A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 84: Mommy

Chapter 84: Mommy

The next day our team visited the mayor of this town.

Fujimoto Tadeo turned out to be a big, well-fed man. With his small stature, he weighed about one hundred and seventy kilos.

When he walked, his greasy cheeks and chins bounced like jelly.

The mood of the mayor, at the meeting, was terrible. Still, the mutilated corpse of his daughter will be a visitor to his dreams for a long time.

Tired, apathetic eyes, slowly, slowly examined our team.

Finally, covering them, he said in a hoarse, weak voice, without any emotion.

No need for unnecessary words. I want you to destroy the creature that attacked my daughter, my city. You are students of the Hokage and this gives me hope that the head of this creature will soon be at my feet. And if you can grab this thing alive for me, then I'll double the order amount. In the end, his eyes were filled with anger, rage and bloodlust.

It can be seen that Tadeo wants to make fun of the monster ... No problem, if he manages to capture it alive, I will capture it, the money will not be superfluous.

Then they told us all the collected information about this creature... Funny, but the ramen man gave more details, that's what word of mouth means.

By evening we were ready to catch the creature on live bait. The bait will be Tsunade, when I, Orochimaru and Jiraya will follow her stealthily.

And yes, Tsuna of course agreed to be a "live bait", but it still spoiled her mood, so I suggested that she get a massage after the "hunt".

Embarrassed, she agreed to my massage session and Tsuna's bad mood disappeared.

Now she walks around the evening city with burning eyes and waits for the creature to attack her.

Time passed. Midnight was approaching. The crescent moon came out from behind the clouds illuminating a quiet, almost dead city, because already in the evening you can only meet a suicide on the street.

But the creature was still not there. Maybe today we were just unlucky, and she didn't go hunting. Maybe the monster felt that we were guarding the Tsunami, and maybe something else

Suddenly, the deathly silence was broken by a loud, frenzied, dog barking. It was heard outside the city wall, which is closer to the forest.

It was nearby, and we got to the source of the noise pretty quickly.

There, a hundred meters from the city wall, in a small clearing, lay a torn old man who was presumably a hunter.

And five meters from the corpse, in a wide but shallow stream, "An Elephant and a Pug" grappled.

A huge, black bear roared at the hunter's mongrel, and she only barked in rage.

Finally, the bear got tired of it and, raising his huge paw, using all his muscles and body weight, attacked.

Even sitting on a tree, I felt the shock wave from the attack of this monster.

The whole body of the dog was smashed on the ground. Blood and giblets scattered in different directions under the pressure of a huge paw.

The dog died quickly, didn't even have time to yap I would not like to be in his place... and, although I am sure that I will survive such a blow, I have no desire to experience it myself at all.

Mishka, noticed our appearance. His menacing eyes, glowing in the dark, looked in my direction.

Opening his huge mouth, he growled loudly, sputtering.


The sound of the roar was strong enough to deafen an unprepared person.

The paws of the beast tensed, and he ran at great speed towards the tree on which I was sitting. Seriously, the creature's speed was almost the same as mine.

Guys be careful! Don't fall under his paw! I shouted, looking into Mishka's eyes.

Yes, we know! they shouted, jumping away in different directions. In such a situation, it is better not to be close to each other.

A second later, the beast was near me. And he didn't even have to get up on his hind legs to reach me.

With a roar, he attacked me with his paw.

A blow, and my body flies off the tree at high speed.

More precisely, not my body, but a log under the henge. I had a lot of time to activate both kawarimi and henge.

While the beast was beating my replacement, I meanwhile appeared behind his back.

Having oriented myself with one jump, I was over his head.

There was no point in hitting the head itself, I couldn't have broken through his skull.

Therefore, my choice was the neck. The neck in general is usually the weakest point of all creatures.

Having imbued his hand and kunai with chakra, he lowered the point with all his might onto the creature's neck.

Kunai, meeting great resistance, entered the monster's neck completely, along with the handle, and this was far from enough.

This attack, compared to its size, is just a bee sting. It hurts, infuriates, but no more.

