A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 489 - 444

Chapter 489: Chapter 444

I stood still for a few minutes, watching Odin go back and forth in a sort of dance as he sang sea shanties. I don't want to say that it was odd considering we were on a literal ship, but it did feel a tad out of place since we weren't actually on the sea.

I merely shook my head and glanced at Thorum who was 'driving' the boat.

He had that signature goofy smile of his as he happily steered us in the right direction. I suppose it doesn't matter the time, place, or origins, people are the same.

Jinn was playing around in the Crow's nest, just watching the scenery it seems. And Scáthach was at the bow of the ship, staring off towards the mountains we were approaching.

Scáthach noticed me walking up and didn't fuss as I wrapped my arms around her from the back. "you've been quiet since we've come. Are you bored? You don't have to stay here if you don't."

She cocked her head, adopting a smile. "I am enjoying myself, student." She responded with a light tone. "If I did not wish to be here, I would not."

"Just making sure."

"Your concern is pleasing to me. However, do not mistake my quiet and reclusion as an indication of unhappiness. One of my greatest joys is to undergo new experiences, they need not be exciting nor thrilling."

That's good then. She can be hard to read sometimes, so I just wanted to double check. Good communication is one of the cornerstones of any relationship.

"My friend, this is amazing, but I am confused about something." Thorum hollered from the back where he was steering.

"What's up?" I shot back.

"This ship flies through magic, yes?"


"Then....why are there sails?"

"Because they're cool." I said with the most serious expression. Odin who stopped his playing also gave a similar nod of approval.

"Aye." Thorum agreed to my logic easily.

"Boys...." Scáthach shook her head.

"Lady Scáthach, would you like a turn?" Thorum offered.

".....yes." She said with the slightest hint of embarrassment.

I reluctantly let her escape from my grasp as she made her way to the back and traded off with Thorum.

"What a wonderful view." Thorum smiled happily as he joined me up front. "I have never seen Skyrim from the sky, this is amazing."

"Cold as balls." Odin grumbled.


"Yet you're still standing there smiling."

"I believe my face froze." Thorum said casually.

Odin chuckled, smacking him on the back. "You're a fun kid."

"If I may ask, Elder, what need do you have for my assistance? I am happy to help Wilhelm with anything, but I'm not sure what I'm volunteering for." Thorum asked.

"Right, we didn't actually cover that..." I hummed. "The short of it is that we're going to be hunting some Gods."

".....oh." Thorum said quietly. "Are....are you sure that it is wise to enlist my help? I do not know if I am strong enough to assist you"

"You're not weak, brat." Odin rebutted. "I may not know what's all going on with you, but strength is universal! Besides, your view on Godhood Is skewed from only living here. There are Gods far weaker than you, and those far stronger. It's not a perfect inclination of strength."

"Truly?" Thorum didn't sound convinced.

"My home, the country I come from in our world, just it has millions of Gods." I replied to him.

Thorum blanked for a moment. "How do you worship them all?"

I let out a snort. "I don't worship any Gods. Not that I don't have some I respect and will treat appropriately, but I don't put any faith in them. And it's not like their worship is universal either. There are Gods of certain Rivers, certain Mountains, certain villages, etc. As Odin said, your views are narrow, and it's not your fault, you're used to those being called 'Gods' as the peak of the term. To put it into perspective, Meridia handled one of the strongest 'Gods' back home like she was a naughty child and put her in a time-out."

"Jesus Christ, is that what happened to Ophis!?" Odin blurted out.

"Yup." I paused. "Wait, did you just swear to Jesus?"

"Yup!" He mimicked me.


"Take a guess what happens when someone like me invokes his name while the Feathered-brat is shifting through prayers on his old-man's chair."

I could imagine in a sea of whispers, Odin suddenly 'praying' in some manner would be like a fog horn in Michael's ears.

"You're such an asshole." I shook my head. "But also Thorum, don't take this as meaning you can be cocky either. They're likely strong enough to kill both me and Odin."

"If you need my assistance, my Friend, then I will fight any foe." Thorum pat his chest.

".....you have a good friend, brat." Odin said quietly, directed at me of course.

"Besides, Odin's right, you're a lot stronger than the last time we met." I pat his shoulder. "Honestly, It feels like cheating how fast you're getting this strong..."

"Like you have any room to talk." Odin started swatting at me with his 'stick'. "Mister, 'oh, I'm just a 20-something year old kid and I threw down with Indra for shits n' giggles'."

Thorum just laughed at Odin's antics. "I am excited to see your home, my friend. Are you gathering any other allies?"

"Yeah, we're looking for the ones I dropped off here before."

"Ah, they are a good choice." Thorum nodded. "I have heard quite a few stories since they arrived in Skyrim. They are worthy of being your comrades, they are honorable and strong as well."

