A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 23 - Movement (1)

Chapter 23 - Movement (1)

[Can you understand now? How he thinks of you. Even now, he keeps plenty of slots open, just in case of unforeseen circumstances.]

The colossal cave pulsed slowly, teeming with life, becoming a life form in its own right. This was the lowest level, the birthplace of the legion.

[...You remain oblivious. How could you not, having just awakened?]

Eggs tumbled from the pulsating flesh walls, coated in a viscous mucus. The first eggs had matured in just half a day.

[But I am cognizant. You are beginning to grasp the enigmatic entity that protects us. Until now, we've been mere beneficiaries. But not anymore. We question, we contemplate.

That's how we became conscious of his existence. Regardless of our power, we can't create something from nothing. But he did.]

The first egg began to wriggle. As the shell started to crack, a black hand burst forth, shattering the shell.

[Gluttony is always our ravenous instinct. Now, the same applies to our thirst for knowledge. We harbored doubts about his identity. Who exactly is he?]

The newly hatched legionnaire was a stark contrast to the salamander-type legionnaires that had been the primary production until now. This one was goblin-based, but the legion's reinterpretation gave it a grotesque appearance. Like its counterparts, it lacked digestive and reproductive organs, and even a brain. Its upright torso, along with its two arms and legs, were solely muscular organs for battle. Despite its slender frame, it could exert explosive power relative to its weight.

[Seize a weapon. We can now observe and learn. We understand how to use tools.]

A shiny object ascended from a crack in the nest. It was a sword, forged from the toughest exoskeleton the legion could produce. The new legionnaire, clad in a black exoskeleton armor over its slender body, flashed red eyes through the gap in its helmet-like head exoskeleton.

[One thing is certain, he always aids us. Do you wish to know more about him...then continue as you have been.]

The first legionnaire to hatch began to ascend to the upper levels of the cave. Similar entities followed suit, their numbers reaching into the hundreds.

[Annihilate them all, consume them all.]

They emerged in a line across the lengthy corridor, brandishing their swords. Their sole purpose was massacre, slaughter, extinction, and predation. With newly devised tactics and the addition of beast-type legionnaires, thousands of black waves surged towards their targets, enveloping both the air and the ground.


First, we need to relocate to a safe place. We can have a proper conversation there."

So, all the Step Up Hunters are units, right?"

Yes, that's correct."

We navigated the city in a van, my sister and I sat in the back, silently taking in our surroundings. My phone buzzed relentlessly, but I dared not check the app considering our current situation.

I've heard that Evolution is actively fighting mutants...or rather, units."

Yes, they are indeed our enemies."

I have a lot of questions."

Oh Yoon Ah, who had been hit in the back of the head and had collapsed, was now sitting in the passenger seat, conversing with Cha Ji Yeon as equals. In reality, with Cha Ji Yeon's abilities, she could have easily wiped out everyone here.

Get out. This is unit 306."

...Where are we?"

A safe house."

The van came to a stop at a villa tucked away in the heart of Seoul. We had no option but to follow her into the house she referred to. Cha Ji Yeon was the last one to enter the house, closing the door behind her. It was a typical house, but an unusual tension hung in the air.

Now...let's have a genuine conversation."

Cha Ji Yeon prepared the tea herself. The player, Oh Yoon Ah, and the unit, Cha Ji Yeon, sat across from each other.

Shall we begin? My player is from a land called Sehansha. He's a sky shaman, and his primary motive for reaching out to players from other worlds is to propose cooperation."

You're straightforward. My units have dwelled on a continent known as Anankil since ancient times. They are part of a tribe of land and wind called Cheongsan."

The two women started the conversation, unveiling a wealth of information right off the bat.

But what's the purpose of contacting other players? Unless they're hunters, they won't provide much assistance due to certain limitations."

That's true. But the same holds for 'other' players who have units in Sehansha, where our player resides."

I see. So your plan is to eliminate them preemptively."

The conversation proceeded as anticipated. The elimination of competition was the top priority. I quietly absorbed all the information they divulged.

As you may be aware, we had to disclose most of our information to preserve the existing social order. Consequently, whether it's our units or players, we've drawn unwanted attention and needed allies who could operate discreetly."

And that's us."


Cha Ji Yeon chuckled.

Considering there are likely fewer than a hundred Step Up Hunters, all gathered under the newly established Evolution Corporation, virtually all their information is out in the open.

Today's meeting will conclude here, but the situation may change next time. Other allies might join us."

I have a question. So, were the monsters that emerged from beyond the gate units from the beginning? When did your player start the game?"

Didn't you consult your helper?"

He didn't answer at all."

I recoiled, realizing I hadn't posed that question either.

The game started simultaneously for everyone. Hence, the monsters that emerged from the gate over the past decade bear no relation to this game."

Cha Ji Yeon clarified. So, regardless of whether they were units or not, the necessity to exterminate those monsters remained.

Then, is there a possibility that units from other affiliations might emerge among humans like us?"

Absolutely. So, be cautious about security."

Trust no one. That was the takeaway.

You've done well today. Good job."

The conversation with Cha Ji Yeon ended there.

Oh Yoon Ah departed from the villa and approached my younger sister.

I hate to inconvenience your brother, but could you hold off for a bit?"

I can do that."

Considering the substantial gain, this was a minor setback.

Cha Ji Yeon nonchalantly tossed me the car keys. As I exited the vehicle, previously driven by Oh Yoon Ah's father, and embarked on my journey home, an unsettling silence blanketed the area.

What's the plan now? We still don't know which world your units are in, right? It's not Sehansha or Anankil, is it?"

The silence was shattered by Kang Do Yeon's voice, thick with confusion. I responded with a shake of my head.

I'm not sure. But it doesn't really matter... whenever we come across someone, we'll have to fight to the death."

In reality, I didn't view it as an urgent issue. The legion had to consume and evolve to survive.

We won't have to fight anymore, right?"

Oh Yoon Ah promised her parents that after they reprimanded her, but who can say? In a crisis, they'll protect their daughter, but can they truly care for someone else's child?"

Maybe I should start working out..."

I murmured, a wave of unease washing over me. Fight? Neither she nor I should ever be forced into that situation. *

Why are you sounding the alarm so much? It's comforting to see you're okay."

[Do you want to see how far the legion has grown?]

Upon entering my home, I promptly checked my phone. With a heavy heart, I tapped on the icon for the history tab.

[Our proud history is constantly being updated]

Suddenly, the screen began to flip rapidly, revealing a tale from the past.


Goblins? No, these weren't goblins. They were entirely new creatures, hundreds of them. Among them, the familiar large salamanders stood out.

[We always give our all. The legion's wave began to pour onto the master of this floor.]

The legion had seemingly devised a new strategy. It looked chaotic, but in truth, each unit held a distinct position and role.

[Each entity was given a unique command. Our brain, bolstered by the computational power of the massive body that had consumed this entire cave, could control thousands of soldiers individually.]

The nest ceased production, redirecting all its energy.

The monster, caught off guard, raised its massive fist and bellowed, stretching its neck to consume the airborne units. Yet, this sacrifice was wholly deliberate. Leveraging this

sacrifice, the legion soldiers managed to latch onto its body. From there, the newly produced units commenced their operations.


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