. Ten days ago, he had lost. Only a low blow had spared him from death. Today, he intended to win fair and square. Let me show you my progress!

Sensing Priam's combative mood, the hoplite got into a defensive posture. A wooden spear materialized in his hands. Priam smiled, noting the resemblance between the wooden spear and Promesse.

Deciding to seize the advantage, the human Champion lunged forward. [Battle Footwork] ensured he maintained an optimal foothold. Two meters ahead, as the hoplite's position shifted slightly to leave no openings for Priam, he used kinetic charge. His speed doubled as he thrust Promesse toward his rival.

A shockwave pushed the air as the two weapons clashed. The wooden spear held its ground. Priam widened his eyes for a moment before understanding. The hoplite had unlocked a Mastery compatible with his weapon!

Retracting Promesse, Priam attempted to swipe the legs of the enemy Champion. The latter raised his leg and intercepted the attack with his shin. The weapon could easily cut through concrete, but the opponent's bone was more robust.

Astounded, Priam threw himself backward as he felt the hoplite's spear penetrate his Domain. The Supremacy slowed the attack with [Kinetic Control] but failed to stop it.

Just as Priam was about to escape the thrust, the hoplite changed his approach. The wooden spear accelerated abruptly. Sacrificing the aether thread created by [Battle Footwork], Priam catapulted backward.

Lvl Up: [Battle Footwork] lvl 2

AGI +2


He landed about ten meters away, backed by Log-a-rhythm. The hoplite didn't pursue him. Using all his Vivacity, Priam quickly analyzed the battle.

His rival had unlocked Mastery and Micro. The first Supremacy allowed him to partially ignore [Kinetic Control], and the second gave him supernatural control over his body along with a brutal acceleration.

Priam didn't feel in danger - [Moon Mist] granted him great freedom of movement and some margin of error - but in less than half a second, the hoplite had shown him he was the most terrifying opponent he had faced since Arnold.

Above all, he's experienced. That was the real difference between the two adversaries. At no point did the hoplite seem surprised or caught off guard. He calmly observed Priam's abilities and reacted accordingly. Now that he knows what he's up against, he will...

The image of the hoplite blurred slightly, setting off Priam's instincts. A moment later, his Domain sensed an attack. The speed of the assault was too great to parry. Merging with his mist, Priam reappeared at the hoplite's initial location. Grimacing, he pressed his side.

Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 18


According to Micro, he had been wounded in the abdomen. A wound that could have been fatal if the hoplite had poisoned his weapon. Priam breathed slowly, focusing. He was back in Elysium. If he weren't more serious, he would die. [Focus].

Analyzing the last exchange, Priam admonished himself. A Mastery could harm him even when fused in his mist. Prometheus had already proven that it was possible; he should have remembered. [Eidetic Memory] could do nothing if he wasn't focused.

His wound was open, and Priam was losing blood. Using Micro, he constricted his blood vessels to staunch the bleeding, then got back into a combat stance.

Lvl Up: [Hemorrhage Resistance] lvl 13

VIT +1

Drawing from his Potential, Priam brandished Promesse.

"Round two."

The hoplite responded to the invitation.

The two adversaries leaped at each other. [Kinetic Control] increased Priam's speed, and he struck first. The hoplite intercepted Promesse before countering. His movement suddenly slowed, hindered by the theft of kinetic energy.

Priam took advantage to deliver a kick enhanced by Micro. His heel struck the enemy's ribs, and both warriors grimaced. Priam's ankle had absorbed the impact poorly, but he smiled a second later. He had heard the sound of bones breaking. The exchange was in his favor.

The hoplite duplicated himself without warning and leaped to the side. Priam feigned surprise while detecting the illusion through his mist concept. The real warrior attacked, and Priam dodged, placing himself in front of the illusory double, which struck. Suddenly, his Domain warned him: the hoplite's position had changed.

At the last moment, Priam contorted, using his Potential to boost [Dodge]. For a moment, the skill unleashed itself perfectly, working in concert with Dexterity and Domain to find the ideal dodge. The hoplite's spear pierced his attire but not his skin.

Lvl Up: [Dodge] lvl 15

AGI +1

POT -2

Priam seized the wooden lance to lock it. His Domain enveloped the hoplite, preventing any attempt at teleportation. With no link to its original, the clone exploded in a fireball. Smiling, Priam pressed on, thrusting a punch toward the hoplite who grabbed it.

A martial arts grip sent Priam airborne. His instinct vibrated, and Priam felt a projectile fly in his direction. Activating [Moon Mist], he teleported behind his opponent and condensed an icy plate on the ground.

The hoplite turned around, his wooden lance shimmering with a golden gleam. Promesse met the enemy weapon.

Lvl Up: [Parry] lvl 4


POT -2

Thrown off balance by the recoil, the hoplite staggered back briefly, sliding on the ice. Pitching forward, his head met Priam's knee.

Lvl Up: [Battle Flow] lvl 8



POT -6

Releasing a significant portion of his stored kinetic energy, Priam was surprised when his opponent's head didn't burst like a ripe melon. Instead, the body froze, turning as black as the night.

