A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 458 - 416

Chapter 458: Chapter 416

I waved the wand in my hand, and everything in the shop caught fire.

Ollivander and I were quick to douse it all with water. And I was intrigued to see him conjure Water from the tip of his own wand, but I was focused on the immediate concern.

He looked at me with heavy eyes, taking the wand from my hand and putting it back.

"I'll pay." I said, but he offered no response.

"Try this one, Elder Wood, Dragon Heart string from a particularly ornery dragon. Very rigid, but not uncompromising."

I took the darker looking wand into my hand, and Ollivander cast many spells in quick succession for defensive purposes.

Frankly, I think he was going overboard, I only had one or two accidents so far.

I gave the wand a wave, and I felt a ringing in my ears.

Maybe that was from the sound wave that burst out, shattering all the remaining glass in the shop.....and the neighbors it seemed.

We could tell....because of the holes in the building....

"....I'll pay."

"So you have said." He pursed his lips. "This one is definitely not it."

[You think that maybe the Dragon parts are a bad idea? You know, considering?"] Ddraig spoke within my mind.

....that was a valid consideration.

"Mr. Ollivander, do you think the fact that I have a Dragon in my soul might make Dragon parts in the wands volatile?"

Ollivander looked at me for a long minute. "I will take that under consideration."

[If nothing else, you have the subtlety of a Dragon.] Ddraig snorted.

I had the vaguest feeling that this wand maker was humoring me like one would a child.

"Unicorn parts are simply out." Ollivander hummed. "We don't need a repeat of that." He glanced to where his counter used to be. ".....and Dragon Parts." He scrunched his nose. "Very well. The main cores we use here are Dragon Heart String, Unicorn Tail, and Phoenix Feather, even if the latter of them is significantly more rare considering I only have one or two coming in a year. But I suppose it couldn't hurt."

He began rifling through more wand cases until he took out another one. "This is an interesting combination. Black Walnut, which wouldn't normally work well with a Phoenix feather, but Headmaster Dumbledore's Phoenix roosted on it for some years on occasion, leaving it a rather intimate combination. Adventurous, but not without consideration. Willing to fly free, but also delve into the unknown." He held it out for me to take.

I hesitantly took it into my hand and it felt....warm, pleasant even. I think I could vaguely hear a soft chirping, melodious in nature.

Even Ollivander looked cautiously optimistic. He very slowly approached me to get a better look. "Most curious."

"Is it?" I questioned.

"Frankly, I have no clue at this point." He admitted. "We've gone through 73 wands at this point, and I'm just happy that it didn't immediately make my shop explode."

Yeah, that's fair.

"It goes against every fiber of my survival instincts to say this, Mr. Schweinorg, but please give it a flick."

I cringed slightly, anticipating the ensuing destruction and flicked the wand gently.

Nothing happened.

Both Ollivander and I looked at the wand curiously, until suddenly a puff of smoke blew out of the tip, right into his face.

He coughed erratically, swatting away the cloud, catching his breath. "Significantly less destructive, even if it was unpleasant." He seemed to chuckle at the lackluster effect. "A good starting point to work with, most curious." He flashed a smile with renewed vigor.

"I'm sorry, this wasn't intentional....."

He blinked, and then chuckled. "I assure you, Mr. Schweinorg, blowing smoke into my face isn't something to write home about. I've faced much worse.....not counting today, that is."

"Erm....that's not what I was talking about." I grimaced, pointing to his face.

He frowned, flicking his own wand at a nearby piece of wood, presumably that came from his wall. It changed into a mirror, making me raise an eyebrow. He held it up and stared at his reflection emotionlessly.

"If I had not been present for the last two hours of Wand Testing, I would not have believed you." He finally said.

There was a red dick drawn on his forehead.

"I promise it wasn't intentional." I said again, even if I was holding back a laugh.

"Yes, yes. I believe the wand is expressing its dissatisfaction." He harrumphed, taking it out of my hand. "The Headmaster's Phoenix, while being a holy and majestic creature, has the tendency to land in the gutter with its sense of humor."

He said that before, about the apparent Headmaster of Hogwarts having a phoenix, and I sort of glazed over that.

