A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 444 - 403

Chapter 444: Chapter 403

"So this is where everyone is." I walked over towards the small campfire with all the Chaldea people sitting around it.

"Hey boss." Samuel smiled.

"Salut." Pierre flipped his hand up in acknowledgement.

"Senpai!" Mash waved, and Ritsuka followed, however, he was holding Fou and didn't move to interrupt the petting he was giving.

Olga perked up, but kept a rather even look about her, nodding towards me.

"Did you get bored of flirting with the Servants?" Hinako casually threw out as I sat down on what looked like a log opposite her.

"I'm glad we're friends." I shot back.

She rolled her eyes, but didn't deny it! She could pretend all she wants, but she knew we're friends.

"Anyways, where are all the Servants?" I glanced at Mash. "Besides our cute Shielder?"

"S-Senpai!" Mash squeaked.

I wanted to give her head pats.

"Around." Hinako shrugged. "Not much for us and them to be doing right now, so they're just up and about I guess. If you want I can ask."

"Was just curious since I saw you all sitting around." I also shrugged.

"The new Servants were getting acquainted with the camp. I think that Marie Antoinette was doing rounds and boosting morale for the Soldiers." Olga replied.

Without prompting, Sir Wiggles hopped off my shoulder and landed in Olga's arms. She didn't even react to the ball of fluff, and merely started giving him attention like she was used to it.

I'm pretty sure Sir Wiggles liked her.

Anyways. "This feels like a Company sponsored camping trip. You should make brochures when you get back, Director. You can advertise about all the exciting places that you send your employees."

The mood was rather somber, all things considered, but I heard some stifled laughs around us.

"My pa always did say that traveling the world was a good benefit for work." Farm Boy mused.

"Did he also give advice on how to avoid being eaten by dragons?" Ritsuka asked.

"Dragons? No, but he did say something about Bears, and I think it still applies." He shook his head.

"How could that kind of advice ever be applicable?" Olga asked.

"He said that you don't have to outrun the bear, you just gotta outrun the person next to you."

Olga face palmed, but I could clearly see her lips twitching upwards.

"Advice to live by." I nodded sagely.

"It is not!" Olga huffed. "That is horrible advice!"

"I think the Director is just saying that because she would be the slowest." Ritsuka said quietly.

"I'm the one who signs your paychecks! Don't you dare get any ideas!" She squawked.

"J'avais oublié que nous étions payés." Pierre snorted. "Eh, how do you say, I forget about the pay?"

"You forgot you were getting paid for this?" Olga blinked.

"Oui." He nodded.

"....did you all forget that you're hired employees?" Olga looked around.

"To be fair, I don't really care about the money." Hinako shrugged nonchalantly. "I guess having some paper trails and a legal source of money makes things easier, but I've stocked things away over the years to survive without working for another few centuries if I wanted."

"I've been more focused on the fact that the world ended and we're time traveling to save it." Ritsuka added.

"That too." Hinako agreed.

"....I have no where to spend my money." Mash softly spoke.

"Pretty much all of that." Samuel chuckled. "Wait, do we get overtime and stuff?"

".....yes." Olga groaned. "Hazard pay, overtime... Did none of you read your contracts?!" Her face then slowly twisted to one of horror. "Oh my god, we're going to be broke by the time this is over. I'm going to have to pay that out for everyone." Olga's head fell into her hands.

That's a big oof.

"Look at the bright side."

"What's the bright side?" Olga asked.

"If we lose, then you don't have to pay!"

She kicked me.

"You deserved that." Hinako noted.

"Fine, fine. I got something that will make you feel better."

"Is it a sizeable donation to Chaldea's budget?" Olga perked up.

"Actually, It's a bag of marshmallows." I said, producing said bag from my storage.


I held it up, shaking it a little.

"Just....give it to me." Olga huffed, snatching the bag out of my hands. She ripped it open and shoved a few into her mouth. "Wmdh Yudh Vh Mshellwos?"

