A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 1: Abandoned child

Chapter 1: Abandoned child

Abandoned child

"What can I do to stop this child from crying?" a woman who looked thirty asked a man beside her. "I don't know. Why are you so concerned about the child. Someone put her here and that person would come for her. Please, let's go at once or we could put ourselves into trouble." the man replied.

"No I can't. There's no one here to look after her". The woman replied. "Clara, let's leave the child and be on our way. Whoever has her would come for her!" the man said with a raised voice.

"What?! Williams, that's wicked of you. Don't you see we are in the wilderness. If no one comes for her, the child could probably get eaten by carnivorous animals. I am taking her with me" the woman said. "Hmph. Then hurry up" the man replied. His wife wasn't listening to him. This made him pretty angry.

The woman picked the child and embraced her in arms. Then she hurried away with her husband on their horse-drawn cart.

Little did they know someone wearing a hooded, long white jacket, floating in the sky, enshrouded by clouds was looking down at them from afar.

What a courageous woman.

This person smiled then her brows furrowed and her smiling face changed. She could hear the growls of beasts in the far distance. Then she descended.

Many minutes after the couples left, some men riding on huge, lion-like grey beasts dressed in black uniforms and wielding silver spears stopped at the spots by where the child was picked up from.

These men were spiritual warriors of the Black Scorpion brotherhood.

One of them held a compass in his hand and pointed at the direction they should take. Then the men on beasts took the direction those couples took.

A spear suddenly shot at one of them at inconceivable speed from far in the distance. It pierced into that person from the heart and carried him off the beast he was on to a distance of twenty feet, pinning him to the earth.

Due to the sudden attack, the beasts came to an abrupt stop and the men atop them jumped down as soon as they saw a young woman dressed in white approach them.

She was a spiritual warrior, probably one of the existing good ones Their eyes turned purple and the tattoo of a black scorpion surfaced on the face of each of these men. Then their skin turned black and lustred like steel.

The white clothed lady saw this nigh-invincible form they had taken. She knew where these abilities came from. From Lord Black Scorpion. One of the many adept spiritual warriors in this particular kingdom they were in.

He had infused them with a fraction of his power of super-toughness which he would retrieve later.

"Great Spirit of Might, Krathius. One with the phenomenal ability to sunder earths and tear skies apart with your physical strength alone. Make me a conduit of your world-ripping power. Give me the strength of a hundred men" she said.

She uttered an invocation word to call upon the Great spirit of Might from the Calaendrian realm for vast physical strength. She could request for more strength, but if it was excessive, it could do more harm than good.

Suddenly, the patch of sky in this region turned from azure to violet. Then winds began to rage as a powerful presence suddenly appeared. It was an invisible presence but radiated might that gave the feeling it could sunder chains of mountains and split oceans.

Once it appeared and irradiated everywhere with it power of might briefly, it shot into the young woman's body.

She became possessed by this spirit and her hairs abruptly changed from white to violet and eyes turned violet too.

When the men witnessed the phenomenon she caused to manifest by calling upon a spirit, they quickly dashed towards her. Spiritual warriors are extremely frightful when they conjure spirits into their bodies and allow their power to flow through them.

When she saw them running towards her, she pulled off her long jacket to reveal a white body suit.

She then unsheathed a sword which she wielded with her left hand and ran towards these men.

One of the men holding a spear suddenly threw his spear at her. On seeing the man's action, she slashed out with the sword and a wide ray of intense violet light shot out. This was spiritual energy from the entity in her body which she channeled into her sword.

This ray of light impacted the spear and shattered it, then it continued towards the man that threw the spear.


The man was sent flying for dozens of feet. But he sustained no injuries in the brief collision. His body had become extremely durable and can withstand powerful physical attacks.

Of course, this was no surprise to the woman. She had only discharge a bit of energy for her energy-attack.

She continued to run towards them. When she got to a distance of ten feet in front of them, she did an aerial cartwheel.

While airborne and looking down at them in the cartwheel motion, she slashed out at them.

Each time she slashed out, a ray of violet light shot out and struck one of these men.

She had put more energy in her attacks this time. But they weren't injured. They were only blasted to far distances away.

Their skin had become stronger than steel as the energy ray she unleashed could punch though a six inch-thick steel.

She landed with a solemn face, then she kept her sword away and prepared for a close-range battle. She was going to use her fists and feet as her weapons and hope she could destroy these guys.

Possessing the spirit of great might, she ran towards these people. The one that had gotten up and rushed towards her with a spear stabbed out with it once she appeared in front of him.

She stepped to a side, dodging the spear. Then grabbed the spear, and mustering strength, she lifted it along with the man holding it, turned and flung the man towards the others that were running over.

These men's disadvantage was that they could only engage in close-range combats as they couldn't unleash long-range, spirit-enhanced energy-attacks. They were spiritual cripples, they couldn't develop spirit summoning abilities. So they could only take a beating by someone who can do such and is highly proficient in fighting.


The man smashed into several of them and were all launched further into the distance. Still, there were no injuries, not even a mark.

Before they could stand, the woman punched the earth they stood upon.


Once her fist struck the earth, it was like tons of bombs detonated. The earth shattered in a wave-like pattern as a super-strong seismic wave moved through it in all directions.

This earth-splintering seismic wave traveled into the far distance wreaking great havoc while a massive wave carrying great destructive power swept out in the air. It caused everything in it direction to shatter into bits.