But....that's pretty cool.

Was it the same kind of Phoenix that I was familiar with? Or is it something they just named here? Same with Dragons too, I'm surprised they have so many harvestable Dragon parts.

It's not too difficult to find an unintelligent dragon back home, but even those are rather powerful by normal human standards.

He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his head.

The Phallus didn't even smear.

He rolled his eyes and held his wand up to it. "Finite."

I watched as he attempted to enact a spell, it actualized and splashed against the drawing on his forehead.

He looked at himself in the mirror and scowled. "Finite Incantatum!" His Magical Energy moved much more aggressively, but still, the image on his forehead persisted.

"....I swear it wasn't intentional."

His eye twitched. "Wonderful." He seemed to give up. "I will have to visit that blasted Bird later to get it removed. Phoenix Magic is too temperamental, even if it's from a mere feather." He grumbled under his breath.

"Maybe we should just give up?"

His head snapped to me. "Mr. Schweinorg, at this point, it is a matter of pride. I will make sure you have a wand, even if I have to craft a new one. That being said....perhaps it is time I take out some of my early experiments."


"I experimented with many....exotic materials in my youth before settling down." He puffed up with pride and disappeared into the back of his shop.

It would have been more impactful had part of the nearby wall not collapsed as soon as he left.

Honestly, I was wondering how his shop was still standing up right at this point. A testament to their architecture perhaps?

He came back out quickly, arms full of different wand boxes. Without any fanfare, he plopped them all into a pile on a chair that was still standing.

"I refuse to believe we will not find you a suitable wand." He stated, rummaging through them. "Here we are. You said you were from Japan? It just so happens I have some materials from there as well. Japanese Cedar, and an Oni Horn."

"Did you say an Oni Horn?" I blinked in surprise. "I am genuinely surprised you can claim to have something like that."

"I still have the scars from acquiring it." He smiled awkwardly.

Oh dear.

Well, I took it from his hand, and it felt....wrong.

I immediately felt it, not like the Dragon ones or even the Unicorn ones that outright rejected me, perhaps due to my Darker Nature as a Half-Devil.

This one just outright despised me through no fault of my own. "I have a feeling this one isn't going to work."

"Just give it a flick, Mr. Schweinorg. We'll see how far off the mark we are so I know where to go from here."

"No, seriously. I have a bad feeling about this one."

"Mr. Schweinorg, I can say with all honesty, there is not much you can do at this point that would be worse."

"....are you sure?"

"Just...flick it, Mr. Schweinorg."

"I do not take blame for this." I stated, holding it up and giving it a casual wave.

Immediately, both Ollivander and I were blown off our feet, smacking into the sides of the room. The invisible force ripped out, rather upwards, as I was keen enough to not point it anywhere near us. The ceiling of the shop more or less disintegrated on impact.

It took a moment, but the wand maker and I climbed back up to our feet.

".....I suppose I have been meaning to remodel..."

"A sun roof isn't a bad idea. It really does open up the room a bit with some natural light, you know." I offered.

Funnily enough, he didn't look put off by what I said. Was he considering it?

A drop of water landed on his nose.

We both looked up, and rain fell from the sky.

A torrential downfall.

A glance out the window told us that it was only happening above the shop.

Ollivander slowly moved to sit down amidst the growing puddle of water that developed on his floor. A few wand boxes began floating away.

".....I'll pay."

The look of defeat made me feel bad.

His eyes slowly climbed up until they met mine.

"Would....it be possible for me to bring in some of my own materials? Perhaps ones I believe to be compatible with me?" I finally asked.

There was a spark of desire behind his eyes that lit up again. "Mr. Schweinorg, I will do my absolute best to make you a wand out of what you deem acceptable. I will put all my skills I've learned through my very long life, all the meticulous hours I spent wandmaking to practice. I will make you one of the greatest wands ever to be produced by human hands."

"Yeah?" I admit that sounded exciting.

"I only ask one thing in return?"

"What do you want?"

"Never, ever, step foot in my shop again afterwards."

That's fair.

"Mr. Ollivander, are you in there, it's the Aurors!"

Aurors? Why did that sound familiar?