"What's my favorite color?" I blinked.

"I think she asked where the bathroom is." Samuel responded.

"Non." Pierre shook his head. "Directrice demanded, where the mayonnaise is."

"The Director asked if we're insured." Ritsuka chimed in.

"Oh my god, you people are idiots." Hinako sighed.

Olga, in response, just threw marshmallows at all of us.

"I asked why you have marshmallows, and you know that!" Olga vented, pointedly throwing another one at me.

I snatched it out of the air, poking it playfully. "My daughter loves them, so I tend to keep a bag on me."

"Woah! Back up." Hinako interjected. "You're a father?"

"No, I'm a mother." I deadpanned.

"Boss as a daughter?" Samuel asked.


"Senpai doesn't seem like the type."

"Why did you not mark anywhere on your forms that you have a daughter!?" Olga huffed again.

"Is it really that surprising? I swear, everyone always reacts the same way. I'm a good father."

"Are you? Are you really?" Hinako questioned.

"Fuck if I know. I barely know what I'm doing most of the time, but Yasaka tells me I'm doing a good job and she's the mom, so I just believe her." I admitted.

"My pa says something similar." Samuel nodded. "You're probably a good dad then if you say something like that."

Olga let out a long sigh. "As interesting as this is to learn, you know those questions were on the forms for a reason?"

"Probably." I nodded.

"Did you even answer any of them right?"

"Um....?" I scratched my head because I genuinely didn't know the answer to that question.

"His name?" Ritsuka offered. "....wait."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic there or not." I responded.

Ritsuka chuckled, and looked away.

"Age?" Hinako offered.


"Birth place?" Pierre asked, straining for the right words.

".....about that..."

"It seems I need to amend my words." Olga snorted. "Some of you are getting paid, while others are going to have their contracts voided due to fraud."

"Technically, it isn't fraud because there are no more countries, thus the original laws don't exist anymore."

"You're an idiot." Olga rolled her eyes, throwing another marshmallow at me. "....but you made me realize something."


"Nothing.....just an argument when I inevitably get called in front of The Association and the UN to explain why we broke the rules." She waved it off.

"You don't have to overly worry about the Association. I can't promise much with the UN, but as far as the Association goes, you're not alone." I reassured her. I could only imagine the blow back she's going to receive when they try to blame the mess on someone, and she's an easy target.

No doubt they're going to want to quickly dismantle Chaldea once everything is finished and sweep everything under the rug.

"Thanks, Schweinorg." She mumbled, hiding a smile, pushing her face into Sir Wiggles.


Speaking of cute. "Mash, is something wrong?" I noticed her poking the marshmallow in her hand. "You don't have to eat It if you don't want to."

"Um, no --- no !" She quickly shook her head. "I've just....never had one before, it was squishy so I was curious."

"Roman sheltered you way too much." Hinako sighed. "Come here, I'll show you something good." She patted the seat next to her.

Mash blinked, and slowly moved over to sit next to her teammate.

Hinako looked around for a moment, and found a stick on the ground, after wiping it off quickly, she handed it over to mash. "Put it on the end, then hold it over the fire."

It was fun watching Mash stumble through something that's was simple to me, but was utterly foreign to her. "W-what do I do!?" She suddenly squeaked as it caught fire.

"It's alright, just blow it out." Hinako helped her move it up and Mash quickly blew out the flames, revealing a charred-looking treat at the end. "Some people like to slow cook them, but I like to just get it done fast. Go ahead and try it."

Mash's face lit up as shit bit into it. "It's good!"

Hinako had a warm smile on her face as she watched the younger girl eat her treat.

"I'm surprised you know something so mundane." I commented.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hinako questioned.

"Honestly, thought you were like one of those people that hides away from civilization and only comes out every few decades."

