A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 109: Concepts Archipelago

Chapter 109: Concepts Archipelago

Priam pinched his cheek and winced. His body, much like the landscape, was now tangible. The spiritual had merged with the material. Leaning over the pond's surface, Priam was relieved to see his reflection still bound. He wasn't a masochist; just grateful that the Mirror of the Soul hadn't lost its power.

"How can I see?"

The System must have simplified things because there was a kind of soft light that bathed the space. Moreover, Priam felt the effects of gravity even though no massive body was in sight.

Straightening up, Priam gazed once again at the profound darkness surrounding the island. A strange sense of vertigo washed over him. Seeing such darkness wasn't natural. Of course, he wasn't in any danger of falling. The boundary between his space and what lay beyond seemed insurmountable. Unlike the Universe, this world had an end.

"I wonder if there's something beyond..." Priam murmured.

A vast question, replied the Phoenix.

Priam looked up at the creature illuminating the space. "I meant beyond this space."

There's nothing, said the Prince, shrugging his wings. If you try to breach this bubble, it will burst and spill its contents into the outside world. Exploding your body in the process.

The Phoenix's speech contradicted Bechar's.

"It's not a spatial pocket."

Indeed, its a world, but hosted by your soul. Or rather, it has the potential to become a world... without light. I can remedy that, offered the Phoenix.

"... I don't mean to be impolite, Lord Phoenix, but before you give me another quest and promise me another reward, I'd like to get my previous ones," Priam's voice carried a slight edge. Provoking his interlocutor wasn't a good idea, but he was tired of not being respected.

Anatole and all the Abominations were dead. Yet, he still hadn't received anything. In a game, when you completed a quest, the payment was immediate. Priam had a better chance of convincing a glitched NPC than forcing the Phoenix to reward him, which irked him deeply.

The System will enforce this contract. But you didn't specify a payment date.

A contract under the authority of the System was absolute, but the user had to ensure it was flawless. Not specifying the pay date was foolish - especially when dealing with a quasi-immortal being. At least I've learned a lesson, thought Priam, his anger resurfacing. If the Phoenix thought he was willing to work for nothing...

"I would have killed Anatole and the Abominations anyway," Priam said, his voice tinged with anger.

The honor of my race forbids me from taking advantage of your mistake. I was just thinking of modifying your previous reward. Instead of illuminating your soul, I could illuminate your world.

"How romantic," Priam quipped. He looked around. "A world without light would be sad for my family," he admitted. "What's the difference from illuminating my soul?"

In your case, nothing. The reflection of your soul will be illuminated by my light because it's your world. The real benefit is that you'll have true light to admire your reflection.

"You're making me sound like a narcissist."

You are one. Furthermore, my light will purify your world.

"That sounds good. When can you do this?" Priam asked.

As soon as possible. I'm tired of this half-life.

Not quite sure what to say, Priam hesitated.

"... I understand," he lied. Priam was obsessed with his survival to the point that his Patron entrusted him with [He Who Eludes Death]. However, he knew not everyone thought like him.

"We can do it now."

Very well. However, I must begin by purifying your bloodline. For that, I need to incorporate the remaining sequence of the aethereal structure from my race present in the diluted tear you purified.

Like a five-year-old attending a lecture on quantum physics, Priam wasn't sure he fully understood the Phoenix's explanation. "Far be it from me to sound foolish, but can you explain this in more common terms?"

I will help your body assimilate the essence of the tear, the Prince vulgarized.

In Priam's opinion, that was more understandable.

"Nice. By the way, why start with the purification?" Priam trusted the System to ensure the Phoenix's reward was authentic. However, he wanted to know exactly what would happen.

To create a stable mini-sun in your world, I will trigger a Nirvana. This will cause this fragment of consciousness to disappear, so I must start with the purification.

For a Phoenix Prince, living as a parasite in a human soul must have been unbearable. Death was seen as a release by the creature. Priam respected his choice.

"I understand. But is it really possible to create a mini-sun in such a small space?"

Anything is possible with aether. Here, it's quite simple: Phoenixes who fail their Nirvana become stars. I believe you've gazed upon my Ancestor.

