A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 94: Recognition

Chapter 94: Recognition

The week passed quickly.

All this time I devoted myself to the elements of the tree, directed all my strength to it, and all because Hashirama left his wife a scroll with all his experience in mokuton, including techniques, in case future descendants awaken a talent for the tree. And I just really like the mockuton itself. The mere thought of what he was capable of made my skin crawl.

The moment when Mito found out about my predisposition to him was a little funny.

Especially when, before her eyes, I grew a huge oak tree from a small seed in the backyard that was under the barrier. Her face was so full of emotions...

After that, the scroll with the techniques of the tree was immediately handed to me by my mother.

Hundreds of wooden clones trained mokuton, so by the end of the week I could already use all the techniques except very large-scale ones, like the forest or golem technique, and all because I had perfectly trained the earth and water before that.

By the way, wooden clones are simply head and shoulders superior to shadow ones, both in training and in combat. It's a pity we still have to use the shadow ones in public.

I also understood why only Hashirama could use the tree.

Mokuton is very demanding of the life force, the yang chakra. And not every physical chakra is suitable. And all because the physical chakra is a mixture of different physical energies, including prana, which, as it turned out, is very important for mokuto, which is quite logical. And it just so happened that Hashirama had a lot of prana in his physical energy, such an interesting mutation. This also explains the incredible regeneration of the Shinobi God.

In theory, Uzumaki may well try to control the tree, yet they are distant relatives with Senju, and they have enough prana in their chakra, too.

As you understand, I have even more prana in my chakra than the Shinobi God, so my mokuton should be even stronger than his.

Senju Residence.

In one of the rooms that was protected by a barrier, Mito and Tetsuya were standing.

On the floor in front of them was a large seal consisting of smaller seals.

No matter how you look at it, it's a real masterpiece. It's a pity not many people will understand this..." Mito said, examining the seal with a smile.

Nothing, I'll get over it somehow, and yes, I've figured out how to get rid of future problems. the hero said with a sly smile, closing his eyes like a fox.

- Yes? Have you figured out how to get rid of all these old men who want to rejuvenate? she grinned, looking at her son with interest.

Yes, everything turned out to be simple, I just need to say that this rejuvenation has a price and this price is my life expectancy. That's all. Grinning insidiously, he spread his hands.

After thinking for a second, Mito replied with the same smile as Tetsuya's Not a bad idea, but it might not work, because you have no motive to sacrifice yourself so much in order to give an old lady a few years of youth.

That is? The hero frowned slightly.

Well, I'm a jinchuriki, some time ago it was decided that it was necessary to look for a new vessel. More precisely, he has already been found, in a few years he will be here. And as you know, when the old vessel is reprinted, it dies. she said with a gentle smile, as if death was just a trifle. Moreover, death will be conscious, no different from suicide.

Frowning even more, Tetsuya calmly asked, "If you regain your vitality, then there will be no need to reprint.

You're wrong, Tetsuya. Hiruzen has already managed to reach an agreement with Uzushio, to cancel this agreement means to show himself on the bad side, but the most important thing is that the opponents of the Hokage will not give me the opportunity to remain jinchuriki, simply because I am Tsuna's grandmother and your teacher, which means I support Sarutobi, you know?

Politics ... muttered the hero gloomily.

In the past world, as a God Emperor, he had almost never encountered such a thing. Conspiracies, deceptions, sycophancy No one even dared to say a bad word about him behind his back, what kind of conspiracies could there be?

Yes, that's the one. And yes, I can see from your face that you don't agree with this, but please don't do anything that can harm Konoha. Mito said with affection and even pleading, caressing Tetsu's cheek.

Exhaling not without dissatisfaction, the hero replied Okay, I won't use force, even though I want to. Then I can only do this re-printing myself and save your life. And yes, I will come up with something else to solve future problems.

Thank you, this village has already become like my own, I don't want your father's brainchild to suffer because of an old lady like me. she said with a kind smile, standing in the center of the print. It was clear that the woman did not really believe that she could survive But she clearly underestimated her son.

"I am an egoist, so your life is more expensive than some village ..." - the hero calmly thought, activating the technique.

The contours of the seal glowed crimson, some of its sections began to move, spinning.

It was visible to the naked eye how Tetsui's dense, powerful chakra flowed into the seal.

Then the final stage came.

Mito's face flushed, the old wrinkles disappeared, the skin became soft and elastic again. The once faded red hair turned purple again, almost glowing in the dimly lit room.

The woman's closed eyes trembled with pleasant sensations.

Finally, the effect of the technique ended, the seal on the ground disappeared, leaving no trace.

Mito slowly opened her eyes and said with satisfaction Oh ... it's nice, as if she was born again. and then she stretched.

Is it really much more pleasant than my massage? Tetsuya asked, grinning. His eyes looked at the woman with a storm of different emotions. - "How confusing everything is! I thought that I had purely kindred feelings for Mito, but now, after looking at her, I understand that she also attracts me as a woman! Seriously, Tetsuya, how low have you fallen!"

Smiling sweetly, the woman replied, "Nothing compares to your massage, Tetsuya. Let's go have some tea, I'm sure you've got something for tea.

Of course I have something to surprise you with, Mom. the hero answered with a dashing smile, taking out the goodies from the "inventory".

Already drinking seagulls, the hero asked Mito How do you think, how quickly will the Hokage call us to the carpet?

