A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 64: The Horde

Chapter 64: The Horde

Ten minutes later, after the ladies left, someone knocked on the door of Shiro's office.

Intrigued that someone decided to visit him again, the hero calmly said.

Come in

The door opened and a young brown-haired man in a distinctive uniform of "Security" appeared on the threshold.

Going inside and closing the door behind him, he said.

"I have news from security, Mr.-sama.

God, Takashi, at least call me Shiro in private. the hero answered exhaling, with a sour expression on his face.

"All right, Mr.-sama. He replied with a broad grin.

Over the past month, Shiro and Takashi have become good friends, along with the Cat, who, by the way, has lost weight and turned into a real handsome man. Crowds of girls run after him, but they can't lasso him. Shiro suspects that he is waiting for Alice to grow up It's just brilliant If there is no girl just grow her up

Okay, what did you come for? Shiro asked, wincing.

In the block, from the main entrance, a huge crowd of zombies is quickly gathering ... Takashi said seriously.

How big is it? the hero asked in a relaxed manner, scratching his neck.

About a hundred thousand, but most likely more, the crowd is constantly growing.

For ten seconds there was silence in the room, in which Shiro could be clearly heard tapping his finger on the table.

Finally, he stopped knocking and looked into Takashi's eyes with a grin and said.

I don't see your feelings, knowing that a huge army of undead is gathering at the threshold of our only home, insanely wanting our flesh and blood.

To which Takashi replied confidently, grinning.

"Because I know that our house is under the protection of the Invincible Lordsama.

Grinning, the hero replied.

Well, clown, let's go and look at this crowd.

"Of course, Mr.-sama. It's a great honor for me to accompany you," he said with a grin, following the boss to the exit.

To Takashi's loneliness, Shiro decided not to answer in any way, as well as not to say that soon he would most likely have to leave the Guard and become a housewife.

Already walking along the road, they started a conversation.

Takashi How are things going with Rei and Masako... getting better? he asked calmly, genuinely worried.

Rather improved. We're together now, the three of us. A contented, happy smile shone on his face.

Really!? I'm happy for you. smiling, he slapped his friend on the shoulder.

Ay! Keep your bandurins to yourself! You almost crushed it for me! he exclaimed plaintively, actively rubbing the place of impact.

Nothing like that, and if so, then don't be afraid, it would have healed before the wedding anyway, especially if you take into account prana. He said with a slightly evil grin.

"That doesn't give you the right to maim me!" Oh-hey!

It's good that everything turned out this way. I was afraid that after that day, she wouldn't leave I should have gone easy on her But all's well that ends well. Shiro replied with a sigh, feeling like a small weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

After that fateful day, Rey was all out of her mind. Pale, constantly with swollen eyes from tears. The girl looked more like a ghost than a person. There was a feeling that she was ready to commit suicide at any moment.

Shiro was a little tormented by this, because it was he who brought her to such a state. Having understood himself and his feelings, the hero realized that he liked Rey only as a friend, at most a sister. No romance. Realizing this, Shiro went to talk to Takashi, by the way, after this conversation, they began to become friends, nevertheless, he is constantly surrounded by women, too, not very much. By explaining the situation with Rey, he cooled his anger and made him think about his own feelings.

In general, Shiro helped Takashi understand that he still loves and cherishes Rei.

With this, Cupid's part-time job ended and Shiro left Takashi, Masako and Rei to cook in their own juice.

Yes, and I, too, then flared up, without thinking about the consequences But let's not talk about sad things, now everything is fine. True, they fight with Masaka quite often, but already as sisters, not enemies ... Listen, tell your secret, eh? Your girls are so friendly, and mine are like a cat with a dog

To this, Shiro, lifting his nose, and waving his snow-white mane, "modestly" replied.

Of course I have a secret. You see, in order for your harem to be friendly and loving, you just need to be me.

Pfft! Yes, you are the very modesty and humility. properly impregnating the words with sarcasm, he said.

It can't be any other way

When he got to a place with a good view, Shiro scanned the crowd

It's all strange ... he muttered, looking for something with his eyes in the crowd.

What's weird? Takashi asked, perplexed.

Everything is strange. This horde is too big, of course we were attacked by huge crowds of creatures, but this is the first time such a number. But the main thing is the speed at which they gather in a heap. They seem to be attracted, attracted by something Or is there someone who can control them

"Bad joke, Shiro," he said nervously.

"I wasn't kidding Takashi. Okay, let's go back, the crowd has started moving. he said, turning towards the base.

Already!? Damn it! Hey! Wait for me!

Five minutes later, the horde had already come quite close to the base.

Shiro just managed to go and get a new weapon, which he managed to do just for such cases. Takashi went to his own, preparing for defense.

Fighters, the absolute majority of whom were women, had already gathered at the barrier that protected the base.

"It's Shirosama!"

Where?! And really Shiro-sama!

God, how handsome the leader is!

And sexy! Look at his nut! I so want to hold him while he dominates my mouth

Hey! Don't fly away into fantasy!

Boss, I want children from you!

Pfft! Boss don't listen to her! I'm ready to be your bitch!

"How strange it is to feel hundreds of "hungry" stares on your carcass..." he thought, while calmly smiling, he walked.

All these screams and screams could not go unnoticed.

In the end, one of his direct subordinates in the Guard came running to them.

Mr.-sama! We didn't know that you would help us! But to be honest, it's not worth it, sir, you can get hurt, get into trouble. We'll be fine on our own. with a wide smile, she said as she approached.

I know that you can easily handle yourself, it's not even discussed. I just wanted to stretch, that's all. with a trademark calm smile on his face, he replied, internally annoyed: "Assholes They have become a little stronger, but they already think they can afford to "protect" me Apparently I haven't shown what I'm capable of for too long... and there are more people"

- Yes? Then I will give you a squad that can protect you if something bad happens. she said with a kind smile, sincerely worried about her leader.

Shiro's eyebrow almost twitched in annoyance.

It's unnecessary, I'll be here, nearby, and if anything you can help me. with a smile, he said kindly and kindly, inwardly irritated, "Of course I understand that she just cares about me, but a little more and my fart will light up..."


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