"I'm aware of human civilization." Hinako rolled her eyes. "Just because I don't interact with Humans much doesn't mean I'm hiding away from everything. I do have some places to stay outside major human living areas, but I have several homes scattered around various cities that I bounce between. I just keep to myself mostly."

"So you're a neet."

"I am not a neet!" She puffed up.

"There's nothing wrong with being a neet."

"Are you talking from experience?" She quipped back.

"Well...I was sort of one for a while. I don't know if it counts, but I was basically a shut-in during my Highschool days." I rubbed my chin. "But I know a Goddess who's sort of a neet."

"I'm ignoring that second part."

"Also dating her."

"Super ignoring it now." She snorted. "But I don't believe you."

"About the Goddess?"

"Obviously, but the first part."

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"What's a 'neet'?" Samuel asked.

"Erm... there's an actual definition to it, but it's more so slang now for someone who sort of holds up in their home all the time and doesn't really work or do anything productive?" Ritsuka sort of explained. "Think, unemployed, sits on their computer every day, doesn't cook, barely cleans, that sort of thing."

"I getcha." Samuel nodded. "Yeah, I agree with her, Boss. I don't believe that either."

"Really? Out of everything I've said, that's what you don't believe?" I was honestly at a loss for words. "Why is that so unbelievable?"

"You don't seem –" Pierre rolled his hand, finding the words. "Comme un perdant, um –"

"I know French." I cut him off. "And I wasn't a loser." I translated. "I don't know, I was a loner pretty much. I didn't have any friends, a few acquaintances. I was in the Theatre club, but that's about it. After School and Club, I basically went home and sat on my computer until I went to bed. Rinse and repeat."

There was a bit more to it than that, but it's not really important.

"...why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked.

"I feel like you're lying to me, but you also sound really sincere." Hinako stated. "Which is the opposite of how I pictured you when younger."

"How did you picture me?"

"Not, that."

"Boss, you always seem so confident and prepared. Just weird to hear that you weren't that always." Samuel chimed in.

A round of nods seemingly had them in agreement.

"I don't know if I should feel flattered or not."

"Wait." Hinako suddenly blurted out. "You went to human school?"



"Why is that weird?" Samuel asked. "It's mandatory in America."

"France as well." Pierre added.

"Japan too." Ritsuka also joined.

"But you're not human." She threw out.

"I'm pretty sure I mentioned this to you way back when I first came to Chaldea."

"And I thought you were lying. I'm pretty sure half the stuff that came out of your mouth back then was a lie."

"I'm with her, Schweinorg." Olga crossed her arms.

"That's not – "

"I still have all your documents that say differently!"

"....I withdraw." I wisely decided to not argue that point. "But yeah, I went to school. Technically, I didn't finish up my last year, so I'm a drop out."

"Oh joy, I hired a highschool dropout as the leader of B-Team." Olga said dryly. "I'm mentally making a note that you apparently lied about your education as well."

The thumbs up I gave her did not seem to be well received.

"That's not the point." Hinako interrupted. "Why were you going to human school?"

"You're focusing on the human part a lot." I pointed out.

"Yeah? Well, it's weird." She defended herself.

"Why?" Samuel asked.

"What do you mean why?" She furrowed her brow.

"I don't see a problem with it." He shrugged.


"I wanna say it doesn't matter what you are, but I know that there are some strange things out there. If something big and scary tried to go to school, I aint dense enough to not know that would be a bad idea. But otherwise, I don't got a problem with non-humans. I only learned about you lot recently, but before I knew you weren't human, Ma'am, I already thought you were a kind woman. That didn't change after everything else."

Hinako, funnily enough, was just speechless. She genuinely was not used to humans just not caring that she wasn't human. Which I obviously found hilarious in this circumstance as she just sputtered to respond.

"If it makes you feel better, I only found out that I was half-human right around the time I quit school."

"Your life sounds exhausting." Hinako finally settled.

