A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 9: Book

Chapter 9: Book


"Helena, what's this you are always drawing? It looks like some occultic symbols. Don't tell me you plan on joining a cult?" a friend of hers, Becky, asked. "Not at all. Am just able to draw them. And I like them because I feel it's what I can do better" Helena replied. Then she asked "Do you think magic is real?"

Becky was surprised by that question. "Honestly, I don't know. But I have heard stories of people doing magic. They can call down dragons and other sort of beasts and can cause the weather to change and can cause disastrous events. I don't know if these guys exist, but if they do, they would be really powerful people." Becky replied.

"Hmm. Do you know of any society that... have these kind of people in them?" Helena asked. "No. I don't. How am I supposed to know that? It's not like I was given a flyer saying that I should come enrol in their magical academy." Becky replied. "Oh. Alright." Helena nodded. Then she continued what she was drawing.

While Helena continued her drawing, she suddenly felt a presence. She didn't know why and how but she could feel a presence. Then she heard a voice.


this voice was loud but no one could hear it, only her. It sounded in her mind.

She didn't know who was doing this but she recalled that female sorcerer from before that claimed to be her sister. This was the way she communicated to her. "Uhm.. I would be back soon Becky. Let me go attend to something. "alright".

Helena left her room to go outside to see what was calling her. Tracing the sound to it source, she came before a tree. "Huh? Was the sound coming from this tree?" she asked herself in a puzzled tone.

Suddenly hands stretched out from it, grabbed her and pulled her in. Everything happened in an instant. She couldn't even scream before she was dragged in.

In the tree...

She appeared in a space within this tree and saw a young lady dressed in purple. She was the lady that claimed to be her sister. "Hi beautiful" she said and smiled. "It's you again" Helena said in shock.

"Huh? Are you not happy to see me?" Alyssa asked in a fake sad tone. "Yes I am. I was just surprised it was you. Am glad you are here. I have so many things to ask you" Helena said excitedly.

"if it's about anything, I don't know. But if it's about magic, I would keep you up to date on that" Alyssa said. "Oh. cool. So what is magic and how do you guys do it. Do you just will something to happen in your mind and that thing happens or what?" Helena quickly asked excitedly.

"Come on. One question at a time ma'am. So to your first question. Magic is an arcane power of the world which we tap into through spells, enchantment and incantation. It's through this power we are able to do what we do. Teleport, transform into beasts, change the form of something to another. Another is spirit containment, also called spirit conduit body transformation, we call upon spirits from a universe parallel to ours. They exist in another dimension but they are here with us. That's why we see them as beings living in a parallel universe. These spirits are called Calaendrian spirits and exist in innumerous forms and have vast, diverse abilities. We call this parallel world 'Calaendria realm'. To become a spiritual warrior, one must be able to see the spirits, and to request for their spiritual powers, we first have to achieve an harmony with them, then gain enlightenment on how to invoke any of this spirit through what we call invocation words. These are enchantment-like words fashioned to draw power from them. But these words are more like praises, to exalt these beings so they could give us their powers. We mustn't praise them wrongly or we would be denied of their vast power. But most times, people don't create their own invocation words, it's the ones that have been existing since ancient times, created by the first spiritual warriors, that they use. Once they approve of us, they would materialize in our world and enter into our bodies, we would be able to do things, mighty and shocking, with their astronomical abilities." Alyssa said.

Helena's eyes shone "Wow. Awesome! Can I get a book on one of those invocation words? Please... Sister?" She asked in a pleading tone. Alyssa looked at her and smiled "Trying to flatter me so I could give you a book right? Am sorry. That won't do. Me being here is even wrong. If I am caught, I would be in more trouble. This is because am going against the rule that none of us should come to you, to allow you to slowly grow, but I can't just sit that out. I want you to grow stronger quickly because there is a raging fire and it spreading everywhere very quickly. Soon, nowhere would be safe again, towns are being raided on daily basis my marauders, wives and children raped and probably killed off when they live out the satisfaction they could derive from them, and such towns set to fire, burnt down to ashes. The entire world is really chaotic right now as there are so many bad guys out there with very little good guys to face them. Most of them have turned blind eyes to this and live out their lives peacefully in extremely remote regions. I don't blame them as they would surely be overwhelmed and killed off. It's just a matter of time before their maws come here to devour and swallow" Alyssa said.

Helena was quiet for sometime before she said "Those guys, why are they doing all these?" she asked. "To rule over more territory, to have more women, more wealth, more slaves. They want to be overlords that would strike fear and terror in the heart of all living creatures. With very little good guys out there, chaos is the order of the day as these guys clash spilling blood of mortals and the weak in the process" Alyssa replied.

She looked at Helena whose beautiful face had turned ugly due to the things she heard. "I know this may be too much for you to take in but that's just the way the world is right now. Here, take this." she said and produced a book which she gave to Helena.

Helena's eyes widened in elation. Then she grabbed it from Alyssa and ran towards her to give her a tight hug." Thanks sis" she said. Alyssa smiled and rubbed Helena's hair affectionately. "Alright. Time to go" she said. With a wave of her hand, Helena was teleported back to her room while she vanished from there to another location, to the place designated for her punishment.

Helena appeared in the room behind her friend and said "Becky, am back". Becky was shocked and quickly stood up to see who that was and when she saw Helena, her mind calmed. "How the hell did you appear behind me?" she asked. Helena only smiled, then she went to her previous position to continue her drawing. Once she got to her position, she quickly kept the book into her bag and picked up her brush to continue drawing.


Linda was lying on a bed. Many grievous wounds could be seen on her body. Two hands could be seen on her head, and energy discharged from those hands that glowed in white and spread to the rest of her body.

Wherever this white energy passed by, the wounds healed but extremely slowly. But the young boy continued to do so, trying to heal her. When he helped her recover to an extent, he would put a flower that had a strong scent, soaked in a healing substance into her mouth.

Like that, he continued to do so for many months before one day Linda's eyes snapped open. Then she looked at where she was and was surprised. What is this place? She tried moving but pain racked her entire body, she couldn't even lift her limb. Just thinking of it caused her pain.

Then she saw an handsome boy come in. He had dark-black hairs and intense azure eyes. He looked eighteen and was quite tall. He came over with a plate, and on it could be seen a steaming semi-liquid substance. She closed her eyes when the boy came over. The boy took a spoon, scooped up the substance in the plate with a deep spoon. He blew it to cool it, then he put it into her mouth.

When he finished giving her the substance, he kept the plate away. Then he came to her head and placed a hand on it. White energy was released from his hands and permeated into her body spreading to the rest of her body. As he did this, her body glowed in white light.

Linda could feel the energy and saw that the pain she felt disappeared. And the sensation she felt was and warm and gentle, she was enjoying it and was surprised who this young boy was.

When he did this for an hour, he became weak. Then he removed his hand from her head and went to sit down to recover. After he had rested quite well, he came to her side again and placed his hand on her head. Then energy flowed out and her body began to glow, slowly healing.


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