A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 15: Shackles of Fate (1)

Chapter 15: Shackles of Fate (1)

"I don't understand your nonsense. I'm going to report you."

"I'm afraid you can't do that."

A chuckle escaped from Oh Yoon Ah. Kang Do Yeon, on the verge of turning to flee, froze in place, her face a mask of horror. It was an odd sensation, being aware yet unable to control her body.

"You must obey my commands. It's only natural for a knight to listen to their master, right?"

"What on earth are you doing?"

"This isn't just a simple game. It's the secret of this world."

With a forceful push, Oh Yoon Ah made her sit on a bench. Bewildered, Kang Do Yeon had no option but to look at the screen Oh Yoon Ah was presenting to her.

"Is this... a movie?"

"Hardly. Great Chief, we've succeeded."

Perhaps pleased with the trembling voice, Oh Yoon Ah raised her hand, giving a sly smile, and spoke into her cell phone. The spectacle that unfolded afterward made Kang Do Yeon's eyes widen in surprise. On the screen, which looked like a scene from a movie, an old man with a long white beard bowed his head.

"What is this..."

"These people are my units, my people. I recently met them and have been working together for our mutual benefit. Today's event is just one of those efforts."


Oh Yoon Ah slowly explained the situation on her phone. Naturally, it was an unbelievable story, except for the fact that her body was completely immobile at a single word. As shocking revelations continued to flow, Kang Do Yeon was sweating profusely, trying to keep her sanity.


"Why did you come home so late? Your mom was..."

"Kang Do Yeon!"

I quickly sidestepped, but even after closing the door, the sound of scolding echoed. Soon, the sound of a door closing from the room across reached my ears. Thankfully, it seemed to end there.

[Take good care of your body and surroundings. This round is gradually moving beyond the early stages. Most players and units are adapting to the app and will start wielding their newly acquired power.]

"lust like Cha Ji Yeon. But aren't we too slow?"

[Infinite possibilities come with corresponding penalties.]

We essentially started from scratch. From a single small cell, we gradually devoured bigger ones. However, compared to the players connected to those who already had a certain foundation, our progress was slower.

[But the growth speed of the legion is undoubtedly explosive. And the more it grows, the faster it becomes. There's no need to worry too much.]

"I know that."

We had a powerful advantage, nonetheless. I checked the screen. The legion was still preparing for war. Meanwhile, a test creature that was created hatched from an egg. It had a

twisted posture and delicate front legs. It was covered in carapace, but its body was clearly based on the rat we had recently devoured.

"Is it just an experimental piece?"

[Yes. It's an interesting and attractive form, but the legion decided it's more efficient to stick to the existing method.]

There were no mass-produced soldiers based on that rat. Even in my opinion, it seemed right for the legion to move in a direction that better utilized their strengths. And while I

wasn't exactly sure what that strength was, it certainly wasn't that.

[Have they noticed our existence and started to guard against us?]

They had taken it upon themselves to construct a forward fortress on the 12th floor. A scout, in the guise of a tiny bee, swiftly pursued the retreating soldiers, ascending to the 13th floor. There, another of their fortresses stood. The war preparations were already well underway.

[Although we are different from them, they seemed to have a lot to teach us. The problem was... we couldn't learn it.]

The legion didn't squander any more time. They mobilized their troops before a stronger defense system could be established.

[But the legion's predation never ceases. Can't learn through predation? Then simply observe and learn. The legion's size is its brain. The learning and computational capabilities of the mature legion have already transcendent.]

The defensive lizards that advanced set up their robust armor. The main force marched in order behind them. The catapults they launched were futile. The burning mushroom pieces were inconsequential.

[The artillery hidden behind the sturdy shield began to fire poisonous spikes that tore through their skin in response to their attacks.]

They started to fall one by one. They had no countermeasures for long-range attacks. I realized then. They wouldn't be familiar with this kind of war.

[But we are. Our beginning was a war for survival, and we will continue to evolve for war. The legion began its assault. New legion soldiers revealed themselves.]