The men were knocked heavily and far into the distance, about two hundred feet away, by the devastating seismic wave and kinetically energized air currents.

Dusts filled the air and saturated it while the earth beneath where she was floating above had been caved out. A gigantic ripple-like crack could be seen where she punched into the earth spreading into the distance

Her fist had caused this much damage to the earth but it was all for nothing as the men shoved into the far distance simply stood up again.

She grunted when she saw them, alive and kicking. They hadn't sustained any injury.

The woman's gaze became grave. This was a serious, bloody issue. If she didn't kill them and left. They would continue their tracking and if they got their hands on the female child, she couldn't imagine what would happen afterward.

She was starting to believe they were indestructible. But she quickly stomped on this thought and burnt it to cinders the moment it surfaced in her mind.

When they are not divine undying gods.

Only such gods were impervious to all forms of physical damages. But they don't exist. It's the extremely powerful in here they refer to as gods and goddesses.

She decided to be careful in the way she dealt with these men or a slight mistake would result in her quick death.


She took a deep breath then her eyes shone with desire to slay all in her path.

She placed a palm on the ground and sent a sliver of her consciousness into the parallel world of supernatural entities.

Once the sliver of her consciousness entered this realm, she sent out a conjuration call which was the invocation word to summon a spirit she desired to be possessed with.

"Great Supreme spirit of earth, Gaivus. I ask that you use my body as a medium for your boundless power over the earth and over everything made from it. Give me the godly ability to create massive sandstorms, immense earthquakes and the divinely power to move hills, islands, mountains and worlds"

Immediately she uttered the invocation words, the earth for thousands of kilometers shook greatly, then a colossal illusory being which casted it shadow over everything appeared behind her. The instant this being surfaced at her back, it produced a shocking tremendous pressure that caused the earth to suddenly crack in a rippling fashion into the far distance. Then in the next moment, this terrifying entity shot into her body as a ray of light.

Once the figure entered her body to dwell in it like a vessel, one of her eyes abruptly turned yellow, while the other remained violet. Also, half of her long violet hair unexpectedly turned yellow and these made her look terrifying. Now, she looked like a powerful goddess of destruction in her new appearance.

Then in the next second, her body put out an immense pressure that could crush all things, and an enormous, intense yellow aura that shot up to the sky like it wanted to shatter it.

But she actually began to bleed from the nose. However, this was because she had begun straining herself to deal with these men.

But it was only with this strength she could do what she wanted to do next.

"Gaivus earth-sundering weapon" she uttered. This was a spirit-weapon summoning spell.

With a hand put out to her front, a pool of light appeared there and congealed into a massive weapon.

When the light receded, what could be seen in her grasp was a massive sword.

This sword glowed with an intense yellow colour and had a blade that was sixteen feet long and thirteen feet wide. On the surface of the sword were abstruse patterns that had pulses of resplendent light revolving around them.

Through Gaivus, she was able to call out it sword for her own use. But it was in the smallest form.

One couldn't imagine that this woman would be able to wield such a large sword and with just a hand. This was a sword that that should be wielded by a giant.

The men who had begun running towards her came to an abrupt stop. The new development had instilled fear into their heart. This sword gave them the chills.

So what?

They had activated a magical power of indestructibility infused into them by their terrific lord. What can possibly destroy them?


Then they resumed their dash towards her.

From a hundred feet away, they jumped high into the air towards her.

The woman gathered strength too and leaped into the air towards these men. Once she got to a close range around them. She uttered a spirit-weapon enhancement chant.

"Raza melu kiva talu nima"

This meant:

"Backed by the empyreal heavens to slay demons and devils. I send your souls into the death-world".

Then a strange power came upon the sword and upon everything in here.

Once the mysterious power descended, the men became locked in their position in the air. They couldn't move as they remained fixed in their position.

It was like they were tightly bound up in shackles and sent into a constraining space.

Once she noticed the restrictive effect of her spell, she raised her sword above her head which she grabbed with her two hands and swung down at them while shouting simultaneously "Doombringer strike".


A massive beam of yellow-violet light that actually outshone the sun and was thousands of meters wide shot off from the sword.

This tremendously huge beam of spiritual earth energy moved at the speed of light and tyrannically blasted into the men.


Argh!!! Argh!!!...

A loud explosion occurred and numerous brief, terrified shrieks suddenly rang out. And when the beam disappeared, nothing could be seen of the men. They had been finally and thoroughly destroyed.

She dropped back to the ground and could almost faint. She had become sickly pale.

Blood streamed down her two nostrils unendingly. She quickly brought out a white herb. Then she chewed it and swallowed it. After a few minutes, The bleeding stopped but she still looked very pale. Using those two insanely mighty spirits at the same time had taken a huge toll on her. But she was super-strong to contain those two kinds of great spirits in her body. If it were other people, they would be utterly reduced to bits of flesh once the arcane energy of just one of the powerful spiritual entities tried passing through them. Besides, the last attack she sent out was really powerful but was overstraining and exceedingly taxing.

She sent the spirits back into their world. And the instant that she did so, her body returned to normal. Then she went to where her jacket was and picked it up to wear.

She performed a gesture and a portal appeared in front of her. And the instant this portal appeared, it began to revolve as it drew closer to her body from where it had appeared in.

Then in the next moment, the portal after reaching where she was, instantly swallowed up her figure and caused her to materialize in a new location.


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