Priam thought he would have remembered seeing another legendary bird.

"Moltres in Pokmon?"

I dont get this joke. I was referring to one of the three suns of Elysium.

The Prince implied something that Priam instinctively refused. Faced with his silence, the Phoenix continued. The Great King of the Phoenixes, one of our two Primogenitors.

"Your ancestor is a star?!" exclaimed Priam. [Eidetic Memory] sent him a snapshot of the Elysian sky. His perception was weak then, but Priam hadn't detected anything abnormal - except for the presence of a triple star system.

Not just any star. He's larger than a galaxy. According to our legends, He was a mighty existence, even among the Ninth Tiers, recounted the Phoenix. For the first time, Priam sensed an emotion in the Prince's voice: Pride.

Several thoughts raced through Priam's mind upon hearing the Phoenix's response. A Ninth Tier could be the size of a galaxy. The Elysian firmament was more complex than it seemed. But above all...

"A star can't be that massive," Priam refuted. These objects were well understood by human astrophysics. A star could have a maximum volume about ten billion times larger than the sun. Less than a speck of dust compared to a galaxy.

"Perhaps not a natural star, but his concept merged with him," clarified the Prince. The conversation could have continued at length - astrophysics was one of Priam's passions, and he didn't appreciate fundamental truths being trampled. The Phoenix cut him off before he could protest.

I enjoy speaking about the history of my race, but it's not really the time. Are you ready?

"... Yes," Priam replied. He would have time to discuss galaxies later.

I doubt it, the Phoenix said.

The Phoenix folded its wings and lit up. A drop of flame condensed beneath the fiery creature. Crossing the nascent world, it reached Priam, penetrating his chest. His blood instantly heated, surpassing the boiling point.

Priam screamed as magma flowed through his veins.


  • Phoenix 1%
  • Draconic <>

Around Priam's fingers, a flame danced joyfully. It passed over his index, looped beneath his ring finger, and slowly wound around his pinky before leaping into the palm of his hand. Priam manipulated the wisp, marveling at the comfort of the fire and studying it intently.

His constitution and resistances prevented him from being harmed by high temperatures. Priam could plunge his hand into boiling water without a flinch. [Infantile Phoenix] even allowed him to be healed by small flames and control them - in theory.

The purification of his bloodline allowed him to put theory into practice. The fire responded to his call, eager to please and obey. For now, it was just small flames, but the future held promise. Phoenixes could become stars. Some were powerful enough to exceed the size of a galaxy. The human mind was dwarfed by these orders of magnitude, but Priam had grasped the essence: this bloodline held power.

Smiling, he turned to the Phoenix. It had lost its corporeal form; all that remained of the Prince was a shaped flame.

"It's as if I was born to play with fire," the budding pyromancer exclaimed. "Thank you!"

That's your reward. Congratulations on maintaining consciousness till the end; I know the process is painful.

The euphemism sent shivers down Priam's spine. Losing his concentration, he let the flame flicker. The pain had been as powerful as his third death - pushed to immolation by carnivorous ants.

However, Priam was no longer the same person.

"I'm starting to get used to the pain," Priam acknowledged.

Because of your resurrection power. Be careful not to rely on it too much

"Why?" Priam asked, narrowing his eyes. The Phoenix wasn't a friend, and Priam wasn't inclined to reveal the details of his Talent.

It's a power too potent. Your Patron must have been a true monster, but you are not them. If you had encountered my main body, he would have tortured you every second, trying to understand it. Likely in vain, by the way.

Priam shuddered. His power protected him from death, but there was always something worse...

Also, be cautious around Phoenixes. I won't betray my race, but know that a Phoenix can easily detect your bloodline. We are jealous of our lineage and particularly adept at hunting other immortals,the Prince warned.

"Thank you for the advice." The Phoenix wasn't obligated to warn him, and Priam appreciated the gesture.

It's time for me to illuminate this sky. Before that, you'll likely want to use your Evolution Token.

Priam nodded. In its current state, this world couldn't accommodate many people - at least not for long. Who would want to spend time on an island barely twenty square meters in size, most of which was a pond? Perhaps a carp...

