A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 425 - 384

Chapter 425: Chapter 384

It's been awhile since I'd felt this utterly exhausted.

Leaving the battlefield and sitting down with the Shinto gods was mostly a blur.

I tried to make myself as composed as possible when there were many godly eyes on us, but I was feeling the overall fatigue and weariness with a significant amount of pain.

One does not get hit by Indra without feeling it.

"Why are your eyes bleeding?"

"Huh?" I opened them to feel something warm falling down my cheeks and it wasn't tears. I wiped it away and looked at it through my hazy vision. "First time using my Shikai, side effect I would imagine."

Izzy narrowed her own eyes at me as if she didn't believe me. "Have you even been paying attention to what I've been saying?"

"Would you like a truthful answer?" I asked in response.

Izzy grumbled, and continued her machinations. That being, she had began wiping the blood off my face. "I swear, you two." She said again for the umpteenth time.

"I'm fine, stop worrying." I reassured her.

"Look at you? How is any of this fine?" She shot back. "You're lucky I already messaged everyone else to not worry."

"Thank you." I nudged her shoulder where I was resting my head.

She let out a long winded sigh. "I can't even get mad at you right now as it's fairly obvious how out of it you are. Wilhelm, be honest with me, how are you feeling?"

"Dizzy, fatigued, a bit of pain here or there. Combination of my Authority, Balance Breaker, and Shikai added on didn't do me any favors in that regard...ah, I think my ribs are bruised, or cracked can't tell."

"Should I call Artoria to bring her Sheath? That will heal you quickly."

"It's fine, I don't want to bother her while she's doing things with Rin unless it's an emergency." I refused the good intentioned request. "But there's one thing that can help me...."

"...Dare I ask what?"

"Perhaps the kiss of a beautiful Goddess can alleviate my symptoms."

"Stop it." She huffed, pinching my cheek. "Not in front of my children." She added on very softly. "Besides, did you not embarrass me enough already?"

Oh right, her children.

I blinked, looking up a little and focusing my eyes and seeing Susanoo sitting in a nearby chair, nursing a bottle of something as he silently drank it and Amaterasu sitting opposite of us, awkwardly glancing our way.

"Are you embarrassed by me?"

"You know darn well that isn't what I meant." She gave me another cheek pinch.

"What's wrong with letting the world know that you're mine?" I offered with a cheeky smile.

"Hush." She cutely silenced me.

Oh well, I could stop teasing her infront of her kids. Besides, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to keep going anyways.

I hope this won't be a continuous side effect of using my Zanpakutō.

{It should become easier with practice.} My Spirit chimed in. {However, it is a trade off for having no restriction inherent other than your own capabilities.}

Eyes too?

I hoped I won't go blind.

{You should know better than most the repercussions of staring into the Kaleidoscope.}

Yeah, yeah. I knew it would have been worse if I did the same thing haphazardly on my own. It was one of the reasons that most of Gramp's former 'students' went mad. A lot of them were stupid enough to look directly into the wellspring of possibilities rather than stymy their view.

Though, thinking about it now, it felt an awful like when I used the Balance Breaker for the Spear and I gained some manner of clairvoyance.

Maybe I'm just imagining things.

Whatever, I don't feel like thinking about anything too difficult right now.

Instead, I took out a Health Potion from my ring and quickly down it. It did very little these days, but it would maybe lessen the headache I had and hopefully would dull the pain in my ribs.

After that I found a bottle of untouched Whisky stored away and pulled the cork off with my mouth and spat it away, chugging a big gulp of it.

Funny how this would probably ease things more than a literal health potion.

The consequences of becoming stronger metaphysically.

I noticed Susanoo staring at me and I sat myself up straight with a groan and slid the bottle across the new coffee table that I assume Izzy had purchased, made or something after the last time Susanoo broke it.

He nodded, thankful and took his own swig with a pleasant look on his face after savoring it.

The atmosphere was kind of weird. Not surprising considering everything that happened and the fact that Amaterasu was sitting in Izzy's living room, but still.

"I have a question." I decided to break the proverbial ice. "I hadn't really thought about it before, but who controls the Seas of Japan? I only ask because Ryujin making an appearance brought the question to my mind. Not to mention, there are tons of other Gods that have aspects of the Ocean."