Steadfast on his feet, Priam employed [Tribulation Piercing Spear], hoping to overcome the hoplite's defense. His hopes were dashed. Promesse's tip glanced off the dark surface. A skill that petrifies and blocks damage, he theorized.

Closing in so his Domain shrouded the petrified hoplite, Priam pondered. If this adversary held a concept fragment, perhaps he could... The rival's black hue vanished as he surged forward abruptly. Caught off guard, Priam couldn't evade a sweeping attack and found himself on the ground. The wooden lance hurtled toward him, and he only had time to shift slightly.

The tip impaled him, narrowly avoiding vital organs. Rather than quieting the pain, Priam wielded it as fuel for his fight.

Lvl Up: [Focus] lvl 27




POT -6

As the hoplite closed in for a headbutt, Priam spat in his face. His saliva, mixed with his corrosive blood, created a toxic vapor as it devoured his opponent's flesh.

The warrior grimaced before howling in pain and hastily recoiling. Priam attempted to meld with his mist to free the lance, but his skill refused. Damn.

Springing to his feet, Priam gripped the wooden lance and extracted it with a growl. Blood began to flow profusely. The hoplite was now on his knees, and Priam grinned wickedly, noting the melted skin on his face - the bone was exposed. Ready in his stance, Priam decided to return the weapon to his foe.

[Kinetic Control], [Spear Throw]! The lance shot off like a cannonball. A tenth of a second later, it missed the hoplite. At the last moment, a gust of wind had redirected it. Priam furrowed his brows, sensing the atmosphere chilling.

Lvl Up: [Spear Throw] lvl 16


The hoplite rose and tore off the remaining shreds of skin from his face. Without poison or acid to slow his regeneration, the skin began to restore itself before Priam's eyes. He must have well over 500 Vitality. And a regeneration skill.

The hoplite resumed his combat stance, and a current of air wound around his hands. Priam braced himself.

"[Azire Tkar Mpow]."

"[Tribulation Piercing Spear]."

A lance of wind surged toward Priam before shattering against his skill. The air exploded, the earth lifted, and the clearing trembled.

A few seconds later, the dust settled, allowing Priam to assess the damage. His clothes were half-torn, and his hands trembled. The impact had torn his nails and reopened his belly wound. Blood flowed down his body before dripping onto the ground. Perhaps the grass would develop a resistance to poison

The hoplite facing him was also in a sorry state. A monstrous gash now marred his flank. One of his hands kept his organs from spilling out. Despite this, his eyes were sharp.

His rival was more dangerous than ever. If we continue, one of us will die.

Priam was willing to die once but not twice. The fight risked drawing attention if both unleashed their most terrifying skills...

The wind rose as his opponent's eyes turned white. Priam's Domain and [Aether Perception] detected colossal amounts of aether in the air. This bastard wants to end this!

The Champion hoplite wasn't the only one with a special attack. Growling, Priam opened his mouth and began to channel his Breath.

A draconic aura enveloped the clearing. The wind froze for a moment as the ambient aether rushed into Priam's throat. In response, the hoplite roared, and his tattoos pulsed. The next second, a true tornado began forming between his hands.

The two rivals exchanged a glance. The pressure built for several seconds. Suddenly, Priam felt the Breath was ready. He hesitated for a moment - Log-a-rhythm was behind the hoplite.

The hoplite sensed his hesitation and squinted. A condensed orb of wind now rested between his hands. The power of a cyclone poised to be unleashed.

Priam clenched his fists, cursing his positioning. If only he had paid more attention to his surroundings... Releasing the Breath would obliterate the place meant to welcome and protect his father and friends.

His throat began to burn. Despite his body's transformation, a Breath wasn't a weapon to be invoked lightly.

In the hoplite's hands, the sphere of wind tinged with red. The currents were only half-tamed.

For a few seconds, neither attacked. The hoplite knew he was outmatched - he'd die if Priam struck. On the other hand, Priam didn't want to reveal his existence to Arnold or lose Log-a-rhythm.

His Domain sensed a spiritual disturbance.

'You are brave.'

The hoplite unleashed the tornado. The trees at the edge of the clearing nearly bent before the gusting power. Priam blinked, surprised. The hoplite had canceled his attack. Obviously, he didn't want to die.

Priam nodded, agreeing to a temporary truce. There was nothing to gain from attacking the hoplite. According to Bechar, he'd have enough trouble in Elysium without seeking more.

Deciding to cancel his attack, Priam realized there was a problem. Was it possible to deactivate a grenade that had already been primed? Damn...

His instincts tingled, and Priam thought of [Concepts Archipelago - Gold]. By dispersing the attack there, he would surely increase the aether density of his world. The only other solution was to shoot the Breath toward the sky. A splendid idea if he intended to attract every monster in the region.

Priam hesitated to open a portal to his world before relenting. The hoplite was watching him, and he didn't want to reveal his trump card. So he had only one option left: to use his semi-physical connection with the Talent.