"You're not wrong." But I also wouldn't trade places with anyone. "But there are upsides." I mused, pushing a few sticks into the ground around the fire, putting a marshmallow onto each of them so they slowly began to cook.

"Your harem?"

"I never said I had a harem."

"Please." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I'm just saying I never said it." I chuckled.

"Is that something normal for people on this side of the world?" Ritsuka asked.

"It's not...abnormal. No one's going to really say anything." Olga pursed her lips. "Most families only care about strengthening their family lines."

"Boss, how many –"

"Nope." I cut in. "If we're going to talk about my love life, then we're talking about everyone's love life."

"I am not a part of this conversation." Olga quickly rejected.

"And the Director volunteered for this Company sponsored bonding."

"I hate you." She grumbled. "I do not have time for any dalliances."

"Boring." I booed her, but didn't push if she didn't want to. "What about you, Farm Boy? You got a cow girl waiting for you back home?"

"Just cause I work on a Farm doesn't mean all of them stereotypes apply, Boss." Samuel looked at me in exasperation.

"So no cow girl?"

"...nah, we separated when we both went off to college."

He didn't deny the cow girl, hah.


"J'ai découvert qu'elle était mariée." He grumbled.

"Oof, yeah. Finding out someone is married is not the best way to end a relationship." Felt a little bad for him there. "Fujimaru~"

"No, no." Ritsuka quickly shook his head.

"And what about you, little miss Cinnamon Roll? Anyone at Chaldea caught your eye?" I turned towards Mash.

"M-me!?" Mash suddenly cried out, surprised that I was focusing on her.

"Don't bully her, you bastard." Hinako pulled the cute girl closer as if to protect her from me.

"You all are boring. Forget Magic Lessons, strategy meetings, or anything like that. What I need to do is to teach you all how to pick up girls, and or, boys."

"Right, how's that going with you and Saber, huh?" Hinako countered.

"Leave it to the vampire to go right for the jugular."

"I am not a vampire!" She hissed.

"Okay, Grandma."

"I will end you!"

"Is something wrong with Saber?" Ritsuka asked. "I haven't seen her in awhile. She's not really the most....sociable, but she's usually around."

plicated. I have no idea what's going on there." I said with full honesty. "Actually, how did you know there was something wrong, Hinako?"

"My senses are pretty good. I'd be surprised if the Servants didn't pick up something happening a little while ago." She snorted.

"That's embarrassing." I muttered. "Just out of curiosity...how does she act back at Chaldea?"

"Well...." Ritsuka scratched his head.

"Fou, fou!" The little monster jumped out of his arms, and made some gestures, as if that explained everything. "Fou, fo fou."

"Have you gotten him fixed yet?" I asked towards Mash.

"Fou!?" The little furry thing leapt at me, but Sir Wiggles intercepted.

We all just kinda stared as both small animals rolled around on the ground, sort of....fighting, if it could be described that way.

"I think they're friends." Mash smiled.

"....sure, let's go with that." I smiled wryly.

Ritsuka chuckled. "Saber, well, hmm, she's....not bad."

"That's a polite way to say it." Olga snorted. "She's a menace."

"Director...she isn't that bad." Ritsuka awkwardly coughed. "She's a bit blunt, and maybe abrasive. But she's helpful in her own way. She was training both Mash and I for a while. If it wasn't for her, Mash wouldn't have picked up her Noble Phantasm so quickly."

Mash nodded vigorously, but I don't think she'd have a bad word to say about anyone ever.

"Her and Cu get into fights a lot." Samuel noted.

"Medea too." Pierre added.

"And I get constant complaints from the cafeteria staff." Olga also confirmed.

"She's reliable." Ritsuka quickly shared. "She's rough around the edges, but she's never been...harmful. Even when we got hurt during training, it wasn't ever anything over the line, I guess." Ritsuka looked thoughtful. "I trust her." He finally voiced, as if to finalize his own opinion.