Susanoo snorted, not in an angry way, but more mild annoyance. "I have greater authority over the Seas of Japan. He is the older deity but he relinquished his control after father mandated my ascension. However, he is the aspect of Power inherent in the Ocean while I am the unpredictability. He controls the tides and most sea life while I am the raging storm."

"Neat." I genuinely didn't know that. "He was pretty strong, even Ddraig only had respectful words to say about him."

"The Great Welsh?" Susanoo raised an eyebrow. "Surprising." He said simply while taking another drink.

"....Because Ryujin is worshiped among most Eastern Sea-coast countries." Amaterasu surprisingly chimed in. She sounded a little awkward, but continued. "Korea, China, Japan, and even India as one of the eight dragon kings."

Ddraig did mention that, but she wasn't silently staring anymore, so I didn't want to make her quiet again.

Besides, it wasn't my show.

And now that she had an opportunity, she looked less...meek? I don't know, it's hard to describe the way she was acting. The usual haughtiness wasn't there as I experienced the first time around. She was being respectfully distant if I had to label it.

"Mother..." She finally addressed the elephant in the room.

"Daughter." Izzy replied.

"I'm sorry for what happened."

"I don't blame Takamagahara." Izzy said directly. "You can reassure any of the others that I'm not looking to get revenge or enact any sort of judgment for a perceived slight."

"That's..." The Sun Goddess took a small breath. "I'm not here as a representative of Takamagahara. I'm here as the Daughter of Izanami."

Ah, so that's why she wasn't putting on airs.

And I could easily see how happy that made Izzy despite her not reacting much to the statement.

"I'm just happy that you're visiting."


"How is your Husband, my other son? Are you still not speaking?"

"M-Mother, don't bring that up so suddenly. And with someone else here!"

"It's just your Bother and Wilhelm, whom I am dating if that was not obvious." She sent a glare my way, but it lacked any kind of heat to it. "And you act as if it isn't common knowledge. You do know that mortals have etched your marriage into their myths, yes?"

"Still as bad as it has been for the past thousands of years." Susanoo helpfully added.

"I don't need you talking about failing marriages." Amaterasu glared at her brother.

"Among us, who is the only one with a happy marriage?" He shot back.

"Y-you're a womanizer, a complete lecherous skirt-chaser!"

"Kushinada doesn't mind." Susanoo smiled proudly. "As long as I share."

".... Nice." I gave him a thumbs up.

He raised his bottle of whiskey up with a big grin.

"I don't need to know about your perversions!" Amaterasu nearly screeched with a flushed face.

"Says the one who flashed mother's lover." Susanoo snorted.

Amaterasu let out a shrill squawk. If she was flushed before, she was turning a bright shade of red. "That never happened! Mother, tell him that never happened!"

"Very well, I will lie on your behalf, daughter." Izzy said with no small amount of amusement.


"Yasaka thought you were trying to seduce her." I added.

"Bwahahahaha!" Susanoo burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing you oaf! I would do no such thing!" She covered her face. "And how am I even supposed to face my Miko now? H-he is already her lover and now you claim him as well, mother? How is this supposed to work?"

"You could always join in." Susanoo shrugged.

"Of course you would suggest that." Amaterasu huffed.

"Susanoo, please don't joke about that. I love my children, but not in that way." Izzy also added.

"Oh I apologize." Susanoo rolled his eyes. "How perverted of me to imply such a deplorable thing. Let's forget about it and go back to the earlier topic. Yes, Amaterasu, how is my brother, your Husband doing?"

"That's completely different." Amaterasu's nostrils flared.

"If you say so." Susanoo dismissed, but dropped it. Possible due to the look Izzy was giving him.

"And your other brother?" Izzy asked. "Have you spoken to him in a while?"

"I met Hiruko a hundred or so years ago. We caught up, had some drinks, but that's it." Susanoo replied.

"He does not spend time in Takamagahara. I think Tsukuyomi met with him not too long ago, but it's not like we're talking." Amaterasu said quietly.

"I see.." Izzy said with a hint of sadness. "Is he doing well at least?"

