A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 40: The Secrets of the World (6)

Chapter 40: The Secrets of the World (6)

[The player once stated that the Sky Shaman's magic, which harnesses the soul and mana, necessitates a robust spirit and an unwavering mindset.]


A bead of sweat trickled down Cha Di Yeon's forehead. Dressed only in a tank top, she was bathed in a blue glow.

[You undeniably possess a magnificent soul and mental strength. That's why you were chosen.]

The blue pattern, etched like a tattoo on her fair back, had gradually spread over her shoulder and down one arm. This was the technique she had learned from her player to maximize her abilities. Using the racial characteristic [Status Window] to enhance her magic and abilities was the secret of the Step Up Hunters, who were bound as the same 'race'. Among them, she was exceptionally gifted, demonstrating combat power beyond what she had inherited.

[Therefore, the player showed interest in him.]

"But he belongs to another player."

[What does that matter? He's not our enemy after all.]

Her player was always cool and calculating. To the player, she was ultimately just a pawn. However, if the pawn proved necessary and useful, her player, who had made her a unit, was willing to make bold investments.

So... you really want to teach him the Sky Shaman's magic."

[Yes. The player judged that he possesses a powerful soul. A presence that a mere human could not possibly have. It's truly the soul of a rare hero.]

The player was determined.

Cha Ji Yeon slowly opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on the bewildered figure standing in the doorway. The soft glow of her blue eyes held him captive.

Are you... okay?"

Kang Shin Woo, who had been casually lounging in the living room, flinched under her luminescent gaze.




I barely managed to suppress a spit-take with my coffee. I had unknowingly walked into the house, witnessed her engaged in some mysterious training, and was about to take a sip of my coffee when the shocking news hit me.

My player said that you have a very strong soul, Shin Woo."

Hard to... believe."

I scratched my head. Strong? Me? It didn't seem to fit. But then, a thought brushed past my mind. The soul string. The connection between me and the legion was said to be unique. Perhaps the powerful soul her player detected in me was the soul of the legion, connected by that single string. If it was the legion's soul, then it made sense.

Anyway, you need to learn to handle mana stones."

She held a glowing red mana stone in her palm, the very one she had used to locate the player, Oh Yoon Ah.

I've heard it's quite remarkable. Might I learn it?"

For the moment, there was no issue. Another player, Park Joon Seok, was by my side. As she stowed the stone and turned her back, I swallowed nervously. I had readied an excuse for any potential situation, but it seemed I had successfully averted a crisis this time.

What's your opinion?"

Undoubtedly, I will learn."

I kept my cool and accepted the blue ore she offered. Along with it, I accepted her proposal. If I could learn, so could the legion. It was a chance to impart a new skill to the legion, and an opportunity for me to become stronger.

But, I don't intend to be restricted."

...Of course."

I drew a clear line with her. Cha Ji Yeon, who smiled bitterly, nodded. It seemed that the other player had given permission. It was impressive. She was willing to lend power to someone who wasn't even part of her unit.

But can I learn even though I'm not a hunter?"

I also use it in combination with my abilities. I learned Heavenly Soul Art separately from sorcery."

She launched straight into the lesson. The adage 'Seize the opportunity to make it meaningful' was something I always endeavoured to imprint on my mind, so I listened with as much focus as I could muster. This wasn't just for my sake. If I survived, the legion survived.

Hmm, then I'll take my leave."

Park Joon Seok, who had assumed the role of a sidekick, coughed awkwardly and retreated to his room. Left alone in the living room, I sat opposite her. Seeing her like this, it was challenging to find a comfortable place to rest my gaze.

Learn well. Become stronger. And please, survive that day."

However, the moment she uttered those words with such sincerity, I had no choice but to meet her gaze directly. *

Is he definitely not watching?"

[Yes. Currently, he's engrossed in learning the Heavenly Soul Art, a soul magic technique. This is practiced by a unique class known as Karkos, who inhabit the world of Sehansha.]

Soul, spirit, all these specialized terms, but ultimately, it's just a potent form of psionic energy, maximizing brainwaves."

