A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 88: A year later

Chapter 88: A year later

Returning to the village, the guys immediately went to report to the Hokage.

Interesting A cannibal, right?" said Hiruzen, leaning back in his chair, exhaling sadly after listening to the report of team number seven. I wonder how he came to this?

We have some information on Satoshi's past. Tetsuya calmly stated, taking out a battered leatherbound book from his backpack.

Is that so? It is interesting. the third one was interested.

Tsunade spoke with melancholy in her voice while the hero was giving the book to Hiruzen.

When we were about to return to the village, Tetsuya suggested that we examine the maniac's house again, but only more thoroughly. We didn't want to go back to that damned place, but our new teammate turned out to be very convincing. As a result, during a second search, we found a cache of money, a secret basement where human flesh was stored in the cool, as well as this diary. In it Satoshi described his whole life, as well as thoughts and recipes And if you believe what is written, thenIt all started from his childhood. The mother was a cheap prostitute in an average village, and the father, most likely, was one of the clients. In general, it's amazing that she left the baby. Time passed and until the age of seven, Satoshi had everything relative to future events, normally. The mother, for lack of other places, brought clients to the house and satisfied them there, while the child was in his room behind a thin wall, listening, and sometimes even seeing the process of earning the mother. Once he even participated when he got a particularly perverted client. But even such peaceful times are ending, famine has come. It looks like that year was extremely lucky for cataclysms. There was almost no harvest, everything was destroyed. All countries were forced to tighten their belts. Even in large cities, people did not finish eating, let alone some backwater village on the outskirts of the country. There was no food, Satoshi and his mother were forced to starve. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the mother had almost no clients. Still, there was hunger, everyone was thinking what to eat in order to last another week. But the troubles are not over. One evening the client did not want to pay. Satoshi's mother was dissatisfied with this arrangement, if they had already eaten themselves once every three days, after all, the food soared in price, and it was difficult to find someone who would sell it. Word for word, and the enraged man began to strangle her, mercilessly raping her along the way. As a result, he strangled her and quietly left, leaving a soiled and mutilated corpse of a woman. Satoshi saw all this, peeking, attracted by the sounds of the struggle. A small, emaciated seven-year-old boy did not find the courage to help, and he could not have done it. And then it only gets worse. Their family had no friends or even acquaintances. Satoshi could not bury his mother, and there was no need to wait for help, everyone refused, but this was the least of his problems at that time. The hunger was much worse. With the departure of his mother, the boy was left completely without food. He begged others, begged for alms, but it was useless, because others were not much better. He ate everything that was even slightly edible: herbs, roots, insects, garbage But his strength was quickly leaving him. In the end, everything came to the point that he was forced to eat his mother's stale corpse The diary describes in great detail how he bit into her shoulder with the last of his strength, sobbing along the way

That's enough, I get it. Hokage said sadly, interrupting Tsuna, seeing how quickly the girl's mood drops as the story progresses.

And the others didn't look good either Well, except Tetsuya. He just had his usual calm face, with a look expressing boredom.

You had a difficult mission. Go and rest guys. You did well. he said encouragingly, smoking with a smile.

Okay, Sensei. they answered at the same time.

At the exit of the residence, Jiraya asked. What will you do?

I want to go to the springs.

Oh! I'm with you then Orochi! Tsunade, Tetsuya will you come with us? he was inspired.

No, I'm going to train, right after the shower. Uzumaki said stretching.

We're just on a mission! What other training sessions?! The whiteheaded man persisted.

Tsunade, with a caring smile, said. Now I understand why you have achieved so much at such an age But Tetsuya, rest is also important, because we really just returned from a mission.

Tsunade is talking business, Tetsuya! Come on, let's go! I'll show you the beauty of hot springs! at the end, Jiraya said with a dirty smile.

Jiraya... Tsuna said softly, looking at the white-headed one like a kite.