"He wasn't having any problems the last I saw him, Mother." Susanoo quickly answered. "I can go ask him to –"

"No, don't." Izzy cut him off, anticipating what he would say. "I've already done enough harm to him. I would rather not try and force him to meet with me."

Hiruko, If I recalled, was also the name of Ebisu, one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, most predominant in Buddhism. I only vaguely remembered the legends, something about Izanami and Izanagi casting him down the river because he was born crippled?

I can't imagine Izzy doing that without a reason...

But I also didn't want to bluntly ask her infront of her kids like this and ruin the mood.

Instead, I just reached for her hand, taking it in mine.

"Mother." Amaterasu started up again. "I'm sorry for what happened. It was not my intention for you to be...ignored so maliciously."

"I accept your Apology." Izzy immediately said, making the Sun goddess go silent in surprise.

"But – "

"I will always love you, my Daughter. Even if it was on purpose, I would never hate you nor hold it against you. If I had died, I would have done so with these same feelings."

Ah, the guilt of unconditional love hit not only Amaterasu but Susanoo rather hard.

"She may forgive you, but I won't." Susanoo glared at his sister. "How come Indra could just come strolling up here like he owned the place?"

"It was not on purpose, you oaf!" Amaterasu quickly went to defend herself. "I do have people watching the lands! Especially after the Fae incursion."

"And what happened?"

"Incompetence, negligence, maliciousness." Amaterasu huffed, crossing her arms. "Does it really matter in the end? They will be punished severely."

"You can hand them over to the ones who suffered because of their failing." Susanoo grunted. "I would happily let them experience first hand the wrath of an angry God." His eyes moved towards me. "And I'm sure I would have help."

Amaterasu glanced at me and they were now seemingly waiting for me to respond.

"I'll keep out of it." I decided to take a third option. "I'm already in an awkward situation here. I'd rather not insert myself into it even more. If Amaterasu was here under different capacity, then I would be treating her as Lady Amaterasu and respect her station to tow the line."

Susanoo grumbled and huffed, but didn't argue.

Amaterasu on the other hand nodded in approval. "At least one of you has a modicum of intelligence." She turned her nose up at her Brother. "And your understanding is appreciated. If I was not meeting my mother under these conditions, we would not be conversing so familiarly."

"Godly politics, how fun." I said with the dryness of a desert.

I was starting to feel better thankfully. My headache was slowly going away and my body was healing at a noticeable rate.

"You may not have a choice but to participate." Amaterasu replied, eyeing my hand in Izzys. "Many will raise concerns about Mother consorting with a Devil, especially with the offspring of the strongest one. They already encroach on our lands, by our blessing or by unscrupulous means, ever more by the day. The conservative faction among my court is vocal about their dislike for Devils and their kin."

"Especially when Mother gets pregnant." Susanoo added.

"Susanoo!" Izzy squawked in surprise.

"What? It's a valid concern!"

"He's right, Mother." Amaterasu oddly agreed with him. "A True Born God in this era, the same generation as us? Many would use it as an opportunity for good or bad. And there has never been a God born of a Devil parentage before. We don't know what would occur."

"I understand your concerns." Izzy calmed herself down, taking a deep breath. "However, the possibility is....far off if even possible. And the event of it occurring is very miniscule. Right, Wilhelm?"


"Were you listening?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Was distracted by the picture of you with a baby bump." I want it.

She pinched the back of my hand with a cute little huff.

"Alright, I'll tag it." I chuckled. "Without some outside support the chance of a Devil having a child is exceedingly rare. A Devil and a Goddess? We're sort of....opposites for obvious reasons, so the chance is probably even lower. And that's taking into consideration that Izzy wields the domain of Creation, which hypothetically is offset by her Death Domain as well. But I won't get into that at the moment. And the last factor to add is my own Divinity which should be very clear at this point. It has the side effect of making my producing offspring even more unlikely. All in all, you probably don't have to worry about a child until we're ready because it's not a probable occurrence until we begin trying to overcome these limitations."

It's funny, I would usually be more reserved in talking about future children with the others, but in Izzy's case, it's not a matter of if but when, in regards to the talk of children. I knew her, I knew she loved her children beyond words and would be more than open to expanding her family.

