A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 3: The weakest job

Chapter 3: The weakest job

In the twenty-one students summoned there was a hero, a sage, a high grade knight, even a priest. Most of them received high grade fighting classes. However out of all the possible jobs, I got.. healer.

Healer is a so-called recovery class. If Im not mistaken then

Wait, no.

In this world there is still the possibility that healer could be a high ranking job like hero. First things first, I should have someone check my status.

Uhm, excuse me.

How can I help you?

I called out to Aries.

You havent confirmed my status yet, would you mind taking a look at it?

Is that so? Well then if youll allow me.

However, when she looked at the status her expression began to distort.

This is.

Whats the matter Aries?

Saeki came up beside her.

Hey if it isnt Hidaka. Whats your occupation? Here let the Saeki the sage have a look.

He seems very excited to have been chosen as a sage. And so, he too moved to take a look at my status. However upon doing so, he erupted.

Seriously! Hahahahahahaha! What is this Hidaka? No matter what youll always be like this huh. Youre a healer! Even Majima is a priest!

Saeki pointed to the girl clinging to Ichijos arm as he said this.

Hey, Aries what exactly is a healer?

A healer is a class that uses recovery magic. In other words, its the weakest.


I was at a loss for words, theres no way thats right. Didnt everyone receive high class occupations? Why am I the weakest? Its impossible. Even if you think about it, isnt it strange? Aries voice seemed cold as she spoke.

For now lets take a look at your skill values.

_ _ _ _ _

Hidaka Masamune


Occupation: Healer

Race: Human

Vitality: 60

Magic Power: 50

Attack: 10

Defense: 10

Magic Attack: 10

Magic Defense: 10

Stamina: 10



Condition: foreign world syndrome

Title: reincarnated

Inherent skill: Goddesss divine protection.

Magic: Heal

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hidaka, I thought you were a screw up. As it turns out, when it comes to being incompetent, you are a true genius.

Whats going on Saeki? Why are you laughing so hard?

Kida! Come here this is great! Youve got to take a look at Hidakas status.

Hidakas status? Lets see.

Interested in the reason for all the laughter Kida came over and dropped his hand on my shoulder.

Saeki! Are you bullying Hidaka again?!


Honestly, I dont like this person. All they do is encourage Saekis anger and thanks to them hes always even more frustrated.

Oh come on, hes a healer! Why did we come to this world? This guy, what did we come to heal someone? No, we came here to fight a war right?! How can you look at this and not laugh?

Why dont you stop there. Ichijo chimed in.

You again?

Making fun of someone to this extent is unpleasant.

Unpleasant? Youre the one whos unpleasant. Do you even know how unpleasant you are? Bring girls with you everywhere and pretending like youre some kind of saint! THAT, is unpleasant.

A saint huh?

I want him to shut up.

If thats how you see it, then I apologise. However this and that are too different things, youre going to far and doing too much to Hidaka.

Oh you apologise?!

Majima butted in, followed by Kihara.

Hey, why are you snapping at Ichijo!?

Yeah! All he said was its not right to bully Hidaka!

Get those women out of here!!

Saeki seemed to fly off the handle and the girls hid from him behind Ichijo.

Thats when Albert came over to take a look at my status for himself.

What is it Albert?

Im curious, why is it that only he has the title of reincarnated?


Aries voice was filled with doubt.

Yes, everyone else has hero. Why is it that only this boy is reincarnated? Perhaps, we should ask the one in possession of the title.

With this everyone looked directly at me.

Well, the truth is..

The truth is I jumped from the roof. But I couldnt say that, I didnt want to tell them that.

I say, so its difficult for you to say. Well, I think I more or less understand the circumstances, we shall continue the conversation later. Your majesty,

He body to face the king.

May I proceed?

I leave it to you.

With a bow, he turned back around to face us once again.

Now that we have confirmed everyones status we should talk about what comes next. First you will enter the academy, there you will gain the power to oppose the demons by training in magic, swordsmanship, and more. Now we will use teleportation magic to move you all to the dorms, after this please listen to Aries instructions.

Now then everyone we are going to teleport so please gather around.

As the teleportation process began, Saeki moved in closer to me.

As I thought, the only thing youre a genius at is buying me juice. He laughed wickedly. Well, do your best. I mean, its not like you can do anything but, arent you glad you God blessed with a job? I mean even if you graduated high school the only path you could have taken was to become a NEET. Arent you happy?

Even if we change worlds he continues to bully me.

Saeki, thats enough! Cut it out!

Shut up!

Ichijo again.

Im sick of this.

Saeki, Ichijo, kawachi, all of them.

Ichijo his name seemed to slip out of my mouth. The expression on his face seemed to say Whats going on, Hidaka doesnt ever talk to me?

And thats why hes the same in the end.

Can you stop it?

S- stop it? What are you talking about suddenly?

Pretending to be some kind of white knight. Honestly, looking at you makes me what to throw up.

This guy, all he does is pretend to help to raise his own worth.

I heard Saeki laugh behind me.

Youre so right Hidaka. Hes creepy isnt he, I totally understand.

You too. Is bullying me really that fun?

Saeki, the root of all evil.

If Saeki wasnt here, my life would have been great.

Now youre saying it. Saeki glared at me, wrinkling his nose. What do you know!

I dont want to know, I dont care about you.