A couple of days, a week at most.

I'm already anticipating his surprised face. Tetsuya grinned, still looking at Mito with a strange look.

Senju Residence.

Evening. Tetsuya has already left. A rejuvenated Mito was waiting for Tsunade in the living room. The woman was already brewing tea, as she felt that her granddaughter was already on the threshold.

The door to the residence opened and a blonde came inside, who, taking off her shoes along the way, shouted Bah, I'm home!

I'm waiting for you in the living room, Tsunade.

Walking slowly into the living room, Tsuna mused "Strange It was definitely Grandma, I always recognize her voice, but... why does it seem to me that it has changed? Became more...energetic or something?"

Opening the last door, Tsunade petrified right on the threshold. She saw a rejuvenated and clearly prettier Mito pouring tea.

For five seconds, Tsunade stood like that, just frozen, not even breathing.

Then the girl quickly folded the seal and, closing her eyes, suspended the flow of the chakra, simultaneously pronouncing "Kai".

Mito continued her actions as if nothing unusual was happening, but inwardly she was laughing. "It's so funny, Tetsuya shouldn't have stayed to see her reaction."

Opening her eyes, Tsunade realized that it wasn't genjutsu, and if it was, it was very strong.

As if in a trance, she slowly walked over to the table and sat down. What's going on?

Nothing, but is something wrong?

Nuuu ... she stretched out discouraged, and then slapping herself on the head asked I understand! Ba, why are you using the transformation technique?

What are you talking about? I'm not using any techniques right now.

This put the girl in a stupor again, but Mito could no longer restrain herself.

Covering her smile, the woman laughed sweetly, which brought herself to the surface.

Bah! What a joke this is! I really didn't know what to think! Come on, shoot the transformation! Blushing, she shouted.

"It's not a transformation.

Huh? Then is it really genjutsu? Kai! having folded the seal again, the girl tried to throw off the non-existent illusion.

And no, it's not genjutsu Tsuna I really regained my youth, thanks to Tetsuya and his new technique. Having calmed down, Mito calmly said with a proud smile.

What?! Is this a joke again?!

No, I'm serious. Tetsuya was able to rejuvenate and prolong my life.

Tsuna exclaimed with tears welling up in her eyes, hugging Mito. Still, the girl was also very worried about seeing her own, close person fade away.

That's it, that's it. No need to cry.

Pulling away from her grandmother with wet eyes, Tsuna brazenly said with a smile I didn't cry, it seemed to you.

Really? Well, then, sit down to drink tea. Tetsuya left us some goodies. the woman said a little insidiously, taking out a beautifully smelling box from her seal.

The blonde, having "teleported" back to the chair, began to watch with expectation as Mito opened the box.

Some time later.

Having eaten sweet and drunk tea, Mito and Tsunade were sitting at a table, enjoying the singing of crickets.

And when Tsunade was about to get up and go to bed, Mito abruptly stated in a calm tone. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Tsunade, Tetsuya is my son.

The girl froze again, not breathing.

Then panic came to her face.

What!? Is this a joke!? but Mito only shook her head to the sides, which plunged her granddaughter into despair. Please! Tell me it's a joke!

No, it's not a joke. Tetsuya is my and Hashirama's son. He's your blood uncle.

The rapidly whitening face and trembling lips suggested to Mito that Tsuna was unnecessarily worried.

Tsunade, what's the matter? Mito asked, frowning.

I... I... she stuttered, while two tracks of tears ran down her cheeks I love him! And he's my uncle! What should I do now!

Mito exhaled, and calmly replied What's the problem?

Tsuna froze and even forgot that she was crying. What do you mean, "what's the problem"?! Bah! He's my uncle! We can't be together!

To this, Mito only calmly said What kind of nonsense? Who told you that? If it's strange among civilians, then it's the norm among us clans. This is even encouraged, because in this way we not only preserve our blood, but also strengthen it.

Tsunade looked at Mito strangely, but still thought about it.

"You spend too much time with civilians, Tsunade. Just think, Uzushio, an entire village consisting of almost only Uzumaki, only one clan.

With her eyes widened in surprise, the blonde asked How? That is, the whole village... with relatives?

Yes, we respect this. So I don't see anything wrong with this, after all, would you really prefer to listen to the opinions of others rather than your heart in this matter?

Tsunade thought hard, in fact, she would still have decided on a relationship with Tetsuya even without the help of Mito, just her torment will pass faster.

Seeing that Tsunade was almost "ready", Mito added with a grin Would you really prefer to listen to the opinions of others and watch some kunoichi take Tetsuya away from under your nose?

It was a critical blow.

Wild-eyed, Tsunade slammed her palms on the table, standing up and speaking. No way! No one will dare to separate us! I'll kill you!" after which the girl quickly headed outside, but was stopped by Mito's voice. And where are you going?

To Tetsuya!

And why?

I'm going to confess to him! I'll be the first! she put on her shoes with a fighting spirit.

"Are you going to visit him at night?" Mito said ironically, looking at the clock, the arrow of which was already at ten in the evening.

Having frozen, Tsunade slowly took off her shoes and when she returned, she said, "Although I am upset that I was initiated into such secrets just now, but I understand why you did that... Bah, you should know your son well Give me some advice.

With a sly, insidious smile, Mito replied Of course I will, you are, after all, my beloved granddaughter.


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