A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 16: Kind Great Mage

Chapter 16: Kind Great Mage

Kind Great mage

- Black Scorpion Palace -

"Linda where's Miracukus? Don't tell me he got away." Lord Black Scorpion asked. "Yea. He did. His kids were pretty powerful. I don't know where they got those invocation words from but at least I took down one of them and absorbed his entire memory." she said and giggled.


"So is this how I would remain? These wounds won't heal. And you have just destroyed my one chance at healing." he said with anger in his tone. "Arnold, calm down. I am sorry he got away. I would help you get another one. I promise" she said.


Helena suddenly woke up from where she was teleported to. She had been put to sleep by Alyssa who instantaneously teleported her away from where they battled or the shockwaves and blast waves could kill her.

Once her eyes snapped open. She quickly got up. She looked in all directions and saw that she was no longer in her town.

She then remembered her mother. Once she thought to an extent, pain and sorrow quickly welled up in her heart. That lady who claimed to be her sister saved her but would she able to save her mother. She felt really sad. That man just brought agony and grief to her.

She now felt very lonely.

Her real parent's fate was unknown. The people who took care of her had been killed off and she couldn't say if her sister was still alive as the man seemed too powerful for her.

The book her sister gave her wasn't with her. But she was glad she could remember all the content of the book. The evocation spells (conjuring words) and every other spell that had myriad arcane functions were all in her head.

She would work in this direction. But now she needs to be able to use spirit vision. She needs to be able to see the spirit that existed in another dimension in their world.

She looked at the cloth she wore. It had a large hole in it, looked very tattered and bloodied.

She left there and went in search of a house to change. She believed her sister must have teleported her to a town and not to the wilderness.

After walking for hours, she got to a place. It was a small wooden house. The house looked old and as if no one lived in there.

"Hello! Is anyone in there?"


After getting no reply. She tried to enter.

Once she got to the door and tried to push it open, a powerful wave of energy erupted from the door and blasted into her, knocking her into the far distance.

Then spells surfaced on the surface of the door and began to glow. She was surprised and became elated while at the same time careful.

This was a magic user's house and she couldn't say if the person that dwelled here was good or evil. But since the person stayed far away from where people lived, possibly living away his or life and ignoring what's going on in the world. The person should be a good person. So she hoped.

"Kind Great mage" She said. "Please allow me entrance into your home. You wouldn't want to leave a little girl like me out here. I beg you"

The glow of the symbols dimmed and they vanished.

"Come in"

Then the door swung open by itself.

Helena's eyes glowed with elation. "Thank you very much kind great mage". Then she entered into the house.

Once she entered, the door closed behind her. And what she saw terrified her.

She saw bodies of children lying on the floor. They had been cut in half and were empty bodies. Their innards had been scraped out which she could see in large jars.

Fear overwhelmed her. She ran back to the door but the door didn't open. It remained tight.

"Oh scaredy child. There is no escaping from here. Why don't you keep this miserable old woman company for sometime before I cut you up? What do you say?" an old woman appeared and said then laughed evilly.

Helena's widened with fear. "My sister is extremely powerful. If she knows am here, she would come to destroy you" Helena threatened, hoping it would get to her. But the woman just laughed it off.

"I would have cut you in half before she comes. Even if she tears me apart, she would be devastated. Her sister is now dead, cut in half and gutted. Haha!!" she laughed raucously.

Helena's heart began to thump wildly. Her sister brought her away from a horrible one and she just entered into another herself.

"Please. I beg you. Let me go. You already have enough guts for yourself. Please, I beg you." she begged the woman. The old woman coldly snorted "Stop pleading kid. You have met your doom here. Very soon, it would fall on you. Haha!" the woman said and laughed. Then she vanished in a blinding flash of light.

Once she vanished, Helena tried rushing to the window to break out through it. But a force came upon her and she couldn't even stand up. It was like she was filled with the heaviest substance in the world. Her feet felt extremely heavy as well as her entire body. The woman had put out a gravity-inducing spell.

Helena began to sob. She tried calling out to her sister, hoping she was still alive and would magically hear her cries. As she always felt her sister was always watching her by magical means.

After many hours of sending out distress signals. No one came to her rescue. Her heart shook.

Is she dead? Is this the end of me? Is this how I am going to be killed?

But her parent, if they were still alive, she wanted to see them again. See how they looked like and how the rest of her family looked like.

She had made a vow to chase that person that betrayed her mom to the ends of the world and kill that person.

Won't I fulfill my vow?

Anger slowly welled up in her heart.


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