And now I really wanted to see a pregnant Izzy.

"It might be better if it happens sooner." Amaterasu said, her expression turning rather serious. "The consequences of what happened are not going to be small. The Hindu Pantheon, while not united entirely, will not like being insulted by association. And I would be surprised if Hades has not been called up to Olympus to explain himself to Zeus. The Olympians are the most stringent about not interacting with other Pantheons." She scrunched her nose. "And we are not on good terms."

"I will have to apologize to Hades and thank him properly." Izzy hummed.

"Mother, why are you so friendly with him?" Amaterasu asked.

"Is it odd?" Izzy tilted her head. "I wasn't aware that it was a secret that us Death Gods get together on occasion. I have been to the Greek Underworld often enough and he happened to owe me a small favor."

"Many might take it the wrong way."

"It was Yama that originally warned me that Indra was probably going to come knocking. I asked Susanoo to be here when he did, but I didn't think Indra would go that far." She paused. "Or the two most idiotic boys in my life would start a fight with him."

"Never underestimate my willingness to punch Indra." Susanoo said with complete seriousness.

"I'll fight anyone who insults you like that without a second thought." I responded as well. "And also punch Indra."

Izzy merely rolled her eyes with that beautiful smile of hers. But also, Amaterasu seemed to have the faintest hint of one herself.

"There will be many more eyes on you now." Amaterasu continued. "That Peace Conference you were involved in already made waves through the chatter of the Gods. The implications and rumors that accompanied it. However, this is a completely different scenario. You fought Indra, a mortal Devil, despite the unique condition you possess. You fought one of the strongest Gods to a perceivable stand still. Many of my court are now wary of your presence. Continued with the fact that you admitted relations with Mother....there will be many out cries about your continued free rein upon our lands."

"You are welcome to remind them who raised these lands out of the sea before they were even conceived of in the minds of mortals." Izzy hissed.

"Mother, you don't need to be upset, I just wanted you to understand." Amaterasu was quick to sooth Izzy's fury. "The ones who failed in their duties will be a harsh reminder to any who have thoughts of stepping out of line."

"Hmph. Let them know that I Susanoo, will fight anyone who comes to cause problems for him and his."

Amaterasu gave a wry smile. "Other Pantheons will be more focused on you now. And your association with Mother will be linked to us with your further actions."

"So in the eyes of other Factions, I may as well be under the umbrella of Takamagahara, is that it?"

"If you don't like it, you can simply remove yourself from Mother's presence permanently." Amaterasu sniffed.

"I would sooner remove every other faction instead." I retorted.

"I do not like Devils." Amaterasu stated, her tone filled with contempt at the mention. "However, I am glad that Mother found someone that appreciates her."

Izzy's face brightened up.

"I should return." Amaterasu stood up from her seat. "I will need to settle all the particulars that came from this incident and be prepared to receive the response from Shiva and the Hindu Pantheon."

"You have an important job." Izzy acknowledged, but there was the obvious unwillingness present.

"....I will return once I finished settling matters, Mother. I promise to start visiting often."

"And I'll drag our Brother down here too." Susanoo patted his chest.

"Don't fight your Brother." Izzy scolded. "I don't want to hear about another big feud that happens between you all."

"You are asking the impossible, mother." Amaterasu snarked.

"At least I don't go crying in a cave."

"Don't you dare start with that!"

"you're fooling no one with your constant invitations for a private song and dance with Uzume."

"Mother! Make him stop!"

"Children." Izzy stepped in. "Behave."

"Bah, I'll go too before she starts trying to make a move on your lover again, Mother." Susanoo grunted, readily leaving before Amaterasu blew up at him again.

"Insufferable brute." Amaterasu huffed, but calmed down quickly. "I should check in on my Miko while I'm down here and clear up any misunderstandings she has." She paused, glancing my way. "I suppose I shall relay to her that the matter has been settled and not to worry."

"Thank you." I replied in genuine thanks.

She smiled warmly. I faintly felt the touch of the sun, a pleasant sensation like relaxing on a warm afternoon. "Child of the Rising Sun, you are most welcome under our warmth." With a burst of sunlight, she disappeared from the house.