"No one answered, we're forcing our way in. Everyone inside better lay their wands down and put their hands up!"

Oh shit, the Magic Popo!

They burst through the door, wearing robes in a uniform manner. However.

They looked around, surprised at the amount of destruction.

Ollivander's eyes were...empty, tired. He seemingly didn't care to respond.

"Mr. Ollivander, who did this!?" The one at the front asked.

I held up my finger, pointing down the street. "They went that way."

They looked at me and didn't even hesitate to run out the door in the direction I pointed.

Ollivander let out an exhausted sigh.

I had a feeling like I should give him some space....


Albus Dumbledore POV (Headmaster of Hogwarts)

"Thank you for coming, everyone." I addressed my staff. "As you know, summer vacation is almost over, so it seemed like a good time to hold our annual meeting. Before we begin, would anyone like to say anything?"

Fawkes chirped happily on his perch.

Despite not contributing, that Pheonix of mine liked to be part of the talks.

Which is why we usually held this meeting in my Office, he didn't like leaving his perch unless he had to.

I do believe I have spoiled him too much over the years.

"Albus, what are we going to do about the positions we need filled?" Minerva asked.

I stroked my beard, seeing that everyone was in agreement. My Transfiguration teacher was one to always get to the heart of the problem without beating around the bush.

"Yes, that poses quite the problem. I assure you I have not been idle during this Summer, but it has been....difficult." I addressed my staff. "Not just our Defense Against the Dark Arts position which in of itself is becoming increasingly difficult to fill every year due to the curse left on the position."

"I'm inclined to agree with Severus's suggestion from last year." Professor Flitwick chimed in. "Why not have a set of rotating teachers? Then every year they 'leave'. Is there any situation on this supposed curse that a former teacher can't return?"

I shook my head with a sigh. "Such a solution would have been used long ago. I'm afraid that whatever You-Know-Who did to the position, the Jinx, that it has a means to fight back if we attempt to play smart."

"Poor Woodrick." Minerva muttered. "He has been shamed ever since news got out about what happened."

Yes, young Woodrick, one of our own graduates. He was the one who proposed the idea in the first place, and it was novel enough that we thought to give it a try. It worked the first time. Woodrick taught for a year, we switched to someone else, Woodrick returned to test such a thing, and then...well....

I knew for a fact that Woodrick didn't intentionally vanish all the clothes of his students and himself and douse himself in...Marital Potion Supplements.

But it did not paint a good picture, and I was forced to explain to the Ministry what happened. Of course, poor Woodrick was shamed out of the Wizarding World, never to be heard from again.

Perhaps we could reach out to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and see if they can lend a handful of Aurors every year?

It would get around that initial problem, and I do not believe this Jinx would push back as it would be a new person teaching each time.

Unfortunately, I am still unable to discover how Tom was able to achieve this effect. A devilish mind and a Dark Heart he possessed, but there was no denying his intelligence. I fear that his Magical Knowledge even surpassed mine in the end...

"What about the other positions?" Severus drawled, bringing my thoughts focused back on the meeting at hand.

A few groans around the room equated to how I felt as well.

"Muggles Studies, Magical Theory, Care of Magical Creatures." I listed off. "Oh yes, and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Realistically we needed four new teachers this year.

Practically..... "And we do not have the funds to replace the positions proper..."

"Among other necessities." Professor Hooch snorted.

"Rolanda, I am truly sorry. I know I promised new Brooms this year, but the situation is beyond our control." I apologized to our Flying instructor.

"I'm annoyed too, Albus." Madam Pomfrey added. "Do you have any idea how many students I have to treat in our infirmary every year because of those Merlin Damned brooms?"

It's this headache every year.

"My hands are well and truly tied, our budget is not looking good. As it stands, we're going to have to try and stretch it to even hire replacements to fill our missing positions."

"You must have some sort of plan, Albus?" Professor sprout spoke up.

"I do indeed." I smiled. "First, I believe we can have Hagrid fill in for the Care of Magical Creatures."

There was a round of whispers and grimaces all around. I once more knew how they felt. Hagrid was a good person, a very good person, but he often missed the obvious when it came to Magical creatures. In that they were very dangerous to humans in the best of circumstances.

