A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 97: Massage

Chapter 97: Massage

It was getting dark. A red-haired guy stepped into the territory of the Senju clan. There was an equally calm smile on his constantly calm face, instilling confidence in him in people.

No one dared to stop him, on the contrary, the servants obligingly bowed, following the guest with fascinated glances in the wake.

The maids looking at him blushed with dreamy glances, the servants looked with respect, reverence.

As soon as he approached the threshold of the residence, the front door opened, showing Mito on the threshold under the technique of reincarnation. Still, the woman was sure that even among her servants there were spies.

Smiling slightly, the guy bent down slightly and respectfully said Hello, Sensei.

Mito nodded in greeting and said, "Come in, Tetsuya.", slowly walked back to the living room.

Finally, the woman gave him a complicated look that was quickly hidden away.

And yet Tetsuya managed to notice him. - "Suspicious..."

A few seconds later, the hero also entered the room.

There, at the table, Mito and a cup of hot tea were already waiting.

Without beating around the bush, the hero, sitting opposite jinchuriki, asked with interest, looking disapprovingly It was you who was the catalyst for her recognition today?

A smile slowly formed on the woman's face with a hint of cunningPerhaps, but I just told her that you are my son and her uncle.

Haaa. the hero exhaled, confirming his guess I knew it Well, why? he asked lazily, propping his head on his hand.

It had to be done as soon as possible Tetsuya, because if she found out about it from the rumors, she would be very offended. she said lightly, clinging to the cup.

Of course, now we have to reconsider our plans.

Oh, I'm sorry, son, I couldn't imagine that she would run to you to confess. Mito remorsefully said, shaking her head, only they both understood that this was a complete lie. It is enough to look into the eyes of a woman that oozed satisfaction with contentment.

Yeah. Tetsuya said lazily, looking at Mito with irony.

They were silent for a few seconds. Tetsuya continued to stare at his mother, and she, in turn, did not react to this in any way and only sipped tea with her eyes closed.

"So what are you going to do?" jinchuriki broke the silence.

I'm going to talk to Tsunade, cheer her up with goodies. the hero answered, after which he got to his feet and went towards the blonde's room, but he had not taken three steps when Mito spoke again.

Tetsuya the guy turned and looked questioningly at the woman And you won't have any sweets for your beloved teacher, dear mom? looking away, she asked, embarrassed.

No the hero grinned slyly Unfortunately, today I cooked only for Tsunade. then he disappeared around the corner.

Jinchuriki sighed sadly, muttering Eh, the reckoning was inevitable, but why is the price so high... and then mentally added "Tsunade, asshole, because of you, I can't calmly look at my own son now..."

Tsunade 's Room

Tsunade was lying on the made-up, bardic bed, the girl was looking at the ceiling with an absent-minded gaze while she was thinking about various things that of course concerned our hero.

- "Yasuba, Hirata, Kitamura God, it's just pointless to remember all the girls who want to hit on him There are too many of them, and new ones are added every day." the girl rubbed her temples, coming to a disappointing conclusion.

*Knock * *Knock * There were two quiet bangs on the door, but it was loud enough for Shinobi.

Is that you? closing her eyes, Tsuna asked with unwillingness to break away from her thoughts.

It's me, Tsunade. the hero said softly from behind the door, only for the girl this voice was like a bomb explosion.

Tetsuya?! she exclaimed and, having blown up, went to the mirror Now, wait! having arranged her hair perfectly, she said, not without excitement, Come in.

The door slid open and the hero "swam" inside with a light step and said with tenderness on his face I'm sorry for the intrusion.

Nothing, nothing, I'm glad you came! the blonde quickly rattled, raising her hands

OK... Tsunade, I would like to

Stop! the girl interrupted him sharply, raising her hand Don't apologize, you don't have to apologize! I was fantasizing too much, imagining things to myself, and as a result, I burst into tears like some kind of weakling, but... but I don't give up my words Tetsuya. I will never give up on Tsunade Senju! with a challenge, fighting spirit in her eyes, the girl said, looking at the red-haired man as if he were prey.

Hoo. the hero grinned with disdain, looking at Tsuna Really? Was that a threat?

The blonde also grinned in response and, without interrupting eye contact, replied Perhaps. Who knows?

