A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 6: Years Later (Two)

Chapter 6: Years Later (Two)

From the age of six to twelve, I spent time at Hayama Elementary School.

Immediately after arriving from the shelter, everyone was met and placed in a dormitory with rooms for four people, and classes began the next day.

I was also then hooked up with three guys, but not for long.

The month of study flew by pretty quickly.

The whole day of schoolchildren in Japan is loaded. From morning to lunch, classroom classes. From lunch to evening, voluntary-compulsory classes in clubs.

And only in the evening you have your own free time. This is despite the fact that homework is not given in elementary school. So there would not have been an evening, because, as I heard, homework is simply an unaffordable amount.

The items are pretty ordinary, but I liked two of them.

These are lessons in economics and natural science.

Science lessons are a mixture of geography, chemistry, physics and biology. Yes, already from the first grades they begin to study these sciences...Only adjusted for age.

But I liked not the subject itself, but the way it is served. Most of the classes are experiments. So far, they are simple, but still.

In the past world, such sciences were presented with a dry theory that just needs to be taught, taught and taught again. There is also about equally theory and practice. Children are really interested in studying here.

And now my favorite subject, which I think is necessary for every school in the world.

Household. Or as I call it, "The Manual for survival in the stone jungle." Seriously. After reading a book on the subject, I went to the library right after class and read all the available books on this topic.

My eyes literally opened. It feels like I lived in darkness before these. No, really. Everything is written in these books. How to eat properly.

How to save money correctly. How to set goals and achieve them. It literally describes how to live! B*t there is even an instruction on how to clean the house properly!

In the previous world, at the age of eighteen, I didn't know almost half of the contents of these books. Yes, where there I did not even know how to pay for housing and communal services and where to go accordingly. The book literally teaches you how to live in society.

It may seem that this lesson is useless because parents should teach all this at home. In theory, as if yes, but no. Here in schools, no one counts on parents. Everything is carefully taught at school.

And in general, the presentation of knowledge differs in quality. Here, basically, they do not expect that someone will teach children something outside of school.

On the one hand, it's great that schoolchildren are constantly engaged in development and work. On the other hand, I myself remember how after school the guys went home, changed their clothes and ran to play in the streets. We climbed the abandoned buildings. They burned bonfires, fried bread. Baked potatoes in coals.

Here it is the romance of childhood.

I understand with my mind that everything was done correctly and rationally here in Japan, but with my soul and heart I still burn bonfires and run through the doorways.

Well, enough about that.

As for the clubs, everything is simple here. This is something like compulsory extracurricular activities. You "voluntarily" have to join at least one. It doesn't matter how many clubs you visit. The main thing is to spend your time on them, and not hang around anywhere.

So I signed up for the Household, Reading and Aikido clubs.

The household club taught cooking, cleaning, sewing and other useful household activities.

The reading club was in the library. There I just absorbed information from books, like a sponge absorbing water. In just a week, I literally devoured the entire elementary school curriculum. There was only literature, which is quite a lot.

He proved himself as a calm and serious boy genius.

I was even given a private room when I asked.

The teachers adored me, but the students didn't like me because I stood out too much. To them, I was just a strange, nerdy boy who behaved unnaturally for them.

I wasn't made an outcast, but I didn't have any friends either.

As you understand, I did not hide my genius, because I think it's stupid. But this does not mean that you need to give out all the secrets and trumps to everyone. We need a balance between benefits and losses.

The Aikido Club, oddly enough, taught the martial art of Aikido. So far, for my age, only training should go, but after seeing my physical form, they gave the go-ahead for sparring with seniors.

The martial art itself concentrates on defense and counterattack. Here they teach how to use the enemy's strength against him. These are mainly grabs and throws.

And so months passed, followed by years. I continued to improve and prepare for the future madness.

Rise in the morning. Cooking breakfast and lunch with you to school. Then study and alternating circles every other day. The whole evening and night are spent on pumping skills. Four hours before school there is a three-hour meditation.

And all over again. Every day. Cycle after cycle.

When you are constantly busy with something, you do not notice how time flies. So it happens to me. It seemed only recently enrolled, but I'm already graduating.


Hayama Elementary School. Aikido Club. Fourth year at school.