"We'll see if they want to join in. I don't want to force something dangerous on them, they have the right to enjoy their lives free of crap like this." If there was one thing I despised, it was forcing people that didn't want to be involved in situations like this.

"I originally wished to spar with you, my friend. To show you what I have learned, but perhaps it will be more pleasing to keep it a secret until we fight a strong foe." Thorum grinned, punching my shoulder. "Ah, I should prepare a gift for your daughter! What does she like? I need time to find something appropriate!"

Jeez, Kunou is absolutely spoiled at this point. How many different people dote on her?

"Land Hooo!" Jinn shouted from up above. "Also, catch me~"

I instinctively held my arms out as a certain Blue Genie dropped into my arms. "That's a mountain." I deadpanned.

"Mountain, ho?" She laughed, kicking her legs happily. "Also, you forgot to mention that I'm coming too~"

"Aye, Lady Jinn, your wisdom is a welcome addition to any quest." Thorum was quick with the appreciation.

I bit my tongue, not wanting to say something I shouldn't. My overprotective side was trying to rear its ugly head. It was her decision, and I was going to respect it. She wasn't a child I needed to coddle.

"Don't worry, I have my own secret weapons~" She smiled brightly, though I know for a fact she said that to reassure me again.

I flipped my hand over, bringing the map out of my ring. "Right, it was noted as being here, thereabouts. But we don't' have an exact coordinate. What exactly are we –" I barely even finished the words as they become irrelevant.

High up above the land, between the crags of several mountains, and nearly covered by the peaks themselves, there is a barely visible structure of some sort. It would be impossible to see from the ground, and even from the air, it wouldn't be visible until you got extremely close due to how the mountains covered it.

"I think that's it." Odin stated.

"Thanks, I didn't get that until you pointed it out." I responded dryly. "Takes us down there." I shouted, adopting my captain persona.

Well, it was halfhearted. I didn't take Sir Wiggles out because he wasn't a big fan of this kind of cold.

I waited several moments, only to realize that we were neither slowing down, nor were we attempting to land.

I looked back at Scáthach who had a blank look on her face.

"....I do not know how to land this vessel."

I didn't even have time to respond to her as the ship collided with one of the mountain peaks. Full speed, we rammed right into it. Everyone had a moment or two to prepare for the obvious collision, and it's not like we would be hurt in any way. But even still, it was abrupt and disorientating.

It immediately caused a minor avalanche, but mostly, the Bowsprit, the horizontal-like mast piece that protruded from the front, impaled itself into the mountain, causing the ship to come to a complete halt, idly sitting dozens of feet above the strange structure below.

"Well done." I complimented her.

Scáthach showed a very uncharacteristic flush of embarrassment. "This is my one to your many." She tried her best to scowl, but it only made her look rather cute.

"I'm proud of you."

"You're asking for a beating." She threatened, but it lacked the usual sharpness to it.

Well, the ship isn't damaged, and I wouldn't expect it to be. It was so heavily reinforced; it would take something much more than a collision with a mountain to do any real damage.

Still holding Jinn in my hands, I walked to the edge of the ship and jumped off, landing gently onto the ground.

The others followed rather quickly.

"Good news is that we don't have to worry about anyone stealing the ship while we're gone."

Scáthach made a threatening gesture towards me.

"My friend, you are truly a brave man." Thorum eyed from the side.

Well, it's part of her charm so I didn't mind.

"Dragon Boy, do you recognize this place?" Odin stepped forward, putting his hand on one of the stone pillars that connected to a stone bridge that led to a large monastery-like building built into the side of the mountain.

"This does not look like any place I have visit so far. I do not believe it to be Nordic...my kin use a different and more...simple style." Thorum noted.

"Yeah, this comes off as more...elegant." I paused. "No offense."

"Aye, it is the truth. We do not care for decadence." Thorum seemed unphased. "Unless it is a temple, but that is rare as well." Thorum looked thoughtful.

I wasn't just being cheeky, the stonework was obviously different than anything Nordic I've seen thus far. And I've been into quite a few crypts and seen quite a bit of Nordic Architecture. Their styles hadn't changed much in the past centuries.

Hell, even the College had a certain....roughness to it.

This, on the other hand, was much cleaner and crisper.

"Atleast we can guess that this is where we're supposed to be." Jinn stated.

"True." I would give her that.

Walking across the stone bridge, we got a much better look at the place.

A large statue stood in front, and on either side two staircases led up to the entrance to the building.

"Definitely a Temple." I noted.

"Aye, tis most certainly a Temple. We must be respectful here, no looting." Thorum stated.

Unfortunate, but what can you do.