Okay, I'll take note, and now, the time of the bribe in Tetsuya's hands, a basket full of ruddy, fragrant pastries instantly appeared.

Instantly, Tsuna's gaze became sharper and greedier, the girl quickly said I accept a bribe! and quickly grabbing the basket, she inhaled deeply a wonderful, intoxicating aroma that quickly dispersed her appetite to the maximum.

"Heh, how easy it is to bribe you. chuckling, the hero said, but Tsunade was no longer listening to him, because she had already closed her eyes and was eating a cheesecake with a satisfied smile.

Not wanting to interrupt her, Tetsuya, leaning against the wall, with a gentle smile and affectionate look, began to watch Tsuna eat his cooking with genuine joy, happiness and pleasure.

At such moments, the hero realized that he did not know cooking and massage for nothing. To see such emotions on the faces of loved ones is more than a worthy reward for all these labors.

Suddenly, Tsunade, being in the middle of the cheesecake, froze and opened her eyes, looked at Tetsuya with interest.

- "Wait a minute We are alone now We're alone in my room right now Yes, this is the best moment for the first attack!" exclaimed Tsuna, calculating an approximate plan of action.

Pulling the cheesecake out of her mouth, the girl said Tetsuya

- Yes? he raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by this turn. Usually you can't tear Tsunade away from his cooking.

Putting the pastries on the table, Tsuna, approaching the redhaired man, said - I've been thinking. You treat me to this divine food, do an incredible massage, and I have never returned it

Looking at her skeptically, Tetsuya said in bewilderment I don't want to remind you, but... Tsunade, you don't know how to cook.

The blonde didn't even raise an eyebrow I know, but I'm also iryenin and that's why..." she turned sideways and pointing to the bed, said with a grin Lie down, now I'll give you a massage.

The guy responded with a skeptical look, but inwardly he was grinning insidiously.

Come on, come on. the blonde said, bypassing Tetsuya and pushing him to the bed, saying, Don't be shy, lie down.

Under the pressure of Tsuna, the hero slowly approached the bed. Tsuna, does it bother you that I will be lying on your bed? He asked innocently.

No, of course not. the girl spoke with a blush on her cheeks What makes you think? but her thoughts were different "Of course it confuses me, you fool!"

Okay, okay, that's it, I'm going to bed.

And Tetsuya had just started to settle down when Tsuna abruptly stopped him. Stop! Take off the top, so the massage will be much better.

I did massage through clothes

But I'm not you, I don't have such skills, besides ... she grinned and boldly said I had something to hide, but you have nothing or am I wrong?

No, I have nothing to hide. calmly answered, the hero with a confident smile and under the inquisitive gaze of the girl began to slowly take off his clothes.

Although there was nothing much to shoot. Jonin's vest and mesh tank top, that's it. The hero didn't wear anything else, and there was no need for it yet, even if you don't take into account his healing abilities and regeneration.

A few seconds later, the guy was left in his underpants, except for the tread on his neck.

Da Tetsuya decided to go all the way and stripped down to his underpants.

With his embossed, toned body and a protector on his neck, he looked more like a stripper than a shinobi.

The blonde was in a stupor. Silently, the girl watched as Apollo undressed more than necessary, but she did not interrupt him.

- "Kami-sama I'm Iryenin. I have seen hundreds of Shinobi men and women, among whom it is mandatory to have a trained body, but... but this is the first time I see this. What if it's not ideal? Like an ideal mechanism..." then her gaze caught on the groin, or rather on the bulge "And there nature clearly did not deprive him Wait, he's only twelve years old..."

Tetsuya was laughing loudly in his head at that moment "Ha-ha-ha, you messed with the wrong one, my love."

The hero, under the fascinated gaze, slowly lay down on his stomach and innocently asked Tsunade, well, where are you there?

And? - she walked away Yes, now, wait, butter What kind of essential oil do you want? she swallowed her saliva, and with slightly trembling hands began to sort through the bubbles.

Some fruit, if possible.

Will L-lemon do?


Quietly, with an accelerating pulse, Tsunade approached the bed with both hands clutching a bottle of essential oil.

"This is It's all going to be mine now." she thought as she approached, looking at the athletic, but at the same time graceful back of the hero.


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