Blinking, he left his world. His eyes focused on the nose hairs of the strange old man looking at him just inches from his face.

"Hey," Bechar greeted.

"You're too close."

"Apologies. So, about this world?" asked Bechar, without backing down an inch.

"I'll improve it a bit, and then I'll invite you in. Deal?"

"Deal!" the shapeshifter grinned.

The Evolution Token was a kind of silvery credit card, with golden edges. Gold was inscribed on the front, and Talent on the back. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Priam directed his aether into the card, and it dissipated into the air.

Evolution Token - Talent (Gold) activated.

Which Talent (Bronze or Silver) would you like to upgrade?

Note: A Bronze Talent will be upgraded to Gold.

  • [Eidetic Memory - Bronze]

  • [Citizen of the Aether - Silver]
  • [Promesse - Bronze]
  • [Chimera - Bronze]
  • [Space Island - Silver(Growth)]

Priam hesitated for a brief moment. Each talent seemed interesting. However, the priority was to house his father. Resolutely, he selected [Space Island].

[Space Island] has several evolution options. Choose one:

  • Concepts Integration
  • Space Expansion
  • Time Dilation
  • Domain Hegemony
  • Soul Nourishment

Priam massaged the bridge of his nose as he read the list of proposed options for the third time. He was torn: all seemed incredible. Choosing was tougher than he thought.

What are the options? the Prince asked.

Priam graciously listed the possibilities for evolution. The Phoenix remained silent, and Priam waited, reflecting on his own.

You're right, all are great, the Prince acknowledged after a few seconds. Some will allow you to use your world for training, combat, or to house your people. However, remember that these are options of a Talent meant to grow.

Priam was aware of that, and it was the only reason he hadn't clicked on Time Dilation yet. [He Who Eludes Death] was based on a cycle of 86,400 seconds - that his soul counted.

In other words, if time moved twice as fast in his new world, Priam would have not one, but two lives each day!

Unfortunately, Priam's wariness prevented him from proposing his plan to the Phoenix.

I feel like I'm leading you down a dangerous path, but there is indeed a superior option.

That was enough to tempt Priam. Why settle for less than the best?

"Which one?" Priam asked eagerly.

Concepts Integration. My mother's crown possesses this enchantment.

Priam didn't personally know the Prince's mother, but a Queen - at a minimum - wouldn't equip trinkets. He re-read the option. Two words and no description. Using his knowledge, Priam tried to extrapolate.

"Does it involve the fragments of concepts I can steal?" he asked.

Indeed. These are normally rare treasures or rewards from the System. Some powerhouses may also sacrifice part of their concepts to offer a fragment to their descendants or sell it, but that's very rare. Such treasures are priceless.

Thanks to [Tribulation Hunter], Priam didn't have to ask his enemies for permission to obtain their concept. He just had to defeat them mentally, as he had defeated the sand elemental from the fiftieth wave.

"And these fragments would integrate into my world." The improvement seemed obscure to him. "In concrete terms, what would it bring me?"

In concrete terms? Everything, the Prince replied. A fragment of time concept would allow you to create time dilation in a limited area or your entire world. A space fragment would increase the limit of your world's size.

"So, what you're saying is, the other rewards are superfluous." An idea crossed Priam's mind. "Does the System..."

Yes, the System uses this technique. Such fragments are rare, but others are more common. A fragment of growth concept would make plants grow faster. You would be able to modify the environment to cultivate any natural treasure. If you find a mist fragment, youll be able to create a training zone to understand your enemy's epiphanies.

Priam had to admit he was interested. But perhaps he could use these fragments more directly and efficiently.

"I could directly absorb these fragments," he remarked. The Prince snorted.

The vengeance fragment from the mantises managed to change your mindset even though these creatures, born of a Tribulation, didn't have true consciousness. If you absorb the mist concepts of a centenarian warrior, I'm not sure your soul will still be able to call itself Priam Azura.

Thinking back to the vengeful madness that had taken hold of him when he absorbed the vengeance fragment, Priam shuddered. He had briefly lost his identity, solely focused on revenge. If his enemies' thoughts could mingle with these fragments, then Concepts Integration was a priority. Without it, he could never properly use his gift.

