A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 13: Inevitable Encounter

Chapter 13: Inevitable Encounter

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This is the camp right? Sierra asked.


Jack had led the party to a small clearing in the forest where the bandits had their camp.

William had claimed that Not everyone is suited for combat. and had stayed behind in the village. In exchange they were accompanied by Kiez, he and Sierra were currently watching the camp.

Jack-dono, we must ask that you please return to the village ahead of us for now.

No problem. With that Jack disappeared back into the forest.

Kiez-dono and I will clear the surroundings, Nito-dono please wait here. We will signal you when its finished so dont do anything rash.

On the way here, Sierra hadnt been shy about warning Masamune repeatedly. Her feelings showed on her face, so Masamune could see she truly cared about his safety and thus took no offense. However inside, he was honestly a little hurt. Masamune sighed at her departing back.

After a while a light flashed in a corner of the camp, Sierra was signaling by reflecting light off of her sword. It wasnt long before Masamune regrouped with them.

I expected nothing less from you guys.

Sierra and Kiez had laid several bandits that where on lookout near the entrance to the camp. Masamune removed his fictitious hat in admiration of their skill.

More importantly Nito-dono, look over there.

Sierra pointed to four jail cells that contained the captive villagers, the young and the elderly were all grouped together inside.

There doesnt appear to be any other bandits around, lets get them out while we have the chance.

Masamune unlocked the cells releasing the captured villagers.

Well, that was way easier than I expected.

The majority of the bandits not being here really saved us, Kiez-dono thank you for your kind help.

Sure. Kiez replied indifferently.

Alright everyone follow me. After the villagers had all gathered into one place Sierra issued orders in a low voice.

And where exactly does the Lady Knight intend to go I wonder? A hoarse voice called out.

They turned to look at the voice together, a single man stood there with a wicked grin. It was already too late. Just like that their escape route had been cut off and they were surrounded by bandits.

So thats how it is. Sierra finally noticed.

I thought it was strange, why leave the camp so defenseless. Where did everyone go? There is no way it should have been this easy, why would you leave the camp undefended.

There is a simple answer to that actually, we were watching. He said with a sly smile.

You, youre Oliver Joe.

You.. know who I am?

He was dressed entirely in black with the sides of his head shaved giving him a sinister appearance.

You used to be a knight of the kingdom stationed in Razhausen. You were captain of the Ash company before one day killing your subordinates and disappearing.

Well thats a hurtful introduction. After that I got into banditry.

Oliver Joe laughed uproariously.

Why would you do something like that?

Well, I guess I just couldnt bear it any longer. The conspiracy, you see I loathed-

The king was generous! Sierras countenance grew angry. Regardless of what you thought about your subordinates the people loved you!

I said I hated it! Oliver appeared disgusted. I know that look in your eyes, youre loyal to your country. Those guys I killed, had that exact same look. However I understood how they were inside, the reason for their actions, it spilled out around them. So I showed them that being good isnt necessary, that there is more money in being evil.

Thats exactly what an evil person would say. Sierra narrowed her brows as she glared.

Dont kill her! Such a high class woman, we can charge a high price for her!

The blood-thirst in the air was palpable as the Bandits weapons appeared in their hands.

It seems we dont have a choice. Sierra said.

Kill the men! Both of them die here!

Nito-dono take care of the villagers!

She issued instructions as Masamune checked his surroundings with a carefree expression.

[Freezing Wind]

She swung her blade as she chanted. She seemed to move like the wind as icy gusts slashed at nearby bandits. Before they knew it a majority of the bandits were laying on the ground.

As expected of a royal white knight. Oliver appeared composed.

You knew!?

It seems I was right.

Son of a, you were bluffing?

Its obvious looking at the armor underneath that cape of yours. That kind of white armor isnt found around here, its only used by those royal white knights of yours.

The white armor was indeed visible beneath her robes. Sierra clenched her jaw realizing shed been fooled.

Dont look away from me!

A shameless roar came from the left and Sierra spun around.

Shall I take care of that?


Kiez intervened before Sierra could act.

[Explosive Fist]

The moment Kiezs fist connected with the mans body he exploded into bits of blood and flesh splattering on the ground.

Whoa! Masamune was impressed.

The remaining bandits were all cut down by Sierra leaving just Oliver.

Seriously? Why are my subordinates all so weak? I mean come on how many years have we been doing this now?

Its over!

Not quite.

Ah! Sierra was startled by what happened next.

With a composed expression Oliver held Jack firmly in his arms.


A voice rang out among the village girls, most likely belonging to his mother.