He had the same expression as always but maybe due to my new rebellious attitude I could see him shaking just a little.

Kawachi. Thanks for always coming to my rescue, it was annoying wasnt it.

Thats not.

Its ok you dont have to lie.

Shes basically the same as Ichijo. Essentially, she had to keep up her act as the class representative. In other words, she was drunk on her own sense of Justice.

Ichijo and Kawachi, which one is worse I wonder? Not that it matters, theyre all the same and its not like Saeki will ever change.

All of you pretended not to notice that I was being bullied right? Everyone turned. Its not like I wanted you to help me, what I said to Ichijo was my true feelings. That doesnt mean youre not guilty though. Even those left behind by the summoning, all of you are guilty.

I mean there were probably a few who didnt know, but that doesnt mean I want to believe they arent guilty.

Albert, when you saw my status you asked about the reincarnated notation right?


Well, truthfully, its not strange that its there or anything. You see, Ive already died once.

Thats what I thought, that is after all the meaning of reincarnated. Its unfortunate, but looking into your eyes I believe I know what happened.

I committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the school.

My classmates didnt react as much as I thought they would. They are probably so surprised that its difficult for them to express how they feel about it.

Its not really surprising though, after all, they killed me. All of them bystanders to what killed me. They could offer no apology for it.

When I fell, right before I lost consciousness I say a bright light. I think that was probably the light of the summon.

Thats quite the interesting story young man.

Whats up with this old man, isnt that reaction a little too indifferent? Its kind of creepy.

So, is that it? Saeki asked.

Eh? He was grinning as usual.

Not eh I think you mean to say yes. You committed suicide, we dont have any involvement in that.

What? I cant seem to organize my thoughts.

Did you think I would cry? Are you some kind of idiot? If you regret something just start over. Youre the one at fault for being incompetent!

Im the one at fault?

What is this guy saying?

I committed suicide.

He effectively killed someone.

Why is he saying things like that?

Lay off him Saeki! Ichijo again huh.

Ichijo, you heard him didnt you? Even if you try to help him you make him want to throw up. In other words, thats just the kind of guy he is, the kind of trash who just rants and thinks of only himself.

Shut up.

Shut up!

Die. All of you should just die.

If you want to die then go die. We have no idea of whats to come, are you just going to give up and die because its difficult? I dont have any sympathy for you.

What is going on?

Everyone is looking at me.

Those eyes.

Dont lookDont look at me!

Hidaka, just forget what Saeki said. Come on, lets go to the magic circle.


Dont talk to me.

Youre a bystander so youre innocent, bystanders arent related?

Is that what you want to say?

Hidaka, we are about to move so please come over here.

Im not going.

Huh? Dont make me say it twice.

I said Im not going.

Is that so? Aries sighs. Your majesty, with your permission.

I leave it to you.

I didnt see it. These guys have a heart. I believed that, but I was mistaken. I should have noticed, they are monsters in human skin.

Hidaka, to tell you the truth when I found out you were a healer I had planned to send you to a different location than everyone else.

What do you mean by a different location?

You would be sent to a random location. This is our bailout system.

Bailout? .You mean youre saving me? Something like even a healer gets salvation?

It seems there is still hope for me.

I think you misunderstood something. Her voice was low and icy. We are bailing ourselves out!

..huh? I was stunned.

What did you think this summoning only cost time and magic to accomplish!? That wasnt all it took! This magic costs the lives of several as sacrifices! Even then, one of the people summoned was a healer of all things! Who could have even imagined that! How could I explain that to those who gave their lives for this!?

What is this person saying?

Why am I being blamed?

Ha.ha.hahahahahahaha Id began laughing before I noticed.

Im talking to you! Why are you laughing!? I cant believe we summoned someone as incompetent as you! This country doesnt protect the incompetent!

As I thought.

It doesnt seem like Ill be able to continue living.

Albert! Prepare to teleport, throw out this trash!

Understood princess.


I see, so youre this countries princess huh.

Im not going to tell someone incompetent who I am.

I see so thats who she really is huh.

What this country really is.

A blue circle of light surrounded me. It seems they are going to throw me out now. Everyone was laughing as they looked at me. Was this the kind of parallel world Id dreamed about?

You really are am incompetent arent you. Saeki laughed.

Atone for the wasted lives of those who cooperated in the summoning!

At that moment.

Deep inside me a disgusting feeling rose up. Why is it always me who gets looked at like this? Why am I always the loser?

Everyone one is laughing, from here on out their going to be having fun. Their going to enjoy the life in another world that I always wanted, magic, swords, etcetera.

However, Im being thrown out. Theyre ridiculing me, theyre making fun of me.

Wherever you go, theres no chance of you making it here! Youre going to die! Thats how harsh this world is! Know shame!

Im going to kill them.

No, I have to kill them.

This good for nothing country, Ill erase it.

Its almost certain that I cant do it, however Im going to rebel as much as possible.

What, is that like your last request? Can incompetent idiots even understand shame!?

I mean its not very Buddhist of me but.

Aries glared at me, however my gaze was fixed on Saeki.

If you want to laugh, go ahead and laugh.


I will come to kill you, all of you, without fail.

I glared at them, keeping my eyes open until the end, engraving their faces onto my heart.

I wont leave any of them behind, Ill kill them all.

The last thing I saw was Aries laughing face as she looked down at me.


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