A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 54: Police Station (Two)

Chapter 54: Police Station (Two)

The flames of anger, rage and malice uncontrollably overcame me, and the mental pain only fanned this flame, making me want to tear these bastards alive... Quartered To wheel... to burn, and it is better to break all the limbs and leave them to die of hunger, thirst and crows that will peck their rotten giblets alive with great pleasure

Out of the corner of my mind, I understood that emotions now would only prevent me from achieving the most favorable events. Actually, that's why activating the ability, I went into a trance.

In an instant, animal rage was replaced by a cold, calculating mind. All emotions were suppressed, cut off.

Now the picture looked different

Even though Saya was shot right in the heart, she's still alive, for now After cardiac arrest, clinical death occurs, which can last up to ten minutes, but it's better to hurry, because the longer the body is exposed to oxygen starvation, the more consequences there will be Of course, prana is likely to help even in this situation, but who knows.

But before helping Takagi, you need to get rid of these annoying flies. This handful of cockroaches could not be here just for a walk, which means they have a purpose. Most likely they came for weapons, like me, or for fuel, which was at a gas station near the site.

What to do with them? It is advisable to simply disable them and enslave them. The human resource is now the most scarce.

Unfortunately, the transfer of such a number of bodies is now impossible, so we will have to eliminate them... although I will leave one ... for interrogation.

All these thoughts did not take even a second of real time, because my already overclocked prana brain was once again accelerated by the ability.

With a quick, quiet, but at the same time smooth movement, I took out the "Silent" and activated the skill "Stealth" and began the destruction of these insects.

Calmly pointing the barrel, I make a slight movement with my index finger and a silent projectile, at great speed, left the barrel of my rifle in order to hand the lucky man an irrevocable ticket to hell.

As soon as the shell kissed the lucky guy on the forehead, his head exploded like a rotten watermelon dropped from the tenth floor.

Blood, brain fragments and skull fragments washed over his comrades like a wave. Someone was even wounded by one of the fragments. Great, his stupid head finally did some good.

We will not stop, because a large queue is waiting for its ticket

*Cotton* Another head met its "kiss". *Cotton* And more... *Clap* More

Of course, the opponents could not help but notice that the number of their comrades is rapidly decreasing

Snipers! Hide! * Cotton* shouted this marginal, before his head painted the walls in scarlet.

Hearing his scream, the bandits like rats began to hide in corners, trying to somehow hide from me To be honest, it turned out badly for them, because I still continue to shoot them at my own pace.

Dikes! Noo~ot! Bitch! Show yourself su ... * Clap* he did not finish and fell dead without a head.

From where! Where are they shooting from! * Clap* this fool screamed until he fell dead.

Mom! MOM! One of them shouted as a comrade next to him sprayed him with blood and brain fluid. However, he went after him.

Run! Run all in the loose! They won't have time to shoot us all! *Cotton* he barely managed to finish before "getting a ticket".

Hearing this desperate cry, about half decided to obey him and try to escape ... but who let them go? None of these runners were able to take even ten steps before dying.

My people watched with fear and disgust as the opponents became "tower-less" at a fast pace.

Soon half of the "brothers" were destroyed. Those, in turn, from impotence, fear and despair, began firing in all directions, apparently hoping for some kind of miracle, but their bullets found only their own comrades.

One of them, apparently the most "smart", decided to hide under the corpses and pretend to be dead... It's decided, I'll leave him for questioning, since he's so greedy for life.

The last five opponents, seeing that their efforts were in vain, threw down their weapons and tearfully began to cry for mercy I remained deaf to their pleas. Seriously, what were they thinking Apparently they stopped thinking at all because of fear.

When the last, most "cunning" of them remained, I aimed at his hands and shot him out of action.

AAAAAAAAAAA! MY HAAND!" he shouted, not so much from pain as from fear when he saw his stump.

Finished ... I whispered to myself and having removed the "Secrecy", I went to my subordinates. They were very scared when they saw their boss suddenly appear out of nowhere.

Sssshiro-sama! barely bleated one of them. Apparently the guy has not yet moved away from what he saw. Yes, and I scared him.

Interrogate the last one. I allow any methods, the living do not need it. calmly told them, to which they nodded like dummies.

Do it. I added when I saw that they froze like deer in front of the headlights.

YES! they shouted unanimously and quickly ran to carry out the assignment.

Not wanting to waste any more precious time, I approached Takagi and conveniently placed her on the asphalt, began to inspect.

Carefully, but at the same time, he quickly removed the interfering garments and began a cursory inspection.

A little to the left of the center of the chest was a small hole. The bullet was most likely fired from a pistol, although I could be wrong.

After checking the pulse, he confirmed his absence, which means the bullet hit the heart for sure.

This is the end of the cursory inspection. We need an autopsy.

Unfortunately, I didn't take at least some knife with me, but the solution was found quickly.

With a sharp movement, he tore the rod out of the fence and made an excellent scalpel out of it with the help of the "Transformation" skill.

I have never operated on a person, but at the same time my hand is firm and resolute, a few movements and I got to my goal. True, everything was covered in blood and it was very difficult to make out at least something, so using the "Transformation" I removed the blood and temporarily clogged the places from where it was coming from.

Now you can proceed with the inspection... Clearly... the bullet hit right in the rib and shattered it passed on, turning the Sai motor into mincemeat.

And so, the plan is this. We get the bullet, because it greatly interferes with treatment. Then we restore the heart with Sai prana and heal the wound. Next, with the help of CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), we launch a new heart. It sounds simple.

Reaching inside, I began to look for the bullet in its approximate location. Yes, all this is extremely unhygienic, but prana will fix everything.

Finally, feeling for the bullet, he took it out. And I was just about to "come back" when I was interrupted


A new skill has been learned!

Healing [Level 1] is a skill that provides you with medical knowledge and skills.

(Optional: With each raised level, the effectiveness of your treatment increases by 10%.)

Healing Level up!

Healing Level up!

Healing Level up!

Healing Level up!

Healing [Lvl 1] ->[Lvl 21]


In an instant, my head was flooded with information from the medical field.

The scalpel that my hand held in an instant became like a native, sitting perfectly in the palm of my hand.

Now, after examining the wound again, I realized that I almost made a lot of mistakes. The biggest one is that I didn't fully collect the bullet fragments and ribs.

Armed with new knowledge and using the "Transformation" skill again, he collected all the bullet fragments and even restored the rib like a mosaic. Then he began to restore the heart. With the newly acquired knowledge, it turned out very easily. I can't help but note that the speed of treatment with prana has also increased without any costs. A great skill bonus.

Soon, there was nothing left in place of the former wound, except for the delicate skin of Sai.

The last thing left is to "start" Sai's heart.

Placing his hands on the girl's chest with sharp, rhythmic, but at the same time gentle movements, he began to massage the heart, periodically doing artificial respiration.

And my efforts were not in vain. However, with my new knowledge and skills, there could be no other outcome.

Aaaaaaaahhhh! MOM! MOMMY! Saya screamed in a fit of fear and despair. You can say that the girl was born again and screamed like a baby at the top of her lungs.

Her fear-soaked eyes thoughtlessly "ran" looking in all directions. The girl's body struggled, struggled like a snake. Then the attack receded, and poor Saya fell asleep.

Haaaa. You can relax a little. I said to myself, exhaling, when I saw the calm, sleeping face of tsundere.


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