A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 6: Miracukus

Chapter 6: Miracukus


While in the air flying towards Miracukus location, she sent a sliver of her consciousness into the parallel spiritual world. These world was just the same as the one she was in. Except there was no human or other form of races here. Only limitless number of spirits in different forms such as in the form of animals, weapons, trees, forests, mountains etc. There were limitless numbers of these spirits in just about any form. Then she said an incantation that would link her to the spirit she wanted to tap into the power of. "Great spirit of War, Kyrul'vau. One that is indefatigable, one that can slay all the armies in every world. I call upon you to give me your unparalleled battle-power. Basking in your glory and presence, I shall slay all creatures in my path".

Then a mighty colossal being that overshadowed everything appeared. It manifested in the form of a shadowy silhouette. But this shadowy figure could be seen wearing an helmet, a full body battle armor and it wielded a gigantic spear, shield and sword.

The instant it appeared, it caused the sky to shake and the earth to tremble as it released a tyrannous suppressive power that could subdue all, and sounds of battle-drums that numbered in millions could be heard in all directions. Battle-cries could be also heard and they sounded like the bellows of gargantuan primordial beasts, the cries were ear-shredding and mountain-collapsing. This phenomenon could be described as the descent of a divine war-god.

It appeared briefly and shot into her. Then her eyes abruptly turned black from the power now present in her body. She screamed out loud as an enormous blue-black aura emanated from her body enshrouding it. This concealing terrific aura that unexpectedly exuded her body spanned a distance of hundred thousand kilometres in diameter.

Although people weren't living around the route she took towards the region Miracukus hid in. But this aura, due to it immenseness still extended to where people from different races resided, enveloping them. It also completely hid a patch of the sky that was directly above it.

If one could see into the aura. One would see she had grown taller and that her hair was blue and so was her body, and a blue full body armor condensed from great spiritual power could be seen on her.

Behind her at a great height in the air could be seen tens of thousands of armies, both cavalries, infantries and archers. But they were shadowy in appearance and were illusionary.

She smiled on noticing this phenomenon, so powerful. Then she thought, won't she be able to subdue any army in the world with this power she tapped into.

Only she and she alone knew the invocation word to summon this war entity. She discovered it in a book in an ruined ancient magical site from one of her deadly adventures.

- Miracukus location -

"Father. Lady Scarlet is coming our way. We need to leave here now." a young handsome man in his twenties said. "Who gave you that information?" Miracukus asked with a surprised tone. "Silverstorm" a young woman beside the young man replied. "Ai! All our heroes have gone into extinction. Who is going to stop her now? There's nothing we can do. We can only wait for her come and do her bidding." Miracukus said. "No, I disagree. If we leave now, we might be able to escape." the young woman said.

She also couldn't agree with what her father said. If they leave on time, they may be able to escape from Lady Scarlet's clutches. "Myra and Jake. You children should go and leave this old man. I can stall for both of you. Remember, I hold more importance. She would ignore you two and take me away to do whatever she wants. I feel she isn't here to kill or anything like that." Miracukus said. "Master......." before the woman named Myra could say anything, she and Jake were instantly teleported away to a far place.

Miracukus then sat on a chair with a gaze full of gloom. While the other dozens of men in here armed themselves with magical weapons and got ready to fight and defend.


A four-winged horse shot over and atop could be seen a woman that looked tall and wore an armor.

The aura she put out when she fused with that supernal, Caleandrian spiritual existence of war had been retracted back into her body immediately she manifested it.

But the aura given out by the tremendous spirtitual power dwelling within her was something she could not totally hide. They leaked out unstoppably and it looked like blue-black flames were erupting constantly from her body.

She looked down and saw hundreds of men wielding glowing weapons looking up at her. "Ants" she said in a mocking manner and laughed.

Then she jumped down from a height of three hundred feet in the air from her horse and landed on the ground. Once she landed, a wave of great destructive force was unleashed and the entire place trembled while cracks appeared all over the structures in here. This wave struck the men super-hard and they were sent flying for more than sixty feet, crashing through buildings in here.

She giggled and her face blushed. She could be very playful sometimes. But one shouldn't underestimate her because of her childishness or they would regret it.

She was very confident in every war she fought. She was extremely proficient in long-range and short-range magical combat and highly skilled in close combat. Even Lord Black Scorpion feared her but he wouldn't show it.

Then she called out. "Miracukus. All your men have been turned to paste. So you wouldn't want to waste anyone's time. Please, come out now. I would owe you a favour for that" She said and laughed. "I am coming out" Miracukus said. Then he appeared outside. "Here I am. What do you want from me?" he asked and began walking towards her.

"Simple. Just come with me and I would release you in no time" she said. Just as she was about to grab Miracukus, a circular azure blade, congealed from magical energy shot at high speed towards her hand like an arrow as it whistled through the air.


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