Realizing that he had blurted out too much, the toad summoner quickly hid behind the red-haired one and hastily began to justify himself. Tsunade, you misunderstood everything! I want to show Tetsuya what it's like to enjoy the hot spring and massages of the professionals there! And what a fragrant oil there is! Mmmm!

Frowning at him, the blonde replied, flexing her fists. Okay, but don't let Kami, you try to teach him strange things, and I

This won't happen to Tsunade!

That's good. She replied with a sweet smile.

Tetsuya was thinking with an empty face at this time "And when did I give my consent? ... Okay, hot springs aren't bad either.".

Haaaa... the hero exhaled softly Okay, sometimes it's really worth a rest ... Tsunade, what are you going to do?

Me? I'm going to spend some time with Grandma.

It's more of a tradition. Tsunade always goes to Mito-sama after the mission and tells how everything went. the white-headed man said, smiling.

Then, at the intersection, they separated. The guys went to the springs, and Tsunade to the residence of the Senju clan.

And if everything was pretty monotonous and boring for the guys, except that Jiraya had to run away urgently when he was discovered by the girls he was spying on, then Tsunade had a rather interesting conversation with Mito.

Senju Residence

Grandma, I'm back! Tsuna shouted, taking off her shoes at the entrance.

I'm in the living room, Tsunade. a mature female voice was heard.

The little girl purposefully headed into the living room.

When she entered, she saw a red-haired woman of forty in a kimono with a high collar, who was sitting at a tea table with tea already ready.

Red hair, arranged in two bunches with thin hairpins, to which seals were still attached. Black eyes without pupils, small lips of a delicate pink color that are usually covered with dark red lipstick.

You've already made tea as always. the blonde said with a smile How much is your sensory system developed?

Looking at her granddaughter, Mito, smiling out of the corner of her lips, replied. I felt you even on the approach to the village.

Oh, I wish I could do that. sitting down at the table, Tsuna said.

Who prevents you from achieving this? Do you think I would have been able to achieve such a result without hard training?

"You know I'm training, Gran. It's just that I can't do as much training as you or our newbie. Tsuna rolled her eyes.

Newbie, right? You didn't tell me about him... Mito looked at me a little accusingly.

I didn't have time. It all happened so fast. she was confused, under the gaze of Uzumaki.

Hmm. I felt it when you came back. His chakra is just amazing, like a small sun I think his name is Uzumaki Tetsuya, if I'm not mistaken? Mito asked with a little energy and interest.

Tsunade noticed this oddity. Usually her grandmother is very reserved and calm, but then suddenly she became interested in someone from her team.

"She's probably interested in Tetsuya because he's from her clan."

Yes, his name is Uzumaki Tetsuya. He was able to graduate from the academy perfectly in just a month and Sensei placed him on our team. At first we doubted him, but after sparring, and even more so after the mission, we were convinced that he was a genius among geniuses and we could rely on him.

As the story progressed, Tsuna noted that Mito could not hide a slightly proud expression on her face.

- "What is she? It's like I'm praising her now..."

Interesting... What is he like, Tsuna? Better than those two?

Of course it's better! It's not even worth comparing with them! Tetsuya, cute and handsome! Strong, smart and very versatile! He cooks extremely well, does a great massage, and his fuinjutsu is incredibly strong! the blonde praised him with a joyful and even dreamy grin, and the red-haired one with a satisfied, proud face listened attentively.

Except..." she frowned a little.

What is it?

Nothing. He just has a strange dream..." she said melancholically.

And what is it?

Well... he wants a harem.

For ten seconds, Tsunade silently waited for her grandmother's answer, who in turn silently, with her eyes closed, thought while drinking tea.

Until finally a calm "Good" escaped from her lips.

Tsuna stared blankly at her after such an answer, because even she knew how possessive her grandmother, Mito Uzumaki, was.

- "Okay? GOOD!? You kept Grandpa in a tight grip! What's wrong with you today?!" she screamed in her mind.