Once the legion confirmed that Shin Woo was not paying attention to his phone, they awkwardly settled into a chair. Their body, reconstructed from a hive, was entirely focused. Their target was, of course, the otherworldly magic that Shin Woo was currently learning from Cha Ji Yeon. The legion was absorbing all the teachings in real-time, like a sponge soaking up water, utilizing its superior computational power.

Not bad."

The legion, having deciphered the true meaning of Heavenly Soul Art in an instant, crossed their legs. From what they had understood so far, Heavenly Soul Art and the legion were a good match. After all, the conditions of Heavenly Soul Art, which maximizes mental power through spiritual strength, were incredibly easy for the legion, who freely controlled a brain as vast as a hive.

[You've found a way to become stronger. Isn't this the gluttony for knowledge you wanted?]

Right. It's not enough to just strengthen the body."

The corner of the legion's mouth twitched. They were now somewhat accustomed to smiling. However, they soon dropped their smile and hardened their face.

But why is my heart, my emotions, fluttering like this?"

The legion analyzed this phenomenon within themselves. The stimulus of emotion was naturally due to the string. It was now a familiar thing, but what disturbed the legion's mood was its content. More so because they had learned it from Kang Do Yeon.

[Wasn't his happiness your goal?]

That's true, but something feels off."

They wished for him to be comfortable and happy. However, they wanted to be the one to provide that happiness. After all, his pleasure was evident when they had triumphed in the war and grown in the past. It was a sentiment they hadn't contemplated until now.

[...There's a clash happening on the 39th floor now.]


The legion detected targets on the 39th floor, focusing their attention there. If the adversary discovered this, they would harbor an odd sense of resentment.


What the hell?"

On the 39th floor, the legion had finally succeeded in pushing back the infected bodies through sheer force. Kang Do Yeon, leading the legionnaires at the front line of the battlefield that extended from the 38th floor, furrowed her brows. Her heart fluttered oddly, and her blood boiled. Anger, an emotion she was intimately familiar with as a human, surged through her. As a legionnaire, she could sense this faint anger resonating throughout the entire group.


An infected body of a Moonlight Elf charging at her was struck by the front paw of an assault-type legionnaire beside her, tearing off its limbs. The single blow carried a peculiar emotion. Anger. The legion had already mastered the art of harnessing emotions in battle.

Again. These traces, they're definitely survivors."

Kang Do Yeon scrutinized one of the cadavers brought in by the legionnaires. It was an infected creature, an arrow embedded in its back. The body belonged to a Red-Backed Cave Centipede, its tough shell still unbroken. The presence of the arrow was noteworthy. Her gaze then drifted towards a side passage.

The 39th floor functioned as a stem floor. It linked to a minimum of one and a maximum of half a dozen major floors. The labyrinth mirrored an inverted tree, with the stem's size expanding as one ascended. It was impossible to anticipate what might inhabit such a place.

'I'll scout, but instead of a quick scout, I'll attempt a large-scale one.'

Kang Do Yeon received the command from the legion. Up until now, the legion's scouting was always carried out by the smallest reconnaissance soldiers, resembling bees for easy concealment and cover. However, in this situation, concealment and cover were irrelevant. As a result, the assault-type legionnaires, comprised of agile flyers and beasts, began to disperse into the surrounding passages.


She knitted her brows, processing the deluge of information pouring into her mind. The legion first filtered it, using her brain, which was like a cat's paw compared to the main brain, for quicker analysis.

'I found more traces. There are many. And it appears someone intentionally cleared a path.'

Through large-scale scouting, the legion discovered traces instantly. In the legion's eyes, a stone wall that closed smoothly with a slight difference was visible. Regardless, it was clear that something had been there.

'The stone is too thick and heavy. The passage is narrow, making it difficult to move large legionnaires.'

The legion concluded that they needed to break through the stone wall. The question was how. Just then, a flying creature approached Kang Do Yeon, a blue-glowing gem in its mouth.

Use this."

She accepted it with a puzzled expression. The legion had swiftly found a solution in a blocked situation. What she received was the blue ore embedded in the Vajra of the Moonlight Elf Chieftain.


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