"You've convinced me," Priam announced.

If your secret is ever discovered, be prepared to have half the Universe on your tail.

The conversation was coming to an end, and Priam hesitated to speak again. The next steps were quite obvious, and he didn't want to rush the Phoenix.

After a few seconds, as if mustering his courage, the Prince continued. I'll take advantage of the upgrade to integrate my corpse perfectly as your suns world. The next time we speak, you'll be face to face with my corrupted consciousness. Do me a favor: kill me.

"This Universe is vast, it's unlikely that..."

Karma is a genuine concept in this world. If you survive long enough, our paths will cross.

"... I will kill you," Priam promised. He knew the Phoenix had manipulated him a bit. The creature had stooped to help a mere Tier 0 to create karma between them. Nevertheless, Priam welcomed the challenge. He planned to hunt Dragons, so why not Phoenixes?

My main consciousness must now be Tier 5, and is a Prince of the Depths. Still, I feel that it's not impossible for Promesse to one day wash away my shame. Good luck and farewell, Priam.

"Farewell, Prince."

Without further ado, Priam selected Concepts Integration. His soul trembled.


[Space Island - Silver(Growth)] has evolved into [Concepts Archipelago - Gold(Growth)].

Priam leaned on the balcony railing, studying the crowd below. The square of the Ducal Palace was teeming with people. Yet most weren't discussing the trial that was about to begin.

What could be more interesting than the execution of a Revenant officer? The parade of the Dome's Lord, the lovely Sphinx, of course!

Strolling in her miniature form through the crowd, she had won the hearts of the inhabitants.

"Could you convince her to lend her image to a plush toy?" a voice inquired.

"I thought you only sold information?" Priam replied.

"I'm a merchant, I sell everything," Mercure boasted. "Except my friends, of course."

"Of course. The answer is... yes. As an agent of Sphinx, I want fifty percent," Priam negotiated.

"Deal. I would have accepted eighty percent," Mercure smiled.

"Eighty percent then."

"Too late, I've activated the contract."

Priam laughed for a few moments. He had many qualities, but bargaining wasn't one of them. Fortunately, it was less necessary when you were rich and powerful.

"Do you still plan on holding a public trial?" Mercure asked.

"Yes," Priam confirmed. "I wont hide that I want Claire's death for personal reasons. However, I don't want to kill her in secret. A public condemnation will kill two birds with one stone."

There were no good reasons to keep it a secret. No need to give fodder to his future enemies. It was also essential to inform the inhabitants about the Revenants and the fate that awaited them.

"Enemies who will learn to fear you. In addition, the people will legitimize this death by their presence. Clever," commented Mercure.

Priam shrugged as he entered the room. "It's for the principle now. Honestly, I've left Claire behind."

Mercure brought a glass to Priam. "I didn't think you were the type to forgive."

Priam tasted the amber liquid. Sweet as I like it. He downed his glass in one go. "I haven't forgiven anything. I would say that despite my memory, time has done its work. Claire was a lost young woman. She accepted a poisoned gift from the System and didn't try to fight. Me... I was alone, and I clung to the first person I saw."

Priam wasn't ashamed to admit that he had sought human presence in the past. Now, he had found his father and made real friends. He trusted Sphinx and Blueberry and hoped they would agree to come to Elysium...

A clamor rose from the crowd. He was expected.

Priam checked that his outfit was in place. Boss, the master tailor, had done a remarkable job, and Priam felt well-dressed. The silk was pure white, accented by a royal orange. The outfit was clearly geared toward combat, but it suited him. He wasn't into politics and wasn't there to socialize.

He was there to lay the first stone in the fight against the Revenants and all threats to humanity. He wasn't a king or a president.

He was a Champion.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 317

Constitution 448

Agility 304

Vitality 465

Perception 521


Vivacity 282

Dexterity 345

Memory 72

Willpower 464

Charisma 378


Meta-affinity 249

Meta-focus 183

Meta-endurance 161

Meta-perception 77

Meta-chance 207

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 829

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 13 hours 51 minutes 8 seconds.

[Tribulation]: One Tribulation pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 180 days 14 hours 24 minutes 21 seconds.


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