As soon as the reconnaissance ended, the situation began to turn urgently.

[It's definitely the same fortress siege as before. But unlike them, we are growing. This siege will definitely be different from before.]

The fiercely running legion began to split. A creature combining the strength of a toad and a flea. But its appearance was somewhat disgusting. They, who had invested all their

abilities in one strength, approached the fortress, wobbling their hugely swollen bodies.


And the moment they were within range, they exploded their strength at once. A shock wave occurred, and the ground was torn apart. The strength was enough to break their own legs. But that wasn't important. In this grotesque body, which was so deformed that it couldn't fly even with wings, there was only one large pouch, without any other organs. A pouch that could scatter a concentrated, powerful acidic solution.

As the pouch burst along with the body and sprayed the solution everywhere, the soft skin of the mammals couldn't withstand the strong acid and began to burn.

[The fortress of those who couldn't respond properly began to be destroyed. Thanks to that, their momentum was broken. The airborne troops that had been waiting began to raid the inside of the fortress.]

"...Is it over?"

It was essentially a rematch.

The winner was, of course, us, who had developed and implemented new tactics and strategies.

The probability of the next fight going the same way was high.

If they couldn't respond to our ever-changing tactics, they couldn't win.

"I should give a reward."

I chuckled and looked away from my phone.

Then I took out what I had placed on the desk.

Protein, glucose candies, and so on.

These were things I had prepared out of guilt for always feeding them wood.

However, due to my financial situation, I couldn't afford to fill up 40kg.

"By the way, what kind of restrictions apply to other players? There must be limits to how much a unit can affect a player."

[Of course. The initial level restrictions are to limit speed and maintain fairness, and each has different conditions.]

"..How do I know if that's fair?"

[Even if you think it's unfair, is there a way?]

I was at a loss for words. After all, I was always the underdog.


I simply took a picture of the prepared protein and glucose candies and sent it.

There would surely be more proteins that I had bought, promising to work out, among my friends and colleagues.

"I really need to get a part-time job."

I chuckled at my bank account, which was slowly running out.

It was ridiculous that I had to work because I had no money, even though the whole world was in turmoil and lives were at stake.

Since my studies seemed to have gone down the drain, I thought I should find a job sooner.

"...What kind of money is this?"

However, my job search was halted by Kang Do Yeon's ominous actions that evening.

"Prize money."

"What? What prize money?"

"Just accept it and know it that way! It's a repayment for the allowance I've received so far!"

She threw a money envelope at me and went into her room.

I opened the envelope with wide eyes.

Ten golden bills.

I pondered how a minor, who didn't even have a part-time job, could have amassed such a large sum of money.

"Hey. This isn't a joke, so be honest with me. Where did you get this?"

I voiced my question softly, standing before the firmly shut door. I hoped she would understand the gravity of the situation.

"Really...it's nothing.."

"Are you not going to open the door?"

My heart pounded as I heard her choked response, her voice thick with unshed tears. She had never behaved like this before.

"It's really nothing."

Instead of a verbal response, a message popped up. My expression hardened, but I refrained from pushing her further. She had matured to a certain extent. She wouldn't spill the beans just because I raised my voice. If I involved our mother...that would be the end of it.

"Is it illegal? Just tell me that."

"It's not like that. It's just...something I'm doing with a friend."

"Is it cryptocurrency?"

With my limited understanding, I couldn't conceive of any other possibilities. It was exasperating, but I had no other clues.

"Just be cautious if someone attempts to touch you. It could escalate into serious trouble."


Ultimately, I was left with an evasive response and withdrew to my room. Engaging in activities with a friend. Unlike me, she had an overwhelming number of friends to keep track of. The number of male and female friends I knew of alone would require more than ten hands to count.

[Do you believe in fate?]

"What nonsense are you talking about now?"

[The fate that has befallen your family...you will soon find out.]

"Why are you doing this again?"

I threw my phone onto the bed in annoyance.


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