"Your children are weird." I said towards izzy.

Her response was to pull me in for an overdue kiss.


"Can I confide something in you?" I hummed, looking up at Izzy while my head was comfortably in her lap.

"Since when do you even ask? I'm aware of almost every proclivity of yours and those around you." She snorted. "But very well, reveal to me your secrets."

"I think red eyes are a weakness of mine. I can't stop staring into yours and they're so beautiful."

"I constantly wonder how I managed to fall for these obvious flirtations." She sighed, running her hand through my hair.

"Alright, I admit I lied." I said with full sincerity. "Regardless of their color, I would say the same thing because you're too alluring."

"Oh stop it." She rolled her eyes, pinching my cheek playfully. "If you keep this up, the others will feel jealous when they arrive."

"You make a fair point. I guess I will have to flirt with all of them equally."

"Yes, yes. You're an unmatched romantic." She deadpanned. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Sore, but that's about it. Eyes feel better too. Aura is working well."

"Good, because they've arrived."

Just as Izzy said that, the door was nearly blown off its hinges.

"Master!" Raikou threw herself on top of me.

"Me too!" Jinn quickly jumped on me as well.

"I'm alright, don't cry. It wasn't that bad." I gave both of them a pat on the head.

"Student, you caused another incident." Scáthach sauntered in with Venelana and Yasaka following.

"Good, maybe you all can talk some sense into him. He refuses to accept that he did something wrong." Izzy huffed in annoyance.

"I agree with him." Scáthach said immediately. "It would be foolish to blame him for an action that any of us would take in the same circumstances."

"Agreed." Venelana squeezed between Jinn and Raikou and gave me a quick kiss. "But that doesn't make us not worry."

"You're not supposed to encourage him." Izzy grumbled. "What if he does it again?"

"Then he best kill the one responsible to not make it a third time." Scáthach said simply.

"Is Meridia not coming?" I asked, giving both Jinn and Raikou a playful slap on their butts to get myself some wiggle room.

"She said it was unwise to make an appearance for the moment less she takes action out of anger." Scáthach responded.

"That would probably make things worse." Izzy admitted.

I managed to force myself to sit up straighter after the Raikou and Jinn attack was over. Venelana was giving me an interesting look. And by interesting, I mean it basically screamed 'come fuck me'.

I met her gaze and raised an eyebrow and.....was she blushing?

I don't know what was up with her, but I used the opportunity to move my hand up under her dress and squeeze her nice round ass.

She giggled, and positioned herself to plop down on my lap. "Do you need some extra healing?"

"As tempting as that offer is. I'm so utterly exhausted right now that just keeping my eyes open is difficult. But I would love to have you in my arms when I fall asleep." I wrapped her up.

"You know he's telling the truth when he rejects an invitation like that." Jinn laughed.

"Yasaka, dear?" Izzy spoke up. "You are being uncharacteristically quiet."

Yasaka was looking out of it and suddenly refocused. "Sorry about that, I was just....lost in thought." Her gaze trailed towards me. "I've had an interesting past few hours. And I'm not talking about the aftermath of the fight."

"Did something occur? My Daughter said that she was going to visit. I hope that nothing went wrong."

"Funny you should mention that." Yasaka had a strained smile. "And I ask this question, mostly directed at Wilhelm as I believe he is the culprit."

"I claim innocence for whatever it is I am accused of."

Yasaka looked at me dryly. "Please explain to me why, when my Goddess appeared before me, she was apologetic." I was about to speak, but she held her hand up. "And not about one of the many concerns of mine in the past. Not even about the whole Kunou incident that I'm still pissed about. No, she appeared, apologized to me for 'leading me on' and told me that she can't accept my 'feelings' and that she is at fault for fostering the misunderstanding."

"....I genuinely don't know how to respond to that." I replied.

"Oh don't worry, it doesn't end there. She felt bad and wanted to give me a token of affection even though she doesn't share the same sentiment. As an apology, mind you." That was when Yasaka held her hands up, revealing a very familiar red thong.


"Daughter, why?" Izzy bemoaned, covering her face with her hands.

Wow, this has been a wild day.

"Your children are weird." I said again, and Izzy couldn't bring herself to refute me.


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