With a wry smile on her face, Tsuna asked. "Bah... what does good mean?" Do you really approve of this?

Mito noticed this crooked smile. Mentally reproaching herself, she replied. Hmm. No, I don't approve of it, but I don't blame it either. Still, people have the right to seek their happiness and pursue their dreams Besides, I think some decent men can afford it.

With a strained smile, the granddaughter replied. I see. however, inside she screamed, outraged by such logic. - "Your husband, Hashirama Senju, my grandfather, was recognized as a Shinobi God! I didn't hear you say that to him! And if he was unworthy of it, then who is worthy!"

Realizing that the excuse came out so-so Mito quickly changed the subject.

Tsuna, I feel that you returned from the mission saddened. What happened?

This question distracted the blonde from various thoughts, flooding her head with unpleasant memories.

It's not easy to explain

Nothing. We have plenty of time and tea. Mito smiled a little, pleased that she managed to distract her granddaughter from digging out the truth from her words.

Good It all started out pretty well

For about an hour, Tsunade told everything to Mito, noting along the way that she was too much interested in one Uzumaki.

A year later.

A summer, August day. A cool breeze stirs the foliage from the tall trees on the third training ground.

The number seven team, or rather its male part, was currently training on the same site.

Jiraya and Orochimaru attacked Tetsuya, but all in vain. The red-haired man was elusive. Moreover, he not only dodged, but also struck back on occasion.

The guys realized a long time ago that their teammate was an abnormal monster, so they didn't hold back and attacked him with all their might.

They have been training like this for about four months now. With each such month, they became stronger and stronger. And yet they were forced to admit that the red-haired asshole was also improving quickly. In fact, no matter how bitter it was for them to realize it, he was improving much faster than them.

After a while, the sparring came to an end.

Jiraya, exhausted, fell on his back and eagerly began to fill himself with air, breathing loudly and quickly.

Orochimaru was a little better, at least he was able to stay on his feet.

Tetsui's next victory. In fact, he could have defeated them if he wanted to, even without using his "abilities", but the goal was to train, so he just suppressed them with his stamina.

Soaked in sweat, Jiraya, breathing loudly and sharply through his dry mouth, said. You're just a monster. Orochi, look at this smiling devil. He wasn't even sweating. I wouldn't be surprised if he can spar at this pace for seven days and nights.

Orochimaru didn't say anything. He just nodded in agreement with the white-headed man as he breathed quickly and deeply.

You've lost again. a girl's voice sounded with amusement.

Lifting his head, Jiraya looked at the owner of the voice with condemnation and said. "Tsunade, you've never won against Tetsuya either.

Ignoring Jirai's words, she said with an infectious grin. And so! Today you are invited to your captain's birthday party! Attendance is mandatory!

Tetsuya looked at the blonde in surprise and said. I didn't know it was your birthday today. So the second of August We must remember.

And I just forgot. Jiraya muttered, still lying on the grass.

Where should we come? Orochi asked.

To the Senju Residence. There won't be many guests. Mom and Dad are on a mission right now, so most likely it will be you, Grandma, Sensei and my little brother.

- OK. We will come Tsuna. Tetsuya said, grinning, and then looked at Jiraya and asked. Hey, Jiraya! Do you have formal clothes for such an occasion?

Ohhhh, no. he mumbled sadly, realizing that he would have to go shopping.

I see. Are you Orochi?

It seems to have been. Only I probably grew out of it.

Guys, this is not necessary. Just come in ordinary clothes and that's it.

Good! In the usual so in the usual. Jiraya quickly replied that he didn't want to go shopping.

Looking at the bald man with an empty look, Tsuna said as she left. I'll see you at five! And just dare not come! She threatened with a joyful smile on her face.

By five?" It's been about two I hope you have time to rest. Tetsuya said with a smirk on his face as he left with a cheerful, bouncing gait.

You're burning... Jiraya said indignantly, watching as the red-haired man energetically left.


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