Growling angrily, the beast turned its head and opened its mouth and tried to devour me whole, in one bite.

I was not satisfied with such a fate, so I shouted Catch in the heel! hit the bear in its big nose and using the energy from this blow jumped aside.

Although my blow was strong, it only angered the bear more.

However, a second later I heard Orochi calmly say. Element of Fire: The Great Fireball.

A large ball of flame violently attacked the bear.

And even though he caught fire, it didn't do much damage to him.

Just a huge bear, turned into a huge, fiery, berserk bear This creature has just a huge amount of stamina and vitality.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tsunade and Jiraya begin to fold the seals to activate ninjutsu.

The monster, as if sensing the impending danger from Tsuna and Jirai, sharply attacked them, trying, if not to kill, then to interrupt their technique.

That didn't suit me. Having folded the seal, he created twenty shadow clones and together with them began to cut the bear with kunai from all sides.

Stab and cut wounds appeared on the creature's body, gradually weakening it. After a while, about half of the clones had already flown away from the bear's attack, but it didn't matter anymore.

The Element Of Wind: A Big Gust. Tsunade and Jiraya shouted at the same time, releasing the technique from their mouths.

Two strong wind currents merged together and attacked the beast.

Such a technique would never be able to inflict even the slightest damage to such a huge carcass, but in combination with fire

The already fierce flame on the bear's body was reinforced by two wind techniques.

The monster literally ignited in a second, turning into a huge walking torch that illuminated the neighborhood.

A furious, angry, painful roar left the bear's mouth.

The air smelled of burnt wool and fried meat.

Ahahah! Got a bastard! Jiraya exclaimed excitedly.

Mishka, feeling his possible demise, rushed towards the forest with all his paws.

Follow him! Tsunade shouted, jumping up a tree.

We chased the monster for several minutes. It was difficult to lose sight of him, it was difficult not to notice this running fiery carcass, even if you tried.

The only problem is speed. The bear was rushing from all paws and it was quite difficult to match his speed for the chase.

All this time we were throwing kunai, shurikens and other sharp objects at him. Gradually, the huge fire bear turned into a huge fire hedgehog.

And everything seemed to be going well, but I am very worried about where he is running so purposefully.

If he wanted to put out the fire, then we ran through a couple of small lakes. If he wanted to get rid of the chase, then the creature should have realized over time that we would not lag behind.

It all smelled bad, but there was nothing we could do.

It is impossible to kill him quickly now because of the huge survivability, endurance and protection of the bear itself.

This wounded, fried asshole refused to give up and die.

Finally we ran out into a small clearing under the mountain.

The bear, having apparently exhausted all his strength, fell sideways.

We did it! Phew, it was incredible. Jiraya exclaimed wearily, with a smile.

We haven't finished him yet.

Come on, Orochimaru, he's already in our hands.

Quiet! Look! Tsuna said loudly, in a whisper, pointing to the left.

Turning our heads, we saw a huge, no, not like that, a giant cave of simply unimaginable size.

The wounded, exhausted bear roared with the last of his strength.

There was anger, rage, resentment and pleading in that roar.

All this shit smells really, really bad!

Guys, we need to leave immediately. I said softly, peering into the cave.

"Tetsuya, are you really scared?" Don't be afraid with us, you're not lost... said Jiraya, until he was interrupted by an incredible roar coming from the cave.

And if I said incredible, then he's incredible! Just from the sound of it, I felt the ground tremble. It's like someone blew up a pack of my explosive seals.

Then, under the earth-shaking trampling, "she" appeared from the cave, an incredible-sized mama bear with cubs.

Yes, the bear we were chasing turned out to be a baby, her little bear.

This machine will be twenty meters at the withers! She's definitely bigger than the toad boss from Mount Myoboku!

The bear's body literally radiated strength, power and arrogance.

The black wool, sharp as needles, glistened, giving off a metallic color.

At first her huge eyes expressed contempt looking at us, then her eyes saw the wounded bear cub, and were filled with blood.

Guys It seems that we have problems of colossal proportions. I whispered loudly, intensely thinking how to get out of this mess.


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