"Which God is this?" Odin asked, walking up to the statue, and he was staring at a strange basin at the base of it.

"Considering the Bow that we're coming here for, and the person who mostly likely pointed us in this direction?" I looked at Thorum.

Thorum nodded. "I can guess the origins of this temple as well. Auri-El, it is the name of Akatosh as worshiped by the ancient Snow Elves." His eyes trailed up to the tip of the statue that had a bronze-colored sun above its head. "And a Sun God. This is an ancient Snow-Elf Temple. Please tread carefully, the Snow Elves have long departed from Nirn, this may likely be one of the few remaining temples of theirs, I would like it to be treasured for future generations."

"Don't worry, we're in someone else's house, we'll be polite guests." I pat his shoulder.

I don't think I needed to tell Odin, he surely heard even if he was more focused on the statue in front. And Jinn and Scáthach were also people who wouldn't be reckless about this sort of thing.

"Shall we go?" I offered.

"Aye, let us see what hide inside." Thorum smiled, walking up the stairs.

Insofar, there was....nothing particularly noteworthy about this place bar the history. No deliberate traps, no guardians...nothing.

Even the front entrance looked mundane. However, Thorum put his hands on it, trying to open it but it didn't budge one iota.

He put more strength into it, but it still didn't move.

"How about I give it a try?" I offered.

"Don't bother, it's sealed." Odin interjected. "It's connected to the statue down below, you need some kind of Ritual to open the way."

"You figured that you from merely seeing the statue, Elder?" Thorum's eyes widened.

"I am a God of Magic and Wisdom, not many things can escape my eyes." Odin had a hint of pride to his tone.

"Eye." Jinn corrected.

Odin nearly fell over. "No respect for the elderly." He huffed, walking up to the door, putting a hand on it.

"What do you think?" I hummed, scanning it for any obvious signs of entry points.

"We could be forceful." Scáthach stated. "However, It would go against the goodwill we wish to express. The owner pointed us here, thus we should treat this place with the respect it deserves." Her words basically mirrored Thorum's.

"Yeah, yeah." Odin grumbled. "Hospitality is one of the oldest traditions in existence, I'm not going to break it." He straightened his back, closing his eyes.

Watching him for a moment, I put my hand on the opposite side, casting a structural Grasp. "Oh, you're right." I could see the pathways feeding a flux of Magical Energy back towards the statue. "That's some rejection too. As soon as I try to probe deeper into the mechanisms, it gets very aggressive."

"Interesting Spell." Odin hummed, duplicating it at a glance. "A more detailed picture, huh. I don't know why I never thought of that before, guess I never really needed it." He moreso was talking to himself. "Let's see, there are several components that need to be met. The ritual seems to exist in several stages, we're going to need to trick it."

"There are four spots that need to be 'tricked' as you put it, and we have more than enough people adept at Magic here. Maybe we could reverse the criteria? Make it think that the 'spots' that need filled need to be emptied and let it open that way...?"

"Maybe we could overload it..."

"Substitute the Ritualistic effect...?"

"Maybe –"

"Lig Bex!" Thorum suddenly shouted, and by that I mean shouted. It wasn't particularly loud, but Dragon Shouts didn't have to be.

The invisible force washed over everything and suddenly the doors shuddered, snow that had been packed around them was shaken off and the grinding of mechanisms was heard as a very loud metal clang indicated that it had become unlocked.

"....or that works." Odin blinked.

"Ah, well..." Thorum scratched his cheek. "Auri-El is Akatosh, and I am a Dragonborn....I thought it would make sense to ask it to open in Dovahzul..."

"....right." I pursed my lips.

"Good job, Thorum!" Jinn cheered happily.

"Thank you, Lady Jinn!" Thorum answered back with that big grin of his.

I can't even be upset, he's too nice of a person.

"My friend, why did you not just use that method of traveling to take us to the other side?" Thorum tilted his head.

"I was being polite. I didn't want to just 'teleport' inside of the temple." Not that I wouldn't have used that as a 'last resort'. And I admit I am a little hesitant about doing so when it involves deities around these parts.

I did learn my lesson after Meridia...

Odin and I shared a look, and also shared the same sentiment right now.

Simply shaking my head, I pushed the doors open, and we walked inside.

"Hela's frozen tits, why is it colder in here than outside!?" Odin blurted out, and we all sort of froze in place because we weren't alone here.

It was a large open room with a shrine in the form of a sun standing in the middle, but that wasn't the most particular thing.

There was a person standing there, looking just as confused by us as we were apparently by him.

"Hello!" Jinn waved at the stranger.