I will have to keep an eye on him.

He already said he would forgo his salary for a few years due to the....dragon incident.

Admittedly, that did cause quite a decrease in our budget as I had to send some Gold to certain places to smooth everything over.

It was illegal to raise a Dragon without the proper permits for a reason.

But I digressed, his heart was in the right place and that's all I can ask for.

But mostly, our budget was slashed significantly due to the incident with the Philosopher's stone that Nicholas leant me. Or, rather, the fake one.

He wanted to disappear for a while, as he was being bothered by too many people. And I wanted to test a theory and lure out Tom should he have still been around.

It worked out....not quite like I expected.

A troll wandering the halls, nearly killing a student. The amount of money we used to devise those traps to reach the stone in the first place...

I have never been one to overly care for monetary gain, but it even hurt my heart to flush so many Galleons down the drain.

I was trying to not cause concern, but we were in a precarious situation. The Board of Directors was already breathing down my neck to find replacements, and they were intentionally not increasing our Budget just so they had something to hold over me.

Minera's lips thinned. "That is one position. And for the others?"

"I was reached out to by one of our former students willing to take over the Defense Position this year." I found myself grinning. I always did love it when former Students returned.


"Why, none other than Young Gilderoy Lockhart. After his jumping all around the world for his adventures, he believed it was time to give back to the youth of Wizarding Britain and spread his knowledge." I chuckled.

"....Headmaster, are you serious?" Severus's dry tone seemed to speak for everyone here.

Unfortunately, I quite am.

"Albus, I remember teaching Lockhart. He barely passed his DADA classes." Minerva frowned. "And Merlin knows the trite in those books he publishes is all lies."

"Now, Minerva, I think we should give him a chance." Unless you wanted to pay out of pocket?

"How much are you being bribed, Albus?" Minerva narrowed her eyes.

"Minerva, how could you insinuate a thing like that? I assure you, Lockhart is not bribing me for the position."

"....how much are we paying him?" She raised an eyebrow.

"...I hardly see why—"

"Albus." The Deputy Headmistress's eyes narrowed dangerously at me. It was times like this that despite her being hyper competent and a truly worthy successor for my position as Headmaster, that I felt a smidge of regret in my decision.

I cleared my throat. "Lockhart has found it within his heart to request no recompense for his employment period of this year."

"Yes, that's what I thought.' Minerva's tone was equal to Severus in this circumstance.

Before I could usher a response, there was a faint tapping on my window.

There was a pair of rabbits, tapping on my window.

My window, that stood dozens of feet off the ground.

I looked at them, then back to Fawkes, who also looked just as bewildered as I was.

....at least they were polite?

Not like those ferrets from last time.

Who used ferrets to deliver mail?

Merlin, I sometimes felt as if I should retire.

I walked over to the window and opened it.

One of the Rabbits pushed the letter it was holding in its mouth my way.

"Thank you?"

It provided a little nod my way, then the two of them flew away.....for lack of a better word.

I simply took a moment to watch them leave, still bewildered as to what was happening.

"Albus....why did a rabbit deliver you mail?" Minerva asked.

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

Why would someone not use an Owl?

How strange.

It was addressed to me and had no curses or negative effects attached, so I opened it up and began reading.

With each line, I felt my brow furrow until finally I landed upon the name of the sender.

"Albus, why did you suddenly go pale?" Flitwick asked, seemingly concerned.

I slowly sat down in my seat, setting the letter on my desk. "A name I have not heard in many years has resurfaced." I spoke softly. "Do any of you recognize the name Schweinorg?"

Some of them shook their heads, other's eyes widened.

"I haven't heard that name in a fair while." Flitwick mused. "I recall the commotion of someone defeating Grindelwald during the War, and the subsequent running around to find this person. But there has been no news since then."

Yes...that was the public perception, wasn't it?

My higher positions allowed me a more in depth knowledge of what transpired.

Gellert assailed the man named Zelretch. Something we would not have even blinked at previously. I don't know the entirety of the details that drew Gellert's attention to this man, only that he was supposedly a hermit living in the German Countryside.