"Yo, I heard someone talking about me." Cu walked over, plopping down next to Samuel. "What's this you got, Farm Boy?" He grabbed one of the sticks with a Marshmallow on it and took a bite. "Not bad."

"Master~" Raikou appeared too, sliding down next to me.

I knew that look, she wanted some attention. I was happy to oblige as I leaned over and claimed her lips for a quick kiss and she snuggled up next to me.

"Will!" Jeanne ran over soon after, looking like someone kicked her puppy. I assumed she got done talking to her friend and everything that entailed. I quickly grabbed one of the marshmallows that was about done, and stuffed it into her mouth. "EH!? Ish Gud!" She barely muffled the sounds through eating.

As if on cue, most of the other Servants started coming on over.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Siegfried quietly arrived, despite the bulky armor he was wearing.

"Nonsense, you're always welcome!" It was Marie who answered apparently. As she skipped over with her little posse of Servants.

"Your Highness, I believe his words were directed towards those he was imposing upon." Mozart gently corrected.

"Nope! It's fine. They're all good people, so it doesn't matter!" She cheerfully ignored him "Oh, what are these. Can I have one?!" She was obviously talking about the snack I had prepared.

"Feel free." I offered.

"Your Highness, please allow me." Pierre quickly grabbed some for her, offering them very politely.

"Oh, what a gentleman~" Marie cooed.

"Is Lancelot around?" I asked, mostly towards Hinako.

"He's listening." Hinako nodded.

"Lancelot, get over here." I said simply. The Knight materialized, looking noticeably unsure of himself. "Pull up a seat next to the fire."

For the first time, it felt like he relaxed in my presence, despite still being utterly silent and keeping somewhat of a distance.

"Not much of a hearth, but the atmosphere seems nice." Medea hummed, leaning on Pierre's head. "Will the gentleman get me one too~?" She laughed.

"Nous pouvons utiliser le baton dans vos fesses pour en faire plus" Pierre grumbled.

"I can understand French as a Servant, you know." Medea glowered.

"I know." Pierre shot back

Medea stared at him for a moment before giggling to herself, relaxing somewhat and sitting down next to him. "Thank you Master." She replied after receiving her share.

Lastly, Artoria materialized a few feet away. She glanced my way, and our eyes met briefly. She scoffed, turning her head away. Rather, she focused her eyes down on something in particular, and if nothing else, this was proof that she was Artoria despite the differences.

I grabbed a stick with a few Marshmallows on it and held it up in her direction.

"Hmph." Was all she gave as she snatched it out of my hand. However, she didn't retreat a distance away again. She stood....closer than normal, even if she still kept me at arms reach.

I honestly had no idea what to do or how to handle Saber. At the moment, I was just going to keep doing what I was doing.

"This was not what I expected, but I am pleasantly surprised." Saint George looked happy as he stood next to Marie. "It reminds me of the times my companions and I traveled together. And our band may grow tomorrow as well."

"Grow?" I questioned.

"You weren't here when we talked about it." Olga chimed in. "Marie and the others ran into a couple other Servants not bound to anyone. They have a rough idea where they're at, and we're going to attempt to recruit them tomorrow before moving on to Orleans."

I nodded, not needing any more explanation than that.

More Servants were good.

"I feel a bout of inspiration coming on." Mozart moved his fingers almost unconsciously. Maybe I should have expected it, but he materialized a piano. Presumably, it was his weapon of choice as a Caster. "Allow me to fill this late evening with a song to raise everyone's spirits."

I would certainly not say no to a performance by Mozart.

It's funny, despite what should be a very stressful situation, everyone was enjoying themselves. I had Raikou resting her head on my shoulder, and just peacefully listen to an unnamed song by a famous composer while waiting for the Sun to rise.

Things may get much more complicated and hectic come tomorrow, but for now, everyone was content to let the peaceful evening last as long as possible.



Call it, the calm before the storm.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone


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