Employing [Aether Manipulation] and his Potential, Priam seized the sphere of pure aether in his throat and began guiding it toward his solar plexus.

Lvl Up: [Aether Manipulation] lvl 10




POT -6

The operation was excruciating - the compressed Breath tore through everything in its path - and perilous, but Priam pressed on. Halfway through, the uncontained sphere started to quiver. Its structure was that of a bomb, designed to explode and cause terrible damage.

Lvl Up: [Erosion Resistance] lvl 30


Priam sat cross-legged, employing [Frozen Meditation]. Assisted by his Potential and formidable mental faculties, [Aether Manipulation] closed in on the destructive bead like a vise of willpower. The Breath began to stabilize.

Lvl Up: [Frozen Meditation] lvl 3



Lvl Up: [Aether Manipulation] lvl 11




POT -12

[Tribulation Wyvern Heart] beat, and the aether grew more tractable. The natural talent of the dragons tamed this fundamental force. Sweat streamed down Priam's forehead as he guided the Breath between his two hearts. The sphere consumed his body until it reached the level of [Concepts Archipelago].

Lvl Up: [Aether Manipulation] lvl 12




POT -6

Establishing a connection with his inner world, Priam hesitated before teleporting it into the sun. Mentally, he felt the Talent tremble before steadying. The Phoenix's gift had withstood the assault.

Lvl Up: [Frozen Meditation] lvl 4



POT -6

Sighing in relief, Priam canceled [Frozen Meditation] and opened his eyes. The hoplite sat cross-legged, leaning against Log-a-rhythm. Priam let his Vitality mend him and observed his adversary. His keen perception caught a few troubling details.

The grass beneath his rival's rear was shorter and more compressed than elsewhere. It wasn't the first time the hoplite had used his magical tree like a backrest. Moreover, the warrior appeared well-fed and slightly tanned. When Priam had stripped him of his armor in the prison he'd constructed, he'd noticed the warrior was barely tanned.

Everything suggested the hoplite had been free for a long time. Either he tans quickly, or he freed himself over a week ago... But that doesn't align with the duration of the Reunion. Unless the temporal flow is different in Elysium and on Earth?

Once again, it was impossible. If time passed faster in Elysium, Priam would have had more time than the other humans to prepare. Yet all had been transported to the Reunion precisely one week after the start of the Tutorial. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle...

Again, his Domain sensed a kind of... spiritual vibration.

'You have many questions.'

Priam smiled at the hoplite. "Understanding the world is the first step to formulating an action plan."

The rival shook his head. 'I do not understand your words. I communicate my surface thoughts, impressions, and emotions to you. Your brain translates them into your language.'

Priam grimaced. He could create a skill to become telepathic with a bit of Potential. The trouble was that he would need time to fully filter his thoughts. It was notoriously difficult to master them - whether to clear the mind or prevent oneself from thinking about a particular subject. Just telling myself not to think about my secrets will make me think about them...

Sensing his hesitation, the hoplite smiled. A universal expression. He raised his hand, and a helmet materialized there. Priam squinted, recognizing the hoplite armor's helm. The alien had broken free from the prison and retrieved his armor before leaving. Why didn't he leave? But above all... I want to face him in his armor.

The hoplite tossed the helmet to him, and Priam intercepted it with his Domain. One could never be too careful.

'This object can store information. It will generate holograms of performances from my race. If you have the necessary attributes, you can learn my language in less than an hour.'

Priam smiled in return. With his quickness and [Eidetic Memory], he could learn a language very swiftly. It would be useful for communicating with the hoplite without establishing a mental link. Internally, Priam was also excited to learn about an alien people's culture - it would certainly prevent him from making any major cultural blunders.

The helmet activated, and a dozen screens appeared in his field of vision. Each screen offered a different movie, played in fast forward. Bombarded with information, Priam felt a headache looming.

The hoplite now wore a smug smile. Priam was almost relieved. He had trapped and imprisoned the hoplite for two days. If the rival hadn't attempted revenge at some point, he would have found it suspicious. Though it depends on his culture.He might just thank me for proving that one should be wary of the weak.

The holograms continued to play, and Priam mused that learning a language this way was a true ordeal. Yet the hoplite seemed to believe it was possible. With his attributes, Priam was now a genius. His competitive spirit awakened. If this rascal thinks I'll ask him to lower the difficulty... Thirty minutes will be enough for me.

Activating [Frozen Meditation] and [Focus], Priam began to learn the hoplite language.

The training was never truly over.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 318 (+1)

Constitution 451 (+3)

Agility 308 (+4)

Vitality 466 (+1)

Perception 526 (+5)


Vivacity 285 (+3)

Dexterity 352 (+7)

Memory 72

Willpower 467 (+3)

Charisma 410


Meta-affinity 252 (+3)

Meta-focus 186 (+3)

Meta-endurance 164 (+3)

Meta-perception 77

Meta-chance 207

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 990 (-21)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: One Tribulation pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 180 days 0 hour 32 minutes 49 seconds.


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