Sensei was pacing in front of a row of schoolchildren.

Today, as you requested, we will hold classes in Sojutsu. Take yari and get ready.

Yes sensei! the teenagers shouted at the same time.

Some time later on the way home.

Statistics. Alerts. Shiro mentally said.

A new skill has been mastered!

Sojutsu [Ur 12] With each skill level you master the art of spear wielding

(Optional: For each increased skill level, penetrating spear damage increases by 10%)

Sojutsu - Level up!

Sojutsu - Level up!

Sojutsu - Level up!

Sojutsu [Ur 1] [Ur 12]


Shiro Yuki

Level 30 (0)

Prana - 270

Strength - 18

Dexterity - 23

Endurance - 27

Intelligence - 97

Wisdom - 95


Love Arts [Ur 100] - (The effectiveness of sexual actions increases tenfold)

Vocals [Ur 100] - (Your voice has become ten times more melodious and charming)

Acting skills [Ur 100] - (The effectiveness of acting increases tenfold)

Energy Control [Ur 100] - (Energy speed increased tenfold.)

Parkour [Ur 100] - (Energy costs for movement are reduced tenfold)

Resistance to physical damage [Ur 100] - (Physical damage to the body is reduced tenfold)

Regeneration [Ur 100] - (Regeneration rate increased tenfold)

Teaching [Ur 100] - (Someone's learning rate has been increased tenfold)

Meditation - [Ur 100] - (The rate of recovery of spiritual forces increases tenfold)

Perfect Memory - You have developed a perfect memory. Nothing can be forgotten.

Additional consciousness - You have developed additional consciousness. For every 50 Wisdom you will receive an additional consciousness.

Cooking [Ur 100] With each skill level you master the art of cooking.

(Optional. For each skill level, the quality and efficiency of the food produced increases by 10%)

Cleaning [Level 100] - With each skill level, the speed and quality of cleaning increases by 10%.

Sewing [Ur 100] - With each skill level you master the art of sewing.

(Additionally: For each raised skill level, the quality and efficiency of sewing increases by 10%)

Blacksmithing [Ur 7] - With each skill level you master the blacksmithing craft.

(Optional: The efficiency and quality of forging increases by 10% for each increased skill level)

Pottery [Ur 15] - With each skill level, you master the pottery craft.

(Optional: Potting efficiency and quality increases by 10% for each increased skill level)

Carpentry [Level 100] - With each skill level you master the carpentry craft.

(Optional: Efficiency and quality of work increases by 10% for each increased skill level)

Carpentry [Ur 12] - With each skill level, you master the carpentry craft.

(Optional: Carpentry efficiency and quality increases by 10% for each skill level raised)

Aikido [Ur 100] - With each skill level you master the martial art of Aikido.

(Optional: For each skill level raised, the effectiveness of the counterattack increases by 10%)

Bodjutsu [Ur 49] - With each increased skill level, you master the art of wielding staffs.

(Optional: For each raised skill level, the impact damage with poles increases by 10%)

Sojutsu [Ur 12] - With each skill level, you master the art of wielding a spear.

(Optional: For each increased skill level, penetrating spear damage increases by 10%)

Kenjutsu [Ur 100] - With each skill level, you master the art of swordsmanship.

(Optional: For each raised skill level, the slashing damage with blades increases by 10%)

Tojutsu [Ur 100] - With each skill level, you master the art of wielding a blade.

(Optional: For each increased skill level, the blade attack speed increases by 10%)

Tantojutsu [Ur 100] - With each skill level, you master the art of wielding a blade.

(Optional: For each raised skill level, the cutting damage with blades increases by 10%)


Player's Body

Gamer's Mind

Orgasm Scale

Arbitrary Meditation

"There are more and more skills. It would be possible to combine them..."

Such an opportunity is available, sir.

- "Really?" Shiro was surprised

Yes sir. Just tell me what skills you want to combine, and the system will understand. Just remember that these skills must have something to combine.

- "Great. And why didn't you tell me about this possibility right away?"

You didn't ask, sir.

- "Good. Are there consequences?"

"Of course there is, sir. When combining, a skill is formed and it will have to be improved from the very beginning. Also, the more versatile the skill, the more difficult it is to improve it.


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