That seemed to snap his thoughts back. The most notable features of his were his white hair and his pointy ears. He was most certainly an elf. But in addition to that he had a particular bow strapped to his back that gave me the most ominous feeling. It wasn't over ornate, and if anything, it was very simple in design. From this distance I could see some muralistic carvings along it, but not much else. "Who are you!? How did you get in here?"

"I'm Jinn, and I walked through the front door." She smiled.


"....we're....adventurers?" Was that the correct terminology they use here? "We simply found this place and it looked abandoned, so we wanted to explore. Who are you?"

The person – Elf, stiffened, studying us for a good few moments. "....I am Arch-Curate Vyrthur, I am tasked with watching over this temple of Auri-El."

"A worthy goal." Thorum spoke up. "May I ask....are you a Snow Elf?"

The Elf clenched his hands. "I am one of the few remaining Snow Elves, Nord." His practically hissed under his breath. But, maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, it looked like his own eyes flashed bright yellow for a moment.

Right, the history was that Nords practically genocided the Snow Elves.

"This place is forbidden to outsiders!" He swiped his hand through the air. "Leave!"

"Actually....we're here on orders of, um. Auri-El." May as well try the peaceful approach. "You see, Thorum here –" I pointed to my friend. "– is the Dragonborn, a son of Akatosh? also known as Auri-El."

The newly revealed Snow Elf looked at Thorum in surprise before settling down. "Hmph, of course. The call of the World-Eater was heard even here. As it was prophesied, so too does a Dragonborn stand to face it." Slowly a smile crept up. "I wonder, what would occur if the son of Akatosh, failed?"

"Aye, that is what we are trying to prevent. We had received guidance that a powerful weapon rests here, the Bow of Auri-El, and we were tasked to retrieve it."

The Snow Elf stiffened again. "The Bow of Auri-El?" He reached behind himself, pulling out the Bow that I noticed a moment prior.

Odin nudged me, but I didn't need to understand the situation.

"This isn't what I had planned, but I wonder how Auri-El would react to find his child felled by his own weapon!" He was about to pull the bow string back, and I felt an immediate sense of danger as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Without thinking, one of my swords shot out, stabbing right into him.

Before he could even blink, he burst into dust with a shimmer of golden light as Dawnbreaker fell to the ground next to everything else he had on him along with a pile of dust that used to be his body.

"Well that was anticlimactic." Odin said dryly.

"I am confused." Thorum tilted his head.

"He was a vampire, I noticed the eyes." I shrugged. "And he was about to attack, with that Bow, which felt very dangerous, so I just thought fuck it, and launched Dawnbreaker." Frankly, it wasn't even a measure of his strength or how powerful he was, no one really expects swords to shoot at them.

"Ah." Thorum nodded in understanding.

I carefully approached the 'corpse' of his and very carefully picked up the bow. "So....mission accomplished?"

"I feel like this should have been harder." Jinn came up right besides me. "Oh a journal!" She clapped, fishing a worn book from under the fallen armor. She flipped through it quickly, landing a few pages. "Huh, good thing we killed him, he was apparently planning on trying to kidnap Thorum's girlfriend or something to do some ritual to darken the sun or something."

"...that sounds stupid." I blinked.

"Yeah, his plan wasn't very good." Jinn shrugged, tossing the Journal into her own storage.

"Well, it is good we triumphed then!" Thorum said proudly, before slightly slumping. "even if...it was a particularly uneventful experience."

"Can we alteast loot his stuff?" Odin asked.


Odin wasted no time rummaging through his belongings, taking random things that the Snow-Elf had on him.

"That Bow feels dangerous, be careful student." Scáthach warned me.

"Yes, my friend, that Bow also made me feel a great sense of danger before he even drew it! We must see what it is capable of!"

"Shit, I'm down" I held it carefully as we walked back outside. "It doesn't seem like it needs arrows by the way that elf tried to use it....so do I just..." I slowly drew back the string, and the sky darkened around us, sunlight condensed into the form of an arrow. I hadn't even pulled it halfway back and I was immediately regretting this decision. There was an obscene amount of power gathered at this point. I quickly pointed it upward in a panic, and let it go.

One moment, the mountain peak was there, the next, it was completely gone and a bright light shot to the horizon.

"Jesus Christ!" Odin shouted.

Everyone looked at me and the Bow in my hand. I very carefully put it away into my Ring. "Right, we're going to mark this as a 'use only in dangerous situations'."

Scáthach look at me. "Well done, Student."

"Hey, how was I supposed to know how it worked!?"

She merely raised an eyebrow at me.

".....point." She didn't even need to say it to me.

My ship chose that moment to fall to the ground infront of us.

Thorum pat me on the shoulder.

"...Alright, let's go find the others and head back." I got the Bow I wanted, now let's go see the others because it's been far too long.

Then, it's off to visit the Nine Realms!


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