Though the following incident disabused everyone of the notion that this Zelretch was anything but one of the most dangerous individuals in the world.

He not only repelled Gellert's attack on his home, but he killed dozens of his Inner Circle. Wizards and Witches that even I would be troubled facing as a group. Trained especially by Gellert himself to be his personal guard and strike force.

Gellert escaped with his life, but many of his confidants died that evening.

News spread quickly, and it gave many of us a renewed vigor when Gellert had been on a long streak of success. Many places were then without their leaders as Gellert assigned his most trusted to positions of power.

It was truly a turning point in the war.

But what most people don't know is that Gellert was infantilized.

I recalled the conversation with him after his defeat. A victory, that would have been substantially harder had this previously unknown man not caused the Elder Wand in his position to question its loyalty to Gellert and stop providing increased aid.

The most powerful Wand in the world, a fickle mistress she was. And after losing to this previously unknown Wizard, it began to stymy Gellert's magic, allowing me a large opportunity to defeat my once friend, ending the Magical Side of the war.

But before that, when the Elder Wand was working properly, facilitating Gellert's already immense Magical might to unheard of levels, this Zelretch treated him as a child.

Chiding him more than fighting.

It spooked Gellert badly.

Even when we fought, it was clear there was a ghost still in his heart from the encounter.

He didn't say much after that, but it was enough to worry me.

The subsequent revelations were more to add. We sealed some of the more...volatile information from the public, but some things still were spread around. Yes, it was impossible to hide everything about the most wanted man in the Magical World being defeated and who had done it.

Traces back to before the Calendar updated. And various instances of his presence over the centuries with no seeming rhyme or reason. It was not even particularly noteworthy events that he revealed himself. And I was sure there were many more that were simply unrecorded.

They called him a Dark Lord once things became known, but I wasn't even sure that was the case. Was there ever an instance of his recorded performing evil deeds? I would never condone the killing of others, but I was also not foolish enough to not recognize that it wasn't something inherently evil.

Abhorrent as it was.

"Albus, what did the letter say?" Minerva asked.

"Someone of the Schweinorg name wishes to have a discussion and meeting regarding sending their child to Hogwarts this year..." I responded absentmindedly.

Minerva blinked. "That is....not quite the response I expected from your tone, Albus."

"His Daughter is apparently a Princess of some sort from a Magical Creature community in Japan."

"...oh." Minerva softly replied. "We're not going to accept, right Albus?"

"Minerva –"

"Don't Minerva me, Albus. I grew up during the Blitz, I know the name Schweinorg. Dark Wizard if there ever was one.!

"We can't judge children by their parentage." I countered, keeping my tone grandfatherly.

Minerva stumbled, unable to retort that statement. "Are we even sure this person is related to the one you're thinking of?"

"Truthfully, there is no evidence given. Nothing noting it in the letter but....I find myself believing it unlikely that there is no link."

I hardly believed the name to be common. In fact, I don't recall there being anyone with that family name when we looked into the man all those years ago.

"Will the Ministry kick up a fuss, Albus?" Flitwick asked. "Merlin knows they will take any reason to stomp around after the debacle of this past year."

"I see no reason. It's not as if this family is wanted for any crimes. And the letter explained that his Daughter is Half-Human." I hummed. "I believe every child deserves the same chances, regardless of their origins. Hogwarts is not only a school, but a home for any who seek knowledge and education within these halls. We shelter and protect, nurture and raise. Something I think we often forget while focusing on the aspect of learning."

"Well said, Albus." Flitwick agreed, as I knew he would. Being a Half Goblin gave him a certain perspective.

"You're right, Albus." Minerva sighed. "I was being judgmental. Any children who come to our school deserve the same chances and nurturing as anyone else."

"It's alright, Minerva. Your heart was in the right place, it only shows your concern for your students." I reassured her.

She brightened up, accepting my praise.

I decidedly did not mention that the letter also heavily implied a significant 'donation' should we come to terms of enrollment.

Yes....I have not lived this long to not know when it's wise to keep my mouth shut.

Now....I have placated my staff, but I am still unsure of how to proceed. I suppose I should send a letter in return....

I only hope that I'm not making a mistake.



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