Shut up! I said shut up! Your childish voice is so annoying its making my ears ring!

Let him go!

Sierras voice trembled with unbridled fury, but Oliver just smiled.

When you get like that it makes me want to kill him!

Without hesitant Oliver swung a knife down on Jacks neck.

Jack! Jacks mother cried her voice racked with sorrow.

Gah hah! Hah?

Blood flew from Olivers mouth.

wha..t? Y. Ou. Guhah!

It happened in an instant, the knife that should have been in Olivers hand had disappeared. It had embedded itself not in Jacks neck but in Olivers. In the next instant he fell, Oliver Joe was dead.

Jacked turned around gazing at Masamunes silhouette that appeared behind the fallen Oliver.

Jack go to your mom.

OK. Even Jack had no idea what had just happened. Thank you big bro. but everything was alright now, this he did know.

Jack wiped his eyes and ran to his mom.



Mother and son cried as they were reunited.

Even Sierra had no idea what had just occurred.

Well then, why dont we head back. Everyone back at the village must be worried sick.

With a bitter smile Masamune stepped away from the fallen Oliver.

Fuuuuuh.. Yeah youre probably right. Kiez said a meaningful smile on his face.

Wait a moment please Sierra cried, Masamune stopped walking.

Whats up?

No, not whats up! What was that! Nito-dono what just happened!? Didnt you say you were a Healer!?

Oh no Im definitely a healer.

Dont fuck with me! What is that knife in his neck,how did you take it from him? How did you get over there so fast? You were just standing over here, how did you When did you!?

Sierra was growing upset unable to believe what she was seeing.

The questions continued, afterwards demanding to see his status.

Forgive me, but I really am a healer. Masamune said dodging her demands.

Anyway please explain once we are back.

Masamune moved further away from Sierra as cried. No way! Better yet that magic was amazing Id expect nothing less from you! Masamune began escaping towards Kiez.

No, it cannot be compared to you. Nito-dono.

Kiez said quietly as Masamune regretted saying anything, he sighed, realizing he had no allies to back him up.

After arriving in the village, the waiting husbands and family rushed forward to hug their loved ones as everyone shared in the joy. It appeared that even the chiefs daughter had been taken as he now cried tears of joy.

However, there was a girl who simply stood there, not going to anyone. A hood obscured her face but I had a feeling she was a girl. When looking closely her height didnt differ all the much from mine.

Youre not going? I asked, but no reply came.

What about her family? I went around asking people who came close, but it appeared that no one knew of her.

Oh no, that poor child, she was already locked up there before we arrived. Eventually one of the women answered.

Apparently she wasnt part of the village. The village women had tried talking to her multiple times but she never answered. They had no clue where she had come from.

Where did you come from?

However, she remained silent with her head down.

Thats when Sierra came over and I explained the circumstances to her.

I see, it must have been hard on you, but its fine now. I will take responsibility for your safety we shall head to the capital tomorrow.

Afterwards Sierra told her that she could return home if she applied at the royal office but as to whether she was listening or not there was no response.

Do you not want to talk? No response.

If you want us to help you we will but the bandits have already been cleaned up, you can go wherever you like. Although if you dont know how to get home, why not come with us for now? We are on a trip right now but we can even stop by where you live.

Sierra poked her looking dissatisfied.

You dont talk easily do you.

After that for some reason the hooded girl suddenly grabbed the hem of my clothes.

Oof.. I. See. Well then, Nito-dono Ill leave this to you.

With her cheeks twitching slightly she headed back towards the villagers a smile on her face.

Naturally, I also had a difficult expression on my face.

Hey, dont I look like the bad guy here? Sierra looks like she got angry.

But.. I dont..like. That person.

Dont like her? Whats not to like? Hey you.

Not.. YouToa..


TOATORICA!! She suddenly said in a loud voice.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. Her hood fell off as she turned, underneath a beautiful young girl with shoulder length pink hair gently flowing in the wind appeared underneath.

Hey are you listening? With that I came back down to earth.

Hmm? Yeah Im listening, Toatorica right?

Toa is fine. For some reason she said this quietly as if she was embarrassed.

Eh? What did you say?

You can call me Toa! Now for some reason she was mad at me.

. Toatorica so you go by Toa, its a nice name. I guess this means I should give you mine. Im

I noticed then, Toa was staring straight into my eyes. Like the color of the sky in this world she had beautiful blue eyes. I was unable to look away.


In that moment I wasnt sure why I told her my true name, but for some reason I could lie. I